The Immortal General

Chapter 42: Book 2 Embers of War – Chapter 40

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On the 25th Day of the 10th Month, 1243 Mundeas, a Royal Army battalion of the four-hundred soldiers were engaged with five-hundred rebel soldiers from House Beaumont. The battle took place over a large field with spots of meadows. The frontlines had been pushed to a ten miles northeast of Delita, House Beaumont's city.

At the Midland headquarters, panic was widespread. A messenger made his way into the command tent and knelt.

The runner then reported, "Commander! Another enemy banner has been sighted on the western edge! They number four-hundred!"

"What?! We're losing as is," answered the Midland battalion commander, "Sound for a retreat!"

Before the aides took action, another runner ran into the tent and reported, "Commander! Another unit has been sighted behind us!"

"Our retreat is blocked?!" yelled the Midland commander as he was ready to accept his fate.

"No, sir! They hold Midland flags!"

On the battlefield, House Beaumont's third banner of five-hundred were winning the battle against the Midland soldiers. It had only been ten minutes and over a hundred Midland soldiers had been killed or wounded with only a mere ten soldiers killed on Beaumont's side. They also knew of the Beaumont Fourth Banner's presence on the western edge, preparing to join the battle.

The melee was chaotic and lacked any form of tactics. Leadership on both sides had failed. But House Beaumont held the superior fighting strength and momentum to win. The Midland line had nearly collapsed from the initial charge.

A Beaumont Knight who was leading the Beaumont Third Banner ordered his men to press the assault in order to capitalize on unorganized Midland soldiers. Everything felt right until a deathly aura emerged from the rebel's left flank. Sounds of hooves beating the ground and metal clashing erupted from the position of the Beaumont Fourth Banner.

The new threat threw the Beaumont Knight into a panic. Fear took over the man as he witnessed Beaumont soldiers being thrown into the air with wounds or in pieces. 

A terrifying sight. An unknown Midland unit had just smashed through and wiped the Beaumont Fourth Banner in less than a minute.

"Retreat!" cried the Beaumont Knight.

"Sir? But we're about to win!" stated a nearby sergeant.

The Beaumont Knight answered with fear, "Do not question my orders! Sound the retreat!"

The Beaumont Fourth Banner had been obliterated by a new unit of four-hundred mounted cavaliers, who came out of nowhere from Midland's right wing. At the front of the cavalier's wedge formation was a warrior in mithril armor on a dark stygian.

It was Arlan and the Banner of the Claw's new medium cavalry unit, the Storm Riders. With chainmail underneath, each rider wore a steel plate cuirass, pauldrons and salet. The balance of armor and speed allowed them to demolish deep into enemy formations while maintaining maneuverability.

Their arsenal consisted of a steel spear for light infantry or other cavalry units. A longsword for general purpose infantry. Both were complimented by a kite shield. Even the horses wore steel bardings at the front, allowing them to smash into targets with ease.

After the Storm Riders had fully passed through the Beaumont Fourth Banner, Arlan raised his blacksteel claymore and aimed it at the Beaumont Third Banner on their left. All the riders behind Arlan saw this and shifted their horses, just like they trained prior.

Edgar noticed the enemy's movements and said, "General Arlan, the enemy is in full retreat. Should we pursue the enemy?"

"Storm the rearguard," ordered Arlan as he lowered his visor, "At the tree line, split into our eight platoons and hunt what we can. Meet back here after ten minutes."

"By your command," acknowledged Edgar as he nodded at a few different riders to spread the word.

Like war drums, the hooves struck the ground, keeping their fast tempo. The beat signaled to everyone that the Storm Riders were ready to unleash their fury.

Midland soldiers were renewed with morale when they saw the Storm Riders coming in. But their morale quickly plummeted when they saw the enemy rearguard had prepared spearmen to counter the incoming cavalry threat.

Long spears could be braced to stop any massive push, especially from a mounted unit. The Midland Commander saw this and tried to yell out to Arlan and his Storm Riders. They ignored his warnings. So the Midland Commander cursed under his breath, "That fool! They'll all die!"

With only twenty meters between the Storm Riders and the enemy ranks, a massive gust of wind blew forth. It knocked the enemy rearguard on their backs and stunned them with concussive force. Arlan had unleashed [Typhoon] to overcome the spear counter of his cavalry unit.

It was just enough for the Storm Riders to trample and kill the spearmen, granting them momentum. They tore through the enemy rear guard with unchallenged authority. Trampling skulls and caving in chest cavities with their hooves. Only thrusting their spear at any combatant who dared to stand back up.

