The Immortal General

Chapter 23: Chapter 22

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At the end of the frontier conquest, the Banner of the Claw returned with major injuries but no casualties. They arrived five days later than the expected return date. Although many were worried, they remembered Arlan stating that they may return late if the circumstances changed. So the residents of Galmora awaited the return of their beloved lord and his soldiers.

After the first fort, the Banner of the Claw marched on the remaining three forts and each one proved more difficult than the one prior. With the interpretation of goblin graffiti on the walls, it was revealed that many goblin lords had formed a goblin league under the leadership of a goblin hero. Which are goblin lords who were infused by mana and evolved. They were extremely rare and dangerous, especially if they commanded the right amount of numbers.

Since the goblin league was aware of the Banner of the Claw’s attacks, the goblins reinforced each fort even more than usual. This was an expected move but it proved futile.

Reaching the final fort revealed it to actually be an old run-down elven castle. This last battle proved that the goblins were capable of their own strategy and tactics when led by a goblin hero, who was a fifth-tier red core.

Arlan managed to gain the tactical advantage when he struck down the goblin hero in a duel. The lack of a commander on the enemy side threw them into disarray, allowing the Banner of the Claw to claim victory over the goblin league. But if the goblin hero hadn’t engaged Arlan in a duel, the Banner of the Claw would’ve suffered casualties for sure.

With the goblin league disbanded, Arlan and his banner returned to Galmora after three whole days of marching. Returning home was a welcome sight for many of the soldiers since that was their first taste of prolonged combat. Many were quite fatigued and were exhausted over the constant fighting. But their spirits and morale remained high throughout the entire expedition.

When Arlan and his banner returned home, they were warmly greeted by the residents of Galmora. Chrysta hugged Arlan and Noah tightly as she cried at their safe return. The same sentiment could be felt throughout their welcome back feast that was held right after their return.

Arlan gave the Banner of the Claw three days of rest to recuperate while the young lion dove straight back into his duties as the Lord of Galmora. Knight Jocko gave an overall report of the town’s growth. Arlan was happy to see that everything was on schedule. Galmora could grow without fear of being attacked by an army of goblins.

Since the return of the expedition, six weeks had passed. This was also Arlan’s last week in Galmora before he would return to Auron City for Lancel High Academy. He had spent the entire winter here in his beloved town.

Galmora was now home to two thousand residents. The warmer winter weather allowed for safer travel and with Arlan’s proclamation, several immigrants fled to the frontier town for a better opportunity. Rumors also spread of how kind the new Lord of Galmora had been. This made living in the frontier town quite attractive for those seeking a better opportunity and way of life.

A cloudless azure sky and the blazing sun made their first appearance over Galmora since mid-fall. This was a welcome change over frontier town as today was the start of a major agriculture project. Arlan looked out the window of his office and couldn’t stop himself from daydreaming about Iris. She had written him the last letter before they would meet again.

Inside the letter read, “Dear Arlan. This is the last letter that I’ll write to you this winter. Being apart from you is quite a quandary. I also never would’ve imagined I would ache to see you again. But here I am, writing to you in secret.

There are reminders of you everywhere I go, and these constant reminders make me yearn to be near you. Then I can’t help but see you in my dreams… So help me, Arlan. Help me by granting me what my heart desires. You. Sincerely, Iris Hawkwell.”

The young lion had read the letter a few times over while enjoying the sky before him. Arlan put the letter away and decided it was time to return to his duties.

Today was the day that he would help create the irrigation system for the farmers. So while he was accompanied by Jocko, Arlan left for the farmlands north of Galmora, on the outskirts of town.

Once there, Arlan used his strength easily to create long dikes surrounding each piece of farmland. After it was finished, he connected the canals to the river allowing water to flow through. The farmers were a bit skeptical at first but they put their trust in their lord and didn’t feel the need to question it.

The farmers used their plows attached to tauros bulls to get the ground ready for the first set of seeds. It had been at least a few years since anyone had been able to plant anything. So this was quite momentous.

Arlan oversaw the farmlands being prepped but decided to come back later since he was finished with his role. As Arlan returned to the town square, an unexpected Knight rode into the town square on a dark stygian. The knight had another dark stygian in tow.

The young lion was confused at what he saw, the knight was no Heracul Knight but it was incredibly rare to see another person riding a dark stygian. The rider dismounted before Arlan.

“Who might you be?” asked the young lion.

The rider removed his helmet and answered, “Knight Jan Derva, ready to serve, Milord.”

“JD, you’re now a Knight!” exclaimed Arlan as he embraced his friend he hadn’t seen in almost eight months.

“It’s been a while. Is your promise still good?” asked JD.

“Of course,” answered Arlan as he drew his mithril longsword. JD knelt on one knee before Arlan as he dubbed JD with the flat side of his sword.

“Rise now as Knight Jan Derva of House Reeve, Adjutant for Baron Arlan,” announced Arlan as JD rose to his feet. He was clad in full steel armor and was much more built than before.

“Count Emile also sent another friend you hadn’t seen in a while,” stated JD as he motioned for Kage to come forth. Kage immediately recognized his rider and rested his head on Arlan’s shoulder.

“I thought you wouldn’t be finished for another month?” asked Arlan with a confused look.

“I passed all the trials as top of the class and Count Emile personally knighted me early so he could send me out here with Kage. We’re to ride back to Galdo City together in a few days with Herschel Umbridge in tow,” said JD as he looked around the town.

“So when I depart for Lancel High Academy, you’ll be joining me at the Reeve’s Manor in Auron City?”

“Yes, I am now in your service. My life is yours to command, Milord.”

“When it’s just us, Arlan is fine. Having you call me ‘Milord’ is just awkward.”

“Hehe,” smiled JD, “but it’s fun saying it now that I’m actually a knight in service to you.”

“Don’t push your luck.”

“So when do I get a tour of the town?” asked JD.

“After we take care of something important.”


