The Immortal General

Chapter 38: Book 2 Embers of War – Chapter 36

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Warning: There is an intense scene between Arlan and Emmeline.

A clear yet cold afternoon foretold of the imminent fall season. The Banner of the Claw had neared Galdo City finally. They were marching alongside the Midland Northern Army for two days. Arlan spent his time during the march conversing with his father and two adopted uncles. They were more than proud of the heir's achievements and such.

Once they had arrived at Galdo City, the streets were littered with the denizens celebrating and cheering the return of their beloved defenders. Most were happy to see the return of loved ones while a few cried at the revelation that their loved one had paid the ultimate price.

Arlan grimaced at the ones who cried and couldn't help but feel responsible that he couldn't have saved more. Duke Louis noticed this and told his son, "Arlan, it is the duty of the soldier to do anything he can to defend his home. Even if it means to give his life. Celebrate their sacrifice by living dutifully. I, too, may one day give my life in the interest of our kingdom's prosperity. Do you understand?"

"I... I understand," answered Arlan as he returned to waving and smiling back.

Celebratory confetti rained above the victorious military force returning home. After fifteen minutes, they headed toward the city's center and started to split off toward their assigned barracks. The Banner of the Claw's retinue followed Arlan to Highmane while Erin took the Banner of the Claw to their old barracks.

The three Reeve's Brothers passed through Highmane along with Arlan and his party. Once inside, Countess Vivia embraced them all and Katalina cried doing the same. They were all worried.

Countess Vivia couldn't help but utter words, "My loves... Are any of you hurt? We only heard about the victory yesterday from a messenger."

Count Emile replied, "We're fine, Vivia. We've fortunately only suffered minor injuries."

Duke Louis, "Vivia, thank you for your courage to lead Galdo in our absence."

"It wasn't only me," noted Countess Vivia as she ushered toward her eldest daughter, "Katalina had risen to her duties and beyond. She was the most brave and led the city as well."

"Is that so?" asked Count Emile with a prideful smile.

Katalina stepped forth and said, "I had to do my part, father. All of you were putting your lives in the line and I had to do what I could for the war effort. I was able to organize the consistent flow of supplies to all of you and oversaw its operations."

Arlan and Marie looked at eachother, impressed. Marie and Chrysta ran over and embraced their dear friend whom they haven't seen in awhile.

Count Daxton interjected, "This is quite lovely but I do believe we all need a much needed bath."

"Agreed," added Count Emile as the head butler appeared, "Norman, I assume you've already prepared a bath for all of us?"

"Yes, mi'lord," answered Norman, "And it pleases me that you've all returned safely with victory."

"I've also prepared a feast for you all," exclaimed Countess Vivia as she ushered them on.


Arlan and JD stepped into his room and there were two hot bath tubs waiting for them. JD wasted no time removing his armor and clothes. Before he jumped in, he said, "Perks of being your Adjutant Knight."

"You've earned it," stated Arlan as he stepped into his bath tub. The two friends let out a sigh of relief. They simply enjoyed the bath and realized that they hadn't bathed much while on the frontlines. There was the occasion bathing in the lakes or rivers but nothing like heated water to calm your nerves.

The addition of flower petals and honey helped them both clean the smell of dirt and grime from their bodies.

The young lion eased himself back and reviewed the four month incursion. They ventured north into Sworan territory with three units: The vanguard with three-hundred men, Yanie's sixty Silvan Rangers and Roderic's sixty Hatchets.

They returned with everyone but some of the vanguard members suffered injuries that they could not recover from. Twenty soldiers would be retired and needed to be replaced.

The average core level of each vanguard and hatchet soldier was still second-tier white-core while the Silvan Rangers were second-tier red cores. The young lion needed a way to have them break through into third-tier red-cores as soon as possible. With his regalia active, their cores did grow but he needed them even stronger in order to dive into the battles without suffering heavy casualties. The young lion could easily ride south now and turn the tides of the rebellion but it would come at heavy cost to his troops, even his own retinue.

Arlan also figured it was time that they expanded and trained. He needed to grow the Banner of the Claw to have more influence on the coming battles in the south. With that in mind, the twenty Umbras that had deployed with Arlan were also invaluable as an independent unit. He would need to draw upon them once more when it was time for them to ride south.

The young lion didn't have to wait for orders. As the King's Blade, he was given complete autonomy and freedom to act as he saw fit. Thoughts of his role also reminded him of his betrothed. He wondered how she was and realized that the more he thought of her, the more he felt at ease.

His lovestruck feelings were cut short when he remembered the abnormal monster core and their sightings in the south. Apparently all the other participants from the Tetrasan Tournament were using them. It was the major cause of the stalemate in the south.

The Royal Army can't hold for too long against such a growing power. If the users of the abnormal monster cores continue to grow across the frontlines, it was merely a matter of time before the Royal Army couldn't keep up with the power difference.

