The Hero Became a Mousegirl

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Binding Agreement 

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The Hero Became a Mousegirl
Chapter 9: Binding Agreement 


After returning home Myra and I ate dinner with Syene and then chatted idly until it was time for bed. I let them both know I planned to stay up until Kaphis returned and then sat in the dining room, alone. 

Watching the gentle flame of the oil lamp on the table before me I reflected on the first full day of my second life. I’d wore a dress, was handfed a pastry, and I’d obtained a valuable new weapon I had no idea how to use. All that without mentioning the little things, like being called cute so much, or how Myra seemed extremely committed to her role as my older sister. 

It was a whirlwind of new experiences for me, and while I’d always believed I could adapt to any situation, I felt absolutely bewildered. Is this what I wanted? I asked myself, but I still didn’t have the answer. 

Despite the rapid change to my environment, I was happier than I’d ever been, that was certain. What I couldn’t decipher was whether being a girl factored into that happiness, or was I just happy to enjoy peace in a post-war world? 

Eynhilda’s figment seemed to believe my present form was what I desired most, and it was becoming harder to refute her words. 

“Maybe I should just go back to the castle and ask her bluntly whether I am female or not,” I mumbled laying my head on the table. 

“Or I could come to you,” Eynhilda’s figment cooed, materializing in the chair across from me. 


“Hmm, that name could create misunderstandings, do you think you could give me a new one?” 

“A new one, why me? You should name yourself.” 

“But I am quite curious what kind of name Caelan would pick for me,” Eynhilda’s figment chuckled brushing a few strands of her fluorescent blond hair aside. 

“I guess… I would play off of the goddess’s name, Eyn… Eyn… Eyrina?”

“Eyrina huh? From now on that’ll be my name. I shall be Eyrina the spirit who haunts Caelan.” 

“Er… you plan on haunting me?”

“I already have been, all those sweet moments between you and Myra today, I was witness to them all. I was even there when you were timidly trying on a dress for the first time, believing you were all alone in your room.” 

“Hey,” My eyes widened at what Eyrina said, my face heating with embarrassment. 

“Don’t fret about it, I don’t intend to appear before anyone other than you, so your secrets are safe. Now you have concerns, don’t you?  We will seldom have a chance to speak with one another alone like this, so go ahead.” 

“Am I really a girl?” 

“If the question you are asking is, ‘do I really have a female body?’ Then the answer is quite obviously yes. If you are asking if you are female down to the very core of your being, that is a question only you can answer. Even a goddess cannot manipulate what is in your heart.” 

Eyrina smiled before making her way around the table to pet me gently atop the head. “You spent twenty-eight years believing you would live and die as a depressed man. Now you’ve spent two days as a woman, it makes sense you’d question if this is right, even if it makes you happy.” 

“But so much else has changed… how can I know that this is why I’m happy?  What if…” 

“If you’re happy as the current you, it doesn’t really matter why. You don’t really have to overthink it Caelan.” 

“What about everything else, Myra’s kindness, can you tell if you the scepter, if my wish, is affecting her?” 

“Hmm… there is a faint hint of the scepter’s magic around Myra, though not enough to affect her thoughts. It may have just given her a small boost of courage, or assisted to ease her nerves.” 

“Then she really… If I stay near her, won’t the scepter’s magic continue to be a threat? Will she be changed by it?” 

“It is possible, though doubtful. Only your friend Kaphis has been heavily influenced by the Scepter’s magic.” 

“Kaphis is… how?” 

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“Well no one wants to be an orphan, yet you who manifested as a fully-grown woman would not have a family to speak of, a side effect of the magic. Yet Kaphis forced a family upon you, their actions aren’t congruent with the Kaphis you knew are they?” 

“I just thought something happened in the centuries I’ve been gone.” 

“A great deal happened, and Kaphis I’m sure did change. Their recent actions however go beyond anything they would’ve personally attempted.” 

“What do I do? Where is Kaphis now?” 

“For now you do nothing, it seems as if the magic has run its course. After Kaphis forced a family upon you the magic controlling them ceased. They should be normal from this point forward, but they may be a bit confused or embarrassed by their own actions.” 

“And Kaphis’s location?” 

“I’m not omnipotent like my creator, Caelan. I can sense magic and read minds, but I can’t locate someone who is not near you.” 

“Ah,” I slumped into my chair and sighed. “So how will you haunting me from now on work?” 

“Hmm,” Eyrina tapped her chin before smiling at me. “Well, now that you are aware of me I can bind myself more tightly to you. This should allow you to feed off of my mana, strengthening your own spells. Additionally, you can summon me if you need assistance, though I don’t wish to appear before anyone else in this form, so I will appear as an animal.” 

“An Animal?” 

“Yes, I shall take on the form of… A great wolf, with fur wreathed in golden flame. I shall even serve as a mount if you require it, my flames will never harm you or those close to you.” 

“Isn’t acting as a mount a bit demeaning?” 

“Are you speaking poorly of the fearless steeds who carried great warriors into battle? Many horses died heroic deaths, you know. Being a hero’s mount is a sacred duty, a true honor, do not disparage it.” 

“Eh,” I gazed awkwardly at Eyrina, “my apologies?”

“Good, now that is settled, are you fine with me traveling with you?” 

“Ah… well, you already are.”

“Yes but, I’m offering you an official contract, will you accept?” 

“Ah, yes.” 

“Delightful,” Eyrina purred. “Now we simply need to seal it with a kiss.” 

“A k-kiss?!”

“Just a small peck on the lips will suffice. The great hero Caelan would not be too intimidated to kiss me, would she?” 

“Of course not!” 

“Well then, don’t mind if I do.” Eyrina said mirthfully leaning forward and pressing her lips against my own. As soon as we connected her body began to glow with a golden aura, and then she vanished. 

“Eyrina?” I mumbled gazing around the room. 

“I am here in your heart Caelan, don’t worry I will never leave you. Now, you should head to bed, I am sure you’ll have a busy day tomorrow.” 

“But Kaphis…” 

“Is probably the strongest warrior alive, do not worry for them. They will return to your side soon, I am sure of it.” 

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