The King Of Passive Skills

Chapter 16: 16

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Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Zhang Shan pulled out the game map and carefully recalled the route he had taken just now. Suddenly, he found a corner that he seemed to have missed.

He had passed by the place just now. However, as he did not see a red dot, he did not pay too much attention to it. He did not expect a corner to be inside the place. If it was far away, the small map would not show a red dot. That corner should be the spot that he had missed. ‘Go and take a look, it might be there.’

Zhang Shan went through a narrow path and entered that corner on the map. Sure enough, there were a few red dots on the small map. Zhang Shan looked out for them one by one. They were all demonized one-horned goats, and they were all little monsters? There were still a few more red dots. ‘Go and take a look for all. I don’t believe it.’

When he found the fourth red dot, he finally saw a different monster. It was much bigger than an ordinary one-horned goat king. It was about the size of four or five ordinary goats.

‘Hehe, I finally found it.’

He leaned closer to take a closer look. It was a boss with a purple name, a demonized one-horned goat king. As for its attributes, he still could not see them.

“I found a boss. A demonized one-horned goat king, purple.” Zhang Shan shouted excitedly in the team channel.

“F*ck, you finally found it. I thought you couldn’t find it and was about to come back. What attributes does it have? Can you beat it?” Thousand Miles Riding Alone asked excitedly.

“I don’t know, I haven’t tried it yet. I’m still thinking of how to try it. I can kite small monsters, but a boss’s speed must be very fast. I’m afraid I won’t be able to outrun it. It’s not worth it to die for nothing.”

“It should be fine. Purple boss, if it doesn’t have an acceleration skill, its speed should be about the same as yours. As long as you don’t turn back to fight it, you should have a chance to run away. Try and see,” Wind-Blowing Wind Chimes urged.

“Alright, I’ll give it a try.”

Zhang Shan carefully searched the surrounding terrain. Unfortunately, he did not find any obstacles that he could use. ‘Forget it, I will hit once and run towards the small path outside, and then pull it to the big map outside. I can always find a place to block its vision and avoid the boss.’

After adjusting the attack range, Zhang Shan fired a shot at the boss and immediately ran outside. This time, he learned his lesson and instantly checked the boss’s attributes.

As he ran, he sent the boss’s attributes to the team channel.

Demonized one-horned goat: HP 20,000, attack power 500, skill 1: Charge, skill 2: Bind.

Charge: when the demonized one-horned goat is enraged, it will charge at the enemy, repelling the enemy and increasing the damage by 1,000. Bind: randomly binds a target, the bound target cannot move or attack, and will last for 3 seconds.

“This boss is a little weak. Its attributes are about the same as the wild boar king, but its skills are far inferior. Can you fight this?” Thousand Miles Riding Alone asked.

Zhang Shan did not have the time to pay attention to them. He buried his head in running. The goat king’s speed was indeed not fast. It was about the same as him. As long as he did not stop, it should not be able to hit him. However, he had to be careful to avoid other small monsters. Otherwise, it would be troublesome if he attracted more and more monsters.

When Zhang Shan rushed out of the small path and came to the big map outside, he suddenly realized that there was no sound behind him.

Hmm? Where was the boss? Zhang Shan turned around and looked. The goat king did not follow him. Could it be that this boss was fixed at that corner of the map? This was a little interesting, hehe.

Zhang Shan did not go in again. He waited outside for Wind-Blowing Wind Chimes and the others.

After about 10 minutes, the other four arrived.

“Boss World, is this boss easy to fight? Is it a gift?” Thousand Miles Riding Alone said with a smile.

“Normally, it’s not difficult. I just don’t know what will happen after it goes berserk. If it doesn’t go berserk, then it will be easy to fight,” said Storm of the World with uncertainly.

“I don’t care, let’s fight,” said Little Secretary of the Storm.

“Little Secretary, how much HP do you have now?” Zhang Shan asked curiously.