Surprised, the Midland battalion commander and his soldiers had never seen high-level wind magic used in such a fashion. Their knowledge of warfare was limited to the standards of Althea. Arlan on the other hand, was prepared to utilize unconventional tactics to his advantage, like he had always.

Within thirty seconds, the Beaumont's rearguard of a hundred and fifty soldiers were devoured by the Storm Rider's sheer power and numbers advantage. Upon reaching the edge of the tree line where the remaining troops were fleeing, the four-hundred cavaliers broke down into eight groups of fifty riders each.

It was a maneuver that Arlan had heavily drilled into his Storm Riders. The flexibility of being able to quickly split into smaller independent platoons to efficiently hunt was invaluable.

It was something that only the most well trained units of any army could pull off. After only two weeks of training, the Storm Riders were able to perform the maneuver with near perfect execution. This was a testament to how effective Arlan's modern training was.

Dense forests were a natural enemy of mounted units but by using much smaller units, the Storm Riders could apply their speedy assault even inside the meadow. The hindrance to their mobility was minimized to the point where it wasn't an issue. The Storm Riders easily cut down the pockets of retreating enemy soldiers.

Arlan was at the front of the Storm Rider's center platoon, chasing down any fleeing soldiers. After cutting down a squad of soldiers, the King's Blade saw the mounted Beaumont Knight retreating with four light cavalry soldiers following him. The Field General grinned with excitement, for he didn't think he would catch the enemy commander.

With Kage's unbelievable speed, Arlan managed to close the distance and swung his claymore at both sides vertically. He instantly killed the rear pair of light cavalrymen. Kage felt Arlan's intent through his channeled essence and slammed itself into the next two riders while ravaging its horn through both of them.

Arlan praised his dark stygian, "Nice one, Kage."

With all four cavalrymen killed, it was only the Beaumont Knight and Arlan left. The fleeing knight saw everything with his peripheral vision when he turned his head.

He feared for his life and was trying to push his horse to gallop faster. But Arlan and Kage's killing intent had finally grabbed hold of the Beaumont Knight.

"Please!" begged the enemy knight, "I surrender! Don't ki-"

A large sheet of black steel had vertically cleaved the knight halfway. The dead knight slouched evenly as the horse kept riding.

Arlan rarely allowed enemy commanders to surrender, they were simply too much of a liability unless they had intel that Arlan needed. But the Umbras had already gathered everything Arlan needed to know along with Jovann's dossier.

The Storm Rider platoon leader that was with Arlan, had finally caught up and asked, "General Arlan, your orders?"

"Sound the horn to fall back. It's safe to say that we destroyed this unit. They won't be able to reform."

"By your command."

Back at the Midland Battalion's headquarters, Arlan and Edgar entered the command tent with their helmets tucked under their arms. Arlan's collar housed the Lion's Sigil and the King's Blade Sigil.

His authority was unrivaled and was only amplified further by the Field General Insignia worn on the opposite collar. Despite the young age, everyone knew better than to act a fool toward the King's Blade.

Upon entry, everyone saluted Arlan, even the battalion commander. "At ease," ordered Arlan as he approached the table with the map, "Commander, what is the status of your unit?"

"General Arlan," answered the late thirties battalion commander, "My battalion has lost a hundred men today and another hundred are too wounded to fight. Only half of us are able and ready but... If it weren't for you and your men, we would've been wiped out. Thank you, General."

"Of course, I would never turn my back on any Midland unit loyal to the crown. What is your name and what were your orders?" asked Arlan as he nodded at Edgar who had just pointed to a section on the map.

"Commander Paul Roffard of the Royal Army's 5th Regiment, 3rd Infantry Battalion!" answered Paul as he sighed, "We were ordered to hold this defensive line here."

"Paul, more than ever, your men need you at your best right now," said Arlan as he studied the map intently, "You were nearly overrun. Do not blame yourself. All of you should be proud for holding your ground as long as you did."

The commander's fire was lit once again, "Aye, you're right General Arlan! How can we assist you?"

"Allow me and my men to rest at your camp tonight. We have been riding and assisting the southwestern region non-stop for four days straight. We haven't had time to rest until now."

"Of course, General Arlan. I'll have the men put up as many spare accommodations as we can," replied Paul proudly. The King's Blade thanked Paul and left the tent with Edgar in tow.

"What do you make of him?" asked Arlan.

