The Immortal Calamity

Chapter 229: Chapter 229

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  Berith’s entire body shook as she stared at us in shock. Her eyes flashed with bright red light as her innate talent worked overtime trying to predict a way out of this situation. I could not help but grin at the Demon’s dismay while all of us stepped out of Dragon’s Nest.

  “This isn’t how this was supposed to happen…” Berith murmured. She closed her eyes as she forcibly calmed herself. When they reopened, her eyes burned with an intense determination. “I will not die here! All of you, protect me!”

  At her command, the three dozen Alpha Demonkin that had been pursuing the retreating army all stopped in their track and flew to Berith’s side. All other Demonkin on the ground also froze at her command before immediately flocking towards their master. Within seconds, Berith was surrounded by a swarm of flying Demonkin and Alphas. Casting a shadow over them all, the giant whale Demonkin moved to block our path to Berith.

  Even from our elevated positions, I could see the relief and hope in the expression of the soldiers down below. To a Demonkin, Berith’s command was absolute. Even if they were mid-strike, about to slaughter a soldier, they would stop and obey their orders. This was an opportunity the soldiers did not miss.

  Standing on the front lines of the retreating army was a man in a bright red coat. Torn and stained with blood, General Arthur's attire still stood out among the masses. “Everyone, this is our opportunity! Rally to me!”

  Only about a fourth of the soldiers responded to General Arthur’s cry but those that did cut a bloody trail through the Demonkin. Torn between following Berith’s orders and their own safety, the Demonkin were slow to react to the sudden charge. Even while being cut down, they were still compelled to return to Berith’s side.

  The Demon herself paid no attention to the slaughter of her troops on the ground. Her focus was completely on me and those beside me as we approached the swarm of Demonkin surrounding her.

  I eyed the giant whale-like Demonkin that stood in our way with some concern green and blue flames flared up around me. “Everyone spread out and surround her. Remember, we have to injure all five points on her body before we kill her.”

  The others moved and formed a semi-circle that cut off Berith’s escape towards the blood mist at our backs. Marilyn was the only one that did not move forward, instead staying back behind everyone else. She was playing with a strand of her hair casually, seemingly deep in thought about something.

  Our eyes locked and the woman just shrugged. “Physical conflict is not my specialty. I will help you get the pests out of the way but I can do so perfectly fine from back here.”

  As she spoke Marilyn started to appear absurdly beautiful. Even though I knew the technique was not directed at me, I could barely resist the urge to run to her side in joy. Chastising her noncommittal aptitude was completely impossible under the sway of that power. All I could do was quickly turned my eyes away and focus all my attention on the enemy in front of me.

  The Demonkin surrounding Berith were not quite so rational. They were little more than beasts without Berith’s command and the moment they laid eyes on Marilyn they froze. Even a few of the weaker Alphas were affected by her presence. All they knew was bloodlust but once they looked at Marilyn it was as if a switch was flipped in their mind that made her the most important being in the world.

  Marilyn’s voice carried a musical hypnotic effect as she spoke, influencing even more Demonkin with every word. “There are so many strong looking creatures here but, unfortunately, there is only room by my side for one. I wonder which one of you is the strongest?”

  I felt a chill travel down my spine as the Demonkin turned on one another without warning or hesitation. Teeth and claws tore through flesh, creating a shower of blood. Almost all the Demonkin flying in the air were whipped into a violent frenzy, creating a rain of blood onto the ground below. The sight there was not much different. Nearly half of the twenty thousand Demonkin army were under Marilyn’s hypnotism. They attacked each other without restraint, creating a sea of blood and chaos.

  “What is this?” Berith asked in confusion. There was real fear in her eyes as her army started tearing itself apart. Her gaze landed on Marilyn and for a moment she froze as if lost in a trance. Unfortunately, Berith was able to quickly break herself free of the mesmerizing sight after only a second. Blood red mist steamed from her mouth as she shouted in anger. “Weak-minded beasts… All will obey me!”

  The rampaging Demonkin caught in Marilyn’s hypnotism paused as many were broken free of the mental confusion. The command a Demon had over their Demonkin was unquestionable. Only the closest few to Marilyn remained affected by her presence, none of which were Alphas. The chaos became limited to only about a few hundred Demonkin that refused to obey their master but it was enough to give us an opening.

  Seeing the opportunity, I quickly gave the command to attack. “Sebastion, I am counting on you to block Berith’s escape route and support us from there. Svend and I will take her out in direct combat. Everyone else, keep the Alphas off our back for as long as possible. Vissna, can you get rid of that oversized colossus?”

  Vissna replied with a smile as she morphed into her full draconic might. Her roar shook the heavens and deafened anyone unfortunate enough to be standing too close. With a single flap of her wings, the dragon turned into a blur trailing ice and snow in its wake.