Chrysta was panting hard. She was running as fast as she could. A runner told her and Wren that an emergency meeting was taking place for them at the Tavern. It was a strange message from Arlan but they didn’t bother to question it. Wren was still a good ten meters in front of Chrysta when he turned his head and yelled back, “Hurry up, Chrysta! You slow tauro of a girl!”

Chrysta’s face immediately went red and screamed back, “Did you just call me fat?! I’m not a tauro!”

The apprentice mage used this opportunity to shoot a small wind spell and knocked Wren down. Chrysta ran past by making a face. Wren got up and laughed like he had been expecting the spell. Wren wasn’t so sure about the emergency but he was being summoned to a Tavern. So he was happy that he could use it as a good excuse for him to eat roasted chicken and drink honey ale.

The pair arrived at their destination to see a crowd gathered, it was mostly soldiers from the first platoon. They were the only ones familiar with who JD was. Wren and Chrysta nudged their way past the crowd and heard Noah dying of laughter.

Wren broke through the crowd first in front of Chrysta. He immediately stopped and she bumped into his back. She cried, “Hey, idiot! Don’t just stop in front of me.”

Wren grabbed her with his right arm and aimed her head at the group of boys sitting around a large round table. As soon as it hit Chrysta, a waterfall of tears fell while Wren just stared in disbelief. It was now dead quiet except for Noah and JD laughing.

At that table, a long-lost friend was seated. A friend they hadn’t seen since they all departed the orphanage. It was JD. Laughing, drinking, and clad in steel armor next to Arlan, Noah, Trent, Erin, and Dimitri.

JD noticed the two had arrived and greeted his old friends with a smile, “Chrysta, Wren! Join us, we have so much to catch up on!”

Chrysta sprinted over and almost knocked JD’s mug out of his hand as she embraced him tightly. JD meant a lot to Chrysta. Wren walked over and accepted a mug handed over by Arlan and they both smiled.

Chrysta buried her face into JD’s shoulder and whispered, “You really did it. You really became a knight like you said you would. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry…”

“Why are you sorry?” asked JD with a confused look as he put his mug down to return Chrysta’s embrace.

“Every time you said you were going to be a knight, I doubted you. I thought you were never going to be a knight. But here you proved me wrong and I never should’ve doubted you.” whispered Chrysta, apologetically as she couldn’t stop her emotions.

“It’s okay, Chrysta. I knew you meant well and still cared about me. Let’s get you cleaned up.” JD softly whispered back.

Wren decided it was his turn as Chrysta excused herself behind the bar for a little to wipe her tears and gather herself together. “Long time,” proclaimed Wren proudly, “it’s about time you showed yourself out here. I was beginning to worry that you’d never come out.”

“Heh, don’t get cocky with me,” replied JD as he got up and hugged Wren, “I didn’t come out here for some ugly blacksmith who got run out of Galdo City.”

“It’s good to see you again, JD,” said Wren softly.

“Same to you. Arlan filled me in while you were on the way.” shared JD as Arlan passed an evil grin toward Wren while raising his mug.

“It seems y’all got the party started without me!” Wren blurted out as he pulled up a chair.

“Here you go, Wren!” stated Noah as he hands Wren a mug of honey ale.

Chrysta joined them right after and the Tavern was back to being lively. Noah, Trent, Erin, Dimitri, and JD couldn’t help but laugh at all the hilarious moments when they trained alongside Ralph Pennington, the stuck-up noble.

Wren and Chrysta pointed out an embarrassing story of how JD spilled water when he was a kid and Miss Petrah thought he wet his pants. JD didn’t laugh but everyone else did.

Marie exploded through the tavern door and publicized, “What is this? Why wasn’t I invited?!”

Arlan shrugged, “I figured you didn’t know, JD. But my apologies, Marie. This is Jan Derva, we all call him JD.”

“I’m Marie, Arlan’s adjutant mage,” stated Marie confidently. 

“Oh, the adjutant mage? Looks like we’ll be working together. I’m Arlan’s first adjutant knight.” replied JD as Marie glanced at Arlan and back at JD. Arlan had to nod yes to confirm that JD was now officially an adjutant knight for Arlan.

“Say, Marie,” interjected Erin, “You got some competition for who will become the most favored.”

“I’m always Arlan’s favorite.” winked Marie as she sat down between JD and Arlan.

“Whoa,” blurted Trent, “Marie, you can’t just come between those two like that.”

“Yeah,” asserted Dimitri, “Arlan hasn’t seen JD since the fight against the phormics.”

JD declared, “It’s okay, I look forward to working with the Adjutant Mage.”

Chrysta chirped up, “JD, I’m also training to be Arlan’s second Adjutant mage.”

JD whipped his head toward Arlan and commented, “All girl Adjutant Mages, eh? Is that a coincidence?”

“Yes,” defended Arlan, “Pure coincidence. I’m not trying to surround myself with only ladies in my retinue.”

Marie added, “That’s cause he’s got a thing for Iris Hawkwell.”

Damnit, Marie.

“Arlan!?” howled everyone but Marie and Arlan.

“The heiress of House Hawkwell?” asked Chrysta in disbelief.

“Yes, she sends me letters and we’ve had a few moments,” Arlan affirmed as he gave Marie a frown. She simply smiled in return.

“Well, Arlan,” uttered Noah, “I wish you the best with her. I don’t know who she is but if you feel that way about her, then I will accept her as one of us!”

“Thanks, Noah, it really means a lot but I won’t be seeing her after this year. She’s betrothed to Baron Luther of House Kaiser. I’m merely making the most of the moment.” stated Arlan, solemnly.

The table went quiet for a few seconds. Marie was the only one who knew of this and she understood Arlan’s downhearted feelings.

“There are plenty of ladies who will want you,” Wren commented, “You’re arguably the most desired bachelor in the Northern realms. The heir to House Reeves!”

Arlan thanked Wren and the small talk continued. Renia and Alya entered to join the table as well. Chrysta and JD reminisced about the games they used to play at the orphanage while Noah asked Marie about her upbringing. Wren, Dimitri, Erin, and Trent started trying to outdrink each other while Renia and Alya cheered Wren on. Arlan looked around at the friendships he’s made and reflected for a moment.

