The Harpy of the Underground

Chapter 1: Welcome to the Playground

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In a dining room we see a child Papi bouncing up and down in his seat.

"Sweety, calm down." Papi's mother says to him as she sits down next to him.

"Papi's excited, because Papi's favorite food is being made!" Papi says with a smile on his face

"Papi's excited, because Papi's favorite food is being made!" Papi says with a smile on his face.

"Papi's excited, because Papi's favorite food is being made!" Papi says with a smile on his face

Papi's father then walks into the room and sets a plate of smoked fish in front of Papi.

Papi's father then walks into the room and sets a plate of smoked fish in front of Papi

"Happy birthday kido." Papi's father says as he rubs Papi's head.

Papi smiles and picks up the fish and begins to chomp on it.

Papi's father sits down next to his wife and he sighs.

"Long day at work?" Papi's mother asks.

"Being an enforcer is much harder than it seems." Papi's father responds.

"I know, but you do keep us and everyone safe." Papi's mother says as she rubs Papi on the head. "When is your brother coming."

"I talked to Vander earlier, he said he had some business to take care of so he'll be a little late."

"I don't like what he does."

"I know be he keeps the Undercity safe, Silvia.

Papi's mother sighs.

Suddenly the doorbell rings.

Papi's father smiles and stands up. "That must be him."

Papi's father walks out of the room and he heads to the front door. He opens the door and his eyes widen.

On the other side of the door is someone with messy grey hair and one blue eye. The mans other eyes is closed shut with a large scar running down it.

"Ello Richard." The man says. "Remember me?"

"Niko!" Richard says in slight fear.

"Yup." Niko holds up a gun to Richards head and fires.

Over with Papi and his mother. A gunshot goes off and a loud thud is heard.

"Richard!" Silva yells and she gets up and gets Papi up and holds him.

Footsteps echo throughout the house as they get louder and louder and Niko enters the dinning room, blood spattered onto his shirt.

Silvia takes a few steps back as she sets Papi on the ground and puts him behind her.

"Who are you?!" Papi's mother yells. "Where's Richard!"

Niko twirls his gun around his finger. "Oh, he's taking a long nap." Niko pops the P. 

"You monster!" Silva yells and she jumps at Niko with her talons extended out. Niko smirks and he moves to the side and Silva attack misses and she hits the wall behind Niko. 

Niko kicks Silva to the ground and puts a foot on her chest.

Papi is standing by the table with tears starting to fall from his eyes as he looks on with fear. "Mama?"

Silva looks to Papi. "Fly! Get some help!"

Papi flaps his wings and belings for the nearest window.


"I don't think so." Niko says.

Papi falls to the ground and slides along the ground till he hits a wall. Papi shakily looks down and sees blood starting to stain his shirt from a hole on the right side of his stomach.

"You monster!" Silvia yells. "He's just a child."

"Does it look like I care." Niko glares down at Silva and he aims his gun at her forehead. "Say your prayers."


Tears flood down Papi's eyes as Niko walks over to him. He tries to move but the pain stops him, he grunts and whimpers.

Niko reaches Papi and crouches down to him. "You know, I never wanted to do this. But your father forced my hand." Papi looks up at Niko with great fear. "He couldn't just leave me and my gang alone, I tried to bribe him and everything, but no. He had to be a hero. He's a lesson kid, heroes always die in the end, never try to be a hero." Niko stands up and raises his foot. "Happy birthday, Birdie."

Niko kicks Papi in the face, knocking him out.


"P--" A voice rings out. "--pi!" 

Papi starts to open his eyes and everything is blurry.

"-----Wake up!"

Papi's vision starts to clear and he sees a familiar face above him.

Papi's vision starts to clear and he sees a familiar face above him

"Papi!" Vander yells.

"Uncle Vander?" Papi questions with a weak voice.

"Yes, it's me." Vander looks around the room then back down to Papi. "You're going to be okay." Vander picks Papi up, casing Papi to whimper in pain. "I know it hurt, just hold on."

"I'm cold, Uncle Vander." Papi weakly says.