Arlan knew he had to ride south soon. But he also needed to expand and train the Banner of the Claw before he could. He needed to upgrade his soldier's equipment. There had to be preparations done.

JD was enjoying himself until he heard Arlan's voice, "We need to return to Galmora for two weeks and train ourselves."

"What? Aren't we riding south with the Midland Northern Army in a few days?"

"I've decided we need to use the two weeks to train ourselves."


A feast was underway in the dining hall when Arlan and JD arrived in their uniforms. Their armor was taken by servants to be repaired by the local blacksmiths. Many Reeves and different smaller houses were there. Duke Louis was conversing with Lord Commander Jermaine regarding the logistics of marching south.

Katalina grabbed Arlan and JD by the arm and led them to the table where Chrysta and Marie had sat. Katalina made sure JD sat next to Chrysta who was blushing. Either Chrysta or Marie had likely revealed Chrysta's romance with JD to Katalina.

"So... JD, is it true that you and Chrysta kissed?" asked Katalina.

JD was about to answer when he was interrupted by Chrysta, "Kat! This is too embarrassing!"

Katalina and Marie deviously giggled as they whispered into Chrysta's ear.

The Coldheart's face grew extremely red and covered her eyes and said, "That's... That's too soon! We're.... We're just... I don't know!"

JD's hands eased Chrysta's face toward his and said, "We're together."

Marie and Katalina exploded with an "Awwwww!"

Chrysta grabbed both of her female friends and stormed off with them in tow.

Arlan was surprised at his best friend's smooth action. He said, "Never knew you had it in you."

"I learned from the best," stated JD as his face became grim, "Also... I guess it helped that we all could simply die at any time. I no longer should fear the smaller things. For all we know, that could've been my last chance to tell Chrysta how I felt."

"While it's a good way to take action, I want you to know that I won't let you or Chrysta die. You'll both one day get married."

"Married? That doesn't sound too bad does it? I thought she would've met someone else or... I thought she liked you. I was prepared to be that best friend for both of you."

"Jan Derva... I think she did at one point have a crush on me but I just don't feel the same way toward Chrysta. You, her and all the other orphans are like my brothers and sisters."

"I see... I know you're betrothed to Princess Emmeline but have you noticed the feelings that Marie harbors towards you?"

"Yeah, I'm well aware of her feelings toward me. But I'm actually not sure if she's aware of it though. Either way, I don't want to reciprocate that way toward her."

"I know you're from another world but here in Terra, it's quite normal for nobles to take on concubines or second-wives."

"I'm aware of that but within my heart, I can't."

"Let's drink to your choice then."

The two friends raised their goblets of wine and drank. The festivities continued on with dancing and other celebrations until a ceremony took place. Awards were given out to the different nobles and banners by Duke Louis.

Count Emile was raised in peerage to a Marquis with the blessing of King Richard Avens. Katalina was raised in peerage to an official Baroness as well due to her proactive actions. Count Daxton was given the territory of Rinhaven and raised in military rank.

When it came to Arlan's turn, he knelt before Duke Louis the same we had done when he was adopted.

"Baron Arlan Reeve," exclaimed Duke Louis with confidence, "During our campaign against the Swora, you've crippled the entire Sworan advance with your banner. You've captured Fort Sugan and slew a high ranked Sworan Officer. You managed to raise the gates of Rinhaven and sabotage their siege emplacements.

“Finally, you wiped out three elite Sworan units and forced General Sakrates to retreat. For these accolades, you are now promoted to a Field General. Fifteen-hundred soldiers have been transferred to the Banner of the Claw.

“You will also be awarded two-thousand gold. A raise in peerage has been held off by King Richard Avens. Here are the official promotions of your retinue that you will promote yourself."

A Field General? Fifteen-hundred soldiers?! That puts us at nearly two-thousand strong. And the logistics of it all? I've skipped the rank of Major and Commander. I went straight to-

"Arlan?" asked Duke Louis, "Is something the matter my boy?"

Arlan finally shook out of his thoughts and answered, "No father, I'm just speechless at receiving such praise and rewards."

"Summon your retinue now. Give them their rewards as well," ordered Duke Louis as he handed Arlan a letter with a seal.

Arlan turned around and called for JD, Marie, and Chrysta to come forth. They were the only ones present but the letter also gave promotions to his Echelon.

Like his father before him, Arlan's voice echoed with confidence, "Jan Derva, for your bravery and actions, you have been awarded peerage and status of a Lord. You've been given an enrollment at Lancel High Academy and the Praetorian Order has offered their guidance."

JD's eyes glimmered as he had never expected to receive such an award. He was surprised that he was now offered enrollment to the Academy.

"Chrysta, for your bravery and actions, you have been awarded the status and peerage of a Lady. You have also been adopted by the Balan family. You are now Chrysta Balan. Younger sister of Marie Balan."

