The Harem Rescue Project

Chapter 12: CH 12

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Han Shengyao glowed under the cold lustre of the moonlight as she laid on the ground, her hair draped like flowing seaweed. She looked at Lin Qianshuang, who held her from above with her eyes closed. Her soft eyelashes slightly fluttered like the flapping motions of a butterfly's wings, which made her flushed cheeks look extraordinarily beautiful and tender.

As the two people kissed, the tips of their noses lightly touched, and they exchanged breaths from time to time. A throbbing, sultry atmosphere surrounded them.

Han Shengyao was caught off guard by Lin Qianshuang's kiss. She could feel the tip of her tongue probing her mouth as well as her immature and unskillful technique.

Her disciple had forcefully pressed her onto the ground. She was aggressive, and had a haughty posture.1

She closed her teeth tightly as she let the other party continue to do whatever she wanted. She maintained her composure, but her body was a little stiff and motionless, and her thoughts were in a mess.

If she were to push her disciple away rashly, she might ask if she kissed wrongly, or even worse, mention bed matters. By then, she wouldn't know how to answer.

It must've been Du Shuang, an expert in romance, who littered bad books around and used its erotic pictures to corrupt her disciple's eyes.2

Han Shengyao secretly cursed Du Shuang a few times in her heart. If her disciple were to be led astray by the erotic pictures, and in the future, did not follow the normal way of Yin and Yang(1) and practiced liking women instead, she would have to give Du Shuang a good fight and personally break her hands. That way, she would not be able to harm others again.3

As the personal master of Shuang'er and her only family, Han Shengyao felt that it was necessary at this moment to teach Lin Qianshuang another lesson to correct her misconduct.

Especially now that she was kissing someone of the same sex.

Making up her mind, Han Shengyao lifted her teeth to make a slight opening and punished her disciple by biting on her tongue when she entered the gap between her teeth. The moment she pulled away from the pain, she reversed their positions and pinned the other party under her body. With one hand, she grabbed the other party's restless hands and pressed them to the ground.

Her sharp eyes, which contained a slight purple light, darkened. She needs to subdue her disciple first in order to properly educate her!

Lin Qianshuang resisted. She thought that if they were really going to do what she was thinking, then she must at least have the upper hand.

She had taken the initiative to press on Han Shengyao's shoulders to restrain her. Positioning herself in an intimidating and particularly oppressive posture, she kissed her for a long time. She thought that she had finally managed to get even the slightest response from Han Shengyao, only to receive pain from having the tip of her tongue bitten.

As expected, Han Shengyao was a piece of wood(2). No matter how passionate you are, two straight girls cannot smother each other in heat if both parties are not on the same page.1

Lin Qianshuang watched, expecting Han Shengyao to push her away.

She didn't believe that Han Shengyao, who had a crush in her heart and was heterosexual, would attack a woman just because her desire//lust was ignited.

The other party immobilized her, having her hands grasped and firmly pressed to the ground.

She instinctively felt that her current position was very disadvantageous. She worried that Han Shengyao would be overwhelmed with anger, leading her to show her what it means to be in a weak and helpless position.

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She pretended to be a little lost, and when she realized that her hands were bound, she showed an expression filled with grievances. She looked up at Han Shengyao with slightly moist eyes and softly said in a low voice:

"Master, why didn't you react like the person in the picture book? Did this disciple do something wrong?"

Han Shengyao didn't answer and continued to stare at Lin Qianshuang's face for a few seconds without a trace of anger. Then, she picked her up and held her in her arms before leaping out of the open window. Her clothes fluttered as she controlled her demonic energy to ride the air.

Lin Qianshuang leaned against her and slightly shivered under the cold winds of the night. She seemed a little pitiful as she opened her mouth to say, "Master, where are you taking me......"3

Han Shengyao was neither angry nor was she giving her a response. Instead, she had mysteriously taken her out of the room. This behaviour of hers made Lin Qianshuang a little confused. What's happening?

