The Harem Rescue Project

Chapter 14: CH 14

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Xia walked out of the cave and stretched his head to look at the direction Lin Qianshuang ran off to. He seemed to suddenly understand something and said to his three brothers, "I think junior sister is looking for the master. Today, his majesty is hosting a banquet by the Black Lotus Pool in Wanhua Hall to entertain the cultivators of the Guiyuan Sect. Judging by the direction junior sister went off to, she's heading exactly where the banquet is."

The three brothers silently looked at each other, they remembered that the master didn't seem to have asked the junior sister to accompany her to the banquet.

Could it be that this was some sort of tacit understanding between the master and the junior sister?

Lin Qianshuang sprinted through the woods at the speed of lightning, releasing several wisps of demonic energy resonating with irritability. Her beast ears twitched in search of a place with the most sufficient amount of demonic energy to safely spend her most painful and weakest moment.

Not knowing how long she ran for, a pool of black lotuses nourished by the blood essence of demons for a thousand years appeared before her eyes.

She was once brought by Han Shengyao to the Spiritual Pool of the Demon Palace to recuperate and heal her wounds, but it wasn't as abundant with demonic energy as the pool before her.

The blood of the demons was a dark purple mixed with red, surging in the pool as if it were alive. Amidst the steamy fog, the black lotuses bloomed gracefully upright, and their dark green stems swayed. The duckweed shook as the pool carried them with its waves, and some lotus buds could be seen hidden under their slightly slanted lotus leaves as if they were shy.

Lin Qianshuang could smell the sweet flowery fragrance and sense the rich demonic energy coming from the lotuses. She was delighted in her heart for her good luck in managing to find a good place to recuperate by accident.

Like a flash of white lightning, she jumped into the lake with a little splash.

Hidden under a large lotus leaf, Lin Qianshuang's whole body was soaked in demon blood, gritting her teeth as she endured the pain of corrosion. Her trembling fingers eroded into white bones as she pulled the leaves of a black lotus, the pain assaulting her body felt as if a thousand ants bit into her. The blood and flesh on her back had dissolved into nothingness.

Her muscles peeled off little by little, and the scalding sensation from the demon blood slowly spread across her white bones.

Not knowing how long the painful process had occurred for, by the time she regained her consciousness, she found herself in a chaotic situation and was pushed forward to a long distance by the water currents.

Rows and rows of tall palace buildings passed by one after the other, and she caught a glimpse of multiple boathouses lined up together. Palace lanterns floated in the many twisting and turning corridors.

The lights were bright and the crowded voices were noisy, she could hear footsteps rushing back and forth in different directions.

She couldn't figure out where she was as of now, but judging from her surrounding environment, she guessed that she was probably swept away by the water currents towards an area near the main hall of the Demon Palace.

Her beast form's soaked fur felt a little heavy, and swimming became troublesome.

Inside the moving waters of dark purple demon blood, Lin Qianshuang transformed into her human form. She casually made use of a few wisps of demonic energy in the pool to give herself a light dress, and decided to go ashore and ask the passersby where this place was.

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The warmth of the demon blood on her skin made her feel as if she was lying on a king sized bed.

She stretched her legs and nimbly used her limbs to perform a breaststroke, feeling a little reluctant to leave the warm pool. Gradually, she broke out of the waters and reached the shore.

From the glistening waves of the lilac-coloured pool emerged a woman dressed in white clothes with loose waist-length black hair. She lightly stepped on the surface of the pool with swaying black lotuses on her bare feet, emitting ripples as she gracefully walked towards the shore.

It was dusk at the moment, and the sky burned with a fiery red glow.

A faint golden light sprinkled from the gaps between the clouds in the sky, gently enveloping the figure of the woman stepping on the water. Her beautiful appearance and elegant posture was bathed in its golden radiance, adding a brilliant splendor to her figure. She appeared to have descended from the sky, like a deity, a fairy maiden that came from the ninth heaven. She had a distinct beauty, and she was elegant and refined, looking down upon the world.

Inside Wanhua Hall of the Demon Palace, next to the fence of the Black Lotus Pool which was carved with white jade, the human cultivators of the Guiyuan Sect and the demon cultivators placed down their cups of tea. Hundreds of unfamiliar eyes looked in unison at the person who suddenly appeared at the edge of the lotus pool.

After emerging from the water and slowly approaching the shore, Lin Qianshuang saw the scene in front of her and was stunned.

Even as she grew older, aside from the theatre shows she watched in her childhood, it was the first time she encountered such a grand occasion. She was also particularly embarrassed at the moment since she had just gotten out of the water, causing her entire body to be wet. Her appearance as of now must look rather miserable.

She felt the burning stares coming from the many pairs of eyes around her. Despite her expressionless face, her heart was filled with countless 'What the fuck's, and she wanted nothing more than to transform into a beast and dig a hole to bury herself in.

