The Hero Became a Succubus, and the Only Way to Level is to… What?!

Chapter 65: Chapter 51 (Part 1) – Searching for the Hole in the Wall

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Before leaving the adventurer's hall, Kanae made his way downstairs to the lobby to withdraw some gold. The convenience of wealth being available across cities was so similar to having a credit card back when he was a human living in Japan. Enchanted banknotes, enchanted equipment… magic really did run this world. At least to an extent.

The centaur receptionist, Sellica, drew a circle in the air in front of her with a finger. From it came a portal which she reached into and collected gold. She arranged them in ten stacks of 50 for a total of 500 gold, then pushed them forward across the counter to Kanae. 

"Would you like to confirm for yourself?" Sellica asked.

"No, I trust the hall. Thanks, Sellica." Kanae scooped the gold coins into his waist pouch that were possibly lighter than 1-Yen coins or American pennies. He wouldn't need too much money going out and didn't want to risk a pickpocket stealing them again. 

Down by the left wing, adventurers were still awake and about despite how late it was. A large beastman, the head of his greataxe propped on the ground with the shaft against the table, boasted to a troubled waitress about his latest quest kill. At another table was a party of porcelain-skinned female elves flirting with a black-haired human man dressed like a knight in dull gray plate armor. Their gazes met, and the young knight smiled at Kanae much to the elven members of his party's dismay.

"Say, I don't suppose a paladin named William Bellevue ever checked into the hall? He came from Orturic like me," Kanae said, wondering if the paladin was still around.

Sellica brought out a ledger and thumbed through the pages until she reached the right one, then drew a finger down the edge while mumbling Will's last name.

"I'm afraid a William Bellevue has not checked in. It's possible he has taken residence in one of the many inns the city has to offer, but I wouldn't know where to point you. If he's a paladin, there's a good chance he's staying on this side of the city," Sellica explained, who lightly clicked her front hoof while in thought.

Kanae actually knew better than that, especially given Will's last words to him before leaving Orturic. There was a better chance of finding him in the Carnal District where all the vices of the city were located. Particularly brothels. As long as he was in Lograin, he was sure they would run into each other eventually.

While tying the pouch tight to make sure it was secured, Kanae noticed the two stacks of flyers on the counter. He recognized them as the elf and minotaur beastman who were running for mayor of the town. The elf's stack were a lot smaller than the other, evidence to who was more popular.

"Ah! I see Lograin's mayoral candidates have caught your attention. The elections are sure to be fierce this year. I've heard both candidates have spent a small fortune in their campaigns," Sellica said, neatly straightening both stacks.

"Is the elf more popular?" Kanae asked. "I thought with how many people visit the Carnal District that the city would go with the other choice."

"While true, Bishop Rudo appeals to the common folk who are more numerous than adventurers and visitors that come for the Carnal District. That and not everyone believes the other candidate, who is a casino owner, would make a good mayor," she said.

Thinking on it, Kanae would probably choose someone who was more in touch with the people than a businessman. Many others likely thought the same.

After thanking Sellica, Kanae left the adventurer's hall. As he descended the stone steps, a stoic voice called out to him. He turned around to find the same knight from earlier, casually leaning against one of the stone columns. The knight, whose armor glistened under the moonlight, left little to the imagination from how muscular his build must be underneath the pieces of plate.

His elven groupies were peeking out from the door, each pouting and seemingly unhappy that their target of affection was talking to Kanae. One of them was biting her thumb, the second had both hands clenched in front of her, and the third was ready to chuck a spell. But this must be what it's like to be a girl. Getting hit on at every turn. It hadn't even been a day and people were giving him lascivious looks. Although, part of that was probably due to his mode of dress and notoriety from Orturic.

"My name is Talis. Couldn't help but notice you staring. You must be new in town, right? I would have seen your pretty face much earlier if you weren't." The man named Talis flashed a smile.

"Sorry, but I'm kind of in a hurry to wash off the languisteed cum caked on my body and looking to visit a brothel. Can I help you?" Kanae asked.

Talis choked on his next words, the brave posture faltering into a stumble. "D-Did you say… Never mind. I wanted to ask if your party would like to join up with mine? I heard earlier that you defeated a demon lieutenant and a dragon. Perhaps you can tell me all about it over a few drinks?"

It was a tempting offer, but this guy was clearly trying to make a harem for himself. Kanae already had Arenade and Edina. Hopefully Will, too, if he could find the missing paladin. Although…

"What level and class are you?" Kanae asked, turning around as his interest was piqued and climbed back up the steps to see.

"Since you've asked." Talis pulled the sleeve back to show a sigil of a sword resting on a shield, then drew his fingers over his hair in an attempt to look cool. "I'm a level 59 Vanguard. You won't find a stronger tank than me. My party currently consists of three spellcasters. How about you?"

"Oooh! Having someone like a tank would be helpful. I'll keep your offer in mind. As for what my class and level is… You'll have to find out for yourself when we get to know each other more… intimately," he whispered, pressing a cool hand to Talis' warm cheek and causing him to squeak.

Not tonight though. Kanae was more interested in the brothels of Lograin than anything else. Leaving the stricken knight there, he heard the elves rushing to Talis' side on the way down.

Kanae had a dumb smile on his face as he left. Flirting back and tripping people up like that was a lot of fun. More than that, having his way with a prostitute was going to be even more fun.

If I can just find my damn way!

Navigating the streets of Lograin was like going through a maze because of all the tall, densely-packed townhouses. Even the gleaming moon and stars, including the street lamps, lighting the way and street signs giving directions made it no easier to find his way. Lograin was just that enormous of a city.

"Halt, demon!"

A chill ran up Kanae's spine.

