The Hero Became a Mousegirl

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Winding Down 

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The Hero Became a Mousegirl
Chapter 16: Winding Down 


“How are you feeling Caelan?” Myra asked as she strolled into my bedroom, taking a seat on the edge of my bed. 

“Fine,” I smiled. “Nothing hurts at least.” 

“Wonderful. Syene and Kaphis are ready to go, and I’m all packed, we’re just waiting on you.” 

“Still not going to tell me where we’re going?” 

“Nope,” Myra winked. “You’re going to stay in the dark until we arrive, that’s your punishment for stressing me out so badly.” 

“Understood. I still don’t have much of a wardrobe so I guess I’ll just throw everything I own into a bag and I’ll be ready to go.” 

“I’ll do the packing for you, just focus on not going downstairs naked,” Myra said, opening my dresser and pulling everything out of it. “There’s some cute dresses here, do you have a preference, or should I choose for you?” 

“How long will it take for us to reach our destination? If we’re going to be on the road for a week or more, I’d rather just wear trousers. No need to pretty myself up just to be stuck in a carriage all day.” 

“Hey, you never know when a bandit will stop the wagon and demand all our money. You don’t want them telling stories of the slobbish princess that defeated them.” 

“I went through my guild test in a dress already, I’m not about to fight bandits in one too.” 

“Aww,” Myra puffed out her cheeks and pouted. “Fine, it’ll take us nine days to reach our destination, eight if the weather is perfect.”

“Then trousers.” 

“We could split the difference, I have some skirts you could borrow if you don’t want to do a full dress.” 

“I’m going to wear trousers, Myra.” 

“Fine,” Myra sighed tossing a pair of trousers and a light blue tunic onto the bed. “Can I at least put a few ribbons in your hair?” 

“Er…” I chewed my lower lip as my face heated slightly. “Sure, ribbons are fine.” 

“Yay! I have some blue ones that’ll match your top, I’ll go get them.” Myra bounced excitedly before rushing out of the room. 

“What am I going to do with her,” I sighed to myself as I kicked off my covers and got out of bed. I was dressed before Myra returned and ordered me to take a seat so she could do my hair. I didn’t have a mirror, so I couldn’t see her work, but her delighted smile made it obvious Myra found me cute, which was all that mattered. After all, she was the only one I felt like impressing. 

“You’re both adorable,” Syene commented as Myra and I made our way down the stairs. I’d spent little time with the elf that Kaphis had forced to be my surrogate mother, but it still made me happy to hear she found me cute.  

“Is the carriage ready?” 

“Yes, I’ve ensured the crystals are perfectly charged and sufficient in number for the trip to Shadewind,” Syene answered smiling. 

“Shadewind huh?” I giggled and gazed triumphantly at Myra. 

“Syene! We were keeping it a secret from Caelan remember?!” 


“It’s fine,” Myra huffed. “Not like she knows what’s there. Let’s just all go.” 

“Wait, Myra, what about your cloak?” I asked as she started to walk out the door without wearing it. 

“It’s three steps to the carriage, it won’t be a problem.” 

“What about the coachman? Or is Syene going to be driving the horses?” 

“Horses?” Myra giggled. “Syene is an artificer, do you think she’d settle for a regular carriage? We’re traveling in style, inside one of her inventions. A horseless carriage, propelled forward with magic crystals.” 

“Ah,” I gazed over Myra’s shoulder to see that the carriage waiting outside for us was indeed without any animals to pull it. The idea of a carriage that could guide itself forward was mesmerizing, I became giddy at the thought of seeing it in action. 

Inside, Syene’s carriage was like any other, a covered box with two benches for occupants to sit upon. Though, unlike the usual configuration which saw the two benches facing each other, Syene’s carriage had both benches facing the same direction. In front of her was a long poll from which a pair of reigns dangled, by manipulating them Syene could guide the carriage forward. 

I worried as our carriage moved slowly through the city that the large windows would expose Myra to the townsfolk as she’d done nothing to hide that she was a goblin. Of course, Syene had already taken this into account. The glass in our carriage had been bewitched to hide its occupants from onlookers. Which meant while we could see outside clearly, no one outside could see us. To them our windows just looked like solid black sheets of glass. 

Given her work with the guard, Syene’s carriage apparently was a well-known quantity. As we passed through the gates we barely registered in the eyes of those stationed there. 

The city walls quickly receded away in our rearview as Syene increased the carriage’s speed, once the roads were clear enough to do so safely. My gaze fell upon the overgrown hill that led up to the castle that’d once housed the imperial family. Suddenly I was reminded of the other woman who’d confessed her love to me, princess Teodora. 

“Hey, Myra.” 


“Do you think Teodora could’ve been reincarnated too?” 

“Afraid the scepter is going to bring back all the girls you rejected?” Myra whispered into my ear. 

“Elise and Teodora were the only ones…”

“The only ones you were close to maybe.” 

