The Intelligent Ogre

Chapter 11: Chapter 11 – Levels, Talent Tree, and Information

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About three days later, Jake woke up needing to use the bathroom but had no such thing.

He managed to hold his stool a while back but needed to release it every morning. Though he had to do it on the floor because when he asked his mother to make a bathroom, she just looked at him strangely and ignored his request.

Jake was still angry remembering that moment.

After he finished, he called out for his mother and started his daily routine. Though when he sat down on the table, his mother said something different from usual.

“Son today we start training. You’ve learned enough ogrish to understand and follow my instructions. Be sure to ask any questions if you do not understand alright?”

“Energy absorption training?”

“No, we are training vitality first. Your body can’t handle the energy of the world yet, so we will need to make it stronger, and that begins with vitality training.”

Jake told his mother about him sensing worldly energy 8 days ago and she looked happy and said that’s my son. Though she didn’t say much else and just told him many times to not try to absorb that energy and wait. It seems she wants him to gain a strong enough physique before doing so. He remembered how he almost died in the training space after absorbing worldly energy.

“Now sit and feel the vitality in your body. A long time ago, you told me you could see flowing energies inside your body when you close your eyes. As you know that is vitality.

Very few are as lucky as you to naturally feel vitality. Now look near your stomach, do you feel the milk you drank being transformed into vitality?”

“Yes mother.”

“Good, now we begin by trying to move vitality. It will take a long time so be patient. I myself took about 2 months to even move it slightly.

To move the vitality, you must use your concentration and willpower to ‘will’ the vitality to move. Then when you do, we will move on to the next part of digesting vital energy faster.

Each hour we will take a break and let you recover.”

After she finished speaking, she closed her eyes.

Seeing she was done speaking, Jake thought about his options about when to expose he could move vitality and decided to wait for 6 days before showing that he could move vitality.

This is because if he shows he could control vitality so quickly, she would expect him to be able to do anything near instantly which he couldn’t do. Though he also didn’t want to waste too much time and start learning new things especially magic. Even if he is expected to learn much faster, he had 10 extra days in the training space to learn each day.

The only reason he wanted to wait 6 days before showing he could control vitality was because his mother took 2 months to do so, and in 6 days he would also have 2 months in the training space. This way he wouldn’t bite more than he could chew.


About 5 days later it was important day. Jake stared at his attributes as they moved from 4.99 to 5.00. Jake then looked at the level portion of his system and the ‘locked’ was removed.

Finally, levels were unlocked!

In any game, Jake knew that levels played a crucial role for the character’s power. Though what happened next was strange. A message appeared from the system.

Level up 0 > 1

It seemed that it wasn’t hard to level, even if he had no idea how he leveled up. He was even level 1 (68/200 XP) already more than halfway to level 2.

XP usually stands for experience point in games and probably like in games when the numerator reaches the same as the denominator the level increases, but he didn’t know how he gained them for now, though it was most likely from fighting and becoming stronger like other games.

Though something caught his eye. A new line appeared right under the level section.

Talent Tree (Open) – 1 available talent point

Seeing that it was a skill tree made Jake feel delight.

In games, talent trees gave a game character different talent, perks and even skills. Jake mentally said talent tree open, and another system screen appeared.

Talent Tree – 1 available talent point – Giant Balanced Ogre rank 0

Talents -

  • Basic Physique (0/5) – Each talent point added increases the speed which physique related skills and knowledge are comprehended, created, and mastered by 5%.


  • Basic Mind (0/5) - Each talent point added increases the speed which mind related skills and knowledge are comprehended, created, and mastered by 5%.


  • Basic Soul (0/5) - Each talent point added increases the speed which soul related skills and knowledge are comprehended, created, and mastered by 5%.


  • Basic Profession (0/10)– Each talent point added increases the speed which related profession skills and knowledge are comprehended, created, and mastered by 10%.


Just looking at the various bonus made Jake excited. Each talent had so much potential. Though what confused him was why there was only 4 talents in the talent tree. Wasn’t it called a talent ‘tree’ for a reason?

Maybe he had to fill a trait before another came out? Or was it because his race rank is only rank 0? After all, there was probably a reason for the ‘Giant Balanced Ogre rank 0’ in the talent point position.

No matter for now Jake decided to add a talent point to the basic mind talent. This is because he wanted to become a mage, and from what read from its description, the mind talent is perfect.

The moment he added the talent point to the mind talent; he felt his brain itch. There was no pain, just sight annoyance from the itchiness.

After a while the itchiness disappeared, but Jake didn’t really feel different in his thinking, maybe 5% was too small to notice.