Chrysta held her composure and looked at Marie who grinned at her. She now felt an even closer connection to Marie. They were officially sisters.

"Marie Balan, for your bravery and actions, you have been raised in peerage to a Baroness. Lady Dafni has chosen you as her successor and you will train under her after the war."

Marie smiled as if she had expected as much.

Duke Louis added, "These bright and talented young individuals are the future of Midland. Give them the praise they deserve!"

Everyone in the hall immediately gave the four youngsters a standing ovation with the applause that resonated in their hearts. The nobles that had once despised Arlan, showed him the respect he was due. Duke Louis stepped forth and swept up the four of them as tightly as he could. It was recognition that was well-deserved.


The next day, Arlan, JD, Marie, and Chrysta arrived at the Banner of the Claw's barracks. It was quiet as the entire banner was in formation in the courtyard. It was their turn to receive their rewards.

Roderic was first. He was promoted to the banner's first sergeant, who is the banner's highest ranked enlisted soldier. He was awarded fifty gold. His Hatchets were reinforced and now numbered three-hundred strong.

All the reinforcements came from Duke Louis and Count Daxton's personal banner. But there were a few soldiers who were transferred from banners that were nearly obliterated during the Sworan Campaign.

Next was Erin, at the young age of seventeen, he was finally promoted to an official rank of lieutenant instead of Cadet Officer. Arlan had seemed him fit to lead the entire vanguard which had shown initiative to do so. Which was now made of three battalions of two companies.

Each company was still one-hundred and fifty to two-hundred soldiers. Erin personally led the 1st Battalion. Dimitri and Lem were promoted to Cadet Officer who led 2nd Battalion while Lem led 3rd Battalion.

Mahari was officially accepted as a sergeant, he was to serve as Erin's personal guard. The Vanguard had tripled in size, so command echelons were naturally established at the lower levels.

Yanie was officially accepted into the Midland Army and was given a special cadet officer rank. She was given command of two-hundred and forty archers. Her current Silvan Rangers were given small promotions and were either squad leaders or platoon leaders of the new ranger unit.

Fiala was also officially accepted into the Midland Army as a field chaplain. She was to oversee a hundred newly assigned acolytes to the Banner of the Claw. This marked the end of the award ceremony.

Arlan then gave them the rest of the day off and said they would depart the next morning for Galmora. The young lion and JD had one more task to resolve.


Outside Galdo City, was a small military encampment. There many around the city since the Midland Northern Army was made up of banners from the surrounding area.

At this camp were four-hundred cavaliers who had once served under a Baron of Galdo City. The house that the baron hailed from was neither small nor large but he had trained and refined his banner to an average of third-tier red-cores.

During the Siege of Rinhaven, the unit once numbered five-hundred strong but were ambushed by an elite Sworan unit that was led by an Aspirant. That was when the baron and a hundred of his cavaliers were killed. But they managed to destroy the elite Sworan unit in return.

The cavaliers were mostly older gentlemen who ranged from their mid-twenties to mid-thirties. Since they were no longer without a commander, Duke Louis had them transferred to the Banner of the Claw.

The cavaliers had seen the Banner of the Claw at the Midland Camp and were aware of who they were. This would be exciting news for them if it weren't for their heartache. The loss of their beloved commander was still fresh.

It was a quiet atmosphere at the camp, some were still brandishing their weapons while others were taking care of the horses. Toward the entrance of the camp, two figures mounted on dark stygians began to ride through.

The cavaliers looked for identification and were shocked. They had improperly received the high-ranked Midland Field General before them. Who was also accompanied by an Adjutant Knight. The insignias worn signified that they were from House Reeve.

A nearby older cavalier was confused, he hadn't known of any Field Generals within House Reeve. So he stood before the pair with his hand on a hilt and said, "Identify yourself! The only three generals within House Reeve are not field generals. Nor are they your size in stature."

The Field General locked eyes with the gentlemen before him and answered, "Impressive. You would be correct until yesterday night. I am Baron Arlan Reeve, King's Blade and newly promoted Field General. To my left is my Adjutant Knight, Jan Derva."

The man who stood before Arlan and questioned his identity just realized his plunder and knelt before Arlan. He knelt immediately, "My apologies, General Arlan. We were not expecting you today."

"Rise, you have done no wrongs," answered Arlan, "You were not informed yet and reacted appropriately. I could've been a spy. Tell me, what is your name and rank?"

The gray-haired cavalier before Arlan was at least thirty and stood at attention as he answered back, "Senior Sergeant Edgar Denora, the temporary commanding officer."

"Edgar, please show me around your encampment and give me a report on the status of your unit."

"By your command, General!"

Arlan dismounted Kage and JD followed suit. Two cavaliers who were naturally taller, led the dark stygians toward the stables. Edgar bowed with his hand out and motioned toward the middle of the encampment.