I have to protect this, whatever this is. They are my reasons to keep fighting in pursuit of peace.

The reunion continued into the evening as Knight Jocko came in and reminded Arlan of a scheduled meeting. Arlan knew he had his duties he couldn’t ignore. He left first but told everyone to take the next day off and enjoy themselves.

As Arlan was leaving the Tavern, he could hear his friends talking about playing a game as they used to from the orphanage out in the town square. The young lion smiled and noticed Knight Jocko smiled as well.


A week had passed since JD arrived at Galmora. Arlan was going to miss this town. He had to make preparations for his absence and would send instructions through a carrier bird. Jocko would rule in Arlan’s absence while he was gone at Lancel High Academy.

Galmora had completely transformed from a barren village to a bustling frontier town. It wasn’t even a fraction of what Galdo City and Auron City were but it now generates resources and has the potential to grow rapidly.

The farms were just starting out with the new irrigation canals. The mineshaft is now fully automated by the miners and the exports are automated. Hunting wild game and fishing have become a staple source of food while farmers from Galdera also sell their produce here as well.

A free school for children and a free school for adults was built to improve the literacy rate. Residents can walk down the street without fear of being harassed by a corrupt lord. Life was now good in Galmora.

At the western gate, Arlan was preparing Kage to ride for Galdo City. He was accompanied by Marie and JD. They were going to head straight to Auron City right after. Their first stop was to deliver Herschel Umbridge who had been in the prison for four months now. The former lord was thoroughly impressed at what Arlan had done in the span of four months, through the winter at that.

Arlan also ordered a squad from the Banner of the Claw to accompany him to Galdo City. They were to assist in delivering Herschel and then return back to Galmora. Although Arlan thought it was unnecessary, it did make for an easier ride.

Herschel was chained and loaded onto a wagon by the soldiers as many residents paid him no attention. Their hearts and blessings were with their new Lord who was now departing for school. Alongside the residents were all of his friends, his banner, the craftsman, and his maids.

Arlan bid his farewells and the caravan departed through the west entrance. It would take them only a day’s ride to Galdera since the roads had been vastly improved. Arlan rode Kage while JD also rode his dark stygian. Marie rode a regular horse since dark stygian were rare and difficult to tame.

The ten soldiers behind Arlan escorted a wagon with Herschel inside. Arlan kept alert throughout the ride to Galdera but he figured no one would try to free Herschel. He was useless to just about anyone except Lord Poma who had already been removed from all power.

After a day's ride, they reached Galdera at night and decided they would stop at the Northstar Inn. The same Inn that hosted the Banner of the Claw those many months ago. But as they arrived at the east gate, a familiar old butler and a squad of soldiers stood before them.

Arlan was in his brown cape and hood so it was a bit harder to tell it was him. The young lion spoke first, “Ah, Ser Trent. It’s good to see you’re well.”

Ser Trent bowed and softly replied, “Baron Arlan Reeve. It’s a pleasure to welcome you as the Lord of Galdera. I see you have many guests, one, in particular, has made a nasty name for himself.”

“Yes, I’m to deliver Herschel Umbridge to Galdo City and have him tried by Count Emile. What brings you to greet us at such a late hour?” asked Arlan.

“I’m here to offer the hospitality of the Lord’s Manor. I know you’re one to avoid such luxuries but Count Emile left orders for both me and you to hold Herschel at the Lord’s Manor until you depart in the morning,” answered Ser Trent.

“Alright, show us the way,” stated Arlan.

“Thank you for your cooperation. Right, this way, please. I am still in your debt.”


Arlan and his party stayed at the Lord’s Manor while they maintained a watch over Herschel. Ser Trent’s hospitality was as expected, the food was well made and the rooms were already prepared for Arlan, JD, and Marie. Ser Trent made sure to accommodate Arlan as best he could, this was due to Arlan saving Ser Trent those many months ago.

The next morning, Arlan and his same party prepared to leave Galdera. Ser Trent and the same guards escorted them out to the west gate and bid them farewell. “Baron Arlan,” said Ser Trent, “If ever you need a room, you’re welcome here with open arms.”

“Thank you, Ser Trent. I will hold you to that if I ever need to,” replied Arlan as Ser Trent bowed before the young lion. The party continued onward with no issues. They arrived at the massive and majestic Galdo City. It had been four months since Arlan had come through. To see the city in which he had become a Reeve.

As they arrived at the East Galdo City gate, Count Emile and his elite guards were awaiting Arlan’s arrival like how Ser Trent did. Count Emile and his wife Countess Vivia ran out to greet their adopted nephew. “My nephew, Arlan, has returned to Galdo City!” proclaimed Count Emile with pride, “A banquet will be held in Highmane tonight in your name. Once again, you’ve accomplished so much.”
“Thank you, Uncle,” answered Arlan as he was being smothered by Countess Vivia.

“You’ve grown,” observed Countess Vivia, “Have you been eating well out there in Galmora? Do you want me to send you some kitchen staff?”

“No, Auntie, that won’t be necessary. I have been eating well,” answered Arlan as Countess Vivia let him go.

“Arlan!” yelled Katalina as she ran over, “Marie! JD! I’ve missed you all so much.”

Katalina embraced all of them tightly and was quite eccentric.

Arlan caught up in some small talk with Katalina then Marie took over. The two girls were non-stop. JD barely got a hello in. Arlan turned Herschel Umbridge over to  Count Emile’s elite guards. The soldiers Arlan brought with him were given a day in Galdo City and to return to Galmora the next morning. They cheered at Arlan’s generosity.

Marie left with an escort from her family. She was to spend some time with her mother but would see Arlan at his banquet later that night. Count Emile and Arlan rode a carriage back as a JD escorted Kage along with the other elite guards. Countess Vivia rode in a separate rear carriage with Katalina.