Edgar stiffly replied, "He's a solid commander but easily dismayed. His lower echelon all lack experience. It is likely why they were at the brink of collapse."

"Well said, Edgar. The enemy troops were all second-tier red cores while these soldiers were all first-tier white cores. The odds were stacked against them. Outnumbered by nearly twice the count, no tactics or formations, lack of leadership, no mages, no firepower."

"I understand. I'm relieved that we were able to make it in time," admitted Edgar, "Those hooded agents who notified you about this battle, who are they?"

"They're all my extra eyes and ears I keep around. I cannot disclose anymore. Its best you don't know."

"As you wish, General Arlan."

"Edgar, have the men eat and rest."

"We're allowed to rest?" joked Edgar with bags under his eyes.

"So you are capable of humor," laughed Arlan, "And here I thought you'd be a stiff by-the-book type."

Edgar admitted, "Roderic's antics have left an impression. It's been six days since any of us have had a good night's rest. Two days of riding south and four days of constant fighting. You really know how to push the men to their limits."

"Which is why I've had us train so intensely. The Storm Riders have all reached third-tier orange cores because of it. We haven't suffered any losses, only small injuries across the seven battles we've fought. Eight including today."

"Aye, I couldn't ask to serve under a better commander."

"Thank you, Edgar. Now, let's try and scrounge some food."

It was only six in the evening and the pair arrived at the mess area where the cooks were still active. The last Storm Riders were just finishing their dinner along with other Midland soldiers. None from Arlan's unit had eaten in two days, there just wasn't enough time. Every minute wasted meant another ten Midland soldiers saved by their speed.

Arlan and Edgar approached the cooks who scooped out some chicken soup. Except there wasn't any chicken left, just the broth. The two sat at one of the benches together and started to eat their water and chicken.

"Bon appetit!" said Arlan as he started on his soup.

Edgar was confused, "What does 'Bon appetit' mean?"

That's right... That was something from Terra.

"It's uhhh... It's a Banner of the Claw tradition that I made up. It means you have a good appetite for the food you're about to eat."

Edgar stared at Arlan, displeased, "General... This is just water and chicken bones boiled together. While I won't complain, I don't think I can say I have a good appetite for it even though we haven't eaten in two days."

"You'll take some getting used to," stated Arlan as he scooped another bite of soup, "It really does just take like water and chicken bones."

"Have... have you eaten anything worse?" asked Edgar as he stared into his soup.

Arlan thought back to his time on Terra and answered, "Once..."

"You also huh? I'm surprised. Someone your age shouldn’t have to have gone through that."

"It was before the orphanage when I was on the streets with nothing to my name," lied Arlan.

"I see. Years ago, us cavaliers... We were all behind enemy lines once. We couldn't break back into Midland lines. Stuck in a rocky highland with nothing around us to eat... Except the enemy... The Rhota Orcs."

Arlan listened intently, unphased as he continued eating his soup.

Edgar's face grimaced as he recalled his memories and continued, "I've-no, we've eaten orc flesh before."

This reminded Arlan of when he was trapped behind enemy lines and starving, he at one point considered eating dead human flesh to keep himself alive. The stench was just too much though. He wouldn't have been able to stomach it.

The Field General then added, "War is hell."

"That it is, General Arlan."

"Eat your soup, Edgar. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

"What're your orders tomorrow?"

"That area you pointed out on the map is Haokah Ruins. That's where House Beaumont's First and Second Banner are. We're going to destroy those two units in the afternoon tomorrow."

"I see. I'm ready for your orders."

"Edgar... this is the region where you're from. Are you sure you have no issues with striking down House Beaumont soldiers?"

"None, General Arlan. I have no qualms with striking down any rebels at your command. They were once my cousins but... I'll save that for another time."

"You must be tired, Edgar. Let's retire for now. I'm sure our tent is ready"

"By your command, General Arlan."


The next morning, Arlan and his men woke up at nine in the morning. They slept like rocks and wished they had more time. The Storm Riders began to prepare their horses and equipment. Among them was the King's Blade preparing his saddle on Kage. Before finishing, he was approached by Commander Paul.

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"General Arlan, may I have a word?" asked Paul.

"Of course, Commander."

"Is there any way the 3rd infantry battalion can be of any assistance to you? The men are eager to fight alongside you."

Arlan smiled and put his right hand on Paul's left shoulder. The battalion commander was a foot taller than Arlan so it looked a bit awkward but sentiment was untouched.

