The Landlady and The Amnesiac

Chapter 43: CH 43

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Luo Bei went back to her apartment holding Fang Jingzhou. She didn’t speak the whole way. Even when Grandma Luo asked her a question, she didn’t answer. 

She was seething.

She recalled a memory that, contrary to what others believed, had always stayed with her. When she was young, Grandpa had transferred her to the neighborhood’s top elementary school where her classmates were all from good families. But their prosperity didn’t last long. Her family went bankrupt when she entered fourth grade. All that remained was this apartment building in the urban village. At the time, house prices hadn’t soared and the real estate business hadn’t boomed yet. One afternoon, she wasn’t feeling well for P.E. class. She stayed in the classroom to rest but the good weather made her fall into a deep sleep. 

Then, before the end of the school day, a pretty classmate said her Walkman had disappeared.

Of course, they found it in Luo Bei’s desk.

She tried to defend herself. She didn’t steal it, but everyone looked at her as if they were looking at a thief. 

Luo Bei was despondent for a long time and became reluctant to go to school.

Later on, Grandma found out about it and went to find the teacher and that classmate. Not expecting for things to get out of hand, the girl confessed. She was jealous of Luo Bei and had framed her on an spiteful impulse.

Even though everyone learned about what had happened afterwards, Luo Bei could never forget the way that her classmates and teacher alike had looked at her

Those meaningful looks that, when she recalled them even now, would make her unconsciously clench her fist.

Afterwards, Grandma noticed something was wrong and helped her transfer schools before the start of the new semester. She went back to her old school and no one mentioned this incident again. Grandma may have forgotten too; that she was labeled a thief for a period of time when she was younger.

It’s difficult to imagine how it feels to have your own mother accuse you of being a thief.

Fang Jingzhou stood under the shower. He cried as he washed himself.

Luo Bei knew that even if he said he didn’t like his mom, she was still his mother. Inevitably, he still cares and is attached to her. And now, his mother has told strangers that he’s a thief. Even if he’s only 5 years old, he knew what it was to feel wronged.

After Fang Jingzhou washed up, Luo Bei took him into her arms and put him in bed. She closed the door and told him as sincerely as she could, “Jingzhou, Bei Bei believes that you didn’t steal. So promise Beibei, don’t listen to your mom. Forget about it when you wake up tomorrow, okay?”

Fang Jingzhou sniffled as he nodded. He clung onto Luo Bei’s neck.

“Bei Bei. I was so scared. It was so dark. I couldn’t talk to anyone.”

“I was so scared at night.”

“She didn’t pay attention to me. I wanted to keep shouting but it hurt here.” He pointed to his throat.

Fang Jingzhou constantly woke up that night. He asked to keep the lights on. He was scared when they were turned off.

Luo Bei sighed in her heart. It seems like this has scarred him. She hoped that he could wipe this memory as soon as possible. 


Luo Bei updated Jiang Sihan about the situation. He is currently filming but it hasn’t been easy for him. He doesn’t have a professional background. In the beginning, he was very awkward in front of the camera, never mind his acting skills. Fortunately, he seems to have a natural talent for the field. Right now, he is slowly settling into the job.

They were tenants of the same building, and Jiang Sihan had taken Fang Jingzhou out to play before. Thinking about the pain Fang Jingzhou suffered at such a young age, Jiang Sihan also felt distressed over, and angry for the child. But, he couldn’t be of any help as of now. 

He has no money or connections. It seemed as though he’s about to make a big debut with this web drama. But, there’s a question of whether or not the drama would actually air. And there’s the other question of how the drama will be received. Jiang Sihan can’t even handle his own future. What help could he possibly offer in this case?

No wonder Jiang Sihan feels down. He’s only a fresh meat actor1. He has no way to help Fang Jingzhou. Furthermore, Fang Jingzhou is Chen Lan’s biological son. His and their lives don’t intersect in any way.

Luo Bei’s threat was effective. Sometimes, using poison against poison is far more effective than trying to reason it out.

Chen Lan had not been interested in the background of this village. She believes owning a building isn’t a big deal. It may bring in money but Luo Bei is not some rich tycoon. Therefore, she only knows that Luo Bei owns an apartment building. She hadn’t bothered asking around about her background before.

Now that she inquired around, she was shocked.

Luo Bei wasn’t lying. She has been dealing with tenants from all corners of the country. She isn’t as kindhearted and simple as she looked. Otherwise, how could she have managed a building in such a place for so long?

Of course, her capabilities aside, it also has to do with Grandma Luo’s social circle. A large number of residents in this area are from the same village as Grandma Luo. Everyone is part of the village. Despite the frequent quarrels, if something truly happened, they would band together to help the Luo family.

