The Homunculus Knight

Chapter 38: Book II: Chapter 17.5 A Night Together

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Chapter 17.5: A Night Together

Author's Note: This is just a Sex Scene between Cole and Natalie. Created partially as an experiment in writing that kind of thing and partially because I felt trying to show healthy intimacy in media is important.

The couple kissed for a long moment. Natalie’s soft lips clashed against Cole’s scarred ones. Cole shivered as a warm tongue licked a long faded mark, and quick hands found his undergarments. Even as they kissed, Natalie deftly slipped Cole’s pants down. Her fingers found his member and played with it.

A shuddering gasp escaped Cole, and he ended the kiss. Fangs shining in the glowlight, Natalie batted her eyes. “You were such a lovely suitor last time. I figured I should repay the favor.”

Gently but firmly, she pushed Cole to his back and slipped down towards his hips. Natalie knew how tentative and uncertain Cole could be in these matters. That is, until she ignited his passion. Thankfully Natalie had just the idea of how to stoke his flame. Looking down at his lover, Cole’s moaned as warm wetness encircled his length. He felt himself twitch in pleasure as Natalie’s tongue licked his cock. Swallowing nervously, he started to say, “You don’t have to-”

Stopping her ministrations, Natalie slithered up to him and put a finger on his lips. “I know. Don’t worry so much Love. I want to make you feel good. So relax and let me have my fun.”

Accepting that, Cole watched as Natalie slipped back between his legs. Kissing his tip, Natalie slowly took him into her mouth. Eyes wide, Cole could only stare as his length disappeared past Natalie’s lips. Running her tongue along the bottom of his shaft. Natalie was thankful Undeath had stolen her gag reflex. Cole was most definitely proportionate to his height. Once she reached his base, Natalie pulled back with the same slow deliberateness. Taking time to run her tongue along as much of him as she could.

Cole’s leg twitched as she did this, and Natalie felt herself smile around his cock. She was taking things slow partially because she knew Cole had some kind of baggage in these matters. Partially because she didn’t want her new fangs to hurt him. She’d had one or two partners she’d given this treatment before, and the lessons learned there had to be altered thanks to her changed teeth.

After completing this slow treatment a few more times, Natalie let his length leave her mouth, her hands gently stroking it as she smiled up at Cole. The Paladin had a wonderfully enraptured look on his face. He was so reactive to her touchs. Groaning and twitching in time to her ministrations, it brought warmth to Natalie’s own loins. Knowing she was making him feel good did something to her.

A pleased hum escaped Natalie’s lips, and she said, “To tell you the truth Cole I’ve been fantasizing about this. Of all the different ways I could make you come.” his member twitched at that, and Natalie laughed. “With my mouth, my hands, my sex… with other parts of me.” She used her free hand to clutch her breast. Pinching her hard nipple between two fingers. Enjoying the spark of pleasure that caused, Natalie saw dawning comprehension in Cole’s eyes. Licking her lips, Natalie adored putting on a bit of a show for him. “I know where your eyes wander, Love. Believe me, I notice and do not mind at all.”

Stopping her hands, Natalie crawled up along Cole’s body. Until her hips rested on his abdomen. Tracing the contours of his muscles, Natalie smiled down at her enchanted lover. Taking one of his hands, she guided it to her breast and let out a pleased noise as he gently squeezed. Smiling as she ground herself against him, enjoying the sparks of pleasure that brought. Natalie said. “It’s fun to be desired by someone you love. To know they want you.”

Taking Cole’s other hand, she gently slipped it between her thighs. “And Cole, in case you were wondering. I desire you. Wanna see how much?”

With her guidance, Cole found warm slick flesh. Natalie’s lust practically dripped from her. A breathy moan escaped Natalie as his large calloused fingers touched her sensitive sex. On half-remembered instinct, Cole searched for a certain nub of sensitive flesh. His slickened fingers found their prize, and Natalie arched her back and gasped. Carefully but firmly, Cole started to massage her clit. Enjoying the noises and movements, he could get out of her.

As something hard and warm pressed against her ass, Natalie smiled. Looking behind her to see Cole’s cock pulling towards her, she giggled. Reluctantly she pulled Cole’s hand from her sex. Smiling at him, she murmured: “Please, more of that later. But right now… I need you inside of me.”

Pushing herself up, Natalie reached down for Cole’s member. Slicking her fingers with her own dew, Natalie gave Cole’s cock a few helpful pumps before angling him into her. Gently, carefully, Natalie started to lower herself onto him. Cole gasped involuntarily as warm wetness enveloped him. A noise Natalie mimicked above him. Speaking more to herself than him, she murmured: “So… so big.”

Continuing their mirror game, Cole whispered, “So tight.”