"Commander Paul, you and your men are to hold this line here. But I want you to retreat east to your 2nd battalion if your position gets overrun again. I helped them clear their sector two days ago, so they'll be able to assist if you need it."

"By your command, General Arlan!" saluted Paul and was joined by all the other nearby Midland soldiers.

After mounting Kage, Arlan saluted back and started to ride south of the camp. He was joined by every Storm Rider he passed. They had waited for him. They departed south from the camp for Haokah Ruins. A medium sized town that was nearly a city that had been razed by a monster long ago. Even as ruins, it served as the central command hub for House Beaumont.

Arlan and his Storm Riders were going to eliminate the Beaumont first and second banners stationed there. He had to or else the Royal Army was exposed on their push.

The Storm Riders rode with speed through the open plains until Arlan and his men had stopped on a steppe hill. Haokah Ruins came into sight just two kilometers away. There were a large number of houses reduced to rubble. Halfway through the village stood two massive stone buildings with towers protruding from its corners. It was a makeshift keep.

Arlan deduced that the enemy strength was at least two-thousand strong. He had only four-hundred cavalry with no support from any nearby units. They were all strained beyond the max. But there were close friendly units… It was Nightingale and the Panthers.

The King's Blade had ordered them to assist him while he assigned ten Umbras to the main Banner of the Claw contingent. They reported to JD and Marie.

The Immortal General stared upon the ruins as he ran many different scenarios through his head, trying to figure out their stratagem for taking Haokah Ruins and battling with the enemy banners. After a minute of silence, Arlan understood how he could win.

"Move out!" ordered the King's Blade.

With a full belly and a night's rest, Arlan and the Storm Riders were refreshed and moved at nearly full strength. They rushed forth against the two enemy banners who numbered a thousand each.

As they neared Haokah Ruins, two units of three-hundred light cavalry emerged from the gates. At the front of each enemy unit was a lieutenant. They were all second-tier white cores. Arlan smiled and already knew the results of the battle.

"General Arlan! Your orders?" asked Edgar.

"We'll go through them."

"By your command," acknowledged Edgar as he turned his head to the side and yelled, "Follow the General and kill anyone who stands in our way."

The Storm Riders shouted out a battle cry and readied their spears forth. The enemy cavalry unit outnumbered the Storm Riders but the training and strength of each individual was much greater. Arlan was also leading them at the front as a force multiplier. They had nothing to fear.

As both sides reached a mere twenty meters from another, Arlan activated Warlord's Regalia. This empowered his four-hundred Storm Riders to an average of third-tier white-cores. Then together in unison, Arlan and the Storm Riders all channeled essence with a yellow aura. They activated [Rampage] and all dashed forth, slamming through the enemy ranks with precision.

Limbs, horse and human heads, weapons, shields and other parts flew. The Mar-Tech had successfully given the Storm Riders the upper hand and also provided them with a thick essence barrier. Over a hundred and fifty light-cavalrymen were obliterated in the initial clash.

The Beaumont light-cavalry weren't used to this kind of power and tried to maneuver around to the sides, avoiding Arlan. But while this was a valid move by the enemy, the Storm Riders weren't heavy cavalry that the light cavalry could maneuver around. They were medium and held decent speed and survivability.

The Storm Riders left and right platoons simply broke away and started to demolish into the enemy's front, killing both commanders with ease. Without any orders being given out, the enemy simply continued into Arlan's death machines to be killed like they were nothing.

By now, one of the units had already been completely obliterated while the other only had a hundred light-cavalrymen left with no leader. Fear and panic spread amongst the enemy ranks. They were being chased down by a platoon of Storm Riders and couldn't outrun them. So the last in line would be killed every few seconds as the Storm Rider platoon caught up to its prey.

Feeling satisfied with the outcome, Arlan ordered for a regroup and Edgar blew a horn in a pattern that signaled for a regroup back to their wedge formation. Within a minute, the storm riders had reformed on Arlan as the speartip of their wedge formation.

They were now riding towards the entrance of Haokah Ruins which now housed archers and spearmen at the entrance. Arlan grinned and knew what they were up to but the poor souls didn't know of Arlan's abilities yet.

Arlan and his Storm Riders stopped just a hundred meters outside the gate. The archers held their arrows ready as the spearmen nervously clenched their weapons at ready.

Using wind magic, the Immortal General's voice rang, "Hear me, House Beaumont. In the name of King Richard Avens, lay down your arms and surrender!"