"Edgar, what is the status of your men's well being?" asked Arlan as he noticed the grim faces of the cavaliers.

"Since we've returned, no one has talked about the Siege of Rinhaven. We were ambushed an-"

"Sergeant, I've read the report. Is the morale low?"

"Yes, morale is... a bit low."

"Tell it to me straight, Edgar. Would the men accept me?"

"Most do. All of us have heard of your reputation."


"General, with all due respect. Some harbor animosity toward any new commander that's... as young as you."

"Be frank with me, Edgar," asked Arlan, "Do you also harbor that same animosity?"

"No," answered the Senior Sergeant, "But I want to see your abilities firsthand. I believe that may help."

"I see... Gather the entire unit to the sparring ring."


At the makeshift stable, a few cavaliers were brushing their horses and feeding them hay. It was a tranquil and peaceful moment until shouting could be heard. The few that were inside rushed out with their swords expecting a potential enemy attack only to see everyone running over to the sparring area.

The entire unit were shouting and watching. The few cavaliers looked at each other and sheathed their swords. They ran over to see what the fuss was about. They made their way through the crowd and saw in the thirty meter sparring circle was a hazel-haired young boy with only his pants and boots on. He was at the ready position with his fist.

Right behind Arlan were two cavaliers knocked unconscious on the ground. The mud splattered the ground as two more cavaliers raced toward their new commander. Arlan responded with two incredibly fast strikes to each of their legs, knocking them to the ground.

There was even more shouting as some even yelled out to beat the snobby young brat down. Edgar was nervous as he knew Arlan and JD had heard what was being shouted.

JD reassured Edgar though, "The General won't take it to heart. At least not at the moment, we're both aware of our age."

Edgar let out a sigh and said, "My apologies, the bunch can get... rambunctious. But I'm glad they're getting to see the General firsthand."

"Arlan-I mean the General is much more than meets the eye. Plenty have paid the ultimate price of underestimating him."

"I can see that," admitted Edgar as he watched Arlan send five more cavaliers to the mud.

Now that the sparring area was littered with twenty cavaliers, the shouting was gone. No one dared to say anything anymore. They had never seen such a young boy take them all out. There were no longer any doubts harbored inside them. The new Field General walked over to Edgar and JD.

"Get them cleaned up and prepare yourselves to move out tomorrow morning. All of you will be my personal mounted unit. We start our training in my town, Galmora."


The next day, Arlan bid his family farewell and met up with the Banner of the Claw outside the southern gate. Arlan's newly formed Banner of the Claw was massive and a sight to behold.

Despite that, a freshly formed unit lacked the cohesion that a veteran unit had. So he knew he had to train them and time was not something he could afford.

The Field General gave the move out order and began their march toward Galmora. They arrived at Galdera in only a few hours. While Arlan wanted to stay and spend time with Ser Trent, he couldn't afford the luxury. Arlan had noticed something peculiar outside the east wall of Galdera, the road was much wider and was paved.

Wren, you finished the road sooner than I anticipated.

It was nearing dawn when Arlan saw the buildings from a distance to his beloved town. Something inside him warmed his heart up. As they approached, a bell rang out signifying the return of their beloved Banner of the Claw.

Adjutant Jocko and two guards were the first to greet the return of their lord, "Master Arlan, I've prayed for your safe return! And... I presume you've been promoted?"

"I'll fill you in later," stated Arlan as he dismounted Kage and led his mount by the reins, "First, prepare a celebration in the square."

"By your command!"

Even with the cold fall weather, the town was unnaturally warm. It was due to the installation of heat plates. The denizens of Galmora all came out to receive the return of their beloved Banner of the Claw. Just like at Galdo City but on a much smaller scale. Arlan had noticed renovations, much more buildings, and more people than before.

We grew?

Arlan turned to see Wren, Renia, and Alya running over and embraced their friends they hadn't seen in awhile. Tears dropped as relief in their hearts reassured them that everyone returned safely.

Chrysta and Marie reassured Renia while JD couldn't help but embrace Wren. Arlan's heart fluttered when he could smell the fragrance of lilac and berries. He knew who was nearby. Just as he guessed, the beautiful Princess Emmeline was walking up toward him.

Everyone around her had knelt and knew who she was, it was now quiet. Arlan knelt before the Princess, wishing that he could just run up and hold her tightly. "Rise, my King's Blade."

The Field General obeyed and as he rose to his feet, his eyes met hers. She was holding back her tears as she immediately embraced him. Everyone around them got up and cheered. Her lips had finally met his. Arlan held his betrothed by the waist when they had let go.

Princess Emmeline quietly whispered, "Ar... You've returned to me."

Arlan answered with the same tone, "Emmie, I'm sorry that I didn't write-"

The field general was interrupted by her finger over his lips.

