The Hero Of Petra

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 from humble beginnings

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Hayden makes his way back to the town. The people have started to build it back up. But it's far from where it once was. Dark smoke still radiates off some buildings, even though the battle happened weeks again some of the fires still haven't burned out. Hayden walks to the now destroyed blacksmith shop but stops right in front of it. “This place deserves better. The man who ran this place would do anything to help this village. I just wish he showed me the same type of kindness.” Hayden walks through the burned down doorway and into the shop. Rubble covers the ones filled shelves. Hayden walks around and finds his way to the counter where behind it he sees a little shiny coin shaped object. He hops over the counter and starts to remove the debris that cover it. Once it was all removed the small coin shaped object appears to be the bottom of a sword, still left in its sheath. Hayden picked it up “just what I was looking for. This will help me save Hayley.” a smile grows on his face as he places the sword on his back, right behind his backpack. The sword was short enough where Hayden can use it with one hand but long enough to not be a dagger. Now with his new sword and bag full of food Hayden walks outside of the shop where he sees the head of the village standing there looking at him.

Both meeting each other gaze, the village head walks over to Hayden. “I take it you're leaving then? I won't pretend I understand why, just take this” He hands Hayden a book, titled Hayden and Hayleys adventures.. Hayden looks at it for a second then opens it to find it's a book full of pictures of their adventures and days they spent together. Hayden closes the book and holds it by its spine, and raises it up to the leader. “ This is why I must leave. I must save her, or at least try. She was my best friend. I want to save her.” Hayden lowers the book and places it in his bag “You wish to give your life? To die at the hands of the darkness? For a chance to save my daughter? Then please take this also. If you do save Hayley she will want pictures of your adventures.” The leader said as he handed Hayden a Hayleys old camera “she would rather be with me on this journey, but pictures are just as good.” Hayden joked as he grabbed the camera


Hayden and the village leader share one last look before Hayden turns around and begins to walk away as he makes his way the shadow appears”it's not too late to turn back. We could always just live life as farmers are builders.” Hayden says nothing just keeps walking. “ fine if you have made up your mind then i guess there is no changing it. I will not try to change your mind but instead, I will help you out with my knowledge of the land.” The shadow says haven given up. “Good, that's better. If we're stuck together then it's better to have you with me then against me.” Hayden says not facing The Shadow but still facing forward." By the way, Do you have a name or something?” Hayden asked. “I don’t remember. I remember my life but not who I was. Just for now you can call me Shadow. Sense that's what you see me as.” Shadow said as he faded away again.


Hayden walked for hours stopping at rivers to take a drink and caught fish. Stopping to read signs to make sure he knew where he was. Picking berries that grew on a bush. Finally he finds a farm and walks up to the house and knocks. After a few minutes a man walks up and opens the door “yeah, how can i help you” “Yeah i was wondering if you saw or heard anything weird fly around? Hayden says, trying to make his voice sound deeper. “I can’t say I saw or heard anything but the local town may know something.” the farmer said, closing the door as he walked outside. “Can you tell me where the town is?” Hayden said as he looked off the porch “Yeah it's about a day's ride that way” the farmer said pointing to the right. “A day's ride? Okay thanks.” Hayden says as he walks off the porch and starts walking to the right. “A day's ride? That's about a day and a half or maybe two days walk.” Hayden thinks to himself. 


Hours pass and the sun starts to set. Hayden finds a nice hill and lays down bed roll. After setting his bed up Hayden walked around and grabbed sticks and small logs and set it up in a small pile and started to rub sticks together. After about 30 minutes of non stop rubbing a small fire starts. Happy with his small fire Hayden took a picture of him and his camp and placed the photo into the photo book and placed the book back into the bag, then laid his head down and fell asleep in his bed roll.

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