The King of Spades

Chapter 10: “What Now?”

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"hah…. It's done, it's finally done"

Said Teresa with a slightly exhausted voice as she stood amidst bloodied corpses.

She had finally accomplished her long-time mission with this final kill. The man whose body could no longer be identified in front of her was the former right-hand man of her father, the one who pulled the trigger that took his life.

She had finally delivered justice, she had finally accomplished what she desired for three long and chaotic years. She should be satisfied, she should now be at peace, and yet why? Why does she only feel…. Emptiness?

Memories of the atrocities she'd done on her journey resurfaced in her mind, although she didn't regret one bit in killing the bastards who took her father from her, the faces of their innocent family and children, friends, and even parents came to mind.

Despite the bloodied floor she kneeled down and clutched her chess., guilt and shame. Those were the only things she could feel at the moment. The emotions were so strong that it felt like it was choking her by the neck, not letting go despite her constant struggle to calm down. Just when she was able to barely stand up the door to the room suddenly burst wide open and dozens of armed men entered.

"You Bitch!! Men, Kill her now!"

Multiple gunshots were simultaneously fired her way.

Surprised by the sudden barrage of bullets, Teresa was slightly late in reacting and was grazed multiple times.

{Shit! I can't take them on unprepared like this, that would be suicide.}

Running for her life, Teresa found an open window and leaped outside. The place she was in currently was in the private mansion of the man which was located in the middle of a forest, hard to find by anyone.

He stayed here fearing for his life since he was certain that he was the primary target of the killing spree Teresa was conducting.
Seeing the tall trees in her surroundings Teresa decided to go in deeper to lose her pursuers. After traveling a certain distance, she suddenly stopped in her tracks as she found that she was already at the edge of a cliff, with only the ocean and sharp rocks at the bottom.

When she was contemplating whether to jump or not she suddenly heard angry shouts getting closer.

"This way! The dogs caught her scent and are saying that she went in this direction!"

"Hurry before she's gone! I will not be able to rest unless I empty my entire magazine on her go*damn face!"

{Fuck!... heh, If I'm going to die anyway I’d rather it be through my own actions.}

Steeling herself with that thought she dived into the water.

After a soft splash, only silence remained, the pursuers who were a few seconds late cursed out loud, mad at themselves for missing their target. As for Teresa…


On a quiet shore from who knows what country, there lay a bleeding and haggard woman.

After being awakened by the sounds of the waves, Teresa immediately woke up in a panic and suddenly assumed a battle position.

Realizing that she was all alone her emotions calmed down and a sense of relief flooded her body.

No longer feeling distressed, she suddenly felt numerous sharp pains all over her body that went unnoticed due to the adrenaline.

"... Kuk!... Luckily it seems that none of them managed to hit anywhere vital, although the pain is annoying they were only light grazes at most... sigh... I even surprise myself with how monstrously strong I now am, If I wasn’t caught off guard I would’ve... Ouch!"

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Just as she was trying to stand up she felt an unimaginable pain.

Falling at such a height, a normal person would’ve been dead by now. But for Teresa, it seems that the high fall only managed to brake a few of her ribs and a couple of other bones in her body.

Due to the pain, she gave up trying to stand up and decided just crawl to the nearest shade to hide from the sun.

"phew, … It's finally done huh... Fate didn't allow me to die after all but now that my long-time desire is finally done…. What do I do now?"

She had finally accomplished her sole desire, the nightmare that kept her up all night, But despite all that, she only felt emptiness.

She no longer had a goal to pursue and no home to return to. All she felt was an emptiness inside her, what will she do now? What can she do now? those types of questions flooded her mind, and the only answer she could find was…nothing, she couldn't do anything.

When she finished carrying out her mission she was littered with blood all over her, so although it was by pure coincidence she managed to hide her true face until the end, as the only ones who know are now 6 feet underground.

This meant that if she wanted to she could start a ‘normal’ life as no pursuer will be able to find her as long as she stays moderately hidden.

However deep in her heart she knew that she couldn’t, she didn’t deserve such a life. Her hands had taken and ruined too many lives, she couldn’t bring herself to just write those sins off.

"Hah... hahaha…. even though I just escaped imminent death, here I am unable to find a reason to continue living! What the hell is up with this situation, maybe…... I should just end this once and for all?"

Said Teresa in a helpless voice while looking at a vine dangling from a tree. Having no more reason to live she was thinking of ending her life right then and there, but before she could a sudden rustle suddenly sounded beside her.

"Who is it!"

Shouted the startled Teresa. it could either be a human or a wild animal, either way, with her condition being so there was no way for her to defend herself if they had ill intentions.

{Heh, even though I was convinced on killing myself, here I am desperately clinging to my life when an unknown opponent appears. Is it instinct?}

Readying herself for what was to appear every muscle in her body tensed, However, unlike her wildest imagination rather than a beast or man, what appeared before and what popped out of the bush was instead... an old woman wearing a nun uniform.



The surprised nun stared at her for a few minutes, obviously surprised to find a heavily injured person while on a walk to the beach.

The awkward silence went on for a while until the old nun gave out a long sigh with her surprised face noticeably simmering down and a huge grin forming on her face.

"Oh my, it seems that you are badly injured. Why don’t you come here and let big sister treat you?” smugly said the nun.


Teresa was at a loss for words. Whether it be because of how calm the woman was to see her, or the fact that she called herself big sister despite her extremely wrinkled-up face.

{Is this old hag crazy?} that thought she kept to herself.

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