“Bei Bei is amazing. She will certainly go far in the future. A few years ago, we heard that one of her new tenants was a newly released convict. We weren’t clear what crimes he had committed and urged Bei Bei not to rent to him. But she refused and told us he was a good person. Well, she sure has a good eye for people. That person lived here for two years and didn’t commit any crimes. Afterwards, we heard he was an extraordinary person in his youth. After being released, he still had connections and resources.”  The kiosk’s auntie, Auntie Liu, cracked melon seeds and said, “He was very grateful to Bei Bei. When he left, he told her to find him if she ever encountered any trouble. The rest of us don’t have such good luck.”

Chen Lan was speechless for a while.

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She was stupefied again when she heard that the Luo family was under the protection of the area’s big shot, Uncle Cheng.

While she has the biggest say with Fang Jingzhou, it’s because she is his birth mother. She is educating her own child. No one has the right to criticize or interfere with her. She is and has always been a stubborn person. She wouldn’t have been frightened by Luo Bei yesterday.

But maybe because she always assumed Luo Bei is a softhearted neighborhood girl. After Luo Bei revealed such a side, Chen Lan was quite frightened.

Today, upon discovering that the Luo family has such a connection, Chen Lan gave up the idea of going to wrangle with Luo Bei. She knew she was a coward. Fang Jingzhou is her son, yet not only did she not go find Luo Bei, she was even frightened by the idea of confronting her. She doesn’t know why, but she felt that if she continued to treat Fang Jingzhou the way she had been, Luo Bei might really do something. She didn’t have roots in this town, nor did she have connections, or an established background. If Luo Bei really targeted her, she would be helpless.

Chen Lan didn’t take Fang Jingzhou back from Luo Bei. Nor did Luo Bei let him go back. Just like this, Fang Jingzhou began to live with the Luo family again.

When Luo Bei eventually followed up with Zhou Jiangguo, he had just showered after coming back from his part-time job.

The room smelled of Safeguard soap.

Zhou Jiangguo rubbed his hair with a towel and said, “You can’t keep the child in your place forever. I reckon Chen Lan will move away in a few months. You’ve only temporarily scared her. Once she moves away, the whip cannot reach her2. She might take her frustrations out on the child as soon as she feels unsatisfied with something. So what you’re doing is treating the symptoms but not the cause.”

Luo Bei knew this too.

Now that she has reached this point with Chen Lan, there’s no way Chen Lan would continue to live here.

Would she have to follow and keep an eye on Chen Lan if she moved away? 

“I suggest you first find out about Chen Lan’s situation and her past. Maybe you can contact the child’s birth father. With Chen Lan’s economic situation and her inability to earn money, there is a high probability that the birth father will want to take the child back. On the other hand, you could also find out about Chen Lan’s family background. Either way, I suggest removing the child from Chen Lan. From what you’ve told me, I think Chen Lan is a dangerous person.” 

“You should know that this is just the beginning for Chen Lan. Humans change gradually. What she did to the child might not seem that horrible right now. But after a while, she will slowly increase her aggression. It’s similar to domestic violence situations. At first, the man will apologize after hitting the woman and curb his behavior. But if it happens once, it will never end.” 

Luo Bei looked around the room. With Zhou Jiangguo’s way with words and  insights, she couldn’t help but wonder, “I think you are a remarkable person so why…”

Zhou Jiangguo understood what she was trying to say. He chuckled, “Is it strange to you that I’m doing physical labor?”

“Sorry, I’m not looking down on your employment. It’s just…”

“I don’t have a choice. My family is poor and I never finished elementary school.”

Luo Bei looked at him with a hint of doubt, “Is that so?”

Zhou Jiangguo only gave her a smile.

The truth is, he doesn’t know what his education background is either.

“Oh right, this is my business card.” Zhou Jiangguo handed Luo Bei a card from the top of the wardrobe. 

Luo Bei was very curious. She took a look, “…”

“Actually, your situation enlightened me. I think I’m quite good at handling interpersonal disputes.” There were worker conflicts at his job before and he was usually the one to settle them. But he only realized his aptitude when handling Luo Bei’s situation. “So if you ever encounter any difficulty with solving issues, feel free to find me. I will determine the price depending on the situation. Of course, this time is free of charge for you.”

“Do you have clients?” Luo Bei asked.

Zhou Jiangguo nodded, “I actually just got one today. It’s the tenant from building 15. Her parents were forcing her to go on blind dates so she had no choice but to lie about having a boyfriend. Her parents are coming over soon so I’m pretending to be her boyfriend for two days.”

Luo Bei, “Aren’t you tired? You have so many part-time jobs. You’re also going to the construction site in the morning. Can your body handle it?”

Zhou Jiangguo smiled, showing a set of white teeth. “As a matter of fact, I’m not tired at all.”

To put it more bluntly, he likes money and making money.

Even he doesn’t know why he is so obsessed with earning money.


1. Fresh meat: A handsome young male; usually used to describe celebrities. 

2. The whip cannot reach: To be too far away to be able to help.

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