"It's alright. I couldn't write to you either or it could've given my position away."

"Let's spend some time alone later. For now, let's join everyone and celebrate."

"I've had Helga and Lynn prepare a feast with the cooks. A messenger bird notified me of your return-"

Arlan interrupted the Princess and swept her off her feet. He carried the princess onto Kage and mounted the horse himself. JD and Chrysta did the same and started toward the square. The town was lively and the atmosphere was welcoming.

Everyone was glad that despite the four month incursion, the Banner of the Claw returned with no deaths. There were twenty soldiers injured beyond service though, and would retire with a monthly pension to care for them. Some served in the ministry while others served as instructors. The families of Galmora all loved Arlan for his policies of taking care of them.

As they arrived in the square, Arlan turned to his men and directed them to temporary lodgings. Luckily, Wren and Jocko had directed Galmora's development well and there was a surplus of houses. But Wren immediately knew he had to expand the Banner of the Claw's barracks into an actual military district now. The Banner of the Claw had grown from being a small unit to a full-fledged small army.

Everyone was given time with their loved ones. Arlan and his retinue returned to the manor to rest before the celebration and feast. The field general was carrying Princess Emmeline who at first protested that she could walk herself.

But Arlan did not heed her protests. She finally gave in and just laid her head against Arlan's shoulder as he carried her in. The strong and resolute Princess Emmeline's exterior was easily torn down by Arlan and his presence.

Helga, Lynn, Jeanette, and Maria all greeted Arlan. He could see their tears stream down. He smiled and reassured them that he was alright.

The first time Arlan had returned, he was in pieces. This time with the help of his friends, he returned with his heart still whole.


That evening, the entire town was bustling in celebration. The town square was no longer large enough to fit everything. JD and Chrysta were walking around each vendor stall with locked arms. Both of them felt at peace and content. They purchased pork belly sticks and green berry juice and sat at a corner.

A young elven kid walked up to them and said, "Hey! You're the ones on the dark stygian earlier! You're Lady Chrysta and Lord Jan Derva my mom told me about!"

Both JD and Chrysta smiled at the kid and Chrysta replied, "Yes, we are. But don't yell it out, we're trying to have our alone time."

"Oh okay then," acknowledged the elf, "Lord Jan Derva, when I grow up, I wanna be a Knight just like you!"

You are reading story The Immortal General at

JD answered back, "Well you better eat well and grow up strong."

The elven kid ran off like he had just envisioned his life ahead of him and bumped into Wren who was walking over with Renia.

"What was that?" asked Wren.

"Someone who reminded me of us," answered JD.

Wren nodded and understood. Both Wren and Renia were also locked in arms. They had seen Chrysta riding JD's mount earlier and figured out what had happened between them. The two couples shared laughter and joy as they caught up on what had been happening in Galmora.


Inside Arlan's chambers, he looked out his window into the town square and saw his friends enjoying themselves. Jeanette and Maria helped Arlan with his military uniform. As he watched his town celebrate, old memories of a futuristic city in celebration flooded back in. It was a memory from when he was on Terra. The nostalgia was cut short when the door behind him swung open.

It was Princess Emmeline in a beautiful gold dress. The field general's eyes lit up as he turned to see her crimson eyes pierce his heart.

Arlan kept his gaze on the Princess and said, "Jeanette and Marie, thank you, you may leave us now."

"As you wish, Master Arlan," answered both of them and filed out the door.

Princess Emmeline embraced her betrothed and said, "It was painful... waiting everyday for your return."

"You've done well to keep everyone's spirits here high. Jocko told me about your initiative in my absence."

"I... I had to. I'm the Princess of Midland afterall."

Arlan's presence and words were already melting her exterior once more.

"This may not be the end," acknowledged Arlan, "But it is still a major victory for us."

"Ar, how was it?" asked Princess Emmeline worried. She wanted to make sure Arlan's psyche was holding up.

"It was... easier. I could see that everyone was shouldering some of the weight. It made me feel less alone."

"I've heard from Marie about some of the battles. They're nothing short of amazing."

"They were adapting to war, like the way I have. My concern was if they had lost their humanity along the way."

"Have they?"

"No, they haven't," stated Arlan as he let go and turned back toward the window, "But if they ever do, they can never be the same again. It is something you don't come back from."

Princess Emmeline understood what Arlan had meant and simply locked onto his left arm. Her head rested against his left shoulder.

"Promise me that you won't let that happen to you?" asked Emmeline.

Arlan leaned his head onto hers and promised, "I won't let that happen."


Ten minutes later, at the town square, Jocko shouted loudly, "Everyone! Everyone! May I have your attention! I present to you, the Lord of Galmora, Baron Arlan Reeve and his fiance, Princess Emmeline Avens!"

Just as he announced, Arlan and Emmeline walked out from the manor and sat at the center table. Everyone cheered them on loudly. The festivities had now officially begun.

