The Journey of the Ibtala’a

Chapter 5: First Fight

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As I run across the forest I think of the meanings of my new name. All three come from countries in Africa. I chose Thema as my first name because it means 'Queen' in Akan. I think this is a fitting name for me, who will be the leader and progenitor of an entire race. Enat came means 'Mother' in Amhari. All those that I give birth to will be my children and some of those that I turn will be my children. While I don't know when I will make children I do know that I will in the future. I always wanted children and a big family. And being pregnant doesn't seem like a bad experience. Makena was chosen as my last name because of its meaning of 'Happy One' in Kikuyu. This will be the name that all my family will share. I want everyone that becomes a part of my family to live a happy and fulfilling life.

I continue saying my full name over and over in my head. Becoming accustomed to it and making it my own. I also tried to change my name in my status as a test but it stayed the same. 'Seems like my name is so great that I can't change it." I think smugly to myself. As I run under the light of the two moons I start to feel comfortable in this world. I have a new name, am comfortable with who I have become, and know what my new capabilities are.

I hear a howl in the distance and the sound of paws crushing grass getting close. I stop my running in front of a sea of tall grass. As the sounds get frighteningly close I start to feel cold. I stand on guard, waiting anxiously for what is coming for me. A wolf slowly walks out of the tall grass. Its eyes are trained on me and ice covers patches of its gray fur all over. As I look at the monster in front of me the feeling of anxiety slowly goes away. I admire the first true magical creature I have ever seen and feel excitement on fighting it.

The ice wolf seems to have enough of its staring at me and charges at me. While it is faster than any human in my past life I can still see its figure clearly. I hop on the balls of my feet and as it jumps at me I jump to the side. I jab at its eye with my claws in a hand knife gesture as it goes past me. I miss its eye but manage to cut a piece of its left ear off. While it escapes my hand it does not escape my tail that manages to hit the target that I miss.

I quickly pull my tail out of the ice wolf eye socket as it slumps down and slides on the ground behind me. An intoxicating smell suddenly hits me like a truck and the lust and hunger overtakes my mind. I come to hunched over the dead world. Drinking the wolves blood. I feel the blood of the ice wolf going through tiny holes at the tip of my top canines and up the teeth straight into my stomach. While the blood tastes delicious I feel something deeper inside the being slowly being drained from the being through the incision made by my fangs. Not just the vitality of the wolf but what must be the essence spoken about in the skill, 'Ibtala'a Devour'.

It was more hidden in the creature than its blood. More ethereal. And much more delicious. It was the sweetest thing I have ever tasted and while it calmed down the forceful thirst and lust inside of me, it also brings rings of pleasure that almost made me orgasm again. As I finished sucking up all the blood, the essence of the creature rang dry. 'I want more' I thought. The taste of essence still lingered in my mind.

As many more howls echoed in the tall grass I remembered that wolves are pack animals. Nervousness was not even a factor in my mind. The essence in the ice wolves called for me and I had no problem answering that call.

As seven wolves walked out of the fields I realized that I didn't get any of the abilities from the previous wolf. One wolf wasn't enough was the only conclusion. I watched the wolves look at their dead brother and glare at me while growling loudly at me. One more wolf larger than the others came out of the tall grass behind them. 'Guess that's the alpha.'

The alpha didn't glare or growl like the others. It just stares with an oddly intelligent look after it looks at its dead member of its pack. Suddenly it barks what I guess is a command judging by how two of the smallest wolves jump at me. I feel more experienced with my claws and fighting  than earlier. I sidestepped one while letting one of the rings slice its stomach. The other wolf was gutted by my claws in its side and was quickly thrown to the side to die. I suddenly felt the same sense of danger that I did at the lab and threw myself to my right. An ice spike impacted the ground, where I previously was.

I quickly looked at the alpha again and saw cold air leaving its mouth. He quickly barked again and the rest of the wolves leapt at me. I met them head on this time instead of reacting to their attacks. This seems to shock them for a second. I took advantage of the ice wolves being packed together by attacking the wolf at the second farthest right. As I dodged its bite I pierced its head with my hand while killing the one on its right and left with my tail and wing. I felt a claw rake my left side and leave a deep scratch in my stomach.

I quickly jumped to the right and saw one of the remaining two wolves jump towards me. I stab at it with my tail but it jumps to the side dodging my attack. I feel a tingle to my right and crouch down before I can think of my actions. An ice spike flies above me, taking a few strands of my hair with it. I jump towards the one that sliced my side and stab at it with my claws. When it dodged I sliced it with my wing. Bisecting the wolf in half. I heard the last regular ice wolf jump towards my unguarded back. I send my tails and wings behind me and feel it get pierced and blood rain on my back.