“Hehe, the Heart of Protection skill has leveled up by one level and increased HP by 10%. I have nine skill points left. After leveling up the whole skill, my HP has almost doubled. Adding the equipment and my own HP, I have more than 2,000 HP now. I should be able to withstand this fake boss. Even if its attack power doubles after going berserk, it’s still fine.” The Little Secretary was very arrogant.

“There’s a problem now. The boss’s second skill, Bind, will randomly bind a target. Binding others is fine. But if Wind-Blowing Wind Chimes is hit by this skill, without a healer to heal her, just by taking medicine, even Little Secretary also won’t be able to withstand a few hits.” Zhang Shan said with some worry.

“It’s fine. Wind Chimes, you don’t attack the boss. Don’t heal too many times in the beginning. Try as much as possible to let Little Secretary take medicine to recover his health. If he can’t recover, heal once. Try to reduce the boss’s aggro this way. If Wind Chimes is bound, Little Secretary will stop and retreat a little, not to attack the boss. Thousand Miles can go up and take it. You should be able to take two hits of the boss by now. If you really can’t, just run. Run and stall for a few seconds until the boss’s skill ends.”

After Storm of the World arranged the way to fight, he said, “Let’s go. Let’s clear the monsters first before we fight the boss.”

Little Secretary of the Storm took the lead. The others followed along the small path and entered the map where the boss was.

After clearing a few monsters easily, Little Secretary went up to fight the boss. The others quickly took their positions, with Wind-Blowing Wind Chimes standing at the back.

The Little Secretary directly held the boss, while Zhang Shan and the other two attacked nonstop.

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“This boss is so easy to deal with. It can’t be an elite monster, right? It was only around 300 HP when it fought Little Secretary. There was no sign of the boss at all. It won’t just drop some trash equipment, will it?” Thousand Miles Riding Alone said with some worry while he was wielding his ax hacking at the boss.

“This boss is indeed not that good. There shouldn’t be much to look forward to for the equipment it will drop. I hope it will give us more experience. It would be good if everyone could level up by one level, then all of you will directly reach level 10. If you were the first to leave the novice village, you will be famous, hehe.” Zhang Shan took over and said.

“Don’t think about leveling up directly. The wild boar king only gave us less than 10,000 EXP. Although this boss is higher in level, its quality is quite poor. Each of you can only be given 20,000 to 30,000 EXP at most,” Wind-Blowing Wind Chimes analyzed.

“Giving us 20,000 to 30,000 EXP is not bad either. At least we can save a lot of time in farming monsters. It’s also good to leave the novice village earlier,” Storm of the World said casually.

As they spoke, the HP of the boss kept dropping. Now, their damage was on a completely different level compared to when they fought the wild boar king in the afternoon. It was not only because everyone’s equipment had been updated, and their levels had increased their attributes and skill levels, most importantly, the boss’s defense could not be compared to the wild boar king’s.

In just a few minutes, the boss’s health bar dropped almost by half. Although the boss would occasionally cast skills, it was not a threat to them.

The boss’s Charge was only used on Little Secretary. Coincidentally, the Little Secretary’s orange shield had a special effect. It could not be repelled and was very stable. However, when it was hit by a skill, its health bar would rapidly decrease.

However, the team had a healer, so this was not a problem. Wind Chimes had upgraded her Rejuvenation Spell. She could accumulate close to 1,000 HP for each healing, so she could be healed very quickly.

The boss also used Bind skill from time to time, but it did not cause any chaos. Wind Chimes stood far away. She did not attack the boss, nor did she keep healing. For the time being, the aggro value was the lowest, so she had not been bound yet.

As for Zhang Shan and Storm of the World, they were even better off. It did not matter if they were hit by the skill. At most, they would not be able to attack for three seconds. As for not being able to move, they were long-ranged attackers anyway. They rarely moved, so they basically stood still to deal damage.

However, when Thousand Miles Riding Alone was bound, he was a little scared. After all, he was a melee fighter. Standing around the boss and not able to move, he felt a little panicked.

“Haha, we can take down a boss in 10 minutes, can’t we?” Thousand Miles Riding Alone said with a smile.