“Arlan, you grew Galmora into quite the productive town. And you were able to secure a sense of safety from the frontiers. The exports are vastly helping the markets here. The Galdera mines just weren’t enough for the high metal demands. But with Galdera and Galmora supplying the metals, we’re hitting a surplus now. All thanks to you.”

“I only did as I was ordered, Uncle Emile.”

“Don’t be so modest, tonight is your night. Your father will be here for it.”

“My father will be in town?”

“Yes, he’ll arrive before the feast. He’s here for you, we’ve been planning this.”

“All this wasn’t necessary for me.”

“Nonsense, your achievements cannot be overlooked. Even though you are adopted, you are now considered the heir to the head of House Reeve. Everything you’ve done so far is beyond the capabilities of anyone else your age. The caliber in which you carry yourself has done nothing but bring honor and pride to House Reeve. You deserved to be thanked. I won’t debate it, Arlan. Your father will also name you officially as the heir to the Head of House Reeve.

Arlan smiled and simply nodded. It was awkward for him to be celebrated like this but formalities had to be accepted.

The carriages entered through Highmane’s gates and stopped in the familiar courtyard. After spending four months out in Galmora, Highmane looked just as gargantuan as before. The young lion excused himself and returned to his room. The nostalgia was overwhelming his senses.

While Arlan looked out his window into the Highmane courtyard, a familiar classy voice echoed, “Ahem, Master Arlan.”

The young lion turned to see Norman with a change of clothes in his hands. Arlan ran over and hugged the head butler for a second. “Norman, it’s been a while,” spoke Arlan softly.

“That it has Master Arlan. I see you've been quite busy,” replied Norman as he laid the clothes down on the bed.

“Thanks, Norman. I appreciate everything you’ve always done for me.”

“There is no need to thank me. Pardon me now Master Arlan, I have preparations to oversee for the banquet tonight.”

Arlan nodded as Norman bowed and left the room with the same refinement as ever.

It’s been almost a year and here I stand. Much has happened and I feel like this is the calm before the storm. School and the rebellion.

Arlan began to change into clothes and they felt very expensive. Perhaps, too expensive. The young lion just accepted that it was for tonight’s formalities. A knock on Arlan’s door repeated twice.

“Come in,” said Arlan as JD opened the door.

“Your room is insane.” shared Arlan’s adjutant knight.

“I have three other rooms. One in Galmora, one in Auron City, and one in the Lionsheart. I’ve actually never been to my room in Lionsheart.”

“Of course, you haven’t.” voiced JD sarcastically, “Anyway, I’ve come to let you know a few things. First, Herschel Umbridge will serve a prison life sentence for crimes against the crown and crimes against the people.”

“Good.” nodded Arlan.

“Second, King Richard will be here tonight.”

What the hell? The King is here?!

“Do you know why?!” blurted Arlan as he grabbed JD by the shoulders.

“Yes, I can tell you if you just let go!”


“I’m surprised you haven’t figured it out.” vented JD, “After everything you’ve done and the reputation you earned, King Richard is measuring you up. He wants to see if you’re fit to marry his daughter, the Princess of Midland.”

This isn’t good, just getting national attention like this could be detrimental.

“I’m not sure how I should react,” said Arlan.

“You’re not happy?” blurted JD.

Guests from all over Midland started arriving in Galdo City. Security was quadrupled and Highmane was the star of the show. Carriages from the many different houses showed up. Duke Louis was hosting a banquet in honor of his adopted son’s achievements. But no one told Arlan, except JD, that the guestlist included nearly every major House and the Royal Family.

King Richard and his wife, Queen Margaret were the two most powerful figures that Arlan had ever met. Their daughter, Princess Emmeline, was an only child. For them to have interest in Arlan as a potential candidate to marry their daughter put him on the map for anyone to target him politically.

This was a major event that could be catastrophic for Arlan’s plans. Having the power of a noble was quite beneficial but dealing with the politics would be a headache. The main hall was large enough to house most of the guests. Since the massive doors remained open, which connected the courtyard and essentially doubled the space.

Arlan stared out the window from his room as the night settled in. Many nobles and court officials were flooding into Highmane below him. It was only thirty minutes before the young lion had to make his appearance. JD was in the room with him awaiting his friend’s potential execution.

“I think someone from the enemy side whispered about me to the King,” stated Arlan.

JD didn’t understand, so he asked, “Why would someone from the enemy side do that? Wouldn’t that work in your favor?”

“No,” Arlan formulated, “I believe this is intentional sabotage. The play is to get them to look at me and use my commoner background to disqualify me but put me under the scrutiny of the entire kingdom. I wouldn’t be able to access my spy network.”

“You really think that’s a possibility?”

“Yes, I’m not entirely sure of the theory just yet but there’s a strong chance.”

“Or you could actually just be considered to be king material. I see it.”

“Thanks, JD. But it’s not whether or not I can do it, it’s more so… I don’t want to.”

“Why not? Is it because of your secret you told me?”

You are reading story The Immortal General at

“Yes, I’d like to at least attempt to find a way home. If I were crowned King of Midland, I wouldn’t be able to afford to do that.”

As the two went back and forth, Norman knocked on the door and said, “Master Arlan, there are about five minutes left before you’re expected. Please be punctual. We do not want to keep King Richard waiting.”

Arlan pinned his lion’s sigil on his collar and got ready to head down. A few different thoughts went through his mind and he was able to play multiple scenarios. JD put his hand on Arlan’s shoulder and encouraged him, “No matter what, I got your back.”

“Thanks, JD. Let’s head down and see how this unfolds.”


The entirety of Midland’s top one percent was here in Highmane. Carriage after carriage arrived. There were five times the amount of servants, maids, and guards. Musical performers littered the courtyard entertaining the guests. Arlan’s father spared no expenses.

Arlan and JD made their way down but before they reached the reception, Duke Louis intercepted Arlan with a bear-like hug. “My boy!” announced Duke Louis as he put his son down.

“Father, it's good to see you. You didn’t have to go through all this for me.”

