The Immortal General

Chapter 4: Chapter 3

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In the room where Arlan first awakened, he stood by his bed five inches taller and admired the afternoon sunny weather. It was the day he’d turned fourteen.

Two peaceful years had flown by fast. Arlan spent that time reading books, playing with the other kids, and secretly training his body in the nearby forest. Arlan had reached his growth spurt as well. His body could withstand using ten percent of his essence now.

Arlan gained quite a bit of knowledge about Althean society, geography, and history. Although nothing mentioned anything about his previous life, it confirmed his theory of a separate universe. Arlan learned that the world was inhabited by elves, dwarves, demi-human, and many other races alongside humans. The most intriguing discovery is magic. Magic can be performed by anyone born with mana manipulation. Unfortunately, Arlan had no such ability.

All the other beds were empty. The other older kids had left for Galdo City in the past year. JD was the first to leave, followed by Noah and Chrysta. The day JD left, he made everyone promise to meet back at the orphanage in two years. JD would become a full-fledged squire and they were to show Miss Petrah. So for Arlan, that only gave him a year out in the world.

A familiar lovely lady entered the room the same way she did two years ago. “Arlan, it’s time,” said Miss Petrah. Arlan grabs a leather backpack filled with some clothes. Miss Petrah escorts the young teen to the front of the Manor. A young soldier with a short spear and iron cuirass was standing with an older gentleman who sported a blue silk tunic. The older gentleman was the first to speak, “You must be Arlan. I’m Ser Trent.” Arlan responds with a bow. It was customary for commoners to greet a noble with a bow.

“Ser Trent, I ask for your guidance to join the Midland Army.”

“I see, you wish to serve in the Midland Army. Say your goodbyes to Miss Petrah and take a seat on the wagon. You have a minute.” commanded Ser Trent to Arlan.

Miss Petrah embraces the young child she helped nurture to this age. Tears begin to slowly descend from her eyes. “Arlan, do be safe out there. I know you’re meant for a greater life. Please pass on my love to the others in Galdo.” said Miss Petrah as she leaned in to kiss Arlan on the head.

“I will. Thank you for everything, Miss Petrah,” replied Arlan as he let go of his motherly caretaker. The young teen climbs the wagon where two others like him were seated. They were from another orphanage. The soldier and Ser Trent had already seated themselves in the front of the wagon.

Arlan already formulated what he was going to do once he had turned fourteen. The first step was to reach Galdo City.

Two horses pulled the wagon forward. This was both heartfelt and exciting for Arlan. He had spent the last two years in this small area. It was time for him to embark on his journey.

Arlan watched as the Manor was slowly getting smaller. He'd miss the orphanage but the former life dictated he had to return to Terra. His memories of his previous life would often visit him in his dreams. Arlan felt he was brought here for a reason.

Nearing a fork in the road, this was as far as Arlan had gone during his last two years. A sign pointing south read Galdo City. The opposite north sign said Tudora. Tudora was a border town to the Swora Oligarchy. The Swora posed the biggest threat to the Midlanders and a war would likely break out soon between the two.

The wagon turned south towards Galdo and began its journey. It would take almost the entire day of riding to reach the city. They’d likely reach Galdo City as the sun was setting. For the first few hours of the ride, it was quiet but the other two orphans started talking and laughing. This didn’t bother the noble and his guard.

The dirt road was flanked by grassy hills. Trees and bushes dotted the mounds. Upon reaching a small river and cobblestone bridge, the wagon came to an abrupt stop. This shook the three orphans. A faint but familiar iron-like aroma hit the wagon. Arlan knew this smell too well.

Blood. Someone was killed nearby.

The hint revealed three mangled human corpses on the bridge. What was worse is that the perpetrators were nowhere to be found. This put Ser Trent and the guard on edge. Ser Trent stated, “Safety of the orphans is our utmost priority. Soldier, check out the bridge.”

Arlan deduced that Ser Trent had no combat experience or abilities. The soldier also seemed young and inexperienced. They were being watched for sure because of Arlan's instincts.

The dark hazel boy jumped off the wagon with his leather pack. As his feet landed, a shabby arrow penetrated and hit Ser Trent in the left shoulder. The other two orphans began to panic. The guard who was nearing the bridge saw this and readied his spear.

“We’re going back!” yelled Ser Trent as he gasped in pain. Arrows from across the river showered the area near the wagon. Although none of the arrows were accurate enough, they still created a danger zone.

A green humanoid creature who stood about four feet tall emerged from the side of the bridge and charged the soldier with a dagger. “Goblins!” screamed the young soldier as he thrust his spear through the goblin’s torso.

Arlan read about goblins but hasn’t seen one until now. There weren’t any of these monsters or creatures on Terra. It was all still strange and alien for Arlan.

