The Hero Became a Succubus, and the Only Way to Level is to… What?!

Chapter 144: Chapter 127 – The Queen Succubus’ Reckoning

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Archbishop Gretchen beared down Kanae with a flurry of mad swings. The enraged high elf had lost her composure before the battle began, and Kanae was having the time of her life. Fear? She didn't even know the first meaning.

The golden sword swung wide for a decapitating strike. Kanae ducked. It took a chunk off the pillar behind her. She drove a Titanic Blow into the bishop's gut but the golden shield came between them. Its impact sent them both skidding away from each other.

"I'm a little disappointed that's all you've got," Kanae said with a taunting grin. "If you don't put me in my place soon, I'll start getting serious when it's my turn."

"I'll show you— Holy Beam!" Gretchen called down a column of burning light on top of Kanae.

"Master!" Esta came running to help, but Vander stopped her in her tracks.

Holy Beam seared into Kanae's skin like brushing against a hot stovetop. However…

"Dispel!" Kanae cracked Lust and dispersed the bishop's spell.

"What… how?" Gretchen gasped. "That's the Matron's Regalia, isn't it? You thieving whore!"

Kanae licked her whip and smiled. "Do you like it on me? The whip can act as a wand and staff at the same time. The entire outfit grants me new skills. All I'm missing is the crown to complete it. Arenade says it looks like I picked it up from a discount store, but I can tell she wants me to fuck her into submission while I'm wearing this."

Arenade, who had been facing Dalu'luna until this point, stopped fighting and turned their way with her cheeks bright red.

"W-What are you telling them at a time like this? No, I don't! That's absolutely not what I want, you skank! Definitely not!" Arenade cried in protest, but Dalu'luna seized her distractedness by lassoing and throwing her across the worship chamber.

Gretchen scoffed at Arenade. "How repulsive… A high elf fraternizing with a succubus? It makes me sick. I'm offended that we're the same—"


The whip struck the ground as Gretchen leaped back in time to avoid it.

"Don't talk about my woman like that. I'll make you regret opening your mouth," Kanae growled.

"Who?" Gretchen played coy. "You mean your high elven bi—"

Kanae flourished the whip and cracked it against the archbishop's leg. She was too slow to dodge or block. The strikes continued relentlessly. Gretchen lifted the shield, but Lust went past it like a finger going through the surface of water. Every successful hit brought her visibly closer to climax.

"Don't fight it, Gretchen! Cum for me! Let me see your face as you orgasm! Ahahaha! If you beg, I might show mercy you and grant you the same pleasure I show Arenade~"

"Kuh… Dispel!" A wave of holy energies rippled outward from Gretchen, knocking everyone except Esta and Vander off their feet.

Kanae hit her head sliding into the wall on the other side of the chamber. Lust had fallen from her grasp. She scrambled to grab it—

"Pacifying Chains!"

Golden chains wrapped around Kanae, and she tumbled several feet away from reaching Lust. Powerful shocks zapped her as she tried to crawl toward it. They constricted even tighter.

"Holy Armament: Bow!" Gretchen drew the bowstring and loosed a volley of golden arrows.

Kanae braced for the attack when the stained glass windows behind her shattered. A swarm of fairies flew in like a mass of blinking lights.

"Barrier!" they chanted together.

A magical shield erected in time, blocking the arrows from landing. They bounced off and dissipated.

"Fairies? Cylia?" Kanae gawked.

"Looks like I got here in the nick of time!" Cylia flew up to Kanae and cocked her head sideways. "Huh. You feel kinda different. Dunno what it is, but I like this you more than the other you. Anyway, my brothers and sisters came back to repay the favor."

"Mischievous little dolls!" Gretchen fired more arrows across the chamber, blowing up columns and pews.

Some strays even disrupted Arenade and Esta's battle against Vander and Dalu'luna.

"Troops, gut that piss-colored bitch!" Cylia ordered.

The army of fairies swarmed Gretchen in an instant. It was like watching a man vainly fighting off a hive of hornets. Just as Kanae thought they would defeat the archbishop, a blinding explosion centered around her sent the fairies flying. They scattered across the chamber as a smoking mess, groaning in pain.

"That's… all she wrote… your move, Chief…" Cylia quipped, crawling up to Lust and giving it a good kick.

The whip had only moved a good foot, and the brave Cylia of Faebog threw a thumbs up before fainting.