Han Shengyao hid their presence and carried her into a room filled with lewd noises. Hiding in a corner, she forced her to watch the man and woman couple making love on the bed. Lin Qianshuang immediately understood her intentions and did not know whether to laugh or cry.

She probably thought that Du Shuang's harassment had influenced her to act as she did previously. Han Shengyao was afraid that her 'young' heart would be covered in shadows and even more afraid that she would be bent by Du Shuang.

Lin Qianshuang's head was held by Han Shengyao in a vice grip and forced to watch the fierce commotion. The Taoist couple shook the bed and hummed, and the sounds they made as they mixed completely like milk and water(3) made the both of them blush.

Looking at such a lively and colourful pornographic film, a heterosexual would normally have a reaction.

Watching all the unpleasant scenes, whenever Lin Qianshuang tried to move her eyes away, Han Shengyao forced her to look back. The erotic panting and groaning made her scalp tingle and soon, a fire was ignited in her body. Her throat became dry, causing her to wish for water, and her whole body gradually began to burn like a fish on a frying pan. She wriggled a few times in discomfort.

Behind her, Han Shengyao was not in a better state. Her breathing was clearly heavier, and the hand around her waist slowly tightened a little.

The two people were already extremely close to each other. So as their body heat slowly increased, their flushed skin felt hot when they rubbed against each other.

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"Master, can you let me go? I feel very hot."

Lin Qianshuang had no choice but to speak out. The heat gave her the urge to jump into a pool and swim a few laps.

With unsteady breaths, she turned to look at Han Shengyao with pleading eyes. But when she saw her beautiful face flushed with a scarlet colour, she was stunned.

Han Shengyao's purple eyes stared at the woman pressed under the man. The couple rose and fell in a simple rhythm on the bed, and nobody could tell what she was thinking. The color in her eyes was deep, and her face held a touch of slight desire//lust that stained her noble temperament. She had a trace of indescribable feelings filled with sexual desire.


Lin Qianshuang waved her hand in front of her eyes.

Han Shengyao's line of sight slowly shifted to her face. Seeming to have sobered up from her abnormal behaviour, she abruptly loosened the hand around her.

Suddenly released, Lin Qianshuang felt her legs soften as she fell forward from the force and landed on the ground.

The couple who were fighting in bed immediately noticed the movement, causing the man to hastily cover the woman under him with the quilt and panic. He picked up his sword and looked around, saying, "Who's there! Come out here!"

For a moment, Lin Qianshuang froze. It wasn't until she determined that the man couldn't see her at all that she relaxed.

Noticing that they were discovered by the owner of the house, Han Shengyao pulled her up from the ground and dragged her out of the house at a great speed.

This time, she didn't carry her in her arms. Instead, she used her demonic energy to gently lift her up and flew away together.

When they reached Yixiang Establishment, Han Shengyao threw Lin Qianshuang into Du Shuang's study. Rubbing her waist, just as she had gotten up, she felt a music score hit her head before falling into her arms. It was the song that will allow her to spread her name and gain a good reputation.

"This is the Demon Emperor's favourite song, memorize it well. As the future Demon Empress, you must remember that in this world, the balance of Yin and Yang is the correct way. Love between men and love between women, it's all inappropriate and does not benefit your cultivation."

"I instilled the meditation technique into the Zither. The knowledge will come to you when you play it. Tomorrow in the afternoon, I'll return to check on your lessons."

Han Shengyao's tone was very cold. Standing in a plain dress, she appeared indifferent, lofty, and absolute. The atmosphere surrounding her was a little low, which made Lin Qianshuang depressed.


The door to the study was closed.

Dripping with cold sweat, Lin Qianshuang held the music score and sat cross-legged on the ground. Soon, her body relaxed.

She was scared to death by Han Shengyao's earlier gloomy look. She thought that she was going to settle accounts with her due to her disrespect.