“Arlan, you’ve shown time and time again that you’re quite talented. Not only that but you’ve even caught the attention of King Richard. He may be interested in having you marry his daughter, the crown princess. Now wouldn’t that be something?”

“Well, I’m not sure if putting me in the spotlight like this would help. I’m trying to be a bit more discreet.”

“I understand what you’re saying but the benefits would outweigh the cons. And this isn’t just my parental bias saying this but I think you’d make the best King among all the other boys your age.”

“I can’t really confirm nor deny since I don’t really know any of them.”

“Arlan, just be your normal self and there is no pressure to succeed. If King Richard decides that you’re not fit for his daughter, then so be it.”

“Okay, maybe I’ll just follow your lead.”

“Ahah, that’s my boy. You know how to fight with a sword, but do you know how to fight with words? They’re all like a pack of rabid wolves waiting for you to show weakness and then they pounce. Stand tall and show no weakness.”

Arlan was dressed in a red and black tunic that was made from treemoth silk. His mithril longsword at this side and white gloves on both hands. The outfit was chosen to stand out.

Duke Louis sent JD off to assist Lord Commander Jermaine with security. It was just father and son now. They stepped forth to the main entrance and the announcer knew what to do. As if on cue, Duke Louis and Arlan stepped forth as their name was called, “Now arriving, Duke Louis Reeve, the Protector of the Northeastern Region, the Marshal of the Northern Armies, Head of House Reeve, and the Lord of Lionsheart. Also arriving is Baron Arlan Reeve, the eldest son of Duke Louis Reeve, Captain in the Midland Army’s Northern Corps, Lancel’s First-Year Rank One Student, and Lord of Galmora.”

After the announcer finished, the hall erupted into applause. Both Arlan and his father bowed before the crowd and made their way in. Of course, other announcements would go all throughout the night for the other VIPs. But to the wolves, Arlan’s arrival was a dinner bell ringing for them to bare their fangs.

Duke Louis went on to talk with the other Dukes while Arlan barely made it to a servant who was holding an appetizer plate. Two older girls immediately introduced themselves to Arlan. They likely heard the rumor that he was to be announced tonight as the heir of House Reeve. Meaning he would become the Head of House Reeve once Duke Louis decides it.

As the two girls bragged about themselves, Arlan lost his interest and another noble girl appeared from nowhere. She wasn’t as confident as the other two. She was likely forced to talk to Arlan by her parents.

The young lion tried his best to keep up with the conversations but before he knew it, Arlan was surrounded by six different girls vying for his attention. The young lion felt more danger being surrounded by these six girls than a pack of orcs.

The young lion excused himself as he tried to retreat to a servant holding wine glasses. But he only made it halfway before he was stopped by an older gentleman with blue hair. “Arlan, I see you're quite the popular young man among the ladies.”

“Yes, I guess you can say that. I don’t believe we’ve met. Baron Arlan Reeve.” Arlan introduced himself while bowing before the gentlemen.

“Duke Osmund Kaiser. Please, just call me Osmo.”

The Duke of House Kaiser is talking to me? He’s the only Duke I know of that is a part of this rebellion officially.

“An honor, Osmo. House Kaiser is the strongest in Midland.”

“Yes… Yes, it is but what makes you say that?”

“In terms of court influence, military power, and strong economics.”

“You’re a sharp one Arlan. I guess those achievements aren’t made up, are they?”

“No, Osmo, I’m afraid not.”

Arlan could feel a heavy pressure radiating from Osmo. The young lion assumed that Osmo had already figured out House Reeve’s allegiance. Which House Reeve would oppose House Kaiser in the inevitable war.

“That’s quite marvelous. I’ve heard about your achievements and truthfully, I was baffled. I’d assume it was all made up. After meeting you though, I don’t think they are.”

“Thank you, Osmo. Your words are too kind,” said Arlan.

“It’s a shame Louis got to you first. You would’ve made you a fine Kaiser. Enjoy the rest of the night.” stated Osmo as he walked away to engage with another court official.

Duke Osmund didn’t strike me as a bad guy. I guess I’d have to wait to see his true colors.

After Arlan’s encounter with Duke Osmund, the young lion was only alone for five seconds before he was barraged by another group of nobles looking to dig their fangs in him. Arlan tried his best to be courteous and give them all responses but this was too much for the veteran soldier.

Arlan’s patience was wearing thin. Katalina suddenly appeared and said, “Oh, Arlan! There you are. My father asked me to bring you to him.”

“Oh, Uncle Emile?” said Arlan slyly, “Would you excuse me, ladies?”

Katalina brought Arlan to the side of the hall where they were a bit more obscure from the crowds. “Thanks, Kat,” whispered Arlan.

“Of course. I was once like you, drowning in the sea of cretins. But I’ve learned to hold my own.”

“Any advice?”

“Pick what you want to answer and say it slowly. They’ll attune to your pace.”

“I see you’ve dealt with many cretins.”

“I’ve been through many balls, ceremonies, banquets, birthdays, and weddings. I think I know a thing or two.”

Arlan and Katalina enjoyed a few more minutes of sarcastic humor until Arlan’s father reclaimed him to the center of the room while holding a wine glass. Duke Louis’ presence silenced the entire hall. Then he announced, “Good evening everyone! Welcome to Highmane. I’d like to express my gratitude toward my brother for hosting such a grand and magnificent celebration.”

Count Emile raised his toast with a smile and said, “Of course, Louis.”

Duke Louis continued, “Next, I’d like to thank you all for coming here tonight. This celebration here is to honor my son. At the humble age of fourteen, soon fifteen. He has more battle accolades than most. He has taken lordship of a frontier town and developed it well. He has decisively stopped an entire army of goblins with just his banner. And may I add he’s Lancel High Academy’s rank one student of the first-years.”

Applause took over. Arlan didn’t feel embarrassed despite having the entire kingdom’s court and nobility here. The young lion simply smiled and stood his ground.

Duke Louis added even more, “My son has proven himself worthy. And after receiving counsel from two beloved brothers. I’ve decided to name Arlan Reeve as the Heir of House Reeve!”