Four more goblins emerged from the bushes behind the wagon. They were armed with daggers, hatchets, and makeshift spears. “Ser Trent, there are more behind us!” yelled one of the orphans but there was no response. The nobleman had fainted due to blood loss. Arlan reached in his bag and pulled out a small knife he had stolen from the kitchen back at the orphanage.

I’m very familiar with this. This is my natural habitat.

Arlan knew that there were three main threats: the goblins guarding the bridge, the goblin archers across the river, and the goblins moving in from the rear. “We need to get out of this ambush!” Arlan shouted to the orphans, “One of you, grab the reins and get the wagon moving! We’ll die here if you don’t!” The shorter of the two orphans grabbed the reins and the wagon started moving forward as the horses started to finally obey.

Arlan shouted to the soldier who was now battling with three goblins, “Soldier! Do what you can to protect the wagon from the front, I’ll defend the rear!” The soldier was taken aback that he was receiving orders from a fourteen-year-old orphan. This was short-lived as two more goblins from over the bridge appeared.

The arrows fired from across the river were too inaccurate to hit a moving target. They were completely ineffective and it was a matter of time before the goblin archers would run out of arrows.

Armed with a knife, Arlan positioned himself at the rear of the wagon. He faced down four goblins with an assortment of melee weapons. Arlan enhanced his body with essence. This increased his speed, strength, and stamina tenfold. Arlan released his killing intent and lowered his stance. The four goblins felt death emanating from the young orphan. Hesitation and fear overtook their greed for an easy kill.

Arlan picked up a cherry-sized rock and threw it with enhanced strength at his first victim. The pebble knocked the leftmost goblin off balance. The disruption allowed Arlan to close the ten-meter gap before the goblin could react. Arlan’s knife then struck down into the goblin's cranial skull. The goblin turned stiff and fell. The stiff goblin let go of this dagger as he died. Arlan claimed the new weapon before it hit the ground. It was a heftier blade to kill with.

His next move was to lunge at the next goblin with a strike to the center torso. Arlan was cutting into goblin flesh like a hot knife on butter. The momentum encouraged Arlan to strike the two remaining goblins who couldn’t react in time. As the third victim’s body hit the dirt road, the fourth goblin’s head flew. Arlan finished the four in a matter of seconds.

Arlan reached down and grabbed a second weapon, a dull short sword. He now held a short sword in his right hand and the flat dagger in his left hand. In Arlan’s previous life, he had trained to use multiple different weapons and was extremely proficient in both firearms and bladed weaponry. Although there weren’t any firearms, there was plenty of sharp iron around. Familiar feelings overtook Arlan’s heart.

Out of nowhere, a robotic female voice announced in Arlan’s mind, “You are now level 2. [Battle Trance] acquired.” Arlan strangely felt familiar with this voice.

The new skill gave increased combat awareness and essence vision. His combat awareness not only acted as radar but provided improved fighting instincts. The specialized vision allowed him to see and feel essence in anything within sixty meters. Activating [Battle Trance] consumed an extremely minuscule amount of essence.

Level… 2? Like a video game? I feel stronger overall and have access to more of my essence. So in this world, there are two ways to gain essence. Physical training and leveling up by defeating other monsters. With my previous combat training and massive essence capacity, I could feel it multiplying my fighting capabilities with [Battle Trance].

Arlan was only able to defeat twenty goblins at most before losing his stamina and essence. Now, he could easily take on hundreds. He started turning his attention back on the battle at hand.

The wagon neared the soldier who was barely holding his own against three goblins. Ten more goblins appeared from bushes further behind. Arlan knew they had to keep moving forward. Arlan could survive but protecting the wagon would not be possible in its current position. He had to focus on limiting any more casualties on his side.

The soldier was only able to kill two goblins and has started losing stamina against the other three. Arlan sprinted to the front and used his momentum to strike shock and awe from the flank of the three goblins.

This flank allowed the dagger to connect to the first head, then swung his short sword up against the second goblin. This double strike instantly killed both goblins. The last goblin reacted by swinging a hatchet at Arlan.

So you chose death.

The goblin’s hatchet was brought down with such a weak force that it was easily riposted by Arlan’s left-hand dagger. This opening left the goblin’s stomach wide open. Arlan used his right hand to swiftly cut the goblin in half horizontally. Purple blood enveloped the short sword. The top half of the goblin was still barely alive and tried to crawl away. Arlan delivered his foot into the crawling goblin’s head. It was smashed into purple bits with expunged eyes.

The wagon started moving forward and as predicted, the goblin archers ran out of arrows. They readied their dull blades for melee. Four goblin archers began their charge across the bridge.

