The Immortal World – Ikaris

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 – The Song II

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Edward was the first to leave his class as the bell rang, but instead of heading straight to the cafeteria for lunch, he took a long way around.

Every corridor was meant to avoid the crowd… and accomplish something else.

As he passed room 14, Emmett and Rosalie fell into synch, walking a couple of steps behind Edward. Their action was seamless, with the chaotic movement of a human.

Because they were not humans, such precision was possible for them.

Rosalie walked closer to Emmett on instinct, demonstrating in no uncertain vampire terms that the muscular, tall man capable of choking a bear into submission was her mate.

Edward was allowed to walk in front for two reasons – one, he had no mate, and two, his gifts allowed them forewarning of where they could and could not approach.

Avoiding gossip here and there had saved The Cullens from discovery many times in the past.

Emmett’s thoughts were pure.

But Rosalie actively had to direct her thoughts away from pitying Edward out of her own vanity. It was no secret that Carlisle had created her for Edward… but things didn’t work out that way.

Rosalie found pleasure in knowing that Edward was similarly disinterested in all females as he was with her at the time.

Of course, Edward was accustomed to hearing Rosalie’s vain thoughts – her pattern of thinking was not exactly unique. Everyone thought the same things on a fundamental level, be they, vampires or humans.

This was why Edward could be almost as tolerant towards humans as Carlisle, himself.

That was no small feat.

The trio passed class 24 and out skipped Alice holding hands with Jasper. Edward’s mind skimmed over Jasper’s thoughts, ensuring there wouldn’t be any immediate problems.

Jasper’s thoughts bothered Edward the most – reminding the mind reader of himself as a Newborn when the blood was all he could think about.

Jasper’s mind was cold, emotionally stunted – there was only Alice and blood in his world, and Edward wasn’t sure which would win in the end.

Unlike Rosalie and Emmett, Alice was a free spirit so she hardly stuck to the etiquette of remaining close to her mate if she could help it.

The fact that she was currently holding Jasper’s hand was more of a restraint than anything else – a vision had probably told her Jasper had to have his hands occupied less he makes a costly mistake.

Alice’s gift was a similar curse to Edward’s, so the siblings understood each other best.

Edward could see every hint of an ill-formed idea, read the hypocrisy between everyone’s thoughts and their lips, and listen to a world that only gets louder and louder each year.

Alice was in a similar position – major future events never gives her a choice, often pulling her mind into that branch for a couple of seconds.

But normally, her gift was more targeted and less intense.

Alas, like Edward, it was not something she could turn off, so she always had to direct the gift. Sometimes, it was as simple as locking into one person’s future possibilities and remaining there.

But sometimes, there were lights that shine brighter than most.

Alice had trained herself to ignore the bright lights, focusing primarily on Jasper and her coven. It worked well enough, especially considering the closeness of Jasper as her mate.

It made things easier.

Better yet because Edward, Rosalie, and Emmett only required a future glance weekly. Of course, the worse Alice could see is the possibility of Rosalie tearing out someone’s throat for wearing the new Balenciaga purse she wanted.

Then again, Rosalie always got whatever she wanted, so Alice wasn’t too concerned about that future coming to fruition, and on the small chance things were heading in that direction, she would simply send things in another direction.

The five siblings exited the building, greeted by the clouded skies that hid what they really were.

The cold didn’t bother them, but they still wore long sleeves, hoodies, or double shirts to blend in with everyone else.

As they approached the cafeteria from the outside, Alice’s mind briefly drifted from Jasper, honing onto the possibilities before someone standing just outside the cafeteria’s door with a guitar in his hands – Xavier.

There was a song – a very nice song… loving song.

A beautiful voice, accompanied by happiness then disappointment.

Alice could feel her joy at the moment – something finally matched up to the liveliness she held inside.

And finally came the face – Xavier’s face.

Alice was surprised particularly because every other time she had tried to pry into Xavier’s possibilities, it would always be a golden hue of light.

But now, she could see just a bit – the golden hue was lifting.

Edward, walking at the front of the group, slowed his steps, and the Cullens all slowed in unison. It was an unconscious action on Edward’s part – he was merely experiencing the future possibility Alice was currently witnessing.

Alice’s ability was essentially still a mental projection of the future, so Edward, who could read thoughts, could witness Alice’s visions as they came.

The number of times he had seen the students of Forks slaughtered by Jasper, then his entire family, numbered in the dozens.

“Anything to share?” Rosalie inquired.

Edward slowly shook his head.

Alice retreated closer to Jasper, who stabilized her emotions with just a touch.

That was the curse of being Alice – not everything witnessed was useful information, but someone like Rosalie would remain suspicious regardless.

The walking resumed.

The Cullens entered the cafeteria to lower voices – most of those voices discussing them. Of course, The Cullens could hear everything – even the smallest, darkest whispers.

What made their coven special was the lack of vulnerabilities, given it was not created by one of them.