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“Just… tell me if you think it is possible.” 

“It’s possible,” Myra sighed, wearily watching Syene for signs that she might be listening to our conversation. “Though I doubt a pampered princess like her could survive in this world. Unless she experienced some extreme luck and was reborn as a noble’s daughter. But if she is a noble’s daughter, she’s probably too busy with high society to ever cross paths with us.” 

“I guess that’s true.” 

“What are you whispering about?” Kaphis asked turning around to gaze at Myra and me. 

“How you and Syene would make a cute couple,” Myra grinned. 

Blushing a bright red Syene dropped the reigns causing the carriage to lurch wildly to the side. Luckily Kaphis quickly took over, just barely keeping us on the road. “Please mind what you’re doing Syene.” Kaphis chastised her. 

“Ah sorry,” Syene pouted grabbing the reigns. “Why would you say something like that Myra?” 

“Because I’ve lived with you long enough to know what you’re into,” Myra teased. “An immaculate ancient powerful golem like Kaphis, with a gallant personality and a soft side for children is right up your alley.” 

“But we’re not children!” I interjected, fretting my adulthood was once again being challenged. 

“Compared to them, we practically are,” Myra shrugged. “Besides, what better practice run for real children than a pair of young adults?” 

“Golems are incapable of having children of our own,” Kaphis noted. “You cannot be a practice run for something I cannot have.” 

“There is always the orphanage. If you’re down to adopt Caelan, you could always adopt another.” 

Though their facial expression could not change, there was something about Kaphis’s demeanor that made it obvious to me that they were embarrassed. Turning away from us to gaze out the window, Kaphis shook their head. “Golems do not date people, I beg that you never attempt this topic ever again. It is discomforting.” 

The rest of the day’s journey passed by awkwardly. I’d expected us to make came at sundown, however, Syene decided instead to hand the reigns off to Kaphis, and continue our journey into the night. Myra and I were given a large blanket and a pair of pillows and instructed to sleep, which I found to be incredibly difficult. 

As amazing as Syene’s carriage was, it was still a carriage. We were still rocked and shook around by the uneven ground beneath us, to the point that I could hardly get comfortable. I nearly complained that nobody could sleep like this, only to find that both Syene and Myra had fallen soundly asleep while I’d been struggling. 

“Cannot sleep?” Kaphis asked after I sat up. 

“In the past we ceased our march before sundown and made camp. I’m not used to sleeping as I travel.” 

“I’m sure it will become easier as you adjust.” 

“Kaphis, why were you at the cemetery?” 

“I told you that I parted with the memories I was clinging to, that was why I traveled there. Though I lived through the last thousand years, I did so mostly within the imperial family’s vault. I slept away my days, longing for you and our other friends, believing I’d never see you again. The elation and confusion I felt when I realized you were Caelan, my Caelan. I couldn’t think straight, and I worried that I’d hurt you if I couldn’t get my head on right. You were reborn, I believed that if I wanted to stay by your side, I’d need to be reborn too, figuratively of course.”

“So you traveled to my gravesite, to cast away the old memories?” 

“I still remember everything, but I made an oath that I’d stop clinging to the past. I am here in the present with you Caelan, I will do everything in my power to protect the current you, no matter who you become.” 

“Even if I become a traitor to the crown and burn the whole world to the ground?” 

“I doubt you’d ever do anything so heinous, you’re still a hero at heart.”

“Still, if I went that far, would you stick with me? Or would you stop me?” 

“I’d stick with you Caelan.” 

“Aww… if you weren’t controlling this thing I’d hug you.” 

“I shall extract one hug from you later.” 

“Noted,” I giggled. “So tell me, what do you know about Shadewind?” 

“Trying to ruin Myra’s surprise are you?” Kaphis chuckled. “I know nothing more than what you know. It is a place that exists, which Myra and Syene believe will be good for your recovery.” 

“My recovery,” Sighing I tried desperately to think of where people went to recover, but kept drawing blanks. If you were physically injured, you sought a healer, if your mind was broken, you were deemed unfit to serve and sent home. Some demonic cursed required seeking out powerful priests to overcome, but I didn’t feel cursed. Nor was my body physically injured in any noticeable way, and my mind was no more broken than it was before. 

“What exactly do I need to recover?” I mumbled to myself. Myra had said that I’d be able to relax where we were headed, so it was unlikely that they were taking me to recover my power. “Eyrina, am I broken somehow?” 

I waited for an answer, yet one never came. I made several other inquiries, and even looked around for a flaming wolf or a small golden feline and saw nothing. It was as if Eyrina had vanished completely. 

“Kaphis… have you seen Eyrina?” 

“The spirit you formed a contract with?” 


“I haven’t.” 

“Where could she have gone?”

“Perhaps she is sleeping within you. She spent a significant amount of time materialized while you were unconscious.” 

“I hope so.” Sighing I laid down again, drifting off into a restless sleep. 

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