The King’s Gift

Chapter 20: Chapter 19 – The Commander Of The Imperial Guard

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Two days. That was the time it had taken Severus to summon Raviel. The latter had hoped that the new emperor would be too busy to remember his existence, but it was clear that he had been seriously mistaken.

"Are you really going there?" Mel asked.

Raviel gave her an unequivocal look. He did not have a choice. Whether he liked it or not, he had to go to Severus.

“Let me accompany you then.”


Mel lowered her head to conceal her sadness, and her chestnut braid slipped down her shoulder. Raviel instantly regretted his rather harsh response.

“Excuse me,” he whispered. “I don't want you to come with me to the palace anymore.”

It was now far too dangerous a place. He couldn't afford to take Mel there.

"Don't worry," he added, a fake smile on his lips. “I will go with Aster.”

Mel nodded gently. It was more logical that way. In the event of a problem, Aster could defend himself. And above all, he would know how to protect Raviel. Mel wasn't sure yet that she would fully trust him, but since his escape, Aster had proved to her that he would fulfill his task.

"How are things with Rogis?" Raviel asked.

Mel blushed slightly. She was not fooled by Raviel's attempt to divert her attention, but she couldn't help but feel a surge of tenderness as soon as the subject was broached.

“Good…” she replied. “He is charming.”

She wasn't sure if this would really get them anywhere, but Raviel's smile seemed to be a little more genuine.

“I'm happy for you.”

Mel blushed even more and finished adjusting Raviel's toga in silence.


"Are you sure you want to go?"

Raviel stopped abruptly, interrupting his ascent to the palace. He turned to Aster, frowning.

"Did you exchange words with Mel?" He asked.

Aster clicked his tongue in annoyance and faced Raviel, his fingers lightly tapping the pommel of his sword.

"Perhaps there is a reason for our concern," he replied. “I don't think your relationship with Severus is great.”

Raviel turned his head away, his gaze fixed on the palace above them.

“If I had a choice, we wouldn't be here,” he whispered.

The warm breeze gently swirled his hair around his face. He briefly closed his eyes. Aster watched him without a word, aware that Raviel could not oppose the Emperor directly. But he was worried. He had decided to stop fighting and admit that he had become attached to Raviel, as well as to the other inhabitants of the villa. He learned to appreciate the moments spent with them. These gradually erased the painful loneliness that clung to his skin since the destruction of his village. He was afraid that all of this would disappear in a snap of his fingers.

When they reached the palace, Raviel hesitated for a moment before climbing the few steps that separated them from the entrance.

“I'm watching over you,” Aster encouraged him, with a gentleness that was unusual for him.

Raviel turned to him, looking serious.

“Whatever is going on with Severus, don't interfere. Anyway, you will stay outside the room.


Raviel interrupted him with a hard look.

“It's an order.”

Aster's eyes widened slightly in surprise. It had been a long time since Raviel had spoken to him like that. Usually, he almost forgot he was only a slave at his side. But Raviel had just reminded him. The realization turned out to be more painful than he had imagined.

"Understood, Master," he replied coldly.

Raviel flinched. He was reluctant to speak to Aster in this way, but if a slave opposed the emperor, it was certain death. So he just nodded and turned away in the direction of the palace. He heard Aster following him when his sandals clacked against the steps of the stairs. They went inside in silence, and a slave immediately came running.

“The Emperor awaits you in the audience hall,” he informed them, bowing his head.

Raviel thanked him, before rushing off with a measured step towards the place indicated. He couldn't help but frown. Soldiers stood guard, and he could feel furtive glances in their direction. They were far more numerous than when Valens was in power.

Suddenly, he froze, and a long shiver ran through him. The air around him seemed saturated with this strange magic that he couldn't identify.

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Raviel didn't move when Aster called him. He could only stare straight ahead when footsteps echoed throughout the space. The magic became overwhelming, and a man appeared in his sight. Raviel blinked as he recognized his black breastplate streaked with gold veins. It was the Commander of the Imperial Guard. One of the highest military authorities in the Empire.

He lifted his head and stared at the square jaw and dark blazing eyes with an unpleasant sense of deja vu. The man shamelessly stared in return when he stopped a few feet away. Raviel did not flinch and held his gaze with the same intensity, but he actually felt oppressed by the power that the man exuded.

The Commander abruptly broke eye contact by shifting his gaze behind the young man. A strange smile appeared on his lips. It was so furtive that Raviel thought he had dreamed it. Then the soldier continued on his way as if nothing had happened, passing them without paying them any more attention. Raviel couldn't help but turn around, and his heart skipped a beat.

Aster had never seemed so pale to him, and you would have had to be blind not to see the tremors that shook him intermittently.


He did not react. His brown eyes seemed elsewhere as if he were suddenly hundreds of miles from the palace.

“Aster,” Raviel whispered.

He cast a worried glance around him, lest the soldiers might end up finding them suspicious. He didn't hesitate to grab Aster's wrist, who complied obediently and dragged him away. Severus would have to wait.

It didn't take long for them to find themselves outside, and Raviel immediately headed for the side of the palace, where they could talk privately. He released his grip on Aster's arm, and the gladiator slid against the wall, unable to stay upright. Raviel gently placed his hand on his shoulder.


He was still shaking, looking haggard.

“Try to follow my breathing.”

Aster closed his eyes. Raviel's voice came to him through a thick fog, but he tried to focus on his breath. The hand on his shoulder was surprisingly comforting.

“You're not alone.”

Aster felt the tears welling up under his closed eyelids. How many times had he dreamed of hearing those words in the past two years? Slowly, his tremors subsided and his breathing matched Raviel's. He didn't know how much time passed like this, but after a long moment, he managed to open his eyes again. Raviel gave him a smile, and Aster was relieved to see no pity on his face. Only compassion tinged with concern.

“How do you feel?”

Aster leaned his head against the wall, looking exhausted.

"I know that man," he whispered.

He swallowed hard, and Raviel didn't interrupt. Only his slightly furrowed eyebrows betrayed his confusion.

"He... He's the one who..."

His hand moved nervously over his stomach, where his tunic hid a large scar. Raviel's gaze grew darker when he understood.

"He's the one who destroyed your village, isn't he?"

Aster nodded, unable to say more. He wasn't sure he'd be able to hold back his sobs if he said another word. Raviel kept silent, but his hand didn't leave Aster's arm. Several minutes passed like this until Aster straightened up abruptly.

"The Emperor is waiting for you.”

Raviel shook his head.

"He'll wait a little longer. I have other priorities.”

“You'll be in trouble. Do not worry, I feel better.”

He got up, leaning on the wall, and ran a hand over his face. His reaction was stupid. He couldn't behave like this. Not when he had to watch over Raviel. He straightened up.

“You should go home and rest. I will do it by myself.”

Aster glared at him.

“Get that idea out of your mind. I’m staying with you.”

"What I told you earlier still applies," Raviel warned him. “I don't want to see you executed for disrespecting the Emperor.”

“I won't do anything rash.”

Raviel gave him a grateful smile.

“Let's go then.”

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