They could hear every voice.

Edward could hear every thought.

Alice could see every future.

If there was someone who suspected something and could not be persuaded otherwise, given they were not particularly important to Forks, The Cullens could get rid of them in a heartbeat, or at the very least, move a couple of years early.

By the time The Cullens had made it to their usual table and sat down, Edward had already discerned the trend of the day – a new girl, an ordinary human.

He had seen her face repeatedly and re-repeated in the thoughts of a dozen horny teenagers, and at least, three jealous girls – Jessica being chief among them.

“It’s starting…” Alice whispered.

“What’s starting,” Rosalie grew tense in her seat, wondering if a slaughter of the hormone-filled school was afoot.

Emmett thought for a couple of seconds. “Yeah, Xavier did tell me he would be trying to win Angela back today. I was supposed to get a Tambourine from Jessie, but I guess I forgot.”

Nobody was surprised – Emmett was the only one who retained some interest in the affairs of the humans.

“I don’t think it will end well for him,” Edward smiled subtly, glancing at a particular thought in Angela’s head… but his smile faded the next moment when he looked at the new girl and…




There was no time to ponder the phenomenon since the lights dimmed the next moment, and Xavier made his entrance into the cafeteria.


The lights dimmed.

Nobody knew the lights could do such a thing – as it turned out, Jessie had changed the curtains to a darker shade, effectively dimming the light seeping in from the windows.

Jessie sat near a table in the center of the room, drums spread over the white surface. It was unknown how she managed to sneak such a thing into the cafeteria, but nobody spared her a second glance.


A buzz rang through the room as the PA system synched, and linked to none other than Jessie’s drums, and Xavier’s guitar.

Everyone’s eyes scanned the cafeteria, hoping to see the center of the mayhem - their wandering eyes didn’t have to wait very long since Xavier made his entrance in a burst of speed.

The Eternal burst through the cafeteria’s doors with a guitar in hand, running until he was near the last table before sliding a cool six feet on his heels.

He came to a stop near The Cullen’s table, much to The Cullen’s surprise – even Alice hadn’t seen that particular possibility, but then again, her visions were sketchy when it came to Xavier.

Xavier’s entire motion was smooth, seamless, and utterly unexpected.


The drumbeat came first.


The rhythm flowed and everyone couldn’t help but sway.


By the third repeat of the beat, everyone was engrossed; though, Angela felt a pit building in her stomach. She didn’t dare think that Xavier would do such a thing for her, but it was definitely his style.

Social suicide was never something he’d consider.


Just as it seemed the beat wouldn’t end…

Xavier opened his mouth, stroked his guitar, and everything fell into place at that moment. His voice was strikingly fun but also somber to a degree.

And all I am is a man ????????
I want the world in my hands

Xavier extended his outstretched palm in Angela’s direction as if holding her in the palm of his hand.

I hate the rain but I stand ????????

In Forks, Washington with my toes in the damp ????????

Xavier pranced forward to the rhythm of a combination of the drums and his guitar – right foot tip of his toes, then left foot tip of his toes the moment his right foot flattened.

This action took him just a step away from The Cullen’s table.

Use the sleeves of my sweater ????????

Let’s have an adventure ????????

Xavier pulled the nearest girl, Sam, out of her seat, spun her around, embraced her from behind, and slid her back into her seat in two smooth motions.

At this point, everyone was appalled that Xavier could dance so well. His reputation preceded him in fighting, but the delicate task of dancing was another thing entirely.

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Head in the clouds but my gravity’s centered ????????

“Well…” Alice suddenly turned to Rosalie and the others. “I definitely didn’t see this part coming. Guys, try not to react too abnormally.”

At that point, Xavier did the most appalling thing yet.

The Eternal pulled Alice out of her seat, and being the seer she is, she already knew what would come next so she didn’t resist. Though she didn’t show surprise, she was indeed perplexed as to how Xavier could pull her out of her seat without groaning.

Alice knew she was heavier than she looked, and she did resist very briefly, but that didn’t seem to hinder Xavier at all.

Xavier leaned forward, keeping his foot firmly planted on the ground, and Alice mimicked the action, only she was leaning backward.

It looked as if the world had tilted around the duo, but they were actually the ones doing the tilting – all the while keeping their gravity firmly centered.

Touch my neck and I’ll touch yours ????????

At this point, nobody was surprised when Xavier actually did as his lyrics suggested, briefly brushing his hand against Alice’s neck, before straightening their bodies and spinning the energetic vampire back into her seat next to Jasper.

Jasper, for his part, didn’t overreact – he could feel the emotions involved in the dance. Alice was as energetic as ever, feeling bubblier than he had felt in a long time.

He knew she missed many things about being human, so Jasper was grateful that Xavier was able to grant her a glimpse of that experience once more.

As for Xavier, his emotions were mostly directed at the fidgeting Angela a couple of tables away.