Chrysta, JD, and Marie joined them at their table and started eating the feast that laid before them. Roasted Turkey, herb-garlic trout, mashed potatoes, and an assortment of other food. Even after eating a feast at Galdo City on the first night of their return, everyone was still devouring the food before them.

"Seconds please!" yelled JD as he engulfed his food whole.

"Chew first, you numbskull!" ordered Chrysta as she glared at JD.

"Was he like this when you were all on the frontlines?" asked Emmeline.

Arlan, Marie and Chrysta answered at the same time, "Yes."

Everyone let out a laugh except JD who was too busy devouring his food. The table got bigger when Wren, Renia, and Alya joined them. The younger sister seemed to have grown much taller. It made him think of Jovann and Onas who were still in Auron.

Wren grabbed his goblet of wine, stood up, and said, "I'd like to announce that after this war, Renia and I are getting married!"

Renia, who was blushing, didn't deny Wren's statement.

"Cungradurascion!" said JD with a mouthful.

Chrysta knocked JD on the head and scolded him, "How many times do I have to tell you? Chew first! C-h-e-w!"

Emmeline giggled while holding onto Arlan's arm and asked, "Are you two next?"

JD stopped chewing and Chrysta immediately blushed. She withdrew herself slightly and said, "I... I wouldn't... be opposed to it!"

Marie grinned with devious intentions and sarcastically said, "Chrysta Balan, that is not a way you would conduct yourself as a Lady of House Balan. You should formally accept that man graciously!"

"Marie!" protested Chrysta as she blushed even further.

The Adjutant Knight swallowed his food and asked, "Don't I get a say in this?"

Marie and Chrysta both yelled at him, "NO! Go back to chewing!"

JD surrendered and stared solemnly down at his plate while scarfing more food.

Renia asked Wren, "Should I be concerned about JD and Chrysta?"

"No," answered Wren, "That's just how they are."

"Speaking of weddings..." added Renia as she noticed Arlan and Emmeline talking amongst themselves, "Princess Emmeline and Baron Arlan, has a date been chosen for your marriage?"

Emmeline replied, "Not yet Renia, but likely after the war."

"Are you excited?" asked Wren's fiance.

Arlan and Emmeline's eyes met as they heard the question. 

"Yes, of course!" answered Emmeline as she squeezed Arlan's hand tighter.

Butterflies flew throughout the field general's stomach.

"Are we allowed to attend?" asked Wren.

"I've already planned on inviting you, Renia, and Alya. I'll show you the capital that I've always been talking about!" stated Princess Emmeline proudly.

"Wait what about us?" asked JD

"You too, JD. You, Chrysta, Marie, and even Katalina are all invited as well. The realm owes you all a great deal," stated Princess Emmeline.

As his friends conversed, Arlan daydreamed what the wedding would be like. All of his friends, his adopted family, and the festivities. The red carpet and Emmeline marching down the aisle with King Richard Avens, his future father-in-law. His daydream was cut short. A thought he had never considered until then…

If I find a way home... I'd be faced with leaving Emmeline. What would I do? If I cross back home, I wouldn't know if I can even come back to Althea. Oh no... Why didn't I think of this? Was I too selfish in my own needs and desires? Is it this body's emotions once again inhibiting my judgment?

Emmeline noticed a grim face on Arlan and asked, "You... you still want to get married to me, right?"

Arlan was caught by surprise and faked a smile with a lie, "Of course, I do, Emmie."

The Princess wasn't so easily shaken off, she knew something was up but didn't pursue it any further. Everyone else didn't notice the small trade and continued on.

Arlan excused himself and walked over to the table reserved for his banner's leadership. It was Yanie, Fiala, Mahari, and Erin on one side with Lem, Dimitri, Roderic, and Edgar on the other. They were arguing over who would win in a fight, three tauro bulls or a phormic. It was likely the dumbest debate Arlan had heard since he'd arrived on Althea.

Roderic's voice yelled out, "No way! With all due respect, Vanguard Commander, I've seen tauro bulls rip people up. The three bulls would easily win!"

"Now, now Roderic," interjected Edgar, "The phormic may be one of those bigger overlords and could easily cut down the bulls, would they not?"

Erin finally responded, "What Sergeant Edgar said! I remember those things were nasty."

"Hey everyone!" shouted Lem as he pointed at Arlan, "The field general has graced us with his presence! What do you think?"

"Think of what?" answered Arlan.

Lem answered as he rolled his eyes, "Who would win? Three tauro bulls or a phormic?"

Everyone's eyes deeply locked onto Arlan's every move as he answered, "I guess... the Phormic if it's an overlord? If it's not, the three bulls would."

Dimitri then said to everyone, "Well there you have it! Obviously the three bulls would win because we never clarified what type of phormic, right?"