Demon? How did someone find him out so easily? They spun around to see a human man with side-swept blonde hair, dressed in white and gold clerical robes, pointing an accusing finger at him.

"I-I'm not a demon," Kanae answered back.

"No? But we are all demons under the countless eyes of the Supreme One and Many Gods!"

The priestly man extended to Kanae a flyer of Bishop Rudo's grinning face with the words, 'Vote to bring Lograin back onto the holy path!'

"What...?" When Kanae reached out to take it, the other man let go and grabbed his hands.

You are reading story The Hero Became a Succubus, and the Only Way to Level is to… What?! at

"Might you have time to learn more about Bishop Rudo? Have you already considered casting your vote for him?" he asked with a firebrand attitude, tightening his hold.

Kanae charmed the priest to let go, then folded the piece of paper up to tuck back into his robes.

"I'm not interested in your politics, but maybe you can point me towards the Carnal District?" Kanae asked.

"It would be my pleasure! Right this way, ma'am!" 

They stopped at a crowded avenue just as a carriage barreled through. Kanae recognized the main thoroughfare which split the city like night and day between sin and piety.

Led by the priest who couldn't look more out of place, Kanae crossed the threshold into the more sinful part of the city. It was a lot more bustling and crowded now than earlier in the evening, as though the population from both sides flipped as soon as the sun disappeared.

Attractive men and women of all races paraded themselves outside of their establishment to lure horny customers in, of which there was no shortage of. Many were adventurers, their equipment and build made that plenty obvious. Naturally, the ones who had money to spend went to the wealthier brothels, and those who were less so went to the seedier ones.

Unlike the wide plazas and courtyards of the religious side, like cathedrals and temples were vying for land, the Carnal District was arranged more tight-knit in comparison. Streets led into cul-de-sacs like dead ends with their own culture and climate, surrounded by buildings big and small. One end had paper lanterns hanging between buildings instead of street lamps, with buildings made of deep red wood and people leaning out their windows, talking across the streets. Another was a smooth stone road leading into a plaza of raucous people gambling and drinking out in the open, and at the very end were dancers performing for a crowd.

Sure enough, Dreizel had a Bath House Wonderland in Lograin, too. The marble bathhouse towered over the other buildings to its left and right, with pillars leading into the establishment itself. With the priest in tow, Kanae fancied himself a soak in a private bath while having the enthralled man provide massages. Once he was squeaky clean, it was back to the road to find the Hole in the Wall.

The same elven prostitute they passed by in the carriage earlier waved to a heavily cloaked man racing across the street. He looked over his shoulders as though fearful someone might see him.

"Ara, ara. Come to see this harlot, Father?" the courtesan teased.

"I'm so sorry about earlier… I didn't mean to scream at you like that. My, uh… affliction is finally healed so I came to see you tonight," the cleric said.

"Ufufu~ Very well. How about you come inside and confess all your sins to me tonight?" she asked, leading the man into the 

A group of beautiful dark elven women dressed in black, one piece bunny suits and ears had suddenly surrounded Kanae.

"Hey there, cutie."

"What's an adorable girl like you doing in a place like this at night?"

"Eh? Ehhh?" Kanae glanced around, surprised that he was hit on by women first before men.

"You think she's lost?"

"Aha! No way! No one that comes around here doesn't know what they're looking for."

"What do you say, hun?" an elf with messy, black hair and sharp eyes asked. "For 200 gold a girl, you can get all five of us for one night for only a grand to show you a real good time."

Kanae's eyes were spinning and mind was fantasizing. Behind the dark elves was another brothel, with a large signpost that read, 'Chocolate Temptation'.  He really wanted to go to the place Jarvy recommended, but these dark elves were so busty and attractive, he might actually go for some chocolate cake tonight.

"I-I'm actually looking for the Hole in the Wall. How about you ladies take my companion? He's a bit of a religious prude that needs some loosening up." Kanae pushed the priest into their arms, and several of the dark elves began digging into his pockets for the pouch of gold.

A sharp-eyed dark elf flashed Kanae a smile. "Going for that sort of excitement, hm? Hole in the Wall is Madam Berry's place. It's behind this block. You'll know by the signpost of a woman's legs dangling out of hole. Can't miss it."

Kanae thanked the dark elf and proceeded to make his way around. The street gave way into a plaza at the next block over. It was quieter back here, as the largest brothels were towards the front and siphoned most of the customers. Though that didn't make the interior any less lively.

One of the joints had the signpost described, creaking from being blown harshly by the wind on its iron hinges. Several male guards were walking out, basking in the afterglow of sex.

The place was a single floor building constructed of wood and painted over in an ashen stone-like color in a silly attempt to match its surroundings. What it lacked in height, the building made up for in width as it covered a large section of the area, appearing almost like a longhouse.

Kanae steeled himself with several deep breaths. He couldn't imagine going to a soapland back in Japan, or hire an escort for that matter. It was always so daunting, even when the desire for physical human touch was great.

However, as a succubus… even just as a guy who was always curious about brothels, he wanted to try it. After all, this was a different world than Japan. Prostitution was clearly legal here. There was no need to fight a mental battle over the morality of his actions. 

He pushed open the flimsy doors into the brothel and immediately came face to face with an intimidating human woman behind the counter. She was dressed in a sleeveless, body-tight red gown, had wrapped around her shoulders a fur shawl, and brunette hair tied into a tight bun on a sheathed dagger.

Behind her was a wall that blocked his view of what was inside, like a bathhouse back in Japan that had an entrance for men and women. Though separated by a wall, the sound of sex and moaning was plenty, and was already getting Kanae hot.

The woman named Madam Berry lit up from seeing a customer. She bowed with one arm across her abdomen.

"Welcome to Hole in the Wall! Your pleasures are discreet. Their pleasures are yours to enjoy."

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