"Just hold on, please." Vander pleads. 

Vander start to run while holding Papi.

Papi looks and sees his mother with a hold in her head, dead eyes staring up at the ceiling.

Vander runs out of the room and he heads outside, passing his dead brother. Vander looks back at the house one more time. "I'm sorry."

He continues to run as many footsteps run towards the house.

Papi looks back and sees his dead father in the entry way and his vision start to blur before going black.



8 Years Later

Vi is climbing up the side of a building, she jumps up to a small ledge and her foot slips, but she catches herself. Vi jumps up and grabs a ledge and hangs from it as she looks down. "We're almost there."

Below her is Powder, Claggor and Mylo climbing up the side of the building. Papi is down on the roof below them looking up.

Papi is wearing a black shirt with some wrappings on his arms. Blue jeans that get cut off at his knees and to top it all off a pair of sunglasses on his head. His figure is quite feminine through. 

(Papi's sunglasses)

(Papi's sunglasses)

Claggor grunts as he climbs. "Aw, man."

"Why isn't Papi climbing?" Mylo complains.

"Cause Papi can fly." Papi flaps his wings.

Vi reaches the top of the building and wind gusts past her. "We're good!" Vi calls down. "Hey, Powder." Vi walks off as Powder reaches the top. "Come take a look."

Papi flies up and lands next to her and he turns around and looks down at Claggor and Mylo.

"Whoa." Powder says in awe.

Papi help Claggor and Mylo onto the roof with his talons.

"It's nice getting above it all, huh?" Vi asks Powder.

"It's nice getting above it all, huh?" Vi asks Powder

Claggor, Mylo and Papi walk over to them. Papi stands next to Powder, they both are the same height. An airship flies above the group. 

"One day, I'm gonna ride in one of those things." powder says with determination. 

"And one day, I'm gonna shoot one of 'em down." Mylo makes a finger gun and shoots the airship. Vi slaps his arm down as begins to walk away.

Claggor looks off the side of the building, then looks at Vi. "Vi, are, are you sure about this?" The group follows Vi. "Look, if we get caught, we're--"

"We're not gonna get caught." Vi assures Claggor. The group jumps down to another roof and walks along the top. "We'll be in and out before anyone notices."

Bird clips as they fly by the group. Papi watches them fly away and he gains longing look as he watches the birds.

Vi taps Papi's arm and he looks at her. "You okay?"

Papi nods. "Papi's fine."

Vi nods and she looks down to a building across the street. "All right, everybody, follow me, Just don't look down." Vi slides down the roof and jumps to a balcony railing; some cupcakes are sitting out on the balcony. Vi jumps across and lands on another roof and looks at the group.

Mylo gains a smug look as he cracks his fingers. He slides down the roof and jumps to the balcony railing and he jumps to the other roof and lands next to Vi. Claggor lands just after Mylo and he pushes a cupcake into his mouth.

Papi glides over to the group.

"Couldn't we have at least just walked there?" Claggor asks Vi.

"Gotta stay out of sight for this one." Vi says and she looks up to Powder, who is hesitating. 

"Called it." Mylo says. "This is on you, Vi."

Vi groans while Papi walks to the edge of the Papi.

"Powder, look at me." Vi says. "What did I tell you?"

"That... I'm ready." Powder says.

"That's right! So?"

"Come on, Pow-pow, Papi will catch you!" Papi calls as he flaps his wings.

Powder inhales then exhales. She slides down the roof with a scream and jumps to the Balcony railing. She turns around and readies herself, she looks to Papi.

"Come on, Pow-pow." Papi calls.

Powder off the railing and lands on the roof in Papi's wings.

"Thanks." Powder says.

Papi nodes with a smile. Vi begins to walk off and Powder and Papi follow her.

Mylo rolls his eyes and scoffs.

Then the group is walking across a narrow ledge along a roof top. Papi and Powder are in the back.

"What if Vander finds out we're all the way up here?" Claggor asks.

"Look around you." Vi says. "You think anyone topside's going hungry? Besides, this is exactly the sort of job Vander would've pulled when he was our age."