“Don’t be too happy yet. The boss should be going berserk soon. Pay attention to your positions. Little Secretary, pay attention. If you can’t hold on any longer, retreat immediately and let Thousand Miles take on the boss. You can’t die. If you die, we’re fighting for nothing. The others are all fragile. They fall easily with a hit from the boss,” Storm of the World reminded.

“Understood, don’t worry.”

“Then what should I do? Can I really take two hits from the boss? I’m afraid that if it’s a critical hit, I’ll die if I take only one hit.” Thousand Miles Riding Alone said worriedly.

“What else can you do? You’re meant to be sacrificed. According to the script, you’ll definitely die, hehe,” teased Zhang Shan.

Thousand Miles Riding Alone…

“It’s fine. It’s fine even if you die. Although you won’t get any EXP from lying on the ground, the equipment will still be given to you.” Wind Chimes comforted him.

Speaking of which, it was better to not have any. This meant that he was going to die for sure.

Thousand Miles Riding Alone was speechless. He said unwillingly, “There’s no need to tank. Six Guan can lure the boss. Let him lure it for a while. Wait for Little Secretary’s HP to recover before taking on the boss.” He was full of desire to survive.

“How can that be? If I lure the boss, I can’t go back and fight it. If others fight it, the boss will definitely fight others. It might even wipe out the entire team. It’s better to sacrifice you alone. Let’s be happy, hehe.” Zhang Shan directly objected.

It was because if no one could hold the aggro, the boss’s attacks would be random. At that time, other than him who could run faster and save his life, everyone else would probably die.

“Watch out, the boss is going berserk.” Little Secretary reminded.

When his HP fell to 10%, the boss’s attacks suddenly became much more vigorous. Little Secretary’s HP also fell. Although Wind Chimes kept healing him, his HP was still fluctuating up and down. Seeing this, Zhang Shan and the others were also panicking. They were afraid that Little Secretary would die in an instant.

“Attack with all your might. Little Secretary, pay attention to your HP. Thousand Miles, get ready to take on the boss. Come on, at most one minute, we will be able to defeat the boss,” Storm of the World said loudly with encouragement.

The boss charged at Little Secretary again. His HP was almost depleted now, so he hurriedly retreated. Thousand Miles Riding Alone quickly filled in and used Fallen Leaf Slash to hold the aggro as much as possible. As Little Secretary retreated and did not attack again, the boss’s aggro was immediately transferred to Thousand Miles Riding Alone. Unfortunately, the boss directly hit him on the head, instantly killing him. Even Wind Chime could not heal him in time.


Everyone was speechless. They were both Strength classes, but the difference was really big. At this time, Little Secretary’s HP was not fully recovered yet, but still, he had to continue holding the boss. If no one held the boss back, this operation would definitely fail.

Fortunately, at this time, not much of the boss’s HP was left. Everyone gritted their teeth and attacked. Meanwhile, Wind Chime kept healing Little Secretary. It all depended on whether Little Secretary could hold on longer or the boss.

Zhang Shan kept firing at the boss. From time to time, he hit the boss with Headshot. The damage was +50, and occasionally, he could also hit the boss with Heavy Strike, dealing five times the damage. These passive skills showed their infinite value at this time. When it came to comparing damage, it all depended on who was lucky and have more critical hits.

Suddenly, the boss hit with Heavy Strike. The Little Secretary’s HP was instantly depleted. Wind Chimes could not even heal him in time. The tank had fallen, but the others did not panic because, at this time, the boss’s HP was also depleted. He should have only a few hundred HP left.

The boss swiftly turned to Storm of the World. His damage was also very high. He was the second target of the aggro. Storm of the World gritted his teeth and attacked. He did not retreat a single step. Zhang Shan also persisted in attacking.

When the boss was about to hit Storm of the World, Zhang Shan immediately used the Heavy Strike effect, dealing five times the damage. The boss finally fell, and the entire process was thrilling and exciting.

It could be said that in this battle against the boss, Zhang Shan’s passive skills had contributed. The final burst of damage had locked in the victory..

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