Well, he could try to figure out if it did anything in the training space later, for now he had to pretend to be trying to control vitality.


A day later, Jake finished his daily tasks. He didn’t feel much different, 5% was really too small to matter.

Jake also realized what increased his experience points, fighting in the arena, and learning new things. Winning a fight increased experience much more than normal.

Though normal was between 0-2, and it mostly was 0 and 1’s for some reason. Wining gave him 5 experience points, though he only won once today so he couldn’t be sure that winning gave only 5 experience points.

Winning became easier, and to be clear, after winning the battle against the horned bear, he won 15 other battles. Other than experience that he might have accumulated, his arena points increased greatly reaching 5.00.

Jake felt he was winning more often because his physique is catching up to his mind and soul attributes, making his body able to fight back enough to be able to utilize his mind and soul better.

Jake also unlocked being able to fight a stronger opponent after winning 10 arena battles, but he didn’t bother trying it out. If he could barely win an equal battle, fighting a stronger opponent was useless.

Jake also wasn’t going to spend his points; he was saving up for 50 arena points for energy sense (3/10).

Once he gets energy sense (3/10), he is going to be able to see worldly energy, and this time he wouldn’t just feel it on his skin, but most likely be able to control it. He was going to see if he could cast a spell by seeing how his mother used energy when cleaning him with the water spell.

Though today was the 6th day and since the vitality training began, he felt he had waited enough and wanted to begin on the next phase.

Jake spoke in a trembling voice to pretend that it’s hard for him to move the vital energy.

“Mother I can move vitality but it’s hard.”

His mother opened her eyes looked at him with disbelief.

“That impossible! Are you messing with me brat!”

“No, I’m not mother.”

“Then let me test you.”

Seeing his mother’s outburst, Jake thought he over did it. She didn’t even react that much when he told her he felt worldly energy.

She then put her giant finger on his knee and poured in a very small amount of vitality.

When the vitality entered his body and started circulating, Jake felt his body strongly reject the foreign vitality. It felt like if he used his vitality against it even a little, he could destroy the foreign vitality easily.

“Use your vitality to destroy the vitality strand I placed; it should be easily done. You will fail my test if the vitality reaches the same knee again, and I don’t take jokes lightly brat.”

Looking at his mother’s ‘smiling face’ Jake felt shivers go down his spine. He quickly decided to destroy the foreign vitality.

Moving a small part of his vitality, Jake touched the foreign vitality. The moment the vitalities collided; they destroyed each other and turned into weird energy residue.

The moment when Jake lost that small portion of his vitality, he felt extremely tired. It felt like he had run a few miles non-stop.

When Jake looked up at his mother, he saw that she had a stunned face. She didn’t say a word and removed her finger from his knee.

“Promise me one thing son, don’t tell anyone about how you controlled vitality in 6 days, including your father.”

“Why mother?”

“If anyone found out that a giant was able to control vitality in 6 days, they would take you away from me, and experiment on you to find out what makes you special.

You are reading story The Intelligent Ogre at

I was considered a big genius being able to do it in about 2 months but you… You are too amazing and that is dangerous if mages find out about it.

If you tell your father, he wouldn’t be able to keep his mouth shut and brag about you to everyone. I know him very well. A rumor about you having vitality connected to your brain from birth, spread in less than a day in the town.

That already gave us enough problems, like those annoying mages that wanted to ‘search’ your body to see what makes you special from other monsters. Thankfully the great shaman told them you had connected it yourself naturally, remember his favor.

Then came along invitations from various ‘masters’ that wanted you to join them when you become of age.”

Hearing all of that, Jake felt cold. He was almost turned into a lab rat by some mages. Though he had no idea what the masters were. Were they teachers, nobles, or something else.

“Mother what are masters?”

“They are highly renowned lifeforms of various professions. Everyone who wants to learn anything would seek them out first.

I had a master as well, he taught me crafting. Though he is currently on the front lines.”

Hearing that a crafter was on the front lines made Jake worried.

“I thought you didn’t have to go on the front lines if you are a crafter mother?”

“Well yes you don’t. As long as you complete enough tasks each year, no one could or would force you on the front line.

Though my master is a strange person. He likes to record how his various crafts function on the battlefield. Then he improves them to fit the situation better.

Though the real reason is because his soul is corrupted, and he likes to see death of enemies. Different from other masters, my master stayed on the front line for a very long time before becoming a crafting master and killed a lot of demons and dragons in the battlefield. He did so because he wanted revenge for his parents who were killed in the war.

Though killing is a horrible thing. Killing another lifeform, that has a soul, will cause the killer to gather the negative emotions from the killed lifeform.

