The Legality of True Spirit

Chapter 4: Chapter 3 : My Character and Status

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"Welcome to Aldea Online, my name is GUI. A robot that will be your guide during the character creation process. Nice to meet you, player."


Despite claiming to be a robot, it's just a head. No, it's more accurate to say that it's just a robot mask. Flat like a floating mask.

I awkwardly returned the greeting.




It couldn't be helped, his abstract and emotionless face made it hard to guess. He doesn't even have a mouth. Despite the indentation, I'm sure it's just a display.

Only his eyes flickered blue when he made a sound.


"Before entering the World of Aldea, you have to create a character first. How the character will look will be left to the creativity of the player. We only facilitate what is needed and answer as much as possible what is asked."


"Oh okay-"


"There are three options. The first is based on your own creativity. Second, based on the original appearance. Third, randomly selected. If you are going to create your own character display, we will only provide the model and various other physical attributes. If you don't want to bother creating your own character, you can use your original character template. Then, if it's random, we'll randomly select your character's avatar.”


Hm~, after thinking for a while I just chose my real appearance as my character in the game.


"Please adjust to my original appearance then."


Besides, I'm not good at art. I was afraid that the appearance of my created character would be so bad that it resembled a humanoid monster.

I prefer to respect my own face.


"Alright, choice confirmed."


[A body scan is performed. Succeed.]

[Character duplication is done. Succeed.]


After that a hologram of a 12 year old girl appeared in front of me. It could be said that it was my character, myself to be exact.

Is this an alterbody? It is very similar to be called that.

I can't help but be amazed by my own cute appearance.

But honey there's a problem.


“The scans show that the character's body is incomplete. Would you like to add your own or leave us to the customization?”


Of course it's clear what the answer is.


"Sure, please adjust to my body."




[Adding missing attributes. Succeed.]


Saying so, my hologram miraculously and quantumized, grew a pair of beautiful legs under my limbs.

With this my original character is finished, much like my pre-accident self.

I am satisfied with this appearance.

It doesn't matter if I give this GUI 5 stars. But it can't be done. In my heart, I just thank him.


"With this, your character creation process has been completed. Would you like to make some changes to the other body details?"


Saying so, a column of coloring options appears for particular characteristic. The available options are hair, eye, and skin color.

There are also options for hair and nose types, cheek thickness, and more.

For a moment I thought, maybe it would be better if I was a little different from my original self. I started in a new world, so maybe it's better to be a new individual.


"Okay, I don't want to change too much, so just change the hair to a gray color and the eyes to a purple color."


After that, a large inscription saying that the character creation was successful appeared after the hologram disappeared, followed by a cheerful bell signaling the success of the character creation.


"With this your character creation has been completed. To ensure convenience, please review your character again. Is it fixed or is there something else missing?"


Re-appearing my character, the GUI asked for my confirmation.


"No, everything is perfect, thank you."


“Okay, next is the status setting. Please take a look at your status board. Thinking about how your status will appear. The Status Screen will be displayed.”


Following the GUI commands to bring up the status screen, I concentrated on bringing up my status.


"Like this?"


As I thought of the status board for myself that appeared, a floating screen appeared in front of me, standing at a 120 degree tilt.


"Right, it says your status there, like your name, your level, and other indicators. Then see and understand the process of allocating 'Status Points'."


Looking back at my status board. It looks like this.

Name : -

Gender : Female 

Level : 1

HP : 10

MP : 10

EXP: 0/100

STR :-

You are reading story The Legality of True Spirit at

AGI :-

IN :-


VIT :-

SP : 50


Title :-


"Need an explanation?"


"Of course, please explain."


“Alright, first you have to fill in your character name first. Then in the status point or SP, there is a number listed. The number shows how many status points you have accumulated. You can freely allocate SP to other five indicators with distribution according to your needs."


Then from the GUI explanation, it can be briefly concluded like this.

First is HP. HP stands for Health Point, an indicator that shows the player's life. If HP runs out, the player is declared dead.