But surprisingly, the other party just left without saying a few more words. She appeared to have an urgent matter to attend to.

Was Du Shuang looking for her? No, it's already too late. What could it be?

Expelling the thoughts from her head, Lin Qianshuang took the music score and focused on playing the zither to draw Han Shengyao's meditation technique into her sea of divine consciousness.

As she silently meditated in the room, Lin Qianshuang gathered demonic energy and gradually began to cultivate.

The most important thing now was to build her foundation.

Just as Han Shengyao had said, the Demon Realm respects the strong. So if she wants to be recognized and revered by others, she must make herself strong.

Lin Qianshuang bit her lower lip. In the dark, her eyes slightly brightened under the dim candle light. She already had a series of plans in her heart.

However, these plans were based on her certain levels of strength in cultivation.

Inside a guest room in Yixiang Establishment.

Han Shengyao took off her clothes to reveal her snow-white body. She poured a bucket of cold water over her head, and as she breathed, cold air formed and lingered around her collarbones. Water trickled down her soft chin and fell to the ground.

The bone-chilling cold did not diminish the heat within her body.

While she was watching the happy couple with her disciple, for some reason, her attention always stayed on the face of the woman pressed under the man.

When the woman's face twisted in pain and joy, she thought of the crazy night where she bit her disciple's neck. Her disciple's face also twisted in pain.

The taste of her disciple's blood was so delicious that only one thought circulated in her mind at that time. She wanted to bite all over her disciple's body, suck her blood, and monopolize everything about her.

After that, subconsciously, Han Shengyao replaced that woman's face with Lin Qianshuang and imagined that she...... also adorned such an expression under her own body.3

Han Shengyao's hot hands touched the icy water droplets flowing down the side of her face. Her frenzied eyes slowly calmed down, and she buried her most terrible desire in her heart.

She should never have such dangerous thoughts again.

The attraction of the phoenix blood was fatal for demon cultivators, carrying a deadly temptation.

Shuang'er's blood must have confused her.5

Han Shengyao suppressed the feelings in her heart with the excuse of the phoenix blood. Taking down the bath towel from the folding screen, she wiped her body dry and reverted back to her indifferent expression.

The Demon Emperor's face came to mind.

Since childhood, they were inseparable.

She liked Ye Heng and thought that as childhood sweethearts, Ye Heng would naturally like her back.

It just didn't work out the way it was supposed to.

Han Shengyao stepped out of the bathtub and wore her coat with slightly pursed lips.

She must have hallucinated those images due to her recent emotional ups and downs.

Since Shuang'er is so smart, under her care, she will become the most suitable Demon Empress of the Demon Realm.

Ye Heng will definitely like her, inside and out, the moment he sees her.

Han Shengyao walked to the window and gently pushed it open, allowing the cold and sharp wind to brush against her cheeks. Her purple eyes held dark and complex emotions as she looked at the waning moon in the sky. Since she couldn't do it herself, this was the only thing she could do for Ye Heng.

As long as it wasn't Bai Wan, she didn't mind not being the person next to him.

"The Sage seems to be in good spirits, taking a cold bath at night."

A slightly coarse voice of a woman filled with frivolous and carefree feelings came from the top of the pavilion.

Han Shengyao looked up and saw Du Shuang sitting on the rooftop, looking back at her with a forced smile on her face. Lying by her feet was a jar of top-quality Daughter Red(4). She poured the wine into the bowl in her hands and gulped it down. The wine overflowed from her lips and down to her clothes, wetting it.


(1)T/N: "...way of Yin and Yang..." - Love between a Man and Woman.

(2)T/N: "piece of wood." - Probably referring to HS as straight and hard to bend.

(3)T/N: "mixed/blended completely like milk and water" - In perfect/complete harmony.

(4)T/N: "Daughter Red(nǚ'ér hóng)" - A type of rice wine, also known as 花雕酒(huādiāo jiǔ)/"Flowery Carving Wine"

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