The Harpy of the Underground

Chapter 4: Happy Progress Day!

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An Airship docks at a port and people begin to load barrels onto the ship.

The quarter master looks at the barrels then to a big tattooed man sitting on them.

The quarter master clears his throat. "Uh, shipping manifest?"

Sevika sets a pouch of coins on the quarter master's clipboard. "From your friend. Downtown."

The quarter master picks u[ the pouch and tosses lightly up and catches it; the coins rattle inside.

The quarter master then stamps the paper on his clipboard and hands Sevika the board. Suddenly Firelights fly around the airship

"Ah, shit. The Firelights." A thug yells.

The Firelights thrown bombs on board the ship that when they explode they trapped someone in crystals.

Sevika gets hit and trapped in some crystals. The Quarter Master runs to a door and hides inside the cabin of the airship.

The Firelights take everyone out and then land on board.

The Firelights take everyone out and then land on board

"We have five minutes till they're out of there." The Firelight leader says to his people and he starts a timer on his watch.

" The Firelight leader says to his people and he starts a timer on his watch

Sevika glares at the Firelights as they walk past her.

The leader opens up a barrel and inside reveals to be Shimmer.

"You ever seen this much Shimmer before?" A Firelight lieutenant asks.

"They're expanding." The Firelight leader explains. "Check for more below. Burn it all."

Two firelights go over to a hatch that leads below and they open it up and climb down the ladder.

One begins to walk forward and he takes his weapon out when he suddenly steps on a tripwire.

The hatch closes and blacklights come on to revel a monkey head painted on the hatch.

The firelight closes to the ladder panics and he goes up the ladder and bangs on the hatch

The firelight closes to the ladder panics and he goes up the ladder and bangs on the hatch. "Open up."

The hatch doesn't open and after a few seconds he stops and hops down the ladder.

The two firelights look around the dark room and see Dream catchers hanging from the ceiling with glowing blue feathers on them. A symbol is painted multiple times around the room.

A symbol is painted multiple times around the room

"Oh, no." The lieutenant says. "They're here." They activate a flare and the two firelights begin to slowly walk forward.

Something runs in the shadows in front of the Firelights and they stop. Something creaks in the darkness in front of them.

The Firelight with the flare tosses it forward and the flare lands on the ground and rolls into the darkness to show that the creaking was a swing slowly rocking back and fourth.

On the bottom of the swing it reads BOOM.

Something flies past them and they swing at it only to miss

Something flies past them and they swing at it only to miss. The two firelights hear and noise and look down to see Chomper grenades attached to them. There are blue feathers attached to the chompers.

After a few seconds they explode.

Up on the deck the entire airship rocks to the side and everyone holds onto something to keep balance.

The firelights look to the hatch as smoke starts to pour out of the cracks. Then the hatch opens up with a hiss and more smoke pours out, covering the deck.

The firelights look towards the smoke as a pair of footsteps is heard and a slight jingle sound.

Out of the smoke walks two figures. Jinx and Papi.

Jinx has a few blue feathers side into the two long strands of her that go down the floor

Jinx has a few blue feathers side into the two long strands of her that go down the floor.

Papi now has long hair that reaches halfway down his back. In his hair are some coins and other jewels, like rings and a few stones, tied in that cause the jingle. A few red feathers are tied into his hair. There are a few streaks of red hair strands in his hair. There are a few small braids in his hair.

Papi's pair of sunglasses are on his head with the left lens having a crack down the middle. Papi's wings have a few feathers that are dyed red.

Papi is wearing a black shirt that's ripped on the selves to show his shoulders where some flame tattoos flow across both his shoulders. Around Papi's waist is a weapon holster that holds a strange looking pistol with a big hole in the grip.

Papi is wearing jeans that are cut off at his knees.

Papi's orange eyes stare at the firelights in front of him. Big dark circles under his eyes.

Papi still has a slight feminine look to him.