Yanie yelled back at Dimitri, "That doesn't count! Because we never clarified means that it COULD still be a phormic overlord!"

Fiala clapped her hands together and smiled, "This is so fun! Everyones yelling!"

Arlan's guilty thoughts of returning home and leaving commitments were distracted momentarily by the senseless banter. A smile wore across his face as he was reminded of the Te'Vau. They would do exactly this during down time.

Before the field general could continue on to the rest of the festival, Jocko appeared from behind him and said, "Master Arlan, a messenger pigeon has arrived from the Oreta."


Inside the manor's office, away from the celebration, sat Arlan with a letter. He was joined by Chrysta, Emmeline, Marie, JD, and Knight Jocko.

The field general opened the letter and read it outloud, "To the King's Blade, I understand that you've just returned from your campaign but your presence is direly needed in the capital. In a month, you are to meet with me in Oreta along with Princess Emmeline. Signed, King Richard Avens."

Princess Emmeline, "This is not like him. For him to directly summon you like so. I wonder what this may be about?"

"Is this a fake letter then?" asked Arlan.

"It can't be," answered Emmeline, "The royal seal is on the letter. It's an enchantment to confirm it's from the royal family."

"Everyone, listen well," said Arlan with resolve, "We've just returned but we cannot rest just yet. Tomorrow, we will conduct training exercises for the entire banner. In a week, we will ride into the frontier for one last exercise. Afterwards, we will all march south to Auron. Then Chrysta, Marie, JD, and I will escort Emmeline safely back to Oreta and resolve what issue the King has summoned us for."

"A sound plan, Master Arlan. And I assume I shall resume my duties here in your steed?" asked Jocko.

"Yes, but this time, I will be sending messenger pigeons," answered Arlan.

"What do you think it is?" asked Marie.

"I'm not sure but... it likely has to do with this," stated Arlan as he placed the abnormal monster core on the table.

JD nervously stared at the object and asked, "Should one of us try to absorb it?"

"We shouldn't," interjected Chrysta with concern, "There's too much we don't know about it."

A lightbulb clicked inside Marie's head and added, "I do know someone who can tell us about it and she's currently in Oreta."

Arlan was shocked he didn't think of it either, and yelled out along with Marie, "Lady Dafni!"

Princess Emmeline grabbed the abnormal monster core and carefully inspected it, "Whatever we could learn about this monster core may hold the key to winning the war in the south. We'll need to understand it."

Marie agreed, "Correct, I'll send a pigeon now to Oreta under the Balan name and request to meet with Lady Dafni when we're there."

"Princess Emmeline," said Chrysta, "Do you know anything about the Malum Incarnate?"

"No, but I do know where we can find out," answered Emmeline, "The Grand Archives."

Everyone else nodded and turned to Arlan who finalized everything and stated, "That settles it. Once we're at Oreta in a month, Marie will meet with Lady Dafni regarding the abnormal core. Chrysta and JD, you two will search the Grand Archives under my authority as the King's Blade. I will escort Princess Emmeline to see the King and find out what sensitive matter is taking place."

Everyone confirmed the orders and nodded.

Arlan ended the meeting with his final instructions, "This celebration may be the last time we can enjoy ourselves in a while. So go out and take advantage of it. You've earned this."


The field general retired to his chambers right after. The celebration was continuing and the training wasn't to start till later afternoon. This gave them all a chance to sleep in.

Something that wasn't possible back on the frontlines. As Arlan undressed himself, he heard a creak in the door. Normally he would've reached for a weapon but he didn't have to. He knew who was coming into his chambers.

"Oh, Ar..." uttered Emmeline quietly as she saw the scars over her fiance's body.

"It's not that bad," stated Arlan as he put on a shirt and started to button it up.

Princess Emmeline waltzed over to her fiance and she placed her hands on his. She had interrupted him from finishing the buttons on his shirt. He was paralyzed from her touch.

Her warm hands on his, it broke his cold exterior. She slowly unbuttoned his shirt, undoing everything he had done. She was driven by a desire to see what was beneath once more.The sight of it the first time was enough to fuel her boldness.

Emmeline's actions only intensified the tension between them as she placed her hand on his chest and felt the countless scars. The princess in that moment was no longer who she normally was. Her ruby stare pierced into Arlan's soul the moment she looked up. Her red eyes told him everything he needed to know.

Both their hearts exploded simultaneously and gave in to their lustful desires. Emmeline's lips met Arlan's ravenously as she tore his shirt off. Arlan's left arm wrapped around her thin waist and caressed the back of her neck with his right hand. The sensation Emmeline felt compelled her to push her fiance to the bed. She climbed on top of him while their lips shifted constantly.

They both felt as though their souls were connected as one. His body was cast under a trance and moved on its own, just like Emmeline's. The princess untied the top of her dress and let it fall down before her fiance.