I straighten my back, feeling the pain of the wound in my side but ignoring it to focus on the alpha. It looks at me and I can see the ice spike being formed in its mouth. It shoots it at me again and I side step it while keeping my eyes on the alpha. It was a good idea because it charges at me as soon as the spike leaves its mouth. It is noticeably faster than the others and I actually struggle to keep up with it. I frantically jump to the side and feel my first burst of panic when it jumps at me again while I'm still falling. I strike it with my tail but it ignores the limb which only leaves a small scratch on its side.

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I put my hands over my face and cover myself with my wings. I feel the loss of both of my wings and the deep scratches in my arms. The pain of losing half of the length of both my wings is mind numbing but I push through the pain so that I don't die here. 'He's just too fast' is the only thing I can think of as it rushes at me again. I realize that I have no way of dealing damage to this monster and I can only think of one way of killing it. As it lunges at me again I roll under it and latch on to its side by wrapping my tail around its body while linking my arms and tail around its body. I sink my fangs in its side while holding on for my life. I feel the intoxicating taste of blood and essence leave its body and the panic of the creature as it tries to get me off of it.

It scratches at me with its hind legs but I ignore it and only suck harder. It tries to buy me but I am out of reach of its mouth. I feel the wounds in my wings and arms healing but the wounds in my stomach are in a constant battle of healing and being damaged by the world's hind claws. I feel an impact in my back and realize the wolf is trying to get me off by banging me against trees and the ground. After the wolf realizes that banging me around is not working, I feel a biting cold in the wound that the wolf is making in my stomach.

I cannot see anything but the fur on my face but I can guess that it is using some type of ice power to try to kill me longer. I just cling to it more and start slashing it with my wings so that it can lose its blood quicker. Our exchange continues for what feels like forever. Me clinging, sucking, and slashing the wolf. And the wolf banging me against different surfaces and slashing me with its ice claws, trying to get me off it. The only reason that I am still alive is because of the accelerated healing from drinking the alphas blood.

Finally, the alpha starts to slow down and its movements become ragged. After a few more moments, the alpha falls to the ground while growling softly. As I feel the essence and blood slow to a trickle, I finally lease the wolf. As my lips leave its hide, I fully feel the pain in my side for the first time. Without the distraction of death being so close, the pain of the wound increases by what feels like 10 times. I look at the wound at my stomach and can see a peek of my ribs gouged out by the alphas claws. Ice covers the entire wound so it doesn't bleed as but I can feel the ice draining my strength and making me feel weaker and weaker. I let it be for now and limp to the alphas face so I can see its expression of the monster that almost killed me before I drain it dry.

The alphas eyes are drowsy as I crouch down so that I'm eye level with it. I have mixed feelings about the monster in front of me. I appreciate it for making me consciousness about my strength in this world. I have grown arrogant of my capabilities, even though my father warned me not to. This was a wake up call that made me realize that I still had a lot of growing left. But the feeling of anger drowns out that feeling and the snarl still on the wolf's face only reinforces that feeling.

I walk away from the alpha and head to each of the alphas pack members and drain all of there blood under the alphas gaze. I hope that this anger in myself can be quenched with this vengeful act. The second wolf that I drain grants me the first skill from both this species and my first skill gained from drinking essence.

< Racial Skill Gained: Ice Resistance(Ice Wolf)- Cold resistance is now twice as much as resistance stat. >

After gaining this skill, the ice that covered my wound started to melt and the wound healed from the blood of two of the wolves that I have drained. Seems like I having a resistance of 9 to ice i visually more effective then 4.5 resistance. After a couples about a minute, the wound was almost completely healed and I moved on to draining the other wolves. None of the other wolves besides the second one have me any skills.

As I drained the last wolf I turned back to the alpha who eyes have turned red and is struggling to stand up to attack me. I head back towards the alpha and put to use what I learned from the earlier uses of my tail while attacking the previous wolves. The tip of my tail also seems to be able to absorb blood just like my teeth do. While looking in the alphas eyes, I stab it in its left eye. I drain the last of its blood and essence and feel them go up my tail and into my stomach. I feel full for the first time in this world and clear of anger that I previously had. The anger in the alphas eyes have not faded upon its death and as I turn around to leave and pull my tail out of its eye, I get another skill.

< Racial Skill Gained: Ice Magic(Ice Wolf)- You can now use Ice Magic.>

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