Archbishop Gretchen popped a mana potion. Her exhausted demeanor softened immediately. She slow-walked up to Kanae with the haughty look of victory written all over her face. Neither Esta nor Arenade, despite how badly they wanted to help, could take their eyes off their opponents for one second. They were Knights of Colors after all. Even bonded, the two were no easy foes.

"It's just you and me now," Gretchen said, kicking an unconscious fairy away as she walked up to her. "Don't even try to resist either. As long as you hold ill-intentions towards me, Pacifying Chains will mana burn you. It's over, succubus." Gretchen smirked.

Kanae stopped struggling. "Who said I have any ill-intentions? Is my desire to drive you crazy with pleasure ill-intentioned? To make you beg for more while on your knees? Is it wrong to show you the ecstasy of cunnilingus?"

The archbishop's brows knitted in confusion as to why the spell wasn't hurting.

"No," Kanae continued. "Because I don't want to hurt you, you silly little girl. I just want to fuck you so passionately that I'll be all you ever think about. What's so sinful about that?"

"You… After I'm done with you, those flea-ridden mutts you call children are next!" Gretchen thrusted her golden sword for the killing blow.

However, Kanae was faster on the draw. She snatched Lust her tail now that it was closer and cracked it to cast Dispel. The chains vanished. Freed now, she rolled away from the sword. It plunged into the ground.

Gretchen's demeanor flashed with surprise, then with horror as Kanae pounced. They tumbled to the ground with Kanae pinning the archbishop down.

"How did you…?"

"What… did you call… my sweet little babies?" Kanae waved her tail in front of Gretchen's face. It opened into a gaping, slimy maw that salivated like a starved animal.

"No… No, don't touch me with your filthy hands!" Gretchen shoved Kanae off and tried to crawl away.

Sadism filled Kanae with ecstasy. She twirled the whip and coiled the length of it around Gretchen's throat, then planted a foot onto her back. The anti-succubus magic potions fell out of her robes and clattered out of reach from her hands. 

"Tsk, tsk tsk. We're only just getting started." Kanae slipped her hungering tail underneath the archbishop's skirt. She ripped away the underwear, Gretchen's last line of defense, and clamped down on her groan for a feast.

"Aahhh! Hahh… No, anything… but that…" Gretchen squeaked as her twitching and grasping hands clawed desperately for the potions.

Kanae shuddered. It was as though she and Gretchen were scissoring, but with all the fun of being able to lick and suck on her clit. The tail's inner muscles throbbed rhythmically, exchanging the taste of each other's secretions.

"How is it, Gretchen? Being underneath the foot of a succubus? I'm feeling amazing! My tail… It's like I'm licking your pussy without using my tongue. You taste just as delicious as I hoped you would. Mmmh!" Kanae channeled magic into Lust to constantly apply Turn Horny.

Gretchen convulsed from climax after climax, trapped in an endless cycle of pleasure. Her face planted to the ground, tongue rolled out and drooling. The suit of armor from Holy Armament sputtered out. 

"Auuh… uu… It doesn't… feel good… at all…" she mumbled deliriously.

"Hmm? What was that?" Kanae asked, leaning down and tracing a finger up Gretchen's butt that brought her to climax again. "Your gushing pussy is telling me otherwise. The Cursemark on you is filling me up with mana, too. I think— and of course, it's just my opinion— but you actually enjoy being humiliated, don't you? Tell me, you little high elven slut. Do you want me to fuck you?"



Vander and Dalu'luna abandoned their respective fights in a desperate attempt to save Gretchen. Dalu'luna flung a lasso at Kanae. She leaned her head back enough to avoid it and grabbed a hold of the rope.

"Bestial Strength! Titanic Blow!" Kanae yanked hard as her STR rose. The surprised elven knight flew forward and landed hard next to Gretchen.

"You bastard! Headbreaker Smash!" Vander brought his greatsword down like a guillotine.

Kanae flashed a triumphant smirk and tilted her head. "Lion's Pride."

"What?!" The Knight of Azure's steel came to a stop on Kanae's right horn. It didn't so much as cut even a millimeter into it. His face contorted in shock.

"Ahhh~ You two want to feed me, too? You're going to have to wait your turn, because I want my fill of Gretchen first. Until then, go to Sleep." Kanae cast the Sleep spell and made both of them weary.

"I thought… but the potion…" Dalu'luna grew too tired to stand up.