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"Hi." Jinx calmly says to the group of Firelights. Then she pulls out two Chompers that also have blue feathers attached to them.

Jinx pulls the pins to her chomper grenades with her mouth and she throws them forward and they strike two fireflies in the face, sending them over board and after a second two loud booms are heard.

Papi gives a devilish smile as he and Jinx walk forward towards the rest of the Firelights.

The leader throws two crystal grenades at the two. Jinx moves to the side as Papi tilts his head to the side as the grenade moves past him.

Jinx pulls her pistol out and fires at the leader. Someone tries to lunge at Papi with a spear, but his talons glow white and he spins kicks a firelight off the side of a ship.

"Ji-Ji." Papi says. "Get the leader."

"I was already palling on it stupid." Jinx says.

"So fucking go do it, or do I need to hold your hand on the way?"

Jinx huffs and walks towards the firelight leader.

Papi smirks as two firelights try to attack him from behind. But in a flash of pink he appears in some nearby shadows and he looks to the group with his now pink eyes shining.

The firelights look at him in confusion.

"Please do try to last long for Shi." Papi? says with a child-like smile. "We don't get to always play with our toys since they like to break." Papi's eyes go back to orange as he sticks his right wing into the pistol grip and metal begins to travel up his wing till it covers his thumb on his wing. "It's Papi's play time!"

Papi aims the pistol at a firelight and shoots. The bullet flies through the air in slow motion.

There are some symbols on the side of the bullet. プレイタイム

Time resumes at it's normal pace and the billet hits a firelight in the face and he falls to the ground with a large hole in his mask.

Papi frowns at the body on the floor. "Awww it broke already?"

"You killed him!" The second firelight yells at Papi.

Papi blows raspberries. "So what, Papi and Shi kill all the time. Sore wa mondaide wa arimasen."

The second firelight roars and swings his weapon down at Papi. Papi smirks and his eyes go pink as he flashes over to some nearby shadows.

Papi laughs at the firelight and he looks over to Jinx to see her holding the wrist of a girl with Pink hair.

Papi laughs at the firelight and he looks over to Jinx to see her holding the wrist of a girl with Pink hair

Papi's eyes widen as he sees Vi's face on the girl and images flash into his mind.

"Papi, he only brings death with him." Vi's voice rings through Papi's head as he snarls as his eyes flicker between orange and pink.

"IF I SEE YOU AGAIN! I-I-I'LL KILL YOU!" A young Papi's voice rings through his head.

Kill her! Kill them ALL!

Suddenly Papi is his on the side of the face with a firelight weapon and he falls to the ground as pink flames start to slowly spread around the ship.

The second Firelight stands over Papi as he's lost in thought.

"This is for my friend." The firelight says as he raises his weapon up.

The firelight brings his weapon down only to stop and drop his weapon. The firelight brings a hand to his throat as he gurgles on his own blood.

Papi is behind the Firelight with an angry look on his face as his eyes glow pink and his wings are covered in shadows.

Papi turns around and pusses the dying firelight to the ground. Papi gets flashes back to when Deckard attacked the gang when he was a kid. The body of the young boy flashes in his mind.

Papi's eyes go back to orange. Bullets fly all around the area and some barley miss Papi.

Damn you did a number on him.

"Shut up Shi." Papi mumbles and his eyes go Pink.

"But it's so beautiful the way he died." Shi says as he moans in pleasure.

Papi's eyes go orange and he frowns at the body as the metal on his wing travels back to the pistol and he puts it back in its holster. Suddenly his shoulder is grabbed and he's thrown to the ground next to Jinx.

Sevika stands over Papi and Jinx. "You two were supposed to guard the cargo."

Jinx starts into Sevika's eyes for a few seconds then chuckles.

Papi smiles at Sevika. "Ikari?" Papi mocks.

Sevika gets angry at the two and a purple glow shines from under the cloak over her left arm.

But she stops when alarms start to ring out through Piltover.


Sevika walks through the streets of undercity as music plays throughout the streets.

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