The Heros Decent into Villany

Chapter 1: Chapter 0: Origin Story

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Authors note

Before you continue reading please note {}is the Mc thoughts Italics are flashbacks and Underline is narration.


“It’s time.” I say.

"We must defeat the demon king here or the world is doomed." I say, standing at the demon lord's castle gates.

“Elora, Jelric, Brich, You are the greatest allies I could ever ask for. We may have never met if not for the emperor sending us on this mission. Our lives may have been very different, but I'm glad I met you guys.” I say.

“I’m glad I met you here too, Vyn. You can find love in any situation, "says Elora.

I smile at her.

“If we come out of this alive, want to get married?” I asked her.

Elora blushes and smiles “I’d love to.”

“Enough of your lovey shit” scoffs Jelric. "We have a mission."

Brich nods in agreement. Brich has always been a quiet guy despite being a 7-foot human and stronger than most men could ever dream of, yet chose to be a tank because he dislikes violence.

Jelric is a Dark elf that can be annoying and nosy but always pulls through. Elora is an elf with long beautiful white hair and I am a human from the great Abhorrent clan, a clan with dragon lineage.

As we are about to head in, we hear a voice from behind us. We all quickly whip around, I draw my sword, Elora draws her bow, Jelric prepares magic and Brich prepares to tank any hits.

“Stay alert” I whisper.

“Wait, don't attack!” says a familiar voice.

It's the prince accompanied by the 4 sages, strong warriors from around the continent.

“What are you doing here, my liege?” I asked him.

“I have brought reinforcements to guard the castle gates while you fight the demon lord, so you are not interrupted.” He says.

“Thank you my liege,” I say.

“Before you go to fight him, take these potions. They last for 4 hours and temporarily boost your strength with no drawbacks. Drink them and give some to your allies.” Says the prince.

I will bring us victory,” I say.

I hand the potions to my allies and we head in to defeat the demon lord. The fierce battle lasts for 3 and a half hours before the demon lord is stuck down. The hero's party is battered and bruised but miraculously, everyone survives.

“W-we did it guys.” I say, exhausted. We beat the demon lord!”.

“Well done Vyn” says the prince as he walks in with a smug look on his face.

“And you didn’t kill the demon lord, I did.” he says smugly.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, Puzzled.

“How are you feeling, hero? Tired? Can’t gather mana or aura, can you? Your party members can’t either. I try to gather my mana and aura but it doesn't work, I see my comrades attempt as well and it doesn't work.

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“What did you do to us?”I say, getting increasingly worried.

“The paralysis should have started by now,” the prince says nonchalantly. I can't move my limbs anymore. I can barely speak.

“What have you DONE!” I yell at the prince.

“I am taking credit for the slaying of the demon lord. See what happened here is that the hero's party loses against the demon lord, injuring it. I come in and save the day, killing the demon lord and bringing peace to the land. My father will put me next in line for the throne after this feat.” the prince says, chuckling as he's drawing his sword.

The prince walks towards Brich and slices his head clean off.

“NOOO!” I yell, trying to move.

“Once I'm king,” the price continues moving towards Jelric

“I can start my plans,” the prince says stabbing Jelric through the heart.

“STOP THIS!” I yell.

The price begins to walk towards Elora.

“STOP THIS PLEASE I BEG YOU” I yell as he gets closer to Elora.

“Although taking credit for killing the demon lord is my idea, the emperor wanted you dead anyways. The empire already unanimously agreed that having you around would complicate things. Your Goody-two shoes attitude would be a pain to deal with since or always trying to fix corruption.” Says the prince, stopping in front of Elora.

“Please don’t do this,” I say, crying.

“If only you weren’t such a nuisance” sighs the prince. Elora looks at me and smiles as the prince stabs her through the chest with his blade.

“NOOO!” I yell out, sobbing.

“And now it's your turn,” says the prince. The prince starts walking towards Vyn and freezes, he senses immense bloodlust from Vyn and froze in fear before remembering he’s paralyzed and can only talk.

“A hero shouldn’t have that much bloodlust,” says the prince, still scared of Vyn.

“Do me a favor and die” Says the prince, driving his blade into Vyns stomach.

“Let's get out of here,” The prince says to the sages, and they leave the castle. As Vyn lies on the cold, castle grounds, he remembers a story his chemist friend used to tell him.
Demons come from the demon realm, a dimension separate from ours. Every once and a while, a group decided to break open the space that separates our worlds to invade ours. During the first invasion 1000 years ago, a human drank the blood of a high-ranking demon and transformed into a demon himself, and gained immense power. Others to replicate and all died. We then figured out that there was a 0.001 percent chance of transforming into a demon by drinking their blood. The higher ranking the demon is, the rarer it is to survive.
{0.001 percent chance. Even less since it would be a demon lord, and even less because of my holy energy, but I can’t let it end like this, I have to kill him. I have to kill them all}.

I slowly begin to feel my body. I crawl up to the demon lord's corpse.

{time to dig in}

I bite into the demon lord's neck and drink his blood. Immediately immense pain. Unbearable pain is searing throughout my entire body.

{I’m gonna die}

I'm losing consciousness. I bite the inside of my cheek to stay awake. “I can’t fail this, I WON'T FAIL THIS” a blast of mana shoots out in all directions, destroying the castle. In the middle of the castle, over the demon lord's corpse is a man with white hair. “I-i did it. I survived. And now, I'm going to make them suffer.



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