The enemy soldiers looked upon each other with confusion, trying to find direction in their superiors.

But none dared to say anything. They had just witnessed the massacre of their cavalry. So they knew the enemy was strong enough to wipe them out.

"Make way!" yelled an enemy sergeant among the spearmen. The formation slowly opened a path for a young man in mithril armor, holding a large two handed mace.

Arlan presumed the individual to be either House Beaumont's eldest son or a retainer. But the King's Blade had figured the enemy was too short to be an eldest son.

While the lone warrior approached the Storm Riders, Arlan met him halfway and were now only twenty meters from each other. It was a parley.

"Is this Baron Arlan Reeve?" asked the individual in mithril armor.

"Yes, and who am I addressing?"

"Baron Godbert Beaumont, the heir to House Beaumont."


I thought he wouldn't be on the frontlines like this? Wait-

At that moment, Arlan's [Battle Trance] picked up a surge of essence and mana from within Godbert.

He's absorbed a demon core. Making him surrender is going to be tough.

"Yes, it is I, Godbert. I've come to deliver my answer to your terms."

"What is your answer?"

"We cannot surrender," answered Godbert, "We will emerge victorious over your own corpses."

Arlan sighed internally as he responded, "Godbert, it doesn't have to be this way."

"It does. You should know that better than most since you're fighting against us."

Everyone readied their weapons in preparation for a fight after hearing this.

"Then how about this," said Arlan as he dismounted Kage, "Why don't we decide the fate of our banners with a duel? If I win, you and your men surrender. If you win, we will surrender to you."

Before answering, a momentary pause of thought struck Godbert as he looked at his weary men. They had already lost two units of light cavalry. It was a very enticing choice. Especially now that Godbert had absorbed a Demon Core.

"Very well," answered Godbert, "We shall have a duel."

Arlan and Godbert stood opposite each other just like the first day at Lancel High Academy. Their previous duel ended in a landslide victory for Arlan but with Godbert's strength amplified along with his battle experience, he was no longer a virgin of battle.

Godbert readied himself and his men cheered from behind while Arlan assumed his position as well. The King's Blade had already used [Battle Trance] before and it revealed Godbert to be at a fifth-tier red core. While it wasn't enough to guarantee victory, it just showed that Arlan couldn't take Godbert lightly.

As both duelists were ready, Godbert lunged at Arlan with his two-handed mace. It was met by the flat side of Arlan's blacksteel claymore. The strike was powerful but nowhere near as strong as Arlan had fought previously.

If I could force them to surrender with no casualties, this would greatly work in our favor.

Godbert continued his barrage of attacks against Arlan but was unable to penetrate Arlan's [Automatic Parry]. Both sides cheered on their respective commanders. However, Godbert still had no chance of winning. His attacks were too weak compared to Arlan's and he lacked the essence capacity to keep up.

"Godbert, just surrender," demanded Arlan as he deflected blow after blow.

"Never!" answered Godbert as he continued, "I will not dishonor House Beaumont!"

The King's Blade decided he had enough and activated [Undying Zeal]. He was now empowered to a seventh-tier orange core. He brought his blacksteel claymore overhead and struck down the shaft of the two-handed mace, destroying the weapon completely.

Godbert fell on his bottom and felt a murderous aura emanate over him. Everyone was now quiet. Arlan's blacksteel claymore was pointed at Godbert's head.

"Do you surrender?" asked Arlan.

The Beaumont Banner Commander was silent and before he could answer Arlan, something inside Godbert started to rise and control him. Everyone was shocked to see Godbert start to cry out in pain and mutate.

What the fuck is this? It's just like Roy!

Arlan brought his blacksteel claymore overhead and tried to strike down Godbert before he turned but it was too late, the mithril armor was now fused with an unrecognizable monster of flesh. Two bone scythes had blocked Arlan's attack.

The nearby Beaumont soldiers were unsure of what to do until they were also turned into flesh-like beasts with bone scythes for arms. The Storm Riders retreated and reformed under Edgar's orders.

"Edgar!" shouted Arlan, "Have the Storm Riders use [Rampage]!"

"By your command!" Edgar acknowledged as he directed the Storm Riders.

The drug that was developed by Roy Vanders had already been distributed or recreated. It seems it had acted as a failsafe. This time though, Arlan had no idea how he could fight against such overwhelming numbers.

He used his [Battle Trance] and reactivated his Warlord's Regalia. The enemy still numbered eight hundred strong with the mutations amplifying them to third-tier red cores and Godbert was now a monstrous sixth-tier yellow core.