More applause and cheers exploded throughout the hall. Everyone’s eyes were on Arlan. Those who knew already would be even bolder while those who didn’t know were now going to be persistent. The young lion’s father turned to him and said, “My boy, address the people before you.”

Arlan nodded, “Thank you, everyone, for coming here tonight. I am undeserving of your praise. I feel as though my duties are not finished. I wish to bring peace and prosperity to Midland. Please enjoy your night with that in mind.”

Another round of applause broke out. Right as Arlan was going to step away, everyone went silent and knelt. Arlan followed suit as he figured out why.

A majestic presence had invaded the hall. This presence was similar to Duke Louis. The heavy steps grew louder and louder. An assertive and deep voice echoed, “Please rise! I am here to celebrate Arlan’s achievements.”

Everyone rose to see King Richard and Queen Margaret arriving with two Sentinels and the Royal Court Archmage. The King of Midland took smooth strides toward Arlan and his father. King Richard greeted, “My dear friend Louis!”

“Your Grace,” replied Duke Louis as he and his son bowed.

“Rise, Louis. I’m here to meet your talented son you’ve kept hidden away,” said King Richard as Duke Louis stepped aside, leaving Arlan by himself before the King. Arlan held his posture and simply stared right back at the King. Everyone in the hall observed the interaction. They knew that this moment could change the course of  Midland.

After a few seconds of silence, the King finally spoke, “Baron Arlan Reeve, you’re not nervous nor do you display an ounce of fear. Even before the King of Midland, you keep your bearings. Remarkable, especially for a young boy like yourself. How old are you?”

“Your Grace, I am fourteen. I will turn fifteen in four months,” answered Arlan, confidently.

“At the age of Fourteen, you’ve already accomplished more than most standing in this room. To think, such a talented young boy has come from Midland. We will continue this conversation later. I wish to speak with you before the night’s end. Please, everyone, continue with the celebration!”

As commanded by their king, the feast continued on with laughter, cheers, talks, and music. King Richard and his party sat at the head table where Duke Louis was normally seated. Of course, Duke Louis, Count Emile, and Count Daxton joined them. It was the first time Arlan had seen Count Daxton in person. Arlan had only seen him from the paintings.

Arlan decided it was time to take a breather from the party and he retreated to the second-floor balcony. There were only a handful of guests enjoying the more quiet atmosphere. Of course, they noticed the young lion but decided not to bother him as they could tell he just wanted some silence.

The cloudless starry night was occupied by hundreds of stars. All of whom paled in comparison to the two moons that ruled over the night sky. One moon was a quarter of the size of its spherical sister. The larger lunar goddess held it’s sister moon close on this evening. Arlan admired how bright the night skies were in this world due to the lack of light pollution.

Elegant views like this weren’t possible on Terra, the birth of technology had its virtues and its evils.

The young lion stood at the edge of the wide balcony. He leaned forth against the short taffrail and admired the view. His mind flooded with memories of his time on Althea. He remembered the gentle love and motherly care that Miss Petrah showed. Then the friendships he formed with the other orphans decorated his mind.

The memory of being adopted into the Reeve’s family played after. Duke Louis showed Arlan what a father’s undying love was willing to do. The invaluable lessons were passed onto him by Count Emile’s wisdom. The hardships of battle endured by Arlan and his banner reminded him of the brotherhood he once had before.

The peaceful moments he enjoyed with his close friends echoed in his heart. Arlan saw each of their smiles, one by one. He saw JD, Chrysta, Wren, and Noah. Then Katalina and Marie appeared before Tebald and Nicolas strolled through shortly after. With their arms over each other, Erin, Trent, Dimitri, and Lem all smiled with admiration at him.

Arlan’s heart fluttered when an ashen-haired girl with ruby eyes manifested in his mind. He knew who she was. Arlan was bewitched by the intense passion shown through her eyes and swordsmanship. His heart elevated to heights beyond when he remembered the last kiss they shared.

The memory was interrupted by a pair of gentle hands that reached out from behind him and covered his eyes. While reminiscing, Arlan had unconsciously let his guard down. A soft voice came from behind him, “I never thought I could sneak up on you like this. Did you get complacent in Galmora?”

“No, I knew it was you and let you come up.” lied Arlan as he turned to face the girl before him. It was Iris. She stood before him in a beautiful lavender dress. Her snow-white hair was tied up into an intricate bun. Arlan stared into her scarlet eyes and said, “I was just thinking of you.”

“I’m a figment of your imagination.” smiled Iris as she leaned into Arlan.

Arlan accepted Iris into his arms and commented, “You never appeared during the four months I thought of you.”

“It was to make this moment that much better,” stated Iris as she listened to Arlan’s heart beating.

“I figured you would be here tonight.”

“Nothing ever gets past Arlan Reeve. There were too many others around before.”

“So you saw who was here?”

“Yes, King Richard Avens. He seemed quite interested in you. Rumor has it that Arlan Reeve might be chosen to marry Princess Emmeline Avens.”

“Even if he chose me, I’m going to refuse.”

Iris let go of Arlan to check his eyes for conviction and asked, “You would turn down being King of Midland? Why?”

“The weight of the crown would be too heavy,” answered Arlan.

Before they could continue their conversation, JD appeared. Arlan’s adjutant knight figured out who Iris was shortly after arriving. Katalina had told JD about Iris and her relationship with Arlan.

JD saluted and announced, “Milord, you’ve been summoned to the council room by Duke Louis.”

Before Arlan left, he whispered his love to Iris.

Iris mouthed the same affectionate words back. Then the young lion accepted the summon by following his knight into the halls of Highmane, leaving Iris on the balcony alone. Her red eyes were now fixated on the same sky that the person she loved had once admired.


Arlan and JD turned into the hallway where the council room was located. Two Sentinels were standing guard outside the door, the same ones who were with King Richard. Arlan remembered his uncle Emile mentioning the mysterious warriors.