If their line of sight were actual fire, she would have long turned into ashes.

Since the cultivators of the Guiyuan Sect were here, could it be that a banquet was being held? Then that should mean that the Demon Emperor was here as well.

Her little heart trembled and her body shivered as she slowly looked up.

The Demon Emperor was seated on the highest platform with Bai Wan in his arms. He stared straight at her figure with unpredictable eyes while Han Shengyao, who was seated at a table by the side, crushed the wineglass in her hand with an ugly expression. The servants attended to them by taking turns to pour wine while some of them stood by with fruit trays.

Seeing the look on Han Shengyao's face, Lin Qianshuang immediately realized that she had made a big mistake.

Lin Qianshuang coughed in her heart and hurried to the front of the platform to kneel down and apologize to the Demon Emperor.

"I was too engrossed in cultivating and momentarily lost my way, accidentally intruding on the banquet and disturbing the Demon Emperor's good mood. Please forgive me, your majesty."

In order to make her words more convincing, Lin Qianshuang showed a dumbfounded look, appearing as if she had just woken from a dream. Her petite body trembled as she kneeled on the ground, giving off a weak and pitiful look.

She slightly raised her eyes to carefully observe the Demon Emperor's reaction and keenly caught sight of the flash of amazement in the depths of his eyes.

Lin Qianshuang silently thought, Han Shengyao had once told her that the Demon Emperor liked her type. It seemed to be true.

She should be fine.

"Are you the Sage's disciple?"

The Demon Emperor's deep and powerful voice came from above.

Since he asked this question, the Demon Emperor probably caught sight of her identity jade slip.

"I am."

Lin Qianshuang lowered her head, her trembling eyelashes hid the look in her eyes as she said, "I am stupid and disobedient, but it has nothing to do with master. So please, your majesty, don't blame master for not teaching me properly."

A burst of laughter filled with disdain came from above.

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"The relationship between master and disciple is unexpectedly deeply affectionate."

Lin Qianshuang was silent, waiting for the Demon Emperor's next set of words.

"Raise your head and let this deity have a good look at you."

The Demon Emperor's voice carried a hint of expectation, looking with interest at Lin Qianshuang, who had her head lowered.

She slowly raised her head after a moment of hesitation.

At that moment, Han Shengyao suddenly dropped her crushed wine glass. The ear-piercing sound of shattering porcelain resounded.1

She turned into a wisp of demonic energy and arrived at the platform in the blink of an eye. She walked in front of Lin Qianshuang and turned around, blocking the Demon Emperor's line of sight as she looked up at him, saying, "Your majesty, the distinguished guests of the Guiyuan Sect are still waiting for you to resume the banquet. I'll take my leave with my disciple."

The Demon Emperor's face quickly darkened, and his eyebrows furrowed with displeasure. He menacingly swept his gaze over Han Shengyao with a fierce look.

Unwilling to back down, Han Shengyao did not avoid and instead welcomed his gaze.


Lin Qianshuang's eyes were tinged with joy as she pulled on Han Shengyao's sleeve.

"Be obedient. You're not ready to face the Demon Emperor."

Han Shengyao whispered in her ear, grabbed her hand, and planned to leave through the back of the garden.

Just as Han Shengyao was about to pull Lin Qianshuang away under the eyes of the Demon Emperor, his voice suddenly rose in pitch as he said, "Sage, you are the guardian of the Demon Realm. We can't take up the wine and chat merrily(1) with the people of the Guiyuan Sect without you, so go take a seat with your disciple."

It was an order that could not be defied.

Han Shengyao's footsteps stopped at once. She slightly turned her head to look at Lin Qianshuang, her eyes were cold.

Lin Qianshuang understood the meaning in her eyes. She began to stagger with each step, seeming to lack demonic energy, and then deliberately turned into a silvery white little beast. She laid on the ground listlessly.

"The cultivation of this disciple of mine is at a low level and can no longer maintain her human form, so please don't blame me."

Han Shengyao's face didn't change as she picked up the little beast from the ground. She turned into a wisp of demonic energy and returned to her seat.

Bai Wan looked at the absent-minded Demon Emperor and stroked her slightly bulging abdomen with gloomy eyes as she switched her gaze from Han Shengyao to the little beast.

Han Shengyao... this woman was really impatient, going so far as to send her disciple to brazenly seduce the Demon Emperor on such an occasion.

After this small incident, Wanhua Hall regained its previous momentum, and the human and demon cultivators got along very well together.

The cultivators of the Guiyuan Sect demonstrated the hidden techniques of their sect on the spot. In turn, the cultivators of the three major demon sects of the Demon Realm showed their unique soul refining techniques.

Naturally, the two different types of cultivators were bound to compete with each other.

After they fought to exhaustion, the Demon Emperor invited an ordinary female dancer who was raised in the harem for a long time to liven things up.

