The Legend Of Kinya and The Tower of Truth

Chapter 1: Chapter One :Last Breath

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Year 1879

Location: Town Quay, Port of Southampton. 

The sounds of footsteps descending down the gloomy alleyway echoed across the street. The footsteps then came to a stop when the figure turned round the corner. Before them was a large port with even larger ships docked. They ran a hand over their fresh, pink coloured buzz cut and grinned, fangs bare. "Oi Kinya! Wait up!" A young man yelled from behind. "Oh...Zain." Kinya replied, the lopsided grin still present on her face. Kinya was an average height girl with a slim build. Her eyes were large, pink and sported two white crosses as pupils. Her skin was beige, cheeks flushed and full. She was wearing a lavender linen short that was tucked in a brown skirt. Her feet are covered in brown leather loafers. 

"Could've waited till the rest of the gang finished up with their shenanigans in the pub." Zain lightly complained, his voice as soft as the expression he wore. Kinya laughed and waved her hand, an apologetic look on her face. Zain was a tanned young man with long, black hair and narrow green eyes. He was incredibly tall and had a lean build. He was her best friend. " I'm way too excited." She replied back, earnestly. Her parents, who had left to visit her grandmother in Kazakhstan, were finally back after six months. 

He finally walked to her side and they began running towards the ship. "The Starland Mary is the ship they took. It's got to be the one at the end of the line where all of those folks are coming from." Zain and Kinya proceeded to run towards the last ship. It was gigantic and the exterior was painted white. The railings were gold and the pale blue sails had Starland Mary branded in gold. She was quite the beauty. "Are the rest of the gang coming?" Zain shook his head. "They've been caught by the pub owner Will. Scott and Mason stated they were going to teach them a lesson. Yours truly was lucky enough to escape." Kinya dramatically gasped as Zain grinned. 

"So you've left our precious friends out to die?" Zain giggled before nudging her to pay attention to the passengers coming off the ship. They stood there for another twenty minutes eagerly awaiting her parents. "The last of the passengers are now leaving!" One of the sailors announced. Kinya and Zain walked towards the ship's entrance eager to greet her parents with a bone crushing bear hug. A couple came out and Kinya started glowing only to be disappointed when it was a young couple. 

"Excuse me!" Kinya yelled desperately for the sailor. The said sailor turned around and studied her before flashing a smile. "How may I help ya miss?" She collected herself before answering. Her eyes were wild and filled with worry. "This boat arrived from Kazakhstan, right?" The sailor looked at her perplexed before looking shocked and sorry. "I'm sorry love, Starland Mary departed from Shang-Hai a month ago . The Rowing Thompson departed the same time from Kazakhstan. It was meant to arrive yesterday. It's been missing near the English channel." The world seemed to stop for Kinya. Her parents were missing. That simply could not be possible. 



"Kinya!" She broke out of her trance and stared at Zain, who stared back at her with worry. "Get yourself together mate. Your parents are going to be found. They're nearby. They could've just docked at Liverpool." The green eyed boy tried to reason. Kinya shook her head. "The sailor would've stated that." She choked out, her eyes getting glassy. Zain pulled her into a hug. "Have faith Kinya, they'll come back." 


Town Quay had gone to sleep, the final lights going out. Kinya, now dressed in a pair of brown cotton shorts and a white linen shirt, ran down the pavement and towards the docks. She stopped, placed her hands on her knees and caught her breath. She then walked towards her family yacht. She entered the yacht and placed the heavy bag on her back on the ground. She took off the brown flat cap that was on her head and placed it on the makeshift table that was in the middle of the yacht. 

It was an old boat. The casual brown exterior with the white sails. 

"I knew you were going to do something stupid." Zain voiced out. Kinya jumped back and squeaked. "Jesus, what the hell?! Announce your arrival normally next time." She yelled out, her face red from embarrassment. Zain laughed before turning serious. 

"It's too dangerous Kinya. Can't you wait till the Liverpool port reports that Rowing Thompson has arrived." Zain once again tried to reason. Kinya shook her head. "The ship departed a month ago, and with the engines for the ships, it should have arrived yesterday. The Liverpool ports would have reported it this morning. You can come with me or stay behind. Your choice buddy." 

Zain took a deep breath and got on the yacht." I can't leave you to your own devices, so I'm coming with you. "He announced, a small smile on his tanned face." We need to travel through Portsmouth to get to the English channel." He further added. 

"Buckle up then buddy, it's going to be a long, long journey. "


The yacht swayed side to side. The moonlight shining down on them. Zain could tell from the clouds that light rain will fall. And it did. They had been traveling for six hours, according to the clock on the boat. Kinya placed the flap cap on her head to protect it from the light rain, whilst Zain placed his on. The sound of a whale rumbling echoed around the atmosphere, followed by the sound of a bell. 