Papi's stomach growls. "Papi's hungry."

Powder giggles.

"I'm going." Vi states. "Are you with me or not?" She asks Claggor.

Claggor looks at Mylo and he just shrugs. Claggor sighs. "Vander's gonna kill us."

"Yeah, only if we screw up. So don't screw up."

"Papi is Uncle Vander's favorite." Papi says. "He won't kill me."

Mylo chuckles. "You wish."

Vi grabs the ledge below her and swings down to the balcony below the group. Vi walks to the door and looks inside, then she moves around to the window to get another angle, no one is inside.

Vi walks near the edge of the balcony. "All clear."

Mylo swings down to the balcony and walks over to the door and tries to open it, but it's locked. Mylo groans. "Who locks their balcony?" Mylo crouches down and pulls out his lock pick and starts to pick the lock.

Papi swings down to the balcony as Claggor helps Powder down.

Claggor swings down to the balcony then looks over the railing to the street below. "Whew. There's tons of enforcers down there."

"Means we're in the right place." Vi states and she looks at Mylo. "You gonna get that door open any time soon?"

"Working on it." Mylo pulls his lock pick out and turns a dial on it. "Seeing as I'm the only one who knows how to pick locks, I suggest---"

Vi kicks the door open and she walks inside. Claggor hits Mylo on the head as he walks by. 

"She knows how to pick locks too." Papi says as he and Powder walk past Mylo.

"Animals." Mylo grumbles.

The group looks around the room as Vi walks in and drops her bag on the floor with a thud

The group looks around the room as Vi walks in and drops her bag on the floor with a thud. She looks at a few of the books

Mylo goes over to a work bench and looks at some of the projects. "You know, Claggor, for once you're right. We are definitely not supposed to be here." Mylo picks up a couple of little contraptions as shrugs his shoulders and puts them in the bag.

Everyone begins to go around the room and pick up stuff and put them in the bag.

Vi looks at the black board with a bunch of writing. "Must be an inventor."

Powder spots something and she picks it up.

Powder spots something and she picks it up

"Whoa, I think this is a real Valdiani." Powder says.

Papi is rummaging through papers on a desk and he spots something that catches his eye. "Whoa." It's a blueprint for a gun that fits onto a Harpies wing.

"Oh, yeah?" Mylo questions,. "What about this?" He shows her a device. 

"That's a nose hair trimmer

"That's a nose hair trimmer." Powder states.

Papi laughs at Mylo.

"Shut it, Birdie." Mylo says with annoyance. 

Papi glares at Mylo. "You know I don't like that nickname."

Vi, with a bunch of stuff in her arms, stops next to Powder. "Keep an eye out for anything that looks valuable, Powder. Before Mylo fills the bag with junk."

Mylo was using the device to trim his nose hairs, but he then throws the device to the side and continues looking around till he moves a few papers and finds a weird device.

Mylo was using the device to trim his nose hairs, but he then throws the device to the side and continues looking around till he moves a few papers and finds a weird device

"Uh... guys?" Mylo calls out.

Claggor and Vi walk over to Mylo.

"Wait, Vi, how the hell did we find this place?" Claggor asks.

Mylo touches the gem and it sparks, he quickly removes his finger.

"It was a tip from Little Man." Vi says.

"Little Man?" Mylo questions.

"Just leave it. Come on."

Powder and Papi find a hallway.

"How can anyone have so much stuff?" Claggor questions. 

"Simple, just get born lucky." Mylo states.

Powder and Papi walk down the hall and they come to a door. Powder opens it and she walks in and looks around. Papi walks in behind her and looks around. 

Powder walks to a desk and begins to search it as she hums. Papi walks to the wardrobe and opens it to find a bunch of uniforms.

"Lame." Papi says as he shuts the wardrobe.

"Whoo-hoo!" Papi hears Powder call out and he turns around to see Powder eating a sandwich.

Papi spots a second sandwich and he drools as he walks over and grabs it. "Oh you look soooo goood." Papi says and he begins to eat the sandwich.

