The King’s Gift

Chapter 27: Chapter 26 – Returning Home

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Raviel had taken refuge in the small garden at the very back of the house. Just long enough to get rid of the lump in his throat that threatened to choke him. Just enough time to rebuild his mask of pretense. He passed his good hand over the large leaf of an exotic plant. A man with the Gift of the Blacksmith had removed the iron bracelets in which Titus ​​had imprisoned his wrists. A friend of Pontius, Lana had explained to him.

He glanced at his damaged hand, his wrist and two fingers were broken. Pontius hadn't been able to completely heal the bone and had placed a sort of splint on it. On the other hand, he had managed to heal his ribs and the abnormal flow of blood in his body. A good coat of ointment would make the bruises on his face disappear.

A sad smile appeared on his lips. He hadn't come out too badly of the assault. He was in better condition than three years ago. Aster had intervened in time.

The memories torturing his mind were proving to be far more painful than the beatings he had received. He closed his eyes. He had been fighting for so long that only this bitterness remained in his mouth when he thought of this futile conflict. What was it for anyway? To keep his head up? To show that he too had the right to have a place in this world? He had had enough. He wanted all of this to stop. He wanted to forget. To be forgotten.

What's the point of fighting after all? He no longer had the strength. He should have given up much sooner. He had already thought about it. But there was Mel, whom he could not abandon. There was Lana, whose heart he couldn't break like this. There was Valens, watching over him. And today, Valens was no more. But there was Aster. Aster with whom he thought he had created a solid bond, which had protected him, before hurting him with his sharp words a few hours later. Raviel knew that was stupid. He was not angry with Aster.

"So you were hiding here…”

He turned around to see Lana walking toward him.

"I wasn't hiding," Raviel replied.

She observed him, her eyes filled with sadness.

"Don't look at me like that," he whispered, turning his head away.

"Can you blame me for the pain I feel at the thought of my brother suffering?"

She put a tender hand on his shoulder. Raviel bit his lip, and tears welled up in his eyes.

“Don't try to make me believe otherwise. I know your confrontation with Titus ​​hurt you. And…”

She hesitated for a moment before continuing:

"And it may bring back bad memories."

Raviel flinched.

“I can handle it.”

He stood up to his mother, who hated him, and his father, whom he constantly disappointed. He stood against Severus, who for some reason he didn't understand wanted to break him. He stood facing Helvia, who was trying to get him under her control again. He held on, despite Titus' brief reappearance.

“For how much longer?” Lana whispered.

A tear rolled down Raviel’s cheek. Lana gently pulled him into her arms, and the wall he had erected around his heart crumbled. He cried silently, unable to evacuate his pain. He cried for what felt like hours. It was only after a long time that his tremors subsided.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay a few days here?"

"That would be even more suspicious," Raviel replied in a broken voice.

Lana did not contradict him, but her saddened expression said it all.


Aster gritted his teeth, and his steps became more hurried. They weren't very far from the family villa, but despite Pontius' care, his leg was getting more and more painful. He glanced at Raviel, whose back was covered by the thick fabric of his toga. Despite Lana's insistence, he had refused to come in with a litter. It was stupid, Aster thought. He was hurt and could afford it, but nothing could convince him to accept. He remained as stubborn as a mule, advancing without seeming to pay attention to the pain. His sandals hit the dirt path at a steady pace, the only sound to break the heavy silence that had settled between them since their departure.

Aster slowed down slightly when he arrived at Raviel's level. He knew he had gone too far, regardless of their respective statuses, and had to overcome his resentment, his anger, and his guilt.

“I am sorry.”

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Raviel simply ignored him and continued on his way.


In an uncontrolled gesture, Aster abruptly grabbed his arm to force him to stop and face him. Raviel gave him a cold look and tried to pull away.

“Let go of me! He hissed.”

Aster obeys reluctantly.

"I'm sorry," he repeated softly. My words were hurtful and inappropriate, I should never have spoken to you like that, especially since I didn't think so.”

Raviel turned his head away, but Aster still saw sadness invading his face.

“I thought you understood,” he whispered. “That you knew enough about the pain of being different not to use it against me.”

Aster remained silent. Shame constricted his throat.


"I don't blame you," Raviel said as if to end the conversation.

He continued on his way, but Aster did not give him time to take more than a few steps before adding:

“You're right! I know this pain, and I knew that I would hurt you this way… I regret that I got carried away by anger…”

Raviel stopped and turned to face him. He bit his lip briefly as he watched regret darken the gladiator’s eyes.

"I don't blame you," he repeated. “Your words hurt me, but I know that you found yourself overwhelmed by this situation… And… I'm sorry that you discovered your Gift like this. I understand your confusion.”

Because if Aster had a Gift of the people he hated, Raviel on the contrary had none, whereas he was predestined to it. Yet Aster hadn't once discerned a glimmer of envy or jealousy in the silver gaze. He only seemed to care about the consequences this would bring.

“I won't use it,” Aster answered in a voice he hoped was firm. “I will not make things difficult for you.”

Raviel observed him seriously, before declaring slowly:

“If you find yourself in mortal danger, use it. Kill all your opponents and run away. I'll set you free and cover that.”

Aster froze, stunned.

“But ... You ... You will be in trouble! And anyway, I have no idea how it works.”

"Hence the interest of learning how to use it," Raviel emphasized. “Discreetly, of course. And before you say something, I know how a Gift works. I received the same theoretical teaching as all the other patricians.”

Aster hesitated. In fact, it seemed much smarter to him to learn to master his Gift. This would prevent him from using it in an uncontrolled way in an unsuitable situation. Because if he was caught using his Gift, Aster had perfectly understood that only death would await him. And he doubted that Raviel would get any kind of leniency if it was known that his slave had a Gift. But he still fiercely denied this heritage.

"Why not," he finally answered. “But not right away, I need time to… get used to the idea.”

Raviel nodded with a smile.

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