The Heroine Has Turned Evil

Chapter 1: 1. Refreshing smell of air void of blood.

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Hello Author Here ,                     Their will / might be graphic description of torture and violation . This might be traumatizing for some , if you find it agonizing , please leave , I don't want you to get heart or brain stroke haha????

Sorry for the dark joke . I am an introvert and english is not my first language . So this book might be in simple vocabulary .



Sounds of whip slaps echoed throughout the dark room , drowning the screams of the victim .

Loud rustles of the chain were buried under the whippings .

" Wait her screams are subsiding " one of the man in dark black cloak said while panting a little . His grip on the whip tightened as he wanted to continue torturing .

" Looks like her consciousness is fading " a man in dark green cloak said while shrugging his shoulders .

" Then let just give her the medicine which will keep her awake " a sadist smile crept onto the face of dark skinned tonned , green haired men , who wore a dark violet cloak .

" I agree with Cloak Violet but we can also add a tonic which will make pain unbearable " the man with wicked smile said as he took out two tonics from his dark red cloak .

" Cloak Black and Cloak Green cloak inject this medicine into her body and Cloak Red and Cloak Violet massage this salt mixed with glass crumbles into her wounds " a man with huge brown moustache and red haired saud as he snatched the tonics from Cloak Red and gave it to Cloak Black and Green .

" Yes Master Barn " the Cloak men said .

Silence prevail for a while as the cloaked men did their work .

Suddenly huge scream erupted from the victims , it was a cry of agony begging them to leave her .

" Huff.....ahhh... me ...alone....ah...I..won' appear f..ront...of... them !! ahhhhhhhhh " the victim tried to beg but was suddenly hit with a nail studded plank .

" No matter how much you beg you won't be left alone , you not only disrespected our beloved but also bullied her , you committed all shorts of crime from theft to vandalism to robbery . You deserved to be tortured . Increase violence on her " a man came down through the stairs , while his hand resting on his beloved's waist , said with a sadistic grin .

The men who followed them also nodded with the same evil grin .

The temperature drop down in cold yet dark room of the underground dungeon because the threatening aura these 5 young masters emitted .

The cloaked men and Mr.Barn gulped while responding them as " Yes Master "

" Ple..ase I ... never di.d any.. thing... like.. or bull..ying . Please Aaaahhhhh !!!!!! " The victim couldn't continued to beg as a sharp object pierced into her foot .

With a hammer they hammered , her bones foot until , her bones broke , blood trickled out.

The victim screamed in agony for help , begged everyone to let her go but no one listened .

Cloak Green put a pair of rubber gloves as he opened a glass container in which it was written Sulphuric Acid .

He went to the victim , grabbed her right leg and poured the contents of the container into her foot , her foot melted , the bones until her ankles also melted as it fell down on the floor of the room . But he didn't stop there he continued this with her other leg .

The volume of screams  which escaped the victims mouth also increased .

Her body ached in pain , salt glass crumbles mixture made it worse but the Sulphur acid which destroyed her foot made it worst . It was so traumatizing and agonizing that her mind and brain couldn't bear it . She was now incapable of walking . Even though she wanted to die loose her consciousness she couldn't do so because of the tonics that ran through her blood vessels .

" You still didn't learn to accept your mistakes and you still dare to blame our future queen or our saintess  . You deserved to be your private parts destroyed " Red cloak men said without giving her a chance to refute her beg as he grabbed a plier , pulled her nipple of right breast and then.......

SNAP !!!!!!

" Aaaaahhhhhhhhh " a huge horrifying cry was the only thing heard .

If someone else would have been there sighting such crude scene then , he / she might have died of trauma and would felt sympathy for the victim . But this people present in the dungeon didn't felt anything , rather they were laughing at her misery except for the 5 young masters beloved who continued to hide behind trembling .

" Dear are you scared ? Don't be scared this won't last long " one of the young master said to his beloved as he placed a small kiss on her forehead . As a result their little beloved blushed .

The young masters found her reaction to be cute but this was not the case for everyone .

If you look from two perspectives , people who had positive feelings for her would find her cute but who had negative feelings for like the victim they wil feel.......


" Aaahhhh " the victim screamed again because one of the cloak men smashed the salt glass mixture into her injured breast .

The young masters were annoyed by her screams since it broke they romantic environment around them .

" Cut off her fingers and tongue , destroy her private area and do the same with her other nipple what you did with the first one " one of the young master ordered with disgust written all over his face . He carried his beloved and walked out if the dungeon .

" Continue this torture until further notice from us or I command you to stop " another young master said before walking out as the other three followed .

The cloak men and Mr.Barn continued to looked towards the dungeon entrance until their young masters figure disappeared .

" Boys it looks like we have to continue what we were doing " a sadistic smile rose on Mr.Barn's face .

" Yes Master " the cloak men also had the same sadistic smile as they turned around to face the victim .

The victim shivered under their cold gaze , threatening aura and sadistic smile . Her guts were roaring , alarming her that more misery , pain was coming but even so she couldn't do anything since her legs and hands were chained to the four corners of room in X form .

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Days passed by , the command to stop ther torture or abuse never came .

The victim hoped that she will be tortured or abuse less mext day than today . She hold onto the little light of positivity . 

But that never happened instead the torture grew more and more . The little light of positivity she had also vanished the darkness of negativity enveloped her soul .