Powder moves the blueprints aside and reveals a small chest. Powder tries to pick up the chest, but it's too heavy. She searches around the chest and finds a button. She pushes it and the sop opens up to reveal some blue gems inside of it.

She pushes it and the sop opens up to reveal some blue gems inside of it

"Wooh." Papi says and he drops his sandwich on the floor. Powder picks up one and inspects it. Papi picks up a seconds one and stares at the blue gem.

"It's so pretty." Papi's orange eyes reflect off the blue gem.

"What do you think they are?" Powder asks.

"I don't know." Papi says. "But they look valuable."

"Powder! Papi! We gotta go!" Vi whisper shouts to them from he hallway.

The two kids gasp and Powder begins to grab the rest of the gems from the chest. Papi sets his gem in his pocket.

Powder puts the gems in a pouch and the two begin to run. But what they didn't notice is that one of the gems fell onto the floor, causing to start sparking and rolling towards the wall.

Vi grabs Powder's hand and Papi's wing and drags them back to the main room.

"Come on." Mylo says as Vi drags the children towards the balcony.

Vi lets go of their hand and wing and she begins to tie up her bag. "We'll be fine. Just get back to the roof."

Someone slams into the door.

Vi picks up her bag and runs over to the group, when suddenly something within the apartment explodes. Sending everyone to the ground. Vi runs over to the group and checks on them, but the floor sparks with blue energy and begins to crack.

"Hold on!" Vi yells as the building begins to fall apart. The floor falls apart and down to the street below. Vi looks over the edge and sees some enforcers looking up at her. "Shit."

A train horn is heard in the distance.

The group begins to run as horns are blown throughout the city. Enforcers are chasing the group.

"Stop right there!" An enforcer yells and throws a device at the group.

"Stop right there!" An enforcer yells and throws a device at the group

The trapping device misses Claggor and wraps around a pole

The trapping device misses Claggor and wraps around a pole.

"Get them!" An enforcer yells.

The group runs into an open area and past a fountain.

"Faster!" Vi yells.

The group run past some people and they yell at them.

Another trapping device misses the group as they keep running.

A device is thrown at Papi and he turns flips around and his talons glow white as he slices up the trapping device and continues running.

The group makes it to the bridge and it starts to raise from a ship coming. They jump over the gap and continue running.

The group runs into an alley.

"This way!" Vi yells.

They keep running as they run into a narrow passage and Vi hits a pipe, casing smoke to fill the narrow passage.

The group comes to a grate and Vi pulls it off. Sludge falls into the pipe.

Mylo looks down it. "Oh, man, not again. I just got this shirt -" Vi kicks him down the pipe.

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The rest of the group follow and fall into a trash pile. Papi holds up his wings and groans as trash and sludge fall from his feathers.

"Thought last time was the last time we were gonna do this." Mylo complains.

"Well, this time's the last time." Vi says.

"Papi hopes this stuff easily comes out." Papi says as he flaps some sludge and trash of his wings.

"Guys, what was that?" Claggor questions. "What the hell happened back there?"

Everyone looks to Powder and Papi.

"I don't know." Powder says. "I didn't do anything, neither did Papi."

"You could fill a damn library with all the things you didn't do." Mylo says. "And bird brain over there isn't any help either."

"Guys, we just emptied a Piltover penthouse right under the enforcers' noses." Vi says as she stands up. "So, if you're done beating yourselves, up let's get this home."

Vi walks down the trash heap.


Vi opens up a hatch and helps the others up. They then walk through the streets. Papi is plucking some feathers with his mouth and spitting them off to the side.

The group passes Deckard. "Nice haul?" He asks.

"You could say that." Mylo says.

"I heard there was some action across the river." Deckard says, causing the group to stop and look at him. "Someone, uh, someone really kicked the nest, huh?"

"Is that so?" Vi questions as she turns around to leave, but a few guys are in their path.

Deckard chuckles as he stands up. "But now you're, you're tracking this mess of yours through my streets." 

"Your streets? What makes you think--"

Claggor interrupts. "Listen, we don't want any trouble, okay?"