As their hips met, both lovers let out a low satisfied groan. Putting her hands on Cole’s chest, Natalie balanced herself. “Sun’s Tits, you feel fantastic.”

Ignoring her blasphemy, Cole rumbled his agreement. Bringing his hands to her hips. Cole rasped, “I love you.”

Chuckling slightly, Natalie bent down and kissed Cole. “I love you too. So how about we screw each other, silly?”

Instead of answering, Cole lifted Natalie up and pulled her back down onto his cock with shocking speed. A squeak and a gasp escaped Natalie. But Cole didn’t stop. He slowed slightly but didn’t let up. Man-handling Natalie up and down his length in a way she found herself quickly loving.

A stream of excited curses and squeaks escaped Natalie’s mouth as Cole pulled her up and down his member. Stars bloomed behind Natalie’s eyes as pleasure coiled around her mind. Smiling like the love-sick creature she was, Natalie forced herself to meet Cole’s gaze. He wore a similar smile Gripping one of his hands, Natalie pulled it to her face. Letting her have a bit more control over the pace of their lovemaking. She liked what he’d been doing but wanted a gentler position for their first time.

As Cole cupped her face, Natalie pulled his thumb into her mouth. She’d forgotten how much fun giving oral could be, and the idea of having something in her mouth just felt right. To her utter surprise, Cole purposely pricked his thumb on a fang. Warm blood dribbled into her mouth, and Natalie felt a massive wall of pleasure smash away her composure.

Twitching and spasming, Natalie moaned into Cole’s hand as she came and came hard. Going slightly limp, she rode on the waves of her orgasm as Cole slowly pumped in and out of her. Every new thrust added to her joy. Licking his thumb wound shut, Natalie reluctantly let his hand leave her face and collapsed forward onto Cole’s chest. Cole moved his hips so he didn’t leave her sex but stopped thrusting.

Forehead against his clavicle, Natalie moaned. “It’s not fair! You’ve gotten me twice, and I’ve not even made you come once!”

Cole’s chest shook as he laughed. Looking so she could see his face, Natalie frowned and blew a stream of air at her amused lover. Recovering slightly, Natalie whined. “That trick… with the blood. That is cheating!”

Cole rolled his hips, getting a gasp from Natalie. “It made you feel good, didn’t it?”

Grumbling to herself but also grinding against his cock, Natalie said, “I want to make you come! Is that too much for a girl to ask?”

Brushing her long sweat-streaked hair away from her face, Cole said, “I didn’t quite expect your reaction to be so… uh… intense.”

Pushing herself back up, Natalie moaned as Cole’s length pressed against a lovely spot. Wiggling her hips in a way that made Cole gasp. Natalie suggested. “I’m ready to continue. How about you pull out that trick when you are ready to cum.” Smiling and licking her lips, she added. “Being filled that way sounds… wonderful.”

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Cole twitched at her lewd suggestion, and Natalie giggled. “So, want me to ride you some more or try something else?”

In response, Cole flipped them. Pinning Natalie to the bed, pulling her hips up to meet where he sat on his knees. They’d returned to where they started, Natalie enjoying the imposing sight of Cole looming over her. As fun as teasing and pleasing him was. Part of her adored when the massive warrior took charge like this. Placing one hand on his heaving chest, the other finding her own nipples and playing with the sensitive buds, Natalie rolled her hips. Ready for whatever Cole had for her.

He started slow at first, enjoying how wet and tight she was. But quickly built up to a steady bed-shaking rhythm. Cole’s hands were on either side of Natalie’s shoulders, trapping her beneath him. A fact that made Natalie giddy. For her part, she wrapped her legs around his waist. Making him fight to pull out enough to thrust into her. Cole grunted and gasped in pleasure as Natalie tightened around him.

Looking down at her, Cole felt his thundering heart skip a beat. Hair a mess, skin slick with sweat, eyes glazed over in pleasure, Natalie had never looked more beautiful. Lunging down, he brought his lips to hers. The couple kissed madly as they made love. At that moment, everything except Natalie faded from Cole’s mind. All horrors and fears melted away by their shared warmth.

One hand moving to her hips and rear, Cole squeezed the soft flesh he found there as Natalie’s sex squeezed his member. She felt incredible, wet warmth encapsulating him as his hands clutched soft slick skin. Ending the kiss, Cole pulled back a little, wanting to see Natalie’s face. Cheeks red and mouth panting with pleasure, she stole his heart anew. The sight pushed Cole close to his own orgasm. Slowing down slightly, he tried to draw the moment out. But the new pace just let him feel how Natalie’ clung to him.

Looking up at her lover and noticing the change, Natalie panted, “Is…. is something… wrong?”

A shy smile flickered across Cole’s face, “I’m close… but I don’t want this to end.”

