The King’s Gift

Chapter 30: Chapter 29 – A Surprising Guest

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Raviel entered the room with a brisk step, followed by Aster, and the picture that took shape before his eyes annoyed him deeply. Helvia had made herself comfortable by sitting on one of the daybeds, even indulging in the luxury of picking up a bunch of grapes. Mel, standing in front of her, glared at her. She immediately spun around to Raviel, who was staring angrily at Helvia. In return, she offered him her usual smile, halfway between amusement and mockery. But a gleam of astonishment furtively crossed his golden irises when she discovered Raviel's face and the splint around his wrist.

"May I know what you're doing here?" Raviel hissed.

“What happened to you?”

"I don't think it concerns you!"

“If it has to do with the fact that you did not come yesterday, I must tell you that it concerns me.”

Raviel narrowed his eyes slightly, but Helvia immediately added:

"Parting gift from your father?"

Raviel stood in front of him.

“Mel, could you bring something to refresh our guest, please? He asked without looking at her.

She nodded, pursing her lips, and quickly left the room, while Aster stood back, watching the scene attentively.

“What do you want? Raviel resumed, looking impassive.

"Won't you sit down?"

Raviel let out an annoyed click of his tongue, which only heightened Helvia's amusement.

“I came to tell you that Severus is particularly unhappy.”

He pretended to smooth an imaginary fold on her clothes as if to remind Raviel that he was wearing only a simple tunic reaching him mid-thigh.

“Oh ... So that’s your new task now?”

"You can’t be serious, Raviel," Helvia replied with a smile. I would not have moved for another. You are the only one with this privilege.”

“What an honor,” Raviel commented, crossing his arms over his chest.

Helvia stood up smoothly.

“Severus can't see you today, but he's expecting you tomorrow, without fail.”

Raviel nodded and gestured to the door.

"You may take your leave now.”

But when Helvia moved, it was to get closer to Raviel, who flinched. Slowly, she caressed his cheek with her fingertips, with an unsuspected softness. Aster tensed up.

“Stop it,” Raviel ordered in a voice he hoped was firm.

Helvia was watching him with her magnetic gaze, but Raviel couldn't interpret the feelings he saw there. She slid her hand behind his neck and tilted his face slightly. Raviel froze, suddenly paralyzed. But before anyone could react, Aster closed the distance between them and pulled Raviel back, snapping him out of Helvia's grasp.

"He asked you to stop," he growled.

Helvia's features changed completely when he regained her usual smirk.

"Are you jealous I’m not giving you any attention?" She provoked him.

Aster's jaw clenched in anger.

“You really are a piece of garbage!”

The sound of a resounding slap echoed throughout the room.

Aster raised his hand to his cheek, shocked. He couldn't take his eyes off Raviel, who was shaking slightly, his arm still half raised. However, he said in an icy voice:

“Get out. We'll talk about this later.”

It took a few seconds for Aster to react. He was still stunned. But when he saw Raviel turn away, a surge of anger came over him. Anger that turned into an uncontrollable fury when he saw Helvia's amused smile.

“Fine,” he hissed through gritted teeth.

He reached the exit of the room in a few strides, nearly bumping into Mel, who had frozen in the doorway, her eyes wide with surprise. Raviel exchanged a brief glance with her. She seemed to hesitate, but finally nodded understanding the mute request, and whirled around to go after Aster.

Left alone with Helvia, Raviel glared at her.

“Get out of my house.”

Helvia was silent for a few long seconds, before answering in a perfectly controlled voice:

“I want you, Raviel.”

“Get out!”

Helvia gave a strange smile but followed the path taken by Aster a few moments earlier. Raviel clenched his fists and lowered his head, looking overwhelmed.


“Aster! Wait!”

Mel accelerated to catch up with him when he had already reached the garden with long strides.


She managed to grab his arm to force him to stop. He turned around abruptly, and she could finally see his face, a mixture of fury and pain.