"Hear that, Deckard?" A goon asks. "They don't want any trouble."

A couple more goons appear behind Deckard. "You know, in my experience, trouble finds you. There's no reason this has to get ugly."

Papi looks around in worry.

"How about you share a little taste of your treasure there and we'll call it even?" Deckard says.

"No, no, no." Mylo says as he takes a few steps towards Deckard. "We worked too hard to..." Vi stops Mylo and walks past him.

Vi stops in front of Deckard with the bag in hand. "Just a taste?"

Deckard smiles smugly. "Just a---" He yelps as Vi uses the bag to deck him across the face. Vi tosses the bag to Powder.

Mylo and Claggor get ready to fight. Papi looks around nervously.

A goon tackles Mylo.

"Mylo-!" Papi shouts but he's punched in the gut by a goon.

The goon laughs as he stands over Papi, who's on his knees clutching his stomach. He raises a fist to punch Papi, but Papi shoots up and headbutts the goon.

A loud crack is heard as the goon falls to the ground, holding his nose.

Papi dicks under a punch from another goon and he kicks the guy away. Then he's tackled to the ground and a goon punches Papi in the face a couple times.

The goon is suddenly kicked off by Mylo. "Come on, Birdie. Keep u-" Mylo is decked across the face by a goon.

Papi hears someone yell behind him and he swings his glowing white talons around and kicks a goon into a wall.

Papi rubs some blood from his nose. 

Papi moves his head back as a knife barely misses his head. The goon that Papi headbutted tried to stab him.

"Stay still!" The goon yells as he swings his knife at Papi again. Papi yelps as he jumps back and avoids the knife.

The goon yells and charges at Papi with the knife stretched out. Papi yells in panic and closes his eyes as brings up his right legs and swings his talons.

No pain comes. Papi blinks in confusion only to hear the sounds of someone chocking.

Papi looks up and his eyes widen in fear.

The goon that tried to stab Papi is holding his throat as blood spills out from his hands. The goon takes a few steps back as he struggles to breath as he continues to choke on his own blood and he falls to the ground and stops moving.

"You killed him!" The goon that Papi kicked into the wall yells. "You're a murderer!"


Papi stares at the goon's dead body and begins to panic as flashes of his parents bodies enter his mind and he begins to hyperventilate. 


"Pa--" A voice calls out. "Papi!" Papi looks up to see Vi. "It's okay. It's okay."

Vi hugs Papi and he closes his eyes and leans into her embrace. 

"Let's get out of here." Vi says as she holds Papi as the group begins to walk off. Papi takes one last look at the dead body.


"You did what?" Mylo yells at Powder.

"I'm sorry." Powder apologizes. "I tried to fight him off with Mouser, but... she didn't work."

"Who saw that coming?" Mylo asks as he raises his hand up.

"We never should have gone over there." Claggor says.

Vi is off to the side still hugging Papi. Papi is just looking at the ground, lost in thought. "Doesn't matter. The stuff's gone." Vi lets go of Papi and walks over to Powder. "It's all right, Powder. At least you're okay."

Vi walks up to a door.

"Okay?" Mylo questions. "What about us? I get my face bashed in, and she just gets a pass? Hell, Papi killed a guy too! They both are off the hook?"

Vi opens the door and the group walks in.

"Yup." Vi says.

The group walks into an elevator. Papi continues to look at the ground. 

Powder notices that Papi's quiet so she just hugs him. Papi returns the hug back.

"Every time. Every time she comes, something goes wrong." Mylo states. "And sometimes someone dies when the bird comes along. She jinxes every job and he's just a death flag walking."

Powder glares at Mylo.

"Just drop it, Mylo." Vi says.

The elevator reached Undercity.

Papi looks up at the city and he notices people looking at the group. Papi lets go of Powder and they stop hugging. The elevator stops and Papi puts om his sunglasses as the group begins to walk through the streets.

Mylo steals some fruit from a vendor that's sleeping. Papi looks at a vendor that's selling guns. Papi looks down to his wings and his thumbs and huffs in annoyance. 