Giggling, Natalie pulled him closer, her enhanced legs not letting him escape her easily. “Cole love, If I have any say in the matter, we will be doing a LOT of this. So fill me up; I want to feel you come.”

Bringing his thumb to Natalie’s mouth, Cole changed the pace again. Angling himself to hopefully push against some of Natalie’s sensitive bits. His efforts were rewarded by a gasp from Natalie as she clamped down on him with new intensity. Feeling himself reach the peak, Cole nicked himself on Natalie’s fang. The effect was instantaneous; Natalie started to spasm and thrash in pleasure. Bathing his cock in all sorts of lovely sensations right as he erupted.

Both lovers groaned in enjoyment; Cole pulled his finger from Natalie and replaced it with his own lips. They kissed with mad intensity as both came. Cole thrust slightly as Natalie tried her best to crush him with her thighs. As the last bits of their shared orgasm faded, Cole tried to pull himself from Natalie. A soft whine escaped her lips, but she eventually relented. Letting him escape and roll onto the bed next to her.

Arms still shaking, Cole grabbed Natalie and pulled her into a tight hug. Her head nestled to his neck. Her curvaceous form pressed against his body. Eyes shut, Natalie made a noise remarkably similar to a purr. While Cole sucked in lungfuls of air. They lay like that for a long time, just enjoying each other's presence and the love they shared.

Opening her eyes, Natalie looked at Cole’s neck. She hadn’t shut the second cut on his thumb, so the smell of fresh blood filled her nostrils. The bit of blood she’d got from Cole had blunted her hunger and woken her flesh. But the curse still whispered terrible temptations. How easy it would be to sink her fangs into Cole and dose him with the Sting. Licking her lips, Natalie pushed back against the Hunger. Eyes alight with determination, she decided to prove something to herself.

Gently she kissed Cole’s neck. Not biting or feeding, just a simple warm kiss. The Hunger shrieked in the back of her mind, demanding she feed. Focusing on Cole and the moment they just shared, Natalie planted another kiss on his tattered skin. She was in love, and she was loved. Nothing would get in the way of that. Even an ancient curse born of the first betrayal.

Proud of her control, Natalie only then realized how rigid Cole had gotten. His breaths were short and fast. Pulling back, Natalie looked at his face. Eyes shut, jaw tense, Cole was struggling with something. Worried, Natalie asked, “Love? What’s wrong?”

Blue eyes flashing open, Cole looked at her concerned face and seemed to relax somewhat. “It… it's nothing,” he whispered.

Frowning, Natalie bumped her head into his shoulder. “Don’t do that, Cole. You can tell me. I’m here for you.”

Taking a deep shuddering breath, Cole let it out in a long exhale. Meeting her eyes, Cole squeezed her soft body and tried to find his words. “When you kissed my neck… It brought back some bad memories. Of when I got those scars.”

Shocked and furious with herself for not thinking of it. Natalie put her hands on his chest and said, “Oh, Cole! I-”

Cutting her off with a gentle touch to her face, Cole composed himself. He’d need whatever strength he could gather before speaking. “When I was imprisoned after Isabelle’s death. My jailers used me for… whatever they desired. Blood mainly, but you know how the Hunger mixes with other… pleasures.”

Slow terrible realization bloomed in Natalie. Of what exactly Cole had endured. Torture and violation could come in many forms. It seemed like Cole had experienced nearly all of them. Suddenly his tentativeness towards Sex took on a completely different light. Covering her mouth in horror, Natalie murmured, “Cole… I'm so sorry.”

Taking her hand away from her face, Cole gently kissed her palm. A soft, almost sad smile on his face. “I’m not telling you this to make you feel bad. Just… just so you understand me a little better.”

Forcing himself to keep eye contact, Cole whispered. “I trust you, Natalie. More than I can put into words. And… and what we just shared, it helped.”

Frowning and looking away, Natalie said, “Cole, I’m so sorry. I kissed your neck like that to prove to myself I wouldn’t attack you. I was being selfish and stupid.”

Both of Cole’s hands found Natalie’s face, and he forced her to look at him. “You didn’t know, and you didn’t hurt me. Please don’t worry about it.”

Pushing forward slightly, Natalie kissed Cole. A tender thing in contrast to the near-violent passion of earlier. Ending the kiss, Natalie whispered. “Thank you for trusting me.”

This time it was Cole’s turn to feel a twinge of guilt. While he’d concluded Natalie wasn’t involved with the Hippogryph Knight’s death, he had doubted her at first. Pushing those thoughts aside, Cole just held Natalie close. Enjoying how she felt nestled against him. Looking at the beautiful creature in his arms, Cole decided the darkness could wait for another time. For now, they would enjoy the night together.

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