The King’s Gift

Chapter 17: Chapter 16 – Parricide

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Raviel didn't take long to reach the palace. His heart was pounding and fear twisted his stomach. He slid to the ground and rushed towards the entrance. He had to find Valens. He must…


He pushed the soldiers hard when they tried to prevent him from entering the building. He barely heard them as the blood pounding in his temples deafened him. He risked a glance back, to measure his chances of reaching Valens before getting caught… And violently collided with the person who had intervened in front of him. He let out a cry of surprise and wanted to step back, but he was held back brutally by the wrist. He finally raised his head, and his gaze caught a familiar figure.


She wore a much more serious face than usual. Paralyzed by dull anguish, Raviel did not even try to struggle.

“What are you doing here?”

"I think you know the answer to that, don’t you?”

Helvia's voice was far from its usual laughing intonations. This seemed to wake Raviel, who wanted to free himself with a sudden movement.

“Let go of me!” He hissed. “I have to see Valens!”

Helvia gave a strange smile.

“I expected you to come, but I thought those stupid soldiers would be able to hold you back.”

She suddenly dragged him away.

“Let go of me!” Raviel repeated angrily.

"Don't make me use my Gift," Helvia replied simply.

They only took a few moments to reach the large living room where Raviel regularly met Valens. Helvia didn't bother to knock and jerked the door open before roughly pushing Raviel inside.

Bathed in the rays of the moon, the room was almost as lighted as in broad daylight. Only the columns spread their immense shadows on the ground, covering from time to time a sofa or a table. But Raviel didn't care about this magical glow. All his attention was monopolized by the two figures in the semi-darkness. One of them was lying on the ground, motionless. Ahead, a cup of wine was spilled, forming a large red puddle. Raviel's eyes widened.


He wanted to rush towards the body, but Helvia stopped him and pulled him sharply back. Severus slowly turned to them. He met Helvia's gaze briefly, before lowering his head to observe Raviel, shaking slightly and visibly in shock. A tear rolled down his pale cheek.

"Why did you bring him?" Severus asked, looking annoyed.

Helvia shrugged slightly, not releasing her grip on Raviel.

“He had reached the palace.”

She took a few steps forward, forcing Raviel to do the same.

“Anyway, he has to understand that things are going to change.”

She closed the distance that separated them from Severus and threw Raviel to the ground, close to the body lying on the stone slabs.


Valens' face was illuminated by the light of the lunar star. Raviel reached out a trembling hand in front of him and brushed his still warm skin. Valens didn’t move. He seemed asleep, but no breath escaped his lips.

Raviel felt his blood freeze in his veins. He had arrived too late.

“Why?” He whispered.

He got no response and turned around abruptly. His grey eyes were no more than two tumultuous storms darkened with anger.

“Why?” He repeated, furious. “Why did you kill your own father?”

Severus watched him impassively, and it was finally Helvia who spoke:

“I thought you were just enjoying the benefits of your relationship with Valens. Who knew you care so much…”

Raviel probably would have jumped at her throat if the threat of her Gift wasn’t hovering above him.


He suddenly felt his muscles paralyze, and his insult died before it could even form. Helvia smirked, but it was Severus who dropped to one knee and gripped Raviel's jaw firmly.

“I'm the future emperor, so I advise you to hold your tongue.”

“You are above all guilty of parricide,” Raviel grumbled uneasily. “You have committed the worst crime recognized by the Massallian laws!”

A strange grin twisted Severus' lips.

"I didn't think you were so naive. I have the Senate behind me, Raviel. I will have no problem accusing the first slave I come across and being crowned. I could even have you convicted if I wanted to. After all, your relationship with my father led you to be close enough to him to be able to poison him with ease. Furthermore, he is no longer here to protect you.”

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"You are only a…”

The slap echoed throughout the room and took his breath away.

"I told you to hold your tongue," Severus growled.

Raviel raised his head, his gaze burning with hatred.

“You're lucky, I do not want to get rid of you, for now. But I will not hesitate to make you regret the slightest of your missteps.”

"A criminal never stays in the good graces of the people for very long!" Raviel replied angrily.

Helvia let out a small laugh.

"You know something about that, don't you? With your bloodstained hands…”

Raviel glared at her as Severus straightened smoothly.

"Bring him back," he ordered Helvia. “I have things to take care of.”

Raviel felt the pressure on his body lessened as Helvia jerked him upright. Yet he would have collapsed if she had not restrained him. His legs struggled to support his weight, and his mind moved in a thick fog. He didn't understand how things could have gotten so bad. Guilt crept slyly within him. He had arrived too late. He had failed to protect Valens.

Helvia dragged him to the door, but he didn't have the strength to fight. Tears rolled down his cheeks. His heart was frozen. Empty. He turned his head one last time, but Valens' body was a ghostly shadow.

He let out a groan as Helvia slammed him hard against the wall, bringing him back to reality. Raviel blinked away his tears.

"Why are you always so awful?" he whispered, his voice shaking.

A strange smile appeared on Helvia's lips.

“You are too kind, Raviel. That's not how our society works.”

She put a finger on his wet cheek and stroked it gently. Raviel turned his head away from the unwanted contact.

"Stop it," he ordered.

“Nothing can prevent me from having you if I want.”

Raviel closed his eyes.

“I’d rather die,” He whispered.

“We both know that won't happen.”

Helvia grabbed his chin to force him to look at her. Many made fun of Raviel's appearance, which contrasted too much with Massallian beauty standards, but she had always found his eyes to be magnificent. As if they had imprisoned the light of the moon within them. Raviel met the inquisitive gaze without flinching, with a strange disinterest.

Helvia tilted her head forward. Their faces were so close that Raviel could feel her breath on his skin.

“Nothing can prevent me from having you,” she repeated.

“I do not think so, no. No one will touch him without his consent.”

Raviel turned his head to the side. Aster was standing a few meters away, his sword in hand. A scarlet liquid ran across the blade. But the blood that dripped to the ground came from the cuts that dotted his skin here and there. On his thigh. On his arm. On his shoulder. His jaw was already beginning to turn blue, and a ruddy streak had dried at the corner of his lips. Yet he stood straight, staring at Helvia. The latter displayed a grin halfway between amusement and annoyance.

“Of course,” she whispered. “You could never have passed the soldiers without help.”

She pulled away from Raviel and turned to Aster.

“I don't have time to deal with him now. Take him home.”

She turned around and walked away without adding anything. Raviel watched her disappear down a hallway. Aster approached him without waiting.


He immediately raised his head to observe Aster's face.

"You're hurt," he whispered.

He raised a hand to the torn tunic and parted the fabric slightly. The cuts didn't seem very deep.

“It's nothing. What happened?” Aster asked, more worried than he showed.

Raviel froze and closed his eyes to hold back the tears threatening to overflow. As if hoping he could ease the pain throbbing in his chest.

“Valens is dead,” he finally said, a sob in his voice. “The emperor is dead.”

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