Papi looks up and sees a bar "The Last Drop" and he stops and looks at the sign. 



Papi shakes his head and he follows after the group. The group enters the bar and heads towards the back.


Vi falls down onto the couch. Papi rubs some dirt and blood off his face as he sits down on a stool next to the table and he takes his sunglasses off and sets them on his head.

Papi rubs some dirt and blood off his face as he sits down on a stool next to the table and he takes his sunglasses off and sets them on his head

"Vander learns none of this." Vi says to the group.

"No worries there." Mylo says. "Powder took care of the evidence."

"I tried, okay?" powder defends herself. "You don't get it. You're older, you're bigger. It, it isn't fair."

"So stick with us! Take a punch or two. Look at Papi, he took a few punches."

Papi rubs a bruise that's forming on his cheek and he hisses in pain.

The door to the room opens and everyone looks up to the entrance to see Vander. Vi, Powder and Papi look away from him.

"Everyone all right?" Vander asks as he walks down the stairs.

"Never better." Mylo says.

"Good." Vander walks towards the group with his hands behind his back. "I don't suppose you can explain why it is that I'm hearing about an explosion and a foot chase topside? Five children fleeing the scene." He stops beside Vi. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"That we can handle a real job." Vi says.

"A real job?"

"we got our own tip, planned a route, nobody even saw."

"You blew up a building." Vander points out.

"That wasn't..."

"Did you even stop to think about what could have happened to you? Eh? To them?" Vander motions to the others.

Vi goes quite and starts to contemplate. 

Vander sighs. "Where did you even get this tip?"

"We just heard it at Benzo's shop." Powder says.

"From?" Vander questions.

"Little Man."

Vander sighs heavily.

Vi hits the arm rest of her chair and stands up. "I took us there. If you wanna be mad, be mad at me. But you're the one who always says we have to earn our place in this world."

"I also told you time and time again. the Northside's off-limits." Vander says. "We stay out of Piltover's business."

"Why? They got plenty, while we're down here scraping together coins. When did you get so comfortable living in someone else's shadow?"

Everything goes silent as the others stare at Vi in shock.

"Everyone out." Vander orders.

Everyone gets up and heads out of the room.

Papi and Powder head out the back door go outside.

Papi sits down on the floor and Powder sits next to him. Papi picks up a shard of glass on the ground and looks at his reflection. He sees a few bruises on his face and he touches the biggest one on his cheek and hisses in pain.

"Sorry." Powder whispers to Papi.

"Papi's fine, just a scratch." Papi says as he sets the glass shard down.

"If I was there you probably wouldn't have gotten hurt."

"It's fine, Powder."

Powder rests her head on Papi's shoulder and he looks up to the sky and closes his eyes.

You're Fault.

Papi grits his teeth and he hears the door open.

"All right, give me the details of exactly what happened up there." Vander says and a pair of footsteps walk off.


"Hey." Powder gets Papi's attention.

Papi opens his eyes and he sees Powder with her hand out. Papi looks at Powder's hand and sees the blue gem from the penthouse.

Papi reaches into his pocket and pulls out his gem. Both the kids smile and they run inside and shut the door. They head down stare and go to the door and as Powder is about to open it they hear Mylo speak.

"They're both a problem." Mylo says.

"Mylo, I'm really not..." Vi starts.

"Do you remember what was in that bag?" Mylo tosses a ball against the wall and catches it as it flies back at him. "The biggest payout we've ever seen and she just lost it. Then Papi goes and kills someone again."


"They made a mistake."

"Name one time they haven't."

"They're young."

"Don't bullshit me. You were twice the person at half their age." Mylo states.

"You know what, Mylo? You're right." Vi says in annoyance. "There's a bunch of things Powder and Papi just can't do."

"You don't have to tell me twice." Mylo throws his ball again.

Powder grabs Papi's wing and drags him up the stairs and away from the room.

"Like, complain about everything." Vi says to Mylo.

"What?" Mylo questions.

"And brag nonstop."

"Okay, okay, I see where this is going." Mylo throws his ball, but Vi catches it.

