The Land of Grimm

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Hunt For Growth

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Shadow: C

Ability: The Hands of the Shadows

"Hands of the Shadows?" Lowe goes further into the forest.

"Lemme try, and perform this trick then."

He then spread his shadow, and the radius was about 5 meters overall, he was smiling that he can spread it to 5 meters.

But the new ability he acquired boggles him. What does it mean to begin with? How does he use it? Those were his questions.

But hands were the giveaway, he then imagined an arm. But nothing happened, this time he thought of a hand spreading, which he could see a shape like the hand was moving, which he decided to test another one.

This time, he imagined the hands going upward and causing a shadow-like hand emerging from the deepest abyss, the hand was able to form a 3D like structure that doesn't stay in the ground like a 2D one.

He swept away his hands, and the shadow moved as well, it was a very fast one to begin with. He approached his shadows, and he could feel the shadow, his own ability was like a solid form.

This gave him some ideas, 3 shadow hands appeared from the ground, the same size as the length of his arm, which could still extend to 5 meters.

He then let the shadow hands grab the 3 daggers that he hid from his shadow. He was smiling, he then removed the shadows, and this time he summoned 3 shadow hands in the ground and they all had their daggers pointed at his direction with an intent to stab them immediately.

"This could work."

Then suddenly, a Red Lizard appeared; it was the same type of monster as the Arch Lizard that almost killed him.

The Red Lizard lunges itself towards Lowe, but the Red lizard was on his territory, the 5 meter shadow field of his domain.

Where he summoned 3 shadow hands, and it struck the Red Lizard from its abdomen, the Red Lizard screamed in agony.

Lowe approached the beast, and using his longsword he struck it down towards the head to behead it, killing it instantly.

"If I remember, I have an ability called Iron Stomach. Is it possible that I gained it from eating that raw lizard?" He then kneels down and checks the red lizard.

He was hesitant, but if he couldn't do a single sacrifice, he wouldn't be able to make massive progress on his part. If he wanted to survive this hellish world, then he has no choice but to eat such meat.

But he will not eat a single human meat, no matter what. He will stick to his words and no one will make him change his mind.

"I just need a stronger will just to eat this." He then goes for the body first, and cuts some layers of meat, and he decided to take a bite, as the raw flesh was still gushing some blood, he took it head on.

To his surprise, the taste was really, really bad, it was like a chemical that has such a weird taste that you won't even want to bother to eat it. 

He almost puked it out, but he needs to get stronger and maybe even raise his ability of Iron Stomach to just survive in this forest as fast as he can.

"It's disgusting, but I must keep going and raise the rank of it so I can endure it better."

"Even if I wanted to cook it, I don't even know how to make a single fire to begin with!" He cursed himself for not knowing how to make a basic fire in the woods.

"It said offer the heart of a arch Lizard right?" He goes towards the dead body of the Red Lizard, and cuts it open to see the heart.

Which he finds, and grabs it, and fills his whole hands in blood, which he was disgusted to do so, he has no choice to begin with.

"Here, the heart of a Goddamn Lizard! Now take it." 

The book then appears, and examines the heart. "You seem to be mistaken, my young Apostle. What I mean by that is the heart of an Arch Lizard, not a Red Lizard… so try again." 


"An Arch Lizard, is composed of High ranking Lizards which were considered to be the second strongest in their family, meaning the one you caught is just a mere common one."

"Then what do they look like!?" He asked in such an aggressive manner.

"They look like Lizards, but they have Golden eyes signifying their evolution. That's it and bye." 

The book then disappeared, and emerged from his soul once more. "Well shit, and here I thought they are normally called Arch Lizard." He just sighs in disbelief. 

As he guesses, staying like this wouldn't make a single progress, and he needs to hunt 100 Arch Lizards in the process, which is already too much, but he will need all of the fighting prowess, experience and near death situations as possible to know all of the possible growth of his.

He may not be the smartest man, but he knows he has a talent but he just doesn't know how to use it well, but now this time he will use his entire experience just to survive from this hellish world.

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"I should get moving." He stood up and continued his hunt deeper in the forest. 

He keeps encountering some Lizards alone in the forest. "Is this forest just infested by a bunch of lizards?" He asked himself, while behind him a Red Lizard appeared and lunged behind him..

His instinct activates and just ducks, while the Red Lizard misses him. Then he summons the shadow hands and stabs the poor lizard in the abdomen, and then the red Lizard sees the enemy is a danger to him, it quickly runs away but Lowe chases it down, and he is getting faster.

He then tackles the lizard down, and he is successful and he raises his longsword and strikes the lizard into its heart, killing it instantly until he sees a nest.

It was a nest of the Lizards, and he saw 5 Golden eyes lizards, it was the Arch Lizard defending the nest with the eggs.

"Shit." He quickly runs away from the nest, as the 5 Arch Lizards begin to chase him and their speed is really quick, faster than the Red Lizard that he had encountered.

The speed of the Arch Lizards was no joke; they were able to chase Lowe without struggles. They were like wolves  hunting as a pack, and the threat they saw on Lowe was dangerous, and needed to be eliminated quickly.

He then summoned his shadow hands, and from the ground appeared 3 daggers pointed at the 3 Arch Lizards in their abdomens; the Arch Lizards were caught by their surprise, and were able to penetrate their abdomen with such ease.

The two Arch Lizards growled in anger, and they fired multiple fireballs at him. "Oh shit!" The speed of those fireballs were fast, as he just managed to dodge in time until another wave of the fireballs occured. 

This caused Lowe to take cover behind a tree, and the damage it caused was a massive shockwave of heat that passed through him. 

It was like boiling water that is on par with a volcano heating up the near sea. "Aghhhhh!" He screamed in pain, as he stumbled into the ground, and he quickly rolled away as the 2 Arch lizards lunged at him at the same time.

He then tried a new technique, by spreading his shadows towards them. Their foothold was now in his hands; he let them be submerged into his shadows. 

The arch lizards tried to escape. "I won't let you!" He then summoned the shadow hands and grabbed their legs with it. 

"I think I have the gist of my ability now… Gah! the heat alone is already enough for me to feel the pain."

He grabs his longsword, while his shadow hands and domain keep them in their place and holding their necks for them to look up and doesn't fire a fireball at him.

He swung his longsword at them at the neck, causing them to finally fall down as a lifeless corpse without a head.

He quickly grabs the heart of the Arch Lizards, and remains as well. 

There are 5 hearts of the Arch Lizard, but only 95 still to go. He was steadily becoming stronger, but it's still not enough. He needs more power to defend himself.

>>Let us make a sacrifice, Feed us 100 Hearts of the Arch Lizard< [5/100]

REWARDS: 2+ Points.





Current Data.

Lowe Fallentear

Strength: D

Magic: D

Speed: D

Defense: D



Shadow: C

Ability: The Hands of the Shadows.



Mental Fortitude: C

Iron Stomach: D

Instinct: D

Berserk: D

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