Sentinels are knights who mastered a special shield fighting style. Distinguished knights chosen by the mysterious Praetorian Order would undergo intense training and then be put through dangerous trials. Any knight who survived the trials would have their core linked to a colossal enchanted shield called an Aegis Armum.

Only the Praetorian order could create these unique shields which were forged from rare adamantite ingots. Although each Aegis Armum forged was slightly unique, they were all massive rectangular tower shields. The ancient shields spanned up to one and a quarter meters wide with height dimensions of two and a half meters. Sentinels could manipulate the dimensions of their Aegis Armum down to a third of its original size for combat purposes or to allow them to wear the shield on their backs.

Since a Sentinel’s core was connected to the shield, its defensive properties were linked to the core’s essence capacity. They were indestructible and weighed a hefty one ton. But if the Sentinel channeled essence into their bound shield, it would allow them to wield the Aegis Armum like a paperweight.

With the link to the shield, Sentinels can manipulate their shields from a limited range with telekinesis. Sentinels have been seen to throw their shield at impossible trajectories to strike an enemy or to protect an ally. Afterward, the shield could be commanded to return to its owner.

Sentinels were given the freedom to choose their own paths as long as that path required the usage of their Aegis Armum. So naturally, most became royal guards to kings or other highly important figures. Some chose to enlist as high-ranked military officers in different countries. Records even showed two Sentinels becoming S-rank adventurers. Finally, if a Sentinel dies, their Aegis Armum will disintegrate completely. A proper burial is to be performed at the Praetorian Order’s citadel.

Back at the hall, the young lion used his [Battle Trance] to measure each Sentinel. They both held fifth-tier yellow cores with a unique red mana lane linking their cores to the shields on their backs. They were so strong that even Arlan wasn’t sure if he could win a fight against one.

The young lion decided it was pointless to think of such a scenario at the time and returned to the matter at hand. Arlan motioned for JD to stay at the end of the hall while he approached the two Sentinels guarding the door. The stoic warriors nodded in approval at Arlan showing him that they were expecting him.

Arlan knocked on the door twice and it swung open inside. Duke Louis had opened the door and saw his son standing before him. The Head of House Reeve said, “Arlan, you’re here! King Richard is inside. He’s requested to speak to you privately. I trust you’ll conduct yourself properly as a Baron from House Reeve. I will be returning to the party. Find me after.”

“Yes, father. I will make you proud.” replied Arlan as he bowed and entered the council room where his uncle had taught him lessons in. Inside sat the King of Midland at a long oval mahogany table. With fearless confidence, Arlan stood before his King and bowed once more while announcing his arrival, “Your Grace, I have answered your request for a summon. How may I serve you, my great king?”

“I’m sorry for keeping you from your own party,” said King Richard, sincerely.

“My king, I am honored by your consideration but I actually do not enjoy such large festivities. So your summon came as a blessing, Your Grace,” stated Arlan with a hint of sarcasm.

King Richard let out a laugh and continued, “I summoned you here because I  wanted to speak to you without the eyes and ears of the entire kingdom. I want to meet the real Arlan Reeve because down there, you wear an obvious facade to keep up the theatrics for others. So speak frankly now or I’ll be quite displeased. Have a seat there.”

“As you wish, Your Grace,” noted Arlan as he sat at the table opposite King Richard.

“I’m told by Louis that you’re a commoner by birth? And that you don’t remember your past or where you were born?”

“Your Grace, I am a lowborn and was dropped off at the orphanage when I was twelve with no memory of who I was or how I got there. The only item in my possession was this necklace with a small bronze compass with my name inscribed inside,” said Arlan as he held the compass up from his collar.

King Richard studied the compass necklace for several seconds before he finally said, “The design of the compass isn’t from any bordering country. It could be from one of the small distant kingdoms far west of Midland. That region is always in constant warfare. When I was crowned King of Midland at the age of sixteen, there were twenty small kingdoms far west. Forty years later, there are only six kingdoms left. You’re probably from one of those kingdoms that have fallen. Would that change how you feel about Midland?”
Arlan pondered for a moment, he never thought that he could be from a distant kingdom that was destroyed but this was still an uncertainty.

I wonder if I should one day venture out west in search of who I am? I’ll have to think about that later. I need to honestly answer King Richard’s question.

After gathering his thoughts, the young lion answered his king, “My liege, nothing will change. My current family took me in as one of their own despite my being lowborn. In order for me to return that kindness, I plan to protect their way of life by defending this nation with all my strength. Midland is my home as much as it’s your kingdom, Your Grace.”

King Richard smiled and continued, “Nothing is more important than one’s love for his own family. Now I understand what drove you to accomplish such amazing feats before. And what will drive you to accomplish even more. I’m willing to bet your father had already told you why I wish to meet you. Is that correct?”

“Your Grace, it is true. My father had already informed me of your consideration to have me marry Princess Emmeline.”

“Do you understand what would become of you if I decided that?”

“I would be next in line to be King after you. The Avens royal family would start a new lineage of Aven-Reeve. Are my assumptions correct, Your Grace?”

“Yes, you assumed correctly. Your mind is sharp, a fitting attribute of a strong monarch.” King Richard teased Arlan, “Finally, how did you become so strong? I want you to answer truthfully, Arlan. I won’t accept that you were born this way as an answer.”

Is it safe to tell him? I guess I have no choice. House Reeve does support the crown anyway.

“My king, I’m not sure if you’d be able to accept my ridiculous answer.”

“As a king, I’ve seen many strange things throughout my life. You have my word that I will listen honestly.”

“Your Grace… I’m actually not from this world of Althea. I’m from another world called Terra.”

King Richard nodded and showed no reaction to Arlan’s revelation, he simply said, “Elaborate for me.”

“Yes, Your Grace. On Terra, I was raised as a child soldier and knew nothing but war. I fought battles for three years short of two decades. One day, I awakened here in Althea and I had the same capacity in my core as I had in my previous world.”

I’m not sure if he’ll think I’m lying or if he’ll actually believe this ridiculous answer. I’m risking my own head here.