"Pick fights with the group when we need to focus."

Mylo chuckles. "Vi, I..."

"And tell strangers on the street that we got a nice haul?"  Vi throws the ball at Mylo and it hits him and goes off in a random direction.

"I, I didn't mean to--"

"Powder and Papi are my problem, okay?" Vi points her finger in Mylo's face. "Your problem is never knowing when to shut up. But I'm gonna help you with that. Ready?" Vi points to her face. "See this look on my face?"

"See this look on my face?"

Vi continues. "This will always mean it's time to shut up."

"But... I..." Mylo starts but Vi points to her face and he groans.


Powder and Papi are on their bed. Powder is coloring one her devices while Papi picks out some feathers from his wings.

Rock music plays in the background.

Footsteps approach the bed.

"What do you call this one?" Vi asks and Powder looks up to her.

"Whisker." powder answers. 

Vi sits down next to the kids. Papi stops cleaning his wings and he looks at Vi.

"You two want to talk about today?" Vi asks.

"What's the point?" Powder asks as Papi shakes his head. Powder sits up. "I ruined everything. I always do."

"And I got another person killed." Papi says and he clenches his talons.

"Nobody said that powder and Nobody blames you Papi." Vi says.

"No." Powder starts. "Just that you were 'twice the person' at half out age. You heard them." Powder straightens the head of whisker. "I'm not a fighter."

"You don't have to be. Look, I've got these-" Vi clenches her fists. "And Powder you've got those." Vi motions to Powder's device. "And Papi's got his magic."

"They never work." powder states.

"And people either get really hurt or die from Papi's Arcane." Papi says.

"They will work Powder." Vi says. "And you just need to practice with your magic Papi." She goes quiet for a few seconds. "Come with me."

Vi gets up and heads for the door.

"What?" Papi and Powder question.

"Come on." Vi says.

The two get up and Papi turns off the light.


Vi opens the door to the roof and the three head over to the ledge and sit down.

"What are we doing here?" Powder asks.

"See that gutter running along the canal?" Vi asks and she points to it.

Powder and Papi look down at it as Vi grabs a pipe that's stuck in the fence next to her and she hands it to Powder. Vi moves the pipe to the gutter. Powder shows Papi the view.

"That's where Claggor got his foot stuck running from enforcers

"That's where Claggor got his foot stuck running from enforcers." Vi informs the kids. The man walks on the wooden planks and turns to the side and begins to urinate. "They thought it was funny, so they left him there. He was out all night before we found him."

Powder and Papi smile at the story. Vi moves the pipe to a sign with a middle finger on it.

"That sign." Vi starts. "Yous see it?"

"Uh-Huh." Powder says and she shows Papi.

"Mylo tripped over his own paint bucket and nearly fell off trying to draw a giant middle finger

"Mylo tripped over his own paint bucket and nearly fell off trying to draw a giant middle finger." Vi states. "His ass made that splotch."

Powder and Papi laugh.

"And those wires." Vi points to some wires. "Is where I had my favorite toy stuck. When I was a kid, some guy took my favorite toy and threw it up there. Before Papi got it down I used to come out here at night and stare at it,hoping maybe the wind or a bird might knock it down. We've all had bad days.But we learn. And we stick together." Vi hugs both Powder and Papi.

"Oh, I forgot." Powder says and she reaches for her pocket.

"Uh... oh right!" Papi says and he reaches into his pocket.

Both the kids pull out the blue gem stones.

"These were in my pocket." Powder says.

"Papi also had one." Papi says as he holds out his blue stone.

"They're from the apartment." Powder states.

"What are they?" Vi asks.

"I don't know." Powder studies her stone then looks to Vi. "Should we show Vander?"

"No." Vi quickly says. Then she smiles at the two kids. "Let's keep this our little secret." The kids smile. "Mylo's wrong. You're both stronger than you think. And one day..." Vi stands up and looks out to the city. "This city's gonna respect us."

Papi's orange eyes stare out at the city

Papi's orange eyes stare out at the city.

You're a murderer. 


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