The Infection

Chapter 2: Chapter Two : Consious

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The various smells, some he could recognize and others he couldn't roused Wynn from the dark blankness that had him captive until mere moments before.

His eyes showed him a moderately lit street with several items laying not to gar away, scattered randomly. He stared for what felt like minutes, still to the point that he thought he'd make a fine statue.

"..." He wanted to speak, but the strange sensation of not being able to gather enough air made him stop. He didn't forget what had happened to him, what he was made to experience, but he had hoped it was a dream.

He was eaten, and even his throat wasn't spared. But he was bitten, shouldn't he be a mindless zombie now? Wynn didn't understand because although many had become zombies, he hadn't heard of any zombie ever retaining rationality.

A low grunt left his body, and aside from grunting, perhaps due to missing what he thought of as half of his throat, he couldn't growl or snarl like the zombies he'd heard before.

His arms and legs didn't feel painful, and after a few experimental flexes, he pushed his hands against the ground and sat up, his eyes staring without blinking.

He could see two butchered corpses, and a soft breeze blowing told him they were both zombies before they were chopped up. The smell was much like his own, the scent was different on several levels though.

After he steeled himself, he looked down and sighed helplessly. His clothes were in tatters and his arms were badly mutilated, with various parts missing skin, but some parts had already begun to heal.

Zombies were very troublesome because unlike movies and shows, they weren't dead. Instead, those infected entered a hyperactive state where healing and muscle density increased beyond normal.

Of course, normal zombies weren't too dangerous provided you keep out of reach because when they grabbed someone, unless they were killed, they wouldn't let go.

Unlike a human who could die from lack of blood, zombies still had blood, but it was unknown why zombies could suffer mortal wounds and keep walking. The only thing that would kill a zombie was having their head removed.

Even having their bodies crushed only left them unable to move, but given enough time, it was speculated they'd heal back to usual, depending on the type of zombie.

Walkers were slow but also the most numerous, followed by Runners who were as fast if not faster than normal people. Runners also had endless stamina and could run forever without tiring, but Runners weren't extremely common.

There were those who had been rumored but never actually seen because all those who had died gruesomely. Venators were said to be beyond what people could handle and are said to track down their prey and devour them, leaving nothing behind.

Unlike Walkers, Runners had more coordination, and Venators had even more than Runners did, putting them above humankind and bordered on supernatural with their tracking ability and speed.

And unlike Venators which focused on speed and tracking, Vindicators were strength based and while faster than Runners, were slower and less agile than Venators and their senses also fell behind, but their sheer strength and ability to take damage was unreal.

If attacking a Venator was unrealistic, fighting a Vindicator was just suicidal, as a blurry video clip and rumors said that even a reinforced car could be ripped apart by them.

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If Venators were stronger than humans and faster, then Vindicators were a different level. At most, even a Runner would be more welcomed than a Venator as you wouldn't see or hear them coming until you were either dead or being eaten.

Since Wynn hadn't heard of a zombie attacking another zombie, even over food, he relaxed. Whether they were Runners, Venators, or Vindicators, it didn't matter anymore, he was already a zombie. In fact, he'd probably be more welcome among them than by any humans.

The feeling of not being able to talk was strange, and the sensation of his arms, being aware of the flesh and skin slowly recovering didn't feel painful and just registered as it was.

With a smooth motion, he got to his feet silently and stalked into a darker area of his vision, not realizing the sky was dark until he looked up and saw many stars twinkling.

As far as he knew Runners possessed decent eyesight and could see better than humans in the dark, but his eyesight was clear and when he thought about it, the area brightened even more.

When the sun fell, Vindicators were practically nonexistent, and Venators roamed freely, so he concluded with his level of eyesight, he was a Venator at least as even Runners didn't possess such a thing from observations done by people.

 His steps were silent, and a quick look revealed extremely sharp claws on the end of each finger, looking as tough if not tougher than steel.

With a silent leap, he scaled a two story building and entered through the window silently. He could smell various scents, some faint and nearly completely faded.

The room was small, but not cluttered as a bed and a bathroom could be seen. Wynn stared at the figure he saw in the mirror and sighed mentally.

His skin was sickly pale and his eyes were a glowing green that could frighten anyone who saw them at night. His face was nearly completely healed but his throat was still missing most of it's flesh and skin.

He lifted his shirt and saw various wounds on his flesh, and his eyes stared and then his head shook. He wanted to split from a group but wasn't allowed even that and ended up like this.

Putting his rising rage behind himself, he stared at his face again. His overall face was beautiful, and aside from the wounds that were healing slowly, it wasn't gruesome.

His blonde and black highlighted hair which fell to his shoulders but it was dirty, with blood and other liquids on it. Deciding to wait until his body healed, Wynn sat down and closed his eyes.


The feeling of emptiness in his stomach made him open his eyes, but he closed them again because the light from outside was so bright he couldn't see even a few feet away.

He touched his throat and realized it was better than before, with most of it nearly having regrown skin and flesh while he slept. His back, legs, and arms had also almost healed up completely, but he had a nagging feeling his sleep hadn't been just for a few hours or even a day.

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