King Richard folded his arms and stared intently at Arlan to see if there were any telegraphs of dishonesty. After fifteen long seconds, King Richard said, “I believe you and if it weren’t for your accomplishments and ridiculous strength, I would doubt your story. Have you told anyone else?”

“I’ve only told Lady Dafni and my adjutant knight, Your Grace.”

“I’m surprised you haven’t told your father. Lady Dafni is an Archmage who is loyal to Midland and can be trusted but can you vouch for your knight?”

“I trust my adjutant knight with my life. As for my father, I had planned to tell him when I felt it was appropriate.”

“Now that I know, you should inform your father before you depart for Lancel High Academy. This is a royal command.”

“By your command, my king.”

“Is there anything else regarding this matter?”

“Your Grace, during an investigation of Galdera, I battled a demon that called me, ‘The Ashra’ and I only have a small idea of what that title is.”

King Richard's eyes widened and his expression remained blank for several seconds before he collected himself again. The King of Midland responded, “Arlan, you weren’t brought here three years ago. You were brought here three thousand years ago.”

What the hell?!

Arlan this time was a bit shaken and asked, “Your Grace, please excuse my insolence, but how do you know that?”

King Richard reaffirmed Arlan, “Do not fret, boy. I understand how inconceivable this is so allow me to explain. Demons can read everything in your soul with just a glance. They are also too prideful to address anyone with such an important title. So I dare not question that you are the Ashra.

“Three thousand years ago in the underworld, the demons all wanted to conquer and enslave all of Althea, who were too busy fighting amongst themselves at the time. Despite the wars, most of Althea formed an alliance against the inevitable demon invasion. The demons knew they would lose against such a unified front and were relying on Althea to remain divided.

“So the demons offered a deal with an Elder God, Avollan. They asked for the power to defeat all of their enemies and in return, offered Avollan the body of their strongest demon. Since any of the five Elder Gods would lose their powers and immortality if they stepped on Althea in their corporeal forms. This was an attractive deal for any Elder God so Avollan gladly accepted.

“The demons were given a ritual to follow to summon a powerful weapon while Avollan inhibited the strongest vessel he could find. What the demons expected was power or a weapon they could wield but instead, they summoned a warrior in black and red armor from another world. The demons worshiped this warrior and called him the Ashra. You are that warrior, Arlan.”

How is this possible? Three thousand years ago? That would mean everyone I knew on Terra is gone and there is nothing for me to return to.

Arlan nodded as a small tear slid down his left cheek. The idea that everyone he once knew could already be dead. The Te’Vau, the regiment he commanded, was the only family he knew. All two thousand of his soldiers were his brothers and sisters.

King Richard saw the fearless Arlan was now fighting to keep his tears at bay. But King Richard knew Arlan was strong enough to handle it. Arlan had to be for he was the Ashra after all. The King of Midland asked, “Arlan, you need to know the rest. Are you ready?”

“Yes, my king.” Arlan acknowledged immediately after swallowing his sorrow.

King Richard continued, “The demons thought the Ashra would help them with their plans for invasion. But instead, the Ashra proposed that the demons peacefully coexist on Althea. Since Avollan never desired to fight for control of Althea, Avollan agreed and supported the proposal of peace.

“The demons were evenly split on the proposal. The Ashra, Avollan, and half the demons formed the First Dominion. The other half of the demons who still wanted to invade were led by a powerful demon named Malum, and together they formed the Incarnate.

“The First Dominion fought the Incarnate in the Underworld for a millennium. When the Incarnate was on its heels in a final battle, Malum unleashed the Dark Void causing massive rifts to open in both the underworld and on Althea.

“The royal records stop there. No one knows what’s happened since then, but if you’re the Ashra and you don’t remember any of this. It means you were killed and somehow your soul and core inhabited this body as Avollan did.”

With everything, he’s told me… I have no doubts but only a fleeting feeling of familiarity. And I was somehow… killed once?

After taking in everything that King Richard shared, Arlan responded, “Your Grace, thank you for taking your time to share with me.”

“You’re welcome, Arlan. Ashra or not, this doesn’t disqualify you from being considered for the throne. If anything, being the Ashra only furthers my interest in you. That’s enough for tonight, we will meet again at the Tetrasan Tournament. Until then, I will now take my leave. Remember to tell your father.”

Arlan rose from his seat and bowed before his king and said, “Thank you, Your Grace.”

King Richard got up from his seat and left the room while Arlan maintained his bow. The young lion was completely stunned at the revelation before him. He had no idea how complicated his arrival to Althea could be.

Arlan left the council room and rejoined his father in the main hall below. The banquet continued on and Arlan had a chance to catch up with Marie, Katalina, and JD. While the young lion tried enjoying himself, he couldn’t help but think of everything that King Richard had said.

The uncle that Arlan had yet to meet, finally met his nephew. Count Daxton reached out his hand and said, “You must be Arlan, my new nephew.”

Arlan returned the handshake and said, “And you must be Uncle Daxton. I’m glad to have finally met you. It seems we’re both quite busy these days.”

“So we both know the importance of our duties. I’ve heard of your ability to command, fight, and win battles. It’s impressive for someone so young as yourself.”

I may be thousands of years old.

“Thank you, Uncle Daxton.”

Arlan continued to talk with Count Daxton until he was taken away by Duke Louis to a private room to discuss what King Richard had said. The young lion laid everything out to his adopted father. He told his father about his otherworldly secret, the Ashra, and how the king was still interested in having Arlan marry the crown princess.

Duke Louis had to ask Arlan to repeat everything again. His adopted father had trouble soaking in everything Arlan had told him. It took an hour of explaining before Duke Louis finally understood. Duke Louis commented, “I don’t care about any of your past. I only care that you’ll always and forever be my son. Continue making me proud, my boy.”

After another hour of the banquet, Arlan decided it was time to retreat to his room. The young lion lay on his bed. So many thoughts rummaged their way around his mind as he slowly surrendered his consciousness over to a deep slumber.

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