Second is MP. MP stands for Mana Point which shows an indication of the player's magic power. If MP runs out, players will no longer be able to use magic-based skills.

The third is STR. STR (Strength) is a stat to increase Physical Attack and Weight Carry Capacity. Players who have a lot of STR will find it easy to use heavy-type weapons.

Then is AGI. AGI or agility is a status to indicate the player's movement speed, such as moving speed, attack and dodge.

Then there are INT. INT or Intelligence is used to increase magic-based attacks and defenses. Also to increase MP regeneration.

After that there is DEX or Dexterity, used to increase accuracy and stabilization in the use of weapons and other tools.

Lastly is VIT or Vitality which is used to increase physical defense and HP regeneration.

There are also additional explanations for SP or Status Points. SP will increase by 5 every time the player's level increases.

The level can go up if all experience points or EXP have reached the maximum limit.

To get EXP, players can do it by achieving achievements. Such as defeating or contributing to subjugating monsters, successfully crafting useful items, successfully completing quests, and all kinds of other achievements.

The amount of EXP obtained will be adjusted to the level of difficulty of completion. The easier a process is to do, the less EXP you get.

Then regarding the skill and title of the player, it can be obtained in the game through training or achievement. Skills can also be purchased at a church at the expense of a certain amount of money. Even if it's just a basic skill.

It's all about the explanation.

Then after swallowing a lot of useful knowledge intake. It's time for me to set my own status.

First is the name.

Without thinking. Since my real name is Shia, then I will use my own name for it. So it was decided quickly that my name is Chia.

Then because of the initial game settings, all characters will be given 10 HP, 10 MP, and 50 SP respectively.

For that, do I need to be wise in SP distribution?

I think a fair allocation is reasonable and normal. But I want to enjoy a game based on motion. And because I'm a runner, I like to move fast. What's more, this is a fantasy world, I wonder what it would be like if I could break through the AGI status past the speed of sound. As a runner I want to feel that speed. Especially since I've been given a new leg, I really want to feel how it feels and feel free to use it.

In short I just want it to be faster.

Much faster than any runner.

Faster than dad.

Faster than the fastest animal, the Cheetah.

And maybe even faster than the fastest racing car.

For some reason, since childhood I dreamed of being able to run like a racing car. 

Like Turbo, I can somehow think of such impossible things.

But now in a world where there is magic, it is no longer impossible to gain the speed of light. I don't know how long it will take for that. I just need to cultivate it.

Either because I'm young or ambition or selfishness or whatever.

I just wanted to try what it feels like to be the fastest.

So, without hesitation I chose to distribute all the SP in a ridiculous way. That is, put all SP into AGI state.

[50 SP to AGI, becomes AGI +50]

Name : Chia

Gender : Female 

Level : 1

HP : 10

MP : 10

EXP: 0/100

STR : 0

AGI : 50

IN : 0

DEX: 0

VIT: 0

SP : 0


Title :-


"Yup, with this let's go to the fantasy world."


After finishing setting my character and status, the robot head started blinking its eyes again.


"With this all character settings have been completed. The player will be transferred to the starting city. Please select one of the seven starting cities in the world of Aldea."


Oh, there's this too, right?

Saying so, a map appeared before me. If you can say it is similar to the European Continent which is separated from the Asian Continent.

I thought for a moment as I chose which location to make my landing point.

There are 7 locations in total.

Since all the locations have the same range, I chose a location that is on a continent like Asia, because it is also the largest continent on the map. On this continent there are four starting cities to choose from.

They seemed to be on every edge of the continent forming a square. And in the middle there is a very wide forest. Whether it was a forest or not, it was just an empty expanse of land that seemed unexplored. It is not clear what ecosystem is in it.

Because indeed, the map only shows a rough scratch with 7 starting points of the city. Apart from that everything was made dark.

Players have to search for themselves and get their own map. That's the rule.

This is to prevent spoilers in their adventures.


"The location has been selected. You will be transferred to the location soon. Welcome again to the World of Aldea. Have fun."


After I heard that voice, my vision once again became blurry. Then replaced by a somehow empty worldview?

Right, it's in....

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