“Soldier, get on the wagon and start using the height to keep any goblins from taking the rear! I’ll clear the front and we can escape.”

The soldier also felt Arlan’s massive killing intent so he didn’t question or hesitate to follow orders. The wagon was now moving forward while the ten goblins in the rear were still a good twenty seconds away.

Arlan knew that he had to cut a path for the wagon. He could easily fight the rest of the goblins if it was just him. The young brown-haired warrior dashed to the goblin archer’s left flank and shoulder smashed into the first goblin archer with such force that the goblin’s spine broke against its skin.

Shock, speed, and pure brutality gave Arlan the adrenaline to thrust his sword under the mouth of the next goblin and the sword tip emerged from its skull. Arlan pulled the sword back, vertically cutting the face in half. The third and fourth goblin were simultaneously killed with one strike from both hands like scissors cutting in.

The soldier was still dumbfounded at Arlan’s fighting prowess. By now, the wagon had made it across the bridge and started heading towards Galdo City. “Arlan, get on the wagon!” yelled the Soldier. “No, I can’t let these goblins exist near the orphanage! Don’t wait for me!” commanded Arlan.

If it weren’t for Arlan striking down goblins with ease, the soldier would’ve tried to grab Arlan and drag him on the wagon. The soldier even questioned if he would even be able to drag Arlan. “Don’t get yourself killed.” murmured the soldier.

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Arlan grinned as a hundred more goblins joined the ones on the bridge running towards Arlan. He could now indiscriminately kill without having to protect the wagon.

Monsters or soldiers, it makes no difference. I can kill them all just as easily.


Several pairs of horseshoes struck a dirt road, creating a thunderous beat. The drum notes reverberated through the surrounding steppe plains. The source of the sound was a cavalry platoon of forty knights. They rode dark stygian, special horses with a rhino-like horn, and black manes. These knights were armored from head to toe with full plate armor and a black tabard that contained a red lion insignia. Each knight held a powerful lance along with the pride of House Reeves in their right hand.

They were led by an armored cavalier at the front, a middle-aged nobleman with an extra tunic over his light blue armor. He had a majestic mane of golden hair that reached his shoulders. This magical light blue armor was made of mithril, an extremely rare and powerful metal. A one-of-a-kind sight. This man was Duke Louis Reeve, the head of the Reeves family.

In the Midland Kingdom, only four other men rivaled in power to Duke Louis Reeve. Those four men were Duke Frank Lansley, Duke Osmund Kaiser, Minister Elric Hans, and King Richard Avens. Although the Midland Minister and the King held more power than any of the dukes.

The unit was galloping at max speed. Around the path, a wagon appeared sprinting at its fastest as well.

“Lord Commander Jermain, check if that is Trent’s wagon!” barked Duke Reeve.

“Aye, Your Grace!” replied a Knight in the formation whose helmet held two wings signifying top leadership of the unit. Jermain’s mount exhausted all efforts to go faster and caught up to the wagon. A familiar soldier wearing Midland colors and two young boys stood up on the wagon as it came to a stop. As the rest of the unit caught up, Jermain gave Duke Reeve a report.

“Your Grace, it seems Ser Trent has been wounded and ambushed by goblins. The soldier said that one of the orphans stayed back to fight the goblins,” stated Jermain. Upon hearing the last part, Duke Reeve became furious and looked at the Midland soldier.

“Damned sack of shit, it was your duty to protect the kids!” snarled Duke Reeve to the soldier.

“Your Grace, I beg forgiveness but that orphan back there is no ordinary child. He killed around ten goblins with ease and saved all of us, including Ser Trent.” replied the Soldier. Duke Reeve was surprised at this revelation. He knew that goblins in massive numbers weren’t easy to defeat, even if you were a trained soldier or a seasoned adventurer. But children and civilians would easily die to goblins.

After a moment's pause, Duke Reeve decides that the Soldier had followed the proper course of action if his report was true. “Lord Commander, accompany them back to Galdo City,” ordered Duke Reeve.

“Your Grace,” responded Jermain as he began his escort mission. The Duke then signaled his hand forward and rallied the Knights. “Heracul Knights, make haste for a young child is in danger!”
“Aye, Your Grace!” replied the rest of the Heracul Knights. Aside from the Lord Commander, the Duke and the Heracul Knights moved at full speed north along the road.

The Heracul Knights were the most powerful and fastest cavalry unit Duke Reeve held. Their power comes from having only seasoned combat cavaliers, the best gear the Reeves family could buy, and their rare dark stygian. They had set out from Galdo City upon hearing that a potential goblin raiding company had been sighted in the area. Duke Reeve took it upon himself to personally lead the fastest unit available out to find the Goblins. He didn’t want to give the goblins a chance at killing his people.

