The house with red eyes

Chapter 4: Chapter 1 : Hauntings of a dear friend (page 1)

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Where am I" I asked myself as I wander through hall of decaying wood and peeling wallpaper.

For some reason, this place felt familiar, Like I have been here before and I've walkled here before.

My thoughts were interrupted when I reached the end of the hallway. I saw the doorway, and a figure clad in shadows. He turned his shadowed face tolooked at me, I felt sad. Why do I feel sad, who are you? Do I know you? Why do you dissapeared?


My last thought shocked me, I knew him. It's weird, I knew that the shadow is a man, I know I've met him before, and I've lost him.

My thoughts are interuppted again as I was yanked and dragged away from the door and the figure.

"No!" I exclaimed

And I awoke, "It was just a nightmare..." I realised. I wouldn't have thought anything of it if it doesn't repeat a bajillion times already, almost everytime I fell asleep.

Ever since the encounter with the haunted house, weird things keep happening to me. I gathered my thoughts and looked at my alarm clock, It's almost time for school. Ugh, I hate school. I got up and dressed up in my school uniform. White button down, black skirt and black trousers.

I went downstairs and say my parents in the kitchen, my mom always wake up early to cook while my dad usually sleeps in. "Oh, up early are you?" My mother said, suprised.

"I planned to surprise you with something for your first day in high school" she said.

"Mom, If anything, you should do itat the last day of school. This is the start of my misery" I grumbled.

"Oh don't be dramatic, the neighbours always say that the kids there are nice!" My mother countered.

"Well I'll be going then, bye" not wasting anymore time and headed out for school. I live somewhere called Glazeview, not really rural but not close to city either. This town has it owns community and is pretty much self-sufficient.

The school here is called amgine High. Its not my first year either, its my second year this year and I still don't like most of this school. My thoughts came to a halt as I say the school in all its "glory".

"Hey Dollface!"  A familliar yet annoying voice taunted. "Over here idiot! Hows the school holidays? Did you when ghost hunting again?" She mocked. I was ghost hunted actually, I internally replied. Ferra Roché, the "mean girl" of the school, although she doesn't have thay signature and cliché minions from the movies. She's usually solo and belittles everyone, she's rich and influential familially so  peoplr just suck it up and go.

Not wanting her to waste my time, I hurried into school with her following, "Hey! You listening? Okay, so that's what you wanna play today huh?" she harrumphed and walked away.

When she's gone, I heaved a sigh of relief and braced myself for today's subject, History.

Later during history class...

This is dangerous, I thought today's lesson will be boring but its worse! Its sleep inducing boring! The other students have already fell sleep except a few who were actually interested. I can't really hear anythimg and my visions started to blur. Hnng... Can't... Fall... Asleep! Haargh!!!

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I fell asleep...

I opened my eyes and I was there again, The hallway, but this time I remember it all. I was usually in a daze but now I'm lucid. Feeling a little bit curious and desperate for answers, I ran towards the end of the hallway. I ran, and ran until I finally saw it, You! The figure is still there. 

I stopped to catch my breath, wait... I can get tired in my dreams?

clearing my throat, I asked " who are you ?"

"So you didn't remember..." he replied in a slightly etheric voice. "You'll find out later. for now, a terrible thing will befall your friend"

"My friend? Who!?" I asked panicked, but then I lost my balance and I was falling throught the floorboards. I looked up and tried to reach towards the figure who is staring down at the falling me.

"NO!!" I woke up startled. I looked around to see everyone is looking at me, which makes me embarassed. " Is everything alright Isla? " my teacher asked

I told her i was just having a nightmare. Before she can inquire further, the bell rang. The students all went out for lunch break. I  have a few  friends here at school. I rushed to the caffeteria and saw my friends at our usually hanging out spot, at the table near the vending machine.

Mona pallas, the big mother of the group, she's usually the one who makes decision for the group and she is expert in cooking. Canary Park, the socialite of the group and the news bringer, She would always participate in gossips and trends. Bethany Jumphs, the power of our group, she's the first to throw hands if were harrased. She was thrown in the detention that one time for beating up a boy for touching Cana in weird places.

They all seem fine, but I plan to stay with them until school ends. 

"Hey, hey, hey~ If it isn't Isla? How is vacation? I thought you'd look more happy but seems like your burdened by something" said Mona

"Ya, you've got drool on the side of your mouth" Cana Chimed in with Beth agreeing.

Oh. I wiped my drool my drool and chatted with them until lunch break ends. Class is going by in a flash as I was preoccupied with what the figure in my dreams said, It was just a dream... but one that repeated over and over and even let me be lucid just so that we can interact.

The bell rang again to signify the end of school today and I wuickly ran out to find my friends. When I found them, we walked together to the school gates. Me and my friends live in the same neighbourhood so I can keep my eyes on them till then, this can lower the chance of something happening to them! I hope...

But before we stepped a foot out of school, something fell infront of us.

It was a body, I was shocked and all was silence until Canary screamed and all hell's break loose. People running around screaming, some pulled out their phones and started recording. In the midst of the chaos, stepped outside of school and looked up to the school's rooftop, only to see...


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