Now her eyes were lifeless , peach black like abyss , it was like black hold in which you can get sucked into . Her skin was pale like white paper as if the blood in her body has been drained out . Her vains were clearly visible , one could even trace it . She had become skinny as hell , her bony frame was clearly visible .

Traces of constant torture , acid attacks were clearly visible . Her skin also had infections but she had became numb to pain due to increasing intensity of torture . She was basically handicap , she does have foot or palm , her tongue was cut off and one of her eyes was gauged out , her private are was more horrifying .

If a demon saw her condition , it will be so terrified that he will piss it's pants .

Her eyes held no sparkles , her face didn't had a smile . Her shoulders and arms joints were dislocated so was her leg joints. She looked like a ghost , no maybe they ghost might be scared to even approach her .

She layed on the cold tiled room while her eyes was stuck on the dungeon room entrance . Anytime thise clock men and their boss will come and begun their torture . Her body has given up so does her brain . 

She had no hopes of survival . There will be no prince charming to save her . There will be no one to comfort her . There will be no one to apply medicine on her wounds . She was alone . She was now soulless and lifeless .

 She doesn't want to get anymore tortured . If only she had heard to his advice , if only she could have grasp that men of golden aura , she might not had been to go through such abuse and torture . Her mind was haywire . Her emotional condition was unstable .

Suddenly she realised that a huge container of Sulphuric Acid has been stored with the dungeon since there was no place in storage room . It was brought for the work in industries .

But she will use it now . Cause she couldn't take any more pain , the misery has already distroted her mind . 

She slowly limped towards the container while enduring the pains from her inner organ as well as outer organ . Yesterday she was forcefully fed some weird insects which were eating her inner organs slowly . It will be slow death but the pain was unbearable .

She slowly climbed upto the the entrance of the huge cylinder like container filled with Sulphuric Acid and pushed herself into the boiling acid .

Even though it was painful she was happy that she will die and wouldn't have to feel anymore . She was finally genuinely happy in 20 years of her 30 aged life because of upcoming death .

' If it is possible , if I got a second chance .... I will make those bastards and bitches suffer who made me like this . And I would like to hold onto his kindness and never let go ' it was her last wish before she felt her body being corroded and erroded , her vision was getting blurry and her consciousness was fading slowly .

Roaring of demons and dragons and humans cry for help was the last thing she manged to hear before eternal slumber enveloped her . She was dragged into eternal ABYSS.

Suddenly a little girl fell from her hard little bed while gasping heavily .

She was confused , she wa panting heavily her mind was confused . 

She look here and there and found her surrounding immensely familiar .

She touched her body and made sure her body was intact . Her eyes diverted towards skin , it was flawless and had a healthy honey complexion , it wasn't as pale as a dead body . There was no marks of torture or abuse . 

She was now more confused suddenly her eyes spotted a small mirror she went there and looked into it . It reflected her reflection of 10 years old bubbly , cute girl , eyes full of sparkles , she looked tender and innocent .

Her face distorted , it was the same year she was kidnapped by enemies and the year from which her horror begun , the 20 years of abuse secretly or openly . She was manipulated , framed , and was made a fake villainess . She remembered her last life where she committed suicide by jumping into tank of Sulphuric Acid .

She couldn't look anymore into her own reflection so she looked away when suddenly her eyes caught a article on the newspaper front page .

The article had a picture of her 10 year self . The girl in the picture looked cute and happy emitting innocence . And the article read " REMELIA BLOOMIN : MISSING , SHE WAS KIDNAPPED , IF ANYONE FIND HER PLEASE REPORT TO BLOOMIN DUCHY " .

Suddenly she felt of extruding headache . She slumped down while grabbing her head tightly.

Turn by turn wave of pictures ran through her mind . It was the events of her past four lives.

She was tortured similarly all her four lives for 20 years after her kidnapping at 10 year old and the same people framed her , tortured / abused her and betrayed her . 

But the method of her death was different in her first life she died of dehydration while many nails were studded into her body . In her second life she was hanged in the centre of imperial city while her body was naked . People of imperial city threw stones at her , calling her a bitch and said that she deserved it . In her third life she was thrown into the mouth of the Holy Dragon of the Amloed Church of Imperial City . In fourth life she committed suicide by drowning herself into Sulphuric Acid tank.

Suddenly she burst into laughter . It was not a sweet laughter but a maniac laughter . If someone was near her , they might would have got Goosebumps and would have pissed her pants . She looked so scary .

" Hahaha .... I can't believe I gave .... those bastards and bitches four chances but they destroyed it hahahaha " She found it so funny that she couldn't stop herself from laughing .

" It is said that HUMANS SHOULD BE GIVEN ATLEAST TWO CHANCES TO CORRECT THEIR MISTAKES but didn't I GAVE THEM TOO MANY CHANCES , 4 FUCKING CHANCES hahahaha " even though she was laughing she looked scary enough to make the demons shiver .

" Shouldn't they pay me back with interest since I lend them so many chances . No matter who you are I will make you all pay for what you all did to me in my past four lives . Whether it the Brindgon Royal Family or the Bloomin Duchy or the Anchovi Duchy or Goddess Ela blessed Amoled Church or the Imperial City , you will all pay me back . Or else I will take it myself by hook or crook ." The little 10 year old Remelia who was smiling earlier was now releasing dark aura , it was threatening enough to make anyone shiver .

Remelia took a long breath and said " It is so REFRESHING SMELL OF AIR VOID OF BLOOD but it will not last for long " . A creepy smile climbed onto her face .


Author : Oh lord it was so scary.

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