Most of the enemy was still inside the gate though, so Arlan had to bottleneck them here while his Storm Riders dealt with the remaining three hundred troops outside.

Godbert had lost all forms of his humanity like Roy had and lunged with a bloodthirst for Arlan.

The King's Blade knew what he had to do and prepared an [Arc Flare] while defending against Godbert's attacks. Some of the mutated Beaumont soldiers raced at Arlan as well. In response, Arlan used [Titanstrike] to launch Godbert back while cleaving the four mutated soldiers in two.

The soldiers weren't regenerating their lost limbs like Roy had. Arlan deduced the regenerative properties were only with anyone who was empowered by Arcane torrents or had absorbed a Demon's Core like Godbert had.

Meanwhile, the Storm Riders clashed the flanks with their Mar-Tech and obliterated through the enemy lines. The initial momentum was powerful enough to kill a two-hundred enemy soldiers in twenty seconds but the enemy was no longer human and ferociously charged into the Storm Riders who were now starting to sustain heavy injuries despite their essence barriers gained from [Rampage].

The mutated soldiers had no morale or remorse, they would charge into their own deaths ravenously like beasts. This fanaticism was dangerous and Arlan had no choice but to exert himself beyond what he was normally used to and was managing to hold Godbert off while killing scores of mutated soldiers emerging from the gates.

Edgar was on the right-wing leading his unit through cutting down scores of the mutated Beaumont soldiers. He turned around and noticed over forty riders had been injured and five had been killed. They were the first casualties of the southern front. He felt a heavy weight in his heart but turned his attention back to his responsibilities. He had to, or else more would die.

The King's Blade continued non-stop with efficient attacks and parries. Arlan also unleashed his [Arc Flare] whenever it was ready in order to incinerate parts of the entrance to funnel the enemy towards him. The mutated Beaumont soldiers started to slip past Arlan as he continued to strike down one after another while deflecting Godbert's attacks.

Finally, Arlan saw an opening and fired his [Arc Flare] at Godbert and jumped into the air with a [Trifecta] readied. He brought down his triple swing with so much force that Godbert's bone scythes broke on the third hit. The slab of blacksteel pressed down into Godbert's body vertically and separated both sides.

"I'm sorry, Godbert," said Arlan solemnly, "I tried to spare the lives of your men. I'll put them to rest."

The right side of Godbert's face was still active for a few more seconds and a tear slowly slid down the grotesque eyes.

Arlan moved on and continued to kill groups of five mutated soldiers at a time as they emerged from the gate. By now, the Storm RIders had finished wiping out the enemy flanks completely and started to move to assist their commander. Kill zones were set up with spears thrusting forth and wiping out any stragglers who tried to flank to the side.

After thirty minutes of non-stop carnage, it was now quiet at the gates of Haokah Ruins. Arlan was covered in the enemy's blood from head to toe while his Storm Riders were busy moving their injured comrades or finishing off any mutated soldiers who were still breathing.

While holding a list, Edgar walked up to Arlan's side who was sitting against the flat side of his blacksteel claymore, which was stabbed into the ground. The King's Blade was staring at Godbert's split lifeless body while holding his leather bota in his left hand.

"General, Haokah Ruins have been searched thoroughly," reported Edgar.

After taking a sip of water, Arlan asked, "What are our losses?"

Edgar sighed before he answered, "Of the fifty injured, ten are beyond recovery and being sent back home. And twenty have been killed. Three-hundred and thirty are still able. The remaining forty injured will need to see the clerics back at the Royal Army Camp."

"I see," acknowledged Arlan, "Please give me the names of the twenty Storm Riders who've been killed and what did you find in Haokah Ruins?"

Edgar handed Arlan the report with the names of the dead and wounded then said, "We found weapon caches, maps, supplies, but nothing out of the ordinary. I believe they were given the mutation drug before arriving at Haokah Ruins at least a month prior."

"I'd hope there would be some answers here. We need to identify who is distributing it among the rebels and how to cure it. It activated when Godbert was about to surrender."

"How on earth is that possible?" questioned Edgar.

"Not sure. But it may have to do something with the Malum Incarnate."

"Well what now? What's our next move, General?"

"Report this to the Royal Army and collect samples of the flesh for research. We need to understand it. As for our next move, we go to the Royal Army Headquarters and rest. We'll ride east and join the rest of the banner after that."

"By your command!"

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