When the negative emotions become too much, it will cause the soul to be corrupted, and even worse when the soul corruption reaches a certain point, it will cause irreversible soul damage.

That is why my master decided to become a crafter even if he was a battle maniac wanting to spend his life on the battlefield. Crafting or rather all professions transform the soul to be stronger and better.”

“Is there another way for the soul to transform mother?”

His mother gave a small smile before speaking.

“You are doing it right now. Are you confused? I guess I will explain starting from the basics.

There is a limit for everything, including the body, mind, and soul, but potential decides the limit usually. There are always exceptions to all rules, almost all rules…”

Hearing that made Jake freeze. Potential? Didn’t he have unlimited potential with the infinite potential (max)? Didn’t that mean he could become the most powerful mage?

“The body, or what mages like to say physique, has the longest potential growth time available. From before one it born to when one is a nearly an adult, one could increase the potential of their physique. The training for better potential usually involves exercising and vitality training.

For the mind, the potential is usually shaped when one is not even born to when one is a child. Training for better potential usually involves thinking about complex problems and meditation.

For the soul, the potential is usually shaped from when one is born to when one is a child. Better potential is brought when one is constantly exposed to emotions. The stronger the emotions, the better the soul’s potential is. Creative thinking and curiosity are usually the best ways to train the soul’s potential. There are other extreme ways, but they are not ethical, and they usually have some other side effects.

Though there is another strange thing about this, the body, mind, and soul are connected in various ways.

For example, the better the mind, the greater the emotions that could be conjured. The better the body, the better the mind performs. And so on.

Though while potential usually decides the limits, not everyone can reach their limits.”

Hearing that made Jake pause his fantasy of being the best mage. It seemed that potential wasn’t everything.

“The most obvious reason for not reaching the limits happens because of a lack of something. Like resources, training manuals, or motivation.

The physique is usually easiest to train. The mind, while harder, can be trained. The soul on the other hand is extremely hard and annoying to train.

Learning a profession and creating new things usually allows one to increase their soul’s power, though not everyone is filled with high curiosity and creative thinking, in fact many are not.

So, many had only one other option to train their souls, the extreme way. The extreme way of training requires one to be exposed to large amounts of emotions forcefully. The most common method is through pain, sadness, and rage because they are the easiest to acquire. While they might not corrupt the soul, it makes some lose their motivation and give up training.

Most just want to get by in life and live peacefully, not to be inflicted with pain, sadness, and rage.

Though because of this reason, most who arrive at the battlefield have their souls corrupted and damaged quickly.

My master on the other hand had a tough soul. He went through every training he could to strengthen his soul. It took a long time before his soul was greatly corrupted thanks to his training. Though because he killed too many for revenge, his soul strengthening couldn’t keep up with the corruption.

Realizing he couldn’t fight anymore without strengthening his soul greatly, he decided to go all out on crafting, hoping it could strengthen his soul greatly.

Then over time, he realized that his weapons could do more killing than he could, so he became a full-time crafter to better complete his revenge.”

Level up 1 > 2

Seeing that level up made Jake confused. How did he gain a level?

Did learning anything new, even history, give experience? Not just spells and mysterious knowledge?

“Son is there anything wrong?”

“No mother it’s nothing. I just thought that story was interesting, can you tell me more stories?”

“Well, I guess you should know some basic sense. I’ll tell more stories after I finish teaching you vitality training.”

Hearing that made Jake happy. It seemed he will level up quickly again.

Jake then looked at the system page and saw something great; he had 2 talent points available.

It looks like every level gives the same amount of talent points, meaning level 3 would most likely give 3 talent points.

“You just reminded me; I also need to teach you the universal language. I’ll do it during breaks, now back to vitality training. Wait it is nighttime we will continue tomorrow.”

Hearing that he had to learn another language didn’t make him that mad, maybe he could gain more experience from it. Well, it was time to sleep.


Current Information:

Name - Jack Flash

Age – 41 days 20 hours (Infant)

Race – Giant Balanced Ogre rank 0

Level 2 (0/300)

Talent Tree (Open)

Physique – 5.12

Mind – 5.12 (8.4)

Soul – 5.12 (9.1)

All hidden attributes – 5.12

Skills (4)

Training Space (Enter)

Arena (Enter)

Information End

Skills information:

Active Skills (None)

Passive skills

  • Mental stability (Max level)
  • Information concealment (Max level)
  • Infinite potential (Max level)
  • Energy sense (Level 2/10)
  • Body control (Level 1/10)

Arena points (5.00)

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