The music continued, and the dancing continued.

You in those little high-waisted shorts, oh ????????

There was no mistaking it this time.

As the lyrics left his mouth, Xavier’s eyes locked with Angela’s and for a moment, she got lost in the memories of that evening – her high-waisted shorts at Xavier’s house… the sex.

As it turned out, high-waisted shorts were the first pants Xavier ever took off of her. Strangely enough, she could not find those shorts the morning after the deed.

She knows what I think about ????????

And what I think about ????????

One love, two mouths ????????

Xavier passed the drums at this point in time and didn’t forget to run his fingers over Jessie’s lips. And of course, she allowed the action – for any other guy, she would fight them to the death, but Xavier had long since become a special existence in her heart.

One love, one house ????????

No shirt, no blouse ????????

Xavier spun and v-stepped his way toward Angela’s table, stopping midway to gesture to an unsuspecting female student wearing a blouse.

The said student almost slipped out of her blouse willingly, but Xavier was able to move on before something regrettable could occur.

Just us, you find out ????????

Nothing that I wouldn’t wanna tell you about, no ????????

Xavier continued his journey, but it felt as if the closer he got to his goal, the further his rapidly beating hard would drift away. It was his first time putting everything on the line.

He was as vulnerable as he would ever be.

A haunting melody exploded forth from The Eternal as if communicating every bit of emotional struggle, he was currently experiencing internally.

Cause it’s too cold ????????

For you here and now ????????

Let me hold ????????

Both your hands in the holes of my sweater ????????

The students gasped as if finally believing Xavier was the person singing. The lyrics just matched Forks too perfectly – a place where everyone was forced to wear sweaters and hoodies all the time.

And if I may just take your breath away ????????

I don’t mind if there’s not much to say ????????

Sometimes the silence guides our minds ????????

So, move to a place so far away ????????

The goosebumps start to raise ????????

The minute that my left-hand meets your waist ????????

And then I watch your face ????????

Put my finger on your tongue ????????

Cause you love to taste, yeah ????????

Angela blushed at the last bit – it was indeed true that she particularly liked when Xavier placed his fingers into her mouth and played with her tongue.

These hearts adore ????????

Everyone the other beats hardest for ????????

Inside this place is warm ????????

Outside it starts to pour ????????

Xavier finally made it to Angela’s table, casting a quick glance in Bella’s direction that forced the fragile girl to occasionally hit the tambourine.

Jessica was seething with jealousy, already determined to do something drastic. Actually, her machinations were already in progress from the moment Bella stated Xavier’s intentions.

All it took for Jessica was a single text message.

Coming down ????????

One love, two mouths ????????

One love, one house ????????

No shirt, no blouse ????????

Just us, you find out ????????

Nothing that I wouldn’t wanna tell you about, no, no, no ????????

Angela rose from her seat at the table, trying to back out of reach of the approaching Xavier, but her steps demonstrated clear reluctance to depart.

“No… no… not again…”

Tears leaked from the corner of her eyes as she recalled the previous heartbreak, the previous cheating, the previous lies, and when she didn’t have the strength to leave him, Xavier finally broke up with her.

Cause it’s too cold ????????

For you here and now ????????

So, let me hold ????????

Both your hands in the holes of my sweater, whoa ????????

Xavier advanced a few steps, and took Angela’s hand into his own and it was as if the girl melted into his arms. Still, Angela struggled to extricate herself from his arms.

Admittedly, everyone hoped she would be able to do it.

For some reason, the students were united in a common understanding – Xavier would never be someone to fall in love with. Something about him demanded intensity unmatched.

Cause it’s too cold ????????

For you here and now ????????

So, let me hold ????????

Both your hands in the holes of my sweater, whoa ????????

Xavier embraced Angela for a couple of seconds before guiding the girl back to her seat, clearing the food from in front of her as he took its place on the table.

Then, he sang to Angela specifically.

Only two people in a world meant for two.

Cause it’s too cold ????????

For you here and now ????????

Let me hold ????????

Both your hands in the holes of my sweater ????????

And it’s too cold ????????

It’s too cold ????????

The holes of my sweater ????????

The song ended…

Xavier’s fingers on the guitar stroked the strings intermittently.

Just as Xavier felt – for the first time in his life – he deserved a happy ending; a hand snaked around Angela’s waist and snatched the girl from in front of Xavier.

The students enjoying the lingering effects of the song were broken from the trance and collectively sucked a breath of air.

Xavier raised his head – eyes greeting Brandon who had his arm around Angela’s waist. What made Xavier feel as if he had experienced a punch to the gut was the expression on Angela’s face.

Panic and guilt.

Angela felt a bombardment of complex emotions, and while she hoped Xavier would not misunderstand the situation and that she was unfaithful while they were together, she was also contented by the hurt expression on his face.

Brandon smirked…

And then, all hell broke loose!

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