"Your first mistake was thinking succubus skills are all I have."

Without Gretchen to Dispel, they quickly passed out into slumber.

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"I'll… never bow down to… a succubus…" Gretchen murmured defiantly.

"We'll see about that," Kanae said, tightening Lust around her neck and using the tail to stimulate her pussy again.

"Nnghh!" The archbishop's eyes rolled to the back of her head as she continued to resist. "Ortesia will… Ortesia… aahh… I'm… cumming— aahhhhhh!"

[Congratulations! You are now level 213!]

[A condition for Deification has been achieved! Two more conditions remain.]

[You have gained a Legacy Skill!

Legacy Skills are powerful, signature skills specific to your unique race and class combination obtained at certain milestone levels.

Broodmother: All children born from you gain the buff Mother's Love and minor succubi of Sisterhood gain Queen's Love, granting them empowered succubus skills and raising their base INT to A.]

Kanae placed a hand over her chest. A feeling similar to the connection of Bond linking her children and Sisters of Sin to her. She sensed they were perfectly fine, and that brought her great comfort.

The battle was over. Gretchen's rebellion had been stopped cold. Arenade and Esta rushed over to restrain the two unconscious knights, but Kanae still had a bone to pick with the archbishop.

"It's over, Gretchen. You've been a bad girl, haven't you?" Kanae asked, kneeling down to stroke her cheek. "Say it."

Gretchen lifted a defeated gaze. "I… I have been… a bad girl… So, please… have mercy…"

"Why? You just said it yourself that you've been a bad girl, and bad girls need to be punished." Kanae snapped her fingers. "Arenade, go heal the fairies. Esta, bring Gretchen before the Supreme One."

"Right away!" Arenade began channeling a mass heal spell. "You go teach that bitch a lesson."

"As you wish, Master." Esta dragged Gretchen to the statue of the Supreme One. the archbishop's eyes found solace upon the god whom she professed worship to. At least until Kanae loomed over her.

"You threatened to plunge my Commonwealth into war and hurt my people— my children? Then there must be a fitting punishment. I vowed to make you my sex slave. That's what I intend to do." Kanae kissed Gretchen deeply, not at all fearing that she might bite off her tongue. As soon as their lips parted, Kanae whispered into her jeweled ear, "Bond."

Both of them connected forcibly, but Gretchen's resistance waned almost immediately. Kanae sensed her jealousy and hate for Grand Eye Analise, as well as the previous Grand Eye for not electing her. An unquenchable hate and disgust for demons bubbled to the surface.

The Cursemark of Horniness lit up from beneath the archbishop's robes. Kanae's wrist sigil glowed with the same color. She lifted Gretchen by the chin and smiled.

"I'm going to enjoy thoroughly using you. Enthra—"

The cathedral's chamber doors burst open. Aidenhall knights flooded in. The Saint Priests Danito, Camilla, Vestrid, and Delayn led the way. Many of them did an awkward dance, noticing the unconscious fairies on the ground. Their march came to a stop and parted to frame a path for a furious Grand Eye to come through. She was flanked by both Marwin and Elizabeth.

"What is it that you are doing?" Grand Eye Analise asked.

"I'm about to punish her, so if you don't mind—"

"No, you will not. Archbishop Gretchen Redbaron is a citizen of Radevic, and she will have a trial that even the most vile criminal deserves. Thank you for your efforts, Queen Kanae of the Commonwealth of Sin, Queen-Regent Arenade, and Knight of Silver. You're dismissed until the trial," she said.

To Analise's side, Marwin was drawing a thumb across his neck and beckoning Kanae to stand down. Even while Sadism was active, Kanae shivered at the holy aura emitted from her. Not wanting to tempt fate, she sighed and switched off the skill.

"Fine. Gretchen's yours," Kanae said.

The trial began early the very next day in the same courtroom where the rebellion had started. However, Kanae wasn't the one standing trial at the elevated podium. The disgraced Gretchen Redbaron was. Grand Eye Analise sat alone upon the judges' seat. The courtroom was mostly empty and only a select few were allowed to attend.

"This is no trial," the Grand Eye began. "This is a sentencing. Before we begin, I hereby strip the mantle of Archbishop and all associated titles within Radevic from Gretchen Redbaron. You are charged with treason, seditious conspiracy with intent to overthrow, terrorism upon ones' own citizen, and blasphemy."

"That's a short list after all she did," Edina whispered.