After about five minutes of riding, they arrive at the clearing and the cobblestone bridge that leads towards Tudora. The Duke and the knights were all shocked at the sight they saw. Around a hundred goblin bodies littered the entrance to the bridge, and more laid on the other side. A dark hazel-haired young teenager in commoner clothing was locked in combat with a massive brown-skinned creature, it was a Hobgoblin. This hobgoblin was over twice the height of the young teenager.

What shocked the Heracul Knights and the Duke the most was the fact that the boy showed no signs of injury and was deflecting blows from the hobgoblin. Then they felt his massive aura of killing intent, even the dark stygian felt uneasy.

“Your Grace, orders?” asked a Heracul Knight.

“Hold your positions but charge if the boy requires assistance.” ordered the Duke.

“Aye, Your Grace.” replied the same Knight.

It was Arlan. He was the one fighting against a hobgoblin. While it had the strength of twenty goblins, it wasn’t a challenge for Arlan.

Finally, after another deflected swing from the hobgoblin’s massive wooden club. Arlan saw an opening and struck both weapons into the center of the belly. The weapons tore outward spilling purple intestines and the hobgoblin screamed as it fell, staring at his guts.

Using his short sword, Arlan struck the nape and beheaded the hobgoblin. Goblin raiding parties were typically led by a single massive hobgoblin and they were a bit more intelligent than regular goblins.

Finally, the battle was over. The same voice echoed in his head “You are now level 5. [Trifecta] acquired. [Basic Mana Torrent] acquired.” Arlan didn’t acquire any other skill at previous levels except [Battle Trance]. 

Abilities seem to be rewarded at different levels. Mana Torrent? I’ve read about magic in books. They mentioned that people are born with the ability to use it. It didn’t say you could acquire it. This is starting to get interesting. 

The Heracul Knights rushed forward and surrounded Arlan with their lowered lances. Even though Arlan was strong, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to fight these knights and win. Using [Battle Trance], Arlan saw large traces of essence in each knight. Although they weren’t as large in essence capacity as Arlan, they had more available essence flowing through. Arlan noticed something else in each knight, some kind of blue energy stream that was moving fast.

That must be mana. These knights were capable of controlling essence and casting magic, I presume. I’ll have to find some time to meditate and draw out mana myself when I’m not in a field of dead goblins surrounded by knights.

Knowing this, Arlan deduced he’d only be able to kill ten of the Knights at his current power and level. Arlan also recognized the Midland flags and Reeves family crest.

Midland soldiers from the Reeves family. They’re not here to hurt me. They probably feel threatened by the sight of the dead goblins and my killing intent. Better show them I’m not a threat.

 Arlan threw down his weapons and relaxed his killing intent. Upon seeing this, the Heracul Knights all felt relief. “At ease,” ordered Duke Reeve as he emerged riding a dark stygian. Arlan immediately bowed on one knee and lowered his head. He knew of Duke Reeve's picture from the many books he read. Arlan was puzzled that the Duke was so far from his castle, the Lionheart, which was at least a three-day ride south of Galdo City.

“I am Duke Louis Reeve, Protector of the Midland’s Northeastern Region. I presume you are the orphan that was with Ser Trent?” inquired Duke Reeve.

“I am, Your Grace,” replied Arlan. Lying to a nobleman could be way more trouble than telling the truth. The Duke paused for a moment to take in what had happened and analyzed Arlan from head to toe.

“Were you the one who killed all the goblins here?” asked Duke Reeve.

“Your Grace, a soldier killed two and I killed the rest. So saying I killed all the goblins would not be the truth,” replied Arlan. Duke Reeve burst into laughter.

“You take no liberties with being truthful. I witnessed you defeating that hobgoblin, so I doubt any inaccuracies in what you say. You may stand.” said the Duke merrily.

“Thank you, Your Grace,” answered Arlan as he rose to his feet.

“You’re not even scratched from fighting a hundred goblins. Gods, I thought I’ve seen everything. What is your name, boy?” inquired the curious Duke.

“My name is Arlan.”

“And your surname?”

“I apologize for my rudeness. I was never given a surname and I can’t remember life before I was twelve.”

“Interesting. I’ve received word of a goblin raiding company in this area and rode out with my men to dispatch them. Seems you’ve taken care of it and the realm owes you for it. Arlan, what was your vocation declaration to Ser Trent?”

“To enlist in the Midland Army, Your Grace.”

“Arlan, your talents would be wasted as a foot soldier in my banner. Come back to Galdo City with me. We’ll speak about an important matter over dinner.”

“Your Grace, I have concerns about the remaining goblins in the area.”

“I’ll dispatch half of the Heracul Knights to scout the area and deal with any remaining goblins,” said the Duke. “You will ride with me back to Highmane.”

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