Snow-white limbs and various colored ribbons fluttered before the eyes of the crowd.

Lin Qianshuang's eyelids felt heavy, and she had the urge to yawn.

The dancers were beautiful, but they lacked charisma(2), so their performance felt as dull as ditchwater.

Just as she was drifting off to sleep, her body was suddenly thrown out in a violent manner.

It took her three seconds to recover from her sudden blackout and the pain on her buttocks.

She stood up, rubbing her bruised hand as she listened to the chaotic shouting around her.

"Report! The people of the Guiyuan Sect have taken over the Immortal Mountain!"

"Protect the Demon Emperor! Kill this group of human cultivators!"

"Dare to invade the Demon Realm, the Guiyuan Sect is impudent!"

"The three sects of the Righteous Dao have already broken through the barrier and are advancing towards the Demon Realm. Your majesty, they're working together to attack us from both the inside and outside!"

All the dancers were sitting around, crying and shivering as the Guiyuan Sect and the cultivators of the three major sects of the Demon Realm fought each other.

One by one, cold bodies littered the hall from time to time.

Lin Qianshuang scrambled to get up as she saw Han Shengyao amidst the chaotic crowd, standing by the side of the Demon Emperor. Her hands overflowed with demonic energy as it flowed to every direction, blocking his sides from the attacking dark arrows.

The Demon Emperor was here, but where did the pregnant Bai Wan go?

Lin Qianshuang felt that it was strange and looked around. She saw the person in question being surrounded by a group of people from the Guiyuan Sect. Bai Wan was covering her abdomen with a frightened look as she retreated with each step, but was pulled back by the hair.

During such a moment of panic, everyone's attention would inevitably be on the Demon Emperor instead of his favourite concubine.

In addition, Bai Wan was just a small chess piece used to stabilize the balance between the three sects of the Demon Realm. Even if she dies, a new "Bai Wan" will still pop up.

Looking at her for a moment, Lin Qianshuang made up her mind to save her.

Bai Wan was originally a character that was part of the storyline. If she were to die, the future would become unpredictable.

At least for now, she knows her personality and identity. If she wants to deal with her in the future, it'll be very easy, but if she were to be replaced by a different person, it'll become troublesome.

Lin Qianshuang regards Bai Wan as a chess piece to keep the Demon Emperor in check, so she naturally can't turn a blind eye to her.

She lightly jumped onto the shoulders of a Guiyuan Sect's human cultivator and gave his face a vicious claw mark. She took advantage of the other cultivators being stupefied and broke through their encirclement with steps that made it seem as if she was flying.

"Where did this beast come from! Hurry up and grab it!"

The cultivator was furious, he immediately covered his face and shouted.

"Isn't this little beast the beauty who was previously stepping on the water?"

One of them suddenly said.

At once, the group of people became noisy and lunged towards Lin Qianshuang, trying to capture her.

She jumped around their feet and shoulders in a teasing manner.

The human cultivators lost their sense of direction and ran into each other, causing them to scream curses at each other's father.

Lin Qianshuang watched their buffoonery from the corner of her eye and couldn't help herself from laughing.

Bai Wan watched the silvery white beast rush into the crowd to save her with teary eyes under the hazy moonlight. Her feelings became extremely complex.2

Taking advantage of the chaos, Lin Qianshuang transformed into a human and casually tore off a light cloth to cover her face like a veil before dragging Bai Wan to a safe location.

The battle didn't last long. The people of the Guiyuan Sect were nearly annihilated, and several of them who were missing a few limbs and were at death's door were thrown out to feed the demon pets in the palace.

The Demon Emperor retracted his demonic energy and stood side by side with Han Shengyao. When he ordered the leaders of the three demon sects to clean up the mess, he realized that his arms felt empty and suddenly thought of Bai Wan.

He was so anxious he grabbed a demon cultivator and asked, "Right Protector, where is this deity's beloved concubine?"

The Right Protector, Su Qing, bowed his head respectfully and said, "Your majesty, Miss Bai was separated from us. This subordinate does not know of her whereabouts."

His heart went into turmoil when he thought of the child in her stomach.

He coldy looked at Han Shengyao beside him, and with a flick of his sleeves, he rebuked her with anger, "Sage, what's the point of having you by this deity's side if you can't even protect Bai Wan properly? If anything happens to her, this deity will never forgive you!"

Han Shengyao was stunned. For a moment, her eyes turned dull and she slightly pursed her lips, not saying a word.

Just as the atmosphere between them slowly turned tense...

A lovely, melodious, and crisp female voice came.

"Master, I've brought Miss Bai Wan with me."2


(1)T/N: "We can't take up the wine and chat merrily" - Friendly union

(2)T/N: Raw: "可脸上一点灵气也没有"

Not sure what "Aura on the face" was supposed to be, so I translated it to charisma.

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