  The colossal Demonkin met Vissna’s charge with a deep wail that chilled the soul. The two giant bodies clashed in a cataclysmic collision of flesh and scales. Vissna sunk her fangs into the neck of the giant Demonkin, cracking the hard scales that covered its body and creating an endless sheet of ice that attempted to freeze the creature solid. The giant whale responded in kind. It opened its mouth to reveal rows and rows full of thousands of sharp little teeth before biting down on Vissna’s exposed side. Blood and ice showered the Demonkin army below before the two giant beasts slammed into the ground in an eruption of rock and bodies.

  Without the colossus there to protect Berith, the remaining three dozen Alphas formed a tight formation around the Demon. If we wanted to get to her, we would first have to go through them.

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  Dom, Sigmund, and Cyra charged towards the Alphas without hesitation. Svend and I followed close behind, prepared to jump on Berith the moment there was an opening. Everyone knew that we would not get a second opportunity like this one. Even though the number of Alphas still outnumbered us to an overwhelming extent, we had to attack now. There was no time for a complicated strategy or plan. Either Berith died or we did, there was no third option.

  Explosions rang out as fire and swords clashed with claws and scales. I followed close behind Svend as he barreled through the Alphas without any regard for his own personal safety. His skin shimmered with a metallic golden hue. He swung his halberd at one of the Alphas. The unfortunate creature was directly bisected without even being able to resist as Svend tossed the corpse aside. Not a single Alpha was even able to slow his charge.

  In the past, Berith had always been careful not to let Svend fight with any creature that did not counter his physical might. He had been pitted against the teleporter or mirror Demon at every turn and was never once given the opportunity to shine. Even though the Demons had toyed with the man more than once, I knew the truth. They feared Svend.

  Becoming a titled ace was not something a person could declare themselves. It only happened when all the Divisions agreed unanimously after accomplishing great feats of prowess. Within the Thirteen Divisions, Svend had held a comparable rank to my own when I was at my full strength. Even back then, I never fought Svend in a fair fight. Not even Sebastion could put the man down for long. His specialty may have been more focused on defense but that did not mean he was weak.

  While Sigmund, Cyra, and Dom were barely holding their own when faced with the attacks of two or three Alphas at once, Svend blew away any Demonkin brave enough to stand in his way with a single wave of his halberd.

  It was not long before we had come face to face with Berith herself. The woman backed up as we approached but there was nowhere for her to run. Realizing this, she clenched her fists as her domain spread out like a tidal wave.

  “Again and again, you defy my predictions, Aurielle. How?” Berith asked as power started to gather in her hands.

  I quickly noticed that she was holding several small white objects and I halted my approach. Berith was the leader of Envy’s seven generals while Svend continued his charge. We both knew she likely had some trick prepared for just such an occasion and I did not share Svend’s unreasonable defense.

  As Svend charged forward, Berith threw out the objects in her hands. They looked almost like small bones, covered in elaborate carvings.

  “Svend, get back!” I shouted in a panic as I recognized the small bones.

  Unfortunately, my warning was too late as the small bones flew out. They did not fly directly towards Svend but instead surrounded him in every direction. Svend moved to strike out at one of the small bones but before he could, they shone with a bright white light. Svend froze mid-strike under the effects of the bones, trapped in a moment of time, unable to move for as long as the light of the bones shone on him.

  “You have the Mora’s oracle bones?” I remarked grimly.

  “Do you recognize them?” Berith said with a satisfied grin, “I guess I should not be surprised. Pride always did like showing off his treasures. After Pride's death alongside the Archdemon, I gained a great many things. My master Envy, of course, took the best riches but I still gained a great many left behind on the battlefield.” As she spoke, Berith’s body began to shine. A golden Valkyrie armor covered her body and a spear with two little wings just under the blade appeared in her hand. I recognized both items as armaments belonging to two titled aces that died during the war.

  I grimaced as I recognized the items. I had not known their owners well but there were less than a hundred titled aces in the Divisions. Seeing their gear used by Berith was an insult to everything they once stood for.

  Several glyphs appeared in the air around me as a spiral of golden flames sparked to life. “I didn’t imagine Envy would stoop so low that he has you robbing graves but then again, I should not expect much from a talentless fortune teller that is always wrong.”

  “I am never wrong,” Berith growled as she pointed the winged spear in my direction.

  My eyes widened as the spear moved. Even though a great distance still seperated the two of us, I leapt to the side. The blade of the spear in her hand had vanished before appearing where I had stood a moment before. I felt a cold sweat run down my back. I could feel the wind being sliced by the point of the spear. If I had not already known the effect the spear beforehand or if I had been even a second too slow, I would have died without being able to do anything. I eyed the pointed blade of the spear as it flew back towards the shaft of the weapon. The two parts reconnected as if they were a solid piece while Berith grinned at my reaction.

  “You may have cornered me, Aurielle, but I will not die,” Berith stated with a firm determination, “I do not care what price I have to pay. Becoming a monster, robbing graves, or sacrificing my companions, it is all worth it so long as I survive!”

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