Arlan yearned to feel his lover and sated his wishful thoughts. Emmeline let out a moan as his hands felt across her chest. She didn't know how to unleash her pent up energy and bit into Arlan's ear while clawing at his back.

The Lord of Galmora groaned as he picked up Emmeline and threw her on the bed, landing on her back. Her arms covered her bare chest while her legs crossed over.

In sync with one another, they both felt ready. There and then, was the moment it would’ve happened. But right as Arlan was going to move her hands and devour his prey before him, he stopped himself.

I can't do this. I can't do this to her.

"Arlan? Is something the matter?" asked Emmeline as she nervously stood up halfway on the bed.

"I don't think we should," answered Arlan.

"Am I not attractive to you?"

"Emmie, you're beautiful and unique. You're everything I'd ever ask for."

"Then what is it?"

"I need to tell you something important."

"Oh? Can it not wait for later?"

"No, this can't wait. It has to do with us."

Emmeline nodded as she put the top of her dress back on. She understood that it was serious. She had returned to her normal self.

"I'm from another world, called Terra..."


After ten minutes of explanations, Emmeline's serious expression never left. She had taken every single word seriously. Her mind processed the revelation better than most and she asked the most important question, "So if you found a way to go back home... Would you leave?"

"I don't know... Well I wouldn't leave until I know you all can live peacefully but my heart is torn. My men back on my world whom I deeply cared about and then here... there's you and everyone else."

A tear escaped Emmeline's eyes as she somehow kept her composure, "Then don't go!"

"Emmie, it's not that simple."

She angrily began hitting his shoulder with two weak closed fists and cried out, "Yes it is! You love me, don't you? I know you do!"

"I do love you but my duty and responsibilities that I have left behind... I don't know if I can easily just abandon them to stay here."

"You have your duties and responsibilities here as well, to the people of Midland, to the King, to your father, to your friends... and to me!" yelled Emmeline angrily.

She was frustrated that the one time she had fallen in love with someone, it was to someone from another world who may return home. They would literally be separated by a whole different world.

"I understand Emmeline, and I wouldn't leave until I've fulfilled my duty to everyone here on Althea. But you must understand me and I know you do. You know better than anyone else how much our personal desires cannot dictate us like so."

Arlan was right and Emmeline hated that he was. She understood why Arlan held a duty to the people from his old world as well. She selfishly wanted him to ignore his old world for her.

Emmeline calmed down and asked, "So have you decided whether you're going to say or not?"

"I haven't decided yet," answered Arlan as he saw the sorrow in his fiance's eyes, "But I want you to know this, if I do stay, I want you by my side for as long as I live. I really love you."

"I love you too."

"Until I know what the future holds, I think it's best we stay like this and don't go beyond."

Emmeline pondered for a moment why and an image of her pregnant with Arlan's child flashed by.

A smile of acceptance crossed the princess as she said, "I understand, but can we stay together like this?"

"I wouldn't want it any other way," answered Arlan as he held Emmeline closely on the bed. The warmth of their bodies made them both fall asleep shortly after.


The next morning, a few children climbed a tree just right outside town. They had heard gossip from the other townsfolk about a large gathering. A black haired boy reached the tallest branch and looked into the open plains. He was in awe as he witnessed the entire Banner of the Claw performing training and maneuvering exercises.

Arlan and JD were going over drills with Edgar and the cavalier unit. Roderic and the hatchets joined Erin and his vanguard in mock battles with wooden training weapons. Yanie was leading her archers in practicing their aim and volleys.

It was a sight to behold. Arlan's training was much different. It focused on mock battles, maneuvering as units, communication, accuracy, and many other modern doctrines brought over from the Terran Federation. The new soldiers who were transferred over just weren't used to this type of training.

But the newly appointed field general made sure that they would be accustomed to these movements. For the next week, they would train for twelve hours a day with minimal breaks.

The following week was going to be a training excursion into the frontiers to hunt down large monsters and put their training to a test.

As Arlan finished directing his cavaliers through an exercise with Edgar, Arlan rode Kage over to a field tent set up with food, medical supplies, and other training items. He dismounted and Princess Emmeline handed him a hide flask with water.

"Thanks," said Arlan as he took it from her hand.

"Of course, how is the training?" asked Emmeline.

"I couldn't ask for better," answered Arlan as he sat down on a nearby log. He took another sip of water and continued, "The new units are adapting well to my war doctrine but I wish we had more time."

"I wish we had more time as well," replied Emmeline.

Arlan nodded as he took a final sip, "I'm glad you're here."

Emmeline smiled as she sat down on the log beside him. She placed her hand on his knee and gave him a warm smile, "Me too."

The two sat there for a while as they enjoyed each other's company. The sounds of the training exercises could be heard faintly in the distance. The Banner of the Claw returned home only to find themselves without much rest. Life had not permitted them to at that moment in time.

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