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“ Aster,” she said more softly.

“What?” He replied with anger.

"I know you're angry, but…”

He burst into a mirthless laugh.

“Angry?” He scoffed. “He hit me, Mel! He hit me when he promised me he never would!”


"Don't find an excuse for him!" Aster cut her off harshly. “I trusted him! But ultimately he is no better than the rest of the patricians!”

“He did it to protect you, you fool!” Mel scolded.

Aster remained dumb with amazement for a moment, before thundering, filled with rage:

“Protect me? Are you kidding me?”

“Damn, Aster! You insulted a patrician! What do you think would have happened if Raviel hadn't intervened?”

He didn't answer, looking away. If Mel's words now seemed logical to him, they failed to appease his anger.

"You didn't offend Magnus! Raviel could never have intervened as he did in the past! Helvia is far from being stupid. She was provoking to act as you did.”

Aster swallowed hard. In other words, he had run straight into her trap.

"Don't hold it against him. By hitting you himself, he made sure Helvia couldn't do worse to you. And don't doubt that right now he must be smothered in guilt.”

“I understand. I... I'm sorry I reacted like that.”

Mel smiled tenderly.

“I know what you're feeling. I know how hard it can be to see, but not be able to do anything. For years I have had the impression that Raviel is drowning without me being able to change anything. But…”

She seemed to struggle for words, unsure of herself.

“Since you've been here, his eyes have sparkled more often.”

Aster finally turned his head in her direction. Mel gently concludes:

“I think your presence makes him happy.”


Raviel grabbed a pancake and spread a generous syrup on it, under Nerilla's disapproving gaze.

“You should have a healthier meal,” she said, continuing to knead a dough.

A glimmer of sadness crossed Raviel's face as he bit into the pancake.

“I eat alone anyway, so don’t waste your energy making more food.”.

Nerilla gave him a sympathetic smile. In Massallia, dinners were the main meal of the day and brought families together. But it had been a long time since anyone had shared this moment with Raviel. Therefore, he usually ate in the company of the slaves of the house, but neither Mel nor Aster had returned.

He swallowed another bite and quickly finished the pancake. Then, he grabbed a second one, and took a few steps out of the room, after having greeted Nerilla.

"Where are you going like that?"

“Make an offering,” he replied with a pained smile.

Nerilla raised an eyebrow, surprised. She had known Raviel since birth, and he always took care to avoid temples, without her knowing why. Even the altar within the house rarely caught his eyes, as if Raviel was afraid to approach it.

He left the kitchen and walked briskly to the center of the house. He appreciated the calm which as he approached a small room at the end of the first atrium. With its bare walls and flagstone floor, this one was particularly sober. Devoid of heat. It only housed a rectangular altar in its center. The engravings cut in the white stone represented religious ceremonies and scenes of offerings. Raviel placed the cake on it carefully, then knelt down.

“I address this offering to the Great Gods,” he stated in a clear voice.

The pancake caught fire, and the flames reflected in Raviel's eyes.

“Please… protect the slaves of this house,” he whispered.

The air suddenly crackled, and Raviel stiffened uncomfortably. A shiver ran through him, and a dull ache shot through his chest, sharp as an arrow. So furtive that Raviel thought she had dreamed it. Moments later, there was nothing left on the altar.

Raviel realized he had been holding his breath when he suddenly expelled all the air from his lungs.

“Are you all right?”

He turned sharply toward the entrance to the room. His gaze caught Aster's, and the guilt invaded him again.

“I… I'm sorry I hit you,” he replied.

Unable to meet the gladiator’s gaze, he turned his head away. But against all odds, Aster took several steps and put one knee on the ground to come up to him.

“I know. And I understand your gesture.”

Raviel couldn't resist the temptation to look at him again, trying to detect the slightest trace of anger on his face. Aster got up with a smile.

“The sun will soon set. We should go to the garden to enjoy the moment.

Slowly, Raviel's lips stretched into a happy smile.

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