The Last Progenitor

Chapter 32: Chapter 18

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We are currently running swiftly through the endless forest atop of Kurneer. Lucien was dragged on top of the platform as well; however, he is still unconscious. We are heading east towards the country of Kilmer. As it stands, I still have no idea what is going on with my body, but at least the dragon and “Eliah” haven’t been talking in my head anymore. It has just been Erevyn and Rela’s bickering for the last few hours. I can only smile wryly at their interactions, and Emma as well as Ilya are just staring at me in reverence. Speaking of Emma, she hasn’t eaten in a while, and she is looking pale. I kind of forgot she would need food, so I pulled an apple of rejuvenation out of my inventory.

“Would you like it?” I said while looking at Emma. She rapidly shook her head, but she started to drool. “Just take it. I don’t need any food because of my race.” Well actually I had blood before, but only Erevyn knew about that. I wonder why I don’t need to eat any blood? Sure it tasted good, but it isn’t like I would die without it. 

She took the apple gratefully, but I could feel the stare of Ilya filled with jealousy, so I handed her a piece of Drake Jerky that I had in my inventory which she happily accepted. I also handed Erevyn an apple. Shit! Now, Rela is staring at me. Hmm, what would she eat anyway? She probably just wants something too. I started to go through my inventory when I arrived at a solution. It was simply titled “Blood Pack”. I don’t remember putting that in my inventory? Strange. I gave it to her anyway.

“Thank you very much, master!” She then proceeded to jump from her position and hug me from my lap. She mashed her cheek against mine while holding the blood packet. “Master, maybe we can do mouth to mouth and both enjoy this bountiful feast?”

“Wait! Stop!” I yelled out while pushing her face away. She had a surprisingly strong grip, and it wasn’t easy to get her off. “Yea! You can’t monopolize the goddess all by yourself!” Emma said while proceeding to jump on my lap. I looked over to Ilya, but she was just watching the scene with a red face. Have I ever said I fear for my future? Rela is a dangerous woman! Now Erevyn is glaring at Rela the source of my troubles.

“You are not the only ones to be blessed with the presence of our queen!” Oh, I thought she would help; instead, she is just like the rest of them! “Silence!” I yelled out, and immediately all of them stopped and prostrated themselves on the platform. Wow! Maybe I should just do this every time.

“I understand all of you want to serve me, but just your presence is enough. I am more than happy to just be with all of you.” Immediately I regretted even talking because now they look like they are trying to hold back their tears. Is no one normal!? Even Kurneer started to make his clicking sounds. 

“Just take your seats, and let me be at peace with my thoughts.” I said to them and gestured at the cushioned seats. I don’t even know how we are able to stay on this platform with how fast Kurneer is running, but I will just chalk it up to magic. Like that the trip went on until I noticed Lucien start to stir. I won’t lie I got a tiny bit fearful for a moment when I watched him begin to open his mouth. The frost that started to come out reminded me of our fight. If it wasn’t for Eliah I would probably have died.

He then spoke in a deep growly voice. “My lady? No, you idiot, it can't be our lady!” Wait, why is he talking to himself? I don’t remember him having this sort of personality setting. He started to bare his fangs at me when he noticed Rela. “See it Rela! It is our lady!...Sorry for doubting you.”

“I am the very same, Eliah.” I said, waiting for his reaction. Then tears started to fill his eyes. He stared at me trying to wipe them away. Then he finally spoke normally. “I am sorry for my unsightly appearance, my lady. I just never thought I would see you again.” Is it going to be like this every time I talk to my subordinates? Well, I don’t really mind. I am quite fond of them.

“That is alright Lucien. I had planned it to be this way after all.” It was then that the voice the same as my own again resounded in my head. ‘As if you can plan for anything.’ Then I heard another deeper voice in my head. ‘Yes, while I would hate to agree to anything this wench says… I have to say you are hardly good at planning; in fact, you aren’t good at anything! HAHAHA.’

I have to say I am beginning to hate this stupid fucking dragon, and why does Eliah always come just to try and fuck with me? Doesn’t she know I made this body? ‘As if you could’. Alright I am just going to ignore it and focus on the current situation before my headache becomes too much.

“Lucien, I will tell you just as I told Ilya before you. You are not at fault for what has happened in the past, and I don’t know what happened to you after you left. However, you are still free to follow me if you wish to do so. I will not blame you for anything that happened in the past as long as you serve me well.”

“Then it will be so.” After Lucien said that mine and his body’s started to glow the same purple color that shows up when I summoned Kurneer, and then Lucien simply disappeared. Oh, I guess that means I will be able to summon him now? Immediately I tried with the summoning magic circle. “Come forth Lucien.” There was a purple light, and after it faded Lucien took its place. I guess he was technically a summon, in game.

After that I withdrew him from the mortal plane, and we continued our journey towards Kilmer Kingdom and the lab of Erevyn. When we got to the road to cross the border there were only a few guards. “I guess word hasn’t reached them yet. Kuneer cut through the forest anyway. We Don’t want to take any chances.” He made his typical clicking noise and then cut through a patch of forest away from the road. 

Like that we finally crossed the border of this shitty kingdom and entered the Kingdom of Somber. It was a small kingdom that was between the kingdom we left and the one we were trying to get to. I heard there was less discrimination of the elves here, but beastkin were apparently slaves. Which reminded me, I haven’t really seen a beastkin yet, or if I did I didn’t remember. 

I do remember having a few beastkin subordinates in the game, but they probably aren’t still alive. Unless they were vampires too. In which case, they could still be alive; however, the few beastkin subordinates that I did have were relatively weak when compared to Rela. If they are alive, I hope they are doing fine.

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