Kanae, Arenade, and Edina were among the few from the Commonwealth permitted to witness Gretchen's sentencing from the jurors' bench. They were instrumental in stopping her after all. There were others here, namely those important within the walls of Aidenhall. Only King Turren was missing, since word hadn't yet reached him that they had won.

Five Saint Priests stood in a line between Gretchen and the Grand Eye out of an abundance of caution, ready to strike her down in case she tried anything funny. Together, they really did look like an unstoppable force.

"You're permitted to say your peace, Gretchen." Grand Eye Analise nodded.

"I am guilty, yes." Gretchen sneered. "Of all of those things except one: I am no blasphemer. My loyalty has always been to the Supreme One, Ortesia, and the sanctity of all that is holy. You may strike me down today, but the great and holy empire of Ortesia will bear down upon you infidels with all its might!"

"Will they now? What do you say?" Analise cast a gaze down to the jury.

Two women and three men, all high elves, stood up. A bald, finely-dressed man with thick spectacles spoke up.

"The delegation from Ortesia denounces former Archbishop Gretchen Redbaron's actions. We and the imperial lords are glad that her rebellion was stamped out."

"What…?" Gretchen stared in disbelief.

He continued, "The mobilization of Ortesian forces from Port Kandis was merely out of concern for Radevic's safety. As a sign of good faith and proof that we disavow Gretchen Redbaron, we the delegation, shall recommend the imperial lords cast her into exile from Ortesia. She will have no home there."

Gretchen was speechless and dumbstruck. Her teeth clenched tightly together. 

"I almost feel sorry for her," Arenade said. "Almost."

"Kanae Toyomi, come forth," the Grand Eye called. All eyes fell to her. Kanae did as asked, flying out of her seat and landing upon the courtroom floor. "For your heroic deeds, Radevic, Aidenhall, King Turren, and I are in yours and the Commonwealth's debt. I have convened with Marwin Fransk and Elizabeth Bedlam. Due to the extenuating circumstances of what transpired, we have expedited your knighthood. You must still complete the remainder of your mentorship under Marwin, but from this day forward, you are Kanae Toyomi, Knight of Amethyst."

The courtroom erupted into a standing ovation. Among the Saint Priests, only Ulric was clapping.

"Master, congratulations." Esta smiled.

Arenade and Edina cheered the loudest. They would have jumped from their seats were it not for Esta holding them back.

Kanae stood there, blown away by the sudden proclamation of her knighthood. She felt weak in the knees. Relief washed over her. Finally. Allying with one of the strongest nations in the continent secured the future of the Commonwealth… and the safety of her children.

"Now, we return to Gretchen. Normally, any one of those crimes carry the death sentence. Your rebellion, however… left my dearest little brother William with a black eye… and that is unforgivable!" Analise snarled, sending shivers down everyone's spines.

Over by the jurors' seating, Will buried his face and black eye into his arms out of embarrassment.

"For your grave misdeeds, life-long imprisonment of shame is a much more fitting punishment— the first five years of which will be served as Queen Kanae Toyomi's sex slave," she added to a round of gasps.

"No! You can't do this to me!" Gretchen cried as the horror of what was about to happen set in.

Delayn and Vestrid moved forward to apprehend Gretchen by each arm, keeping her from struggling.

Kanae brushed her knuckle against Gretchen's cheek and cast Bond. The high elven woman's eyes went wide as the Cursemark of Horniness and Kanae's sigil glowed brightly.

"Wait, spare me! I'll do anything!" Gretchen pleaded.

"Yes, you will." Kanae gazed down at her with a diabolic smile. "Enthrall."

A magic circle of purple light drew itself around them. Every drop of mana drained from Kanae's deep pool. They manifested into lashing tentacles that latched onto Gretchen, entering her body until all the magic was nowhere to be seen. Calm returned to the courtroom.

Kanae lifted Gretchen by the chin and looked into her eyes. A piece of her conscience remained, enough to live through and experience it all against the control of her body. By the end of it, Kanae wondered if Gretchen would still be Gretchen.

The Saint Priests let her go.

"From now on, who do you serve?" Kanae asked.

"I serve you and only you, my queen." Gretchen knelt down willingly.

Now this felt good.

"I believe this arrangement will suffice as a token of good faith between our nations, Queen Kanae," the Grand Eye said.

"I agree." Kanae nodded, stroking Gretchen's hair like a pet dog.

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