They looked at each other confused by the situation. All of a sudden, thick fog started filling the air, making it harder for them to see. "Christ, why of all times now?" Kinya questioned in frustration. Zain grabbed the large candle lamp and lit it with his cigarette matches. He then held it up high and waved it around. Kinya steered the boat steadily, not wanting to collide with anything. 

A very large sound of waves started sounding. This greatly terrified the duo. Now understanding why Zain was completely against the idea, Kinya started profusely apologizing to the tanned boy. "It's okay Kinya, we've got to now focus on what's awaiting us behind this fog." 

Did he speak too soon? 


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The fog cleared and a large wave stood over them. Their eyes widened considerably, scared out of their minds. Kinya quickly snapped when the wave started coming down slowly. She dragged Zain and instructed him to start rowing with force and speed. The rain was getting heavier. "C'mon Zain. We're not going to die at sea! Let's try and escape the wave!" She yelled over the sea's roars and the heavy rain.

Zain nodded his head and they started rowing. The waves were swerving their yacht around. They started speeding ahead with god knows what strength. The wave almost went down and their arms were now starting to burn. The waves finally came down, lifting the yacht and them up. They tried to hold on as they screamed. The yacht came down and they were dropped into the sea, a bit far from each other.

Kinya felt the air knock out of her lungs and her body freeze simultaneously. She pushed herself to swim to the surface, but felt her body grow weaker. Zain was able to swim towards her, encircling his arms around to help them get to the surface. However they were both getting weaker. Slowly they both started to lose consciousness.The last thing her eyes captured was a blue glowing being swimming towards them. 

Alas, Kinya draws her final breath and passes in Zain's arms. 


The sounds of waves crashing the coast and seagulls echoed around Kinya's ears. The pain that coursed through her body now is nothing but a numb feeling. She opened her eyes and groaned. Was she dead? Was the afterlife really this? Gosh she was stupid. She should have listened to Zain about her parents. Speaking of the boy, where was he? She jolts up, ignoring the ache in legs and starts searching for him. Her legs now burn as she used every ounce of its strength to trod along the sand. She wanted to make sure he was alive. She wouldn't know what to do if he was dead. 


"Zain! Where are you mate?!"

"C'mon, don't do this to me!" She continued yelling. Jesus, this was really her fault. "He hasn't crossed over and is very much right back at Town Quay." A high pitched, female voice spoke from behind her. She snapped her head around and started searching for the voice. "I'm right here." The creature happily pointed out. Kinya's eyes then focused on the blueish, mint green being in front of her. She rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing things.

A fairy was in front of her.

That couldn't be right, right?

She rubbed her eyes and gawked at the dress wearing, small winged creature. "Am I dead?" She asked, her eyes glassy and her voice starting to crack up. That had to be the only explanation. She was dead and was now seeing things out of a fantasy novel. The fairy tilted her head to the side and grinned. "Far from it. You're quite alive, just not in the world you are used to or from." There was only so much brain power Kinya could use at once and finding enough power to figure out what the hell was happening was not on the list.

"The name is Elveen by the way!" She chirped. Kinya nodded before sticking a pinky out for the fairy to shake. Something she would have found hilarious if she wasn't in the situation she was currently in. "Uh....Elveen, I'm going to need you to explain things as if you were explaining things to a really dumb person." Elveen's completely green eyes stared into hers for a while.

"Sure thing. First things first, you're not dead but you've been moved to a new world. Think of yourself as the chosen one. The one who's allowed to enter a very powerful, magical world. Kinda like a fairytale legend who you read about in fantasy novels." It took a couple of seconds but Kinya was understanding.

" When you and that friend of yours was drowning at sea, the last thing your eyes caught was a blue being swimming towards you, right?" The fairy asked. Kinya thought back to her final moments back on earth. Her eyes widened when she remembered the blue creature." Was that you?" She questioned, anticipating the answer." Don't be silly, I'm not that majestic or big. That was Locrome. The guardian who holds the keys to this world, Nazarose. The reason you were chosen and not your friend is something I don't have the answers for. "

"Nazarose?" The pink haired girl questioned. "The name for this earth." Kinya nodded her head, understanding. Elveen then summoned a mirror from thin air. "Woah, that's so cool!" She exclaimed, causing the fairy to giggle. "We're going to need you to know about your new appearance before we carry on." She then pointed the mirror towards Kinya's face, causing the girl to audibly gasp.

Her pink buzz cut was now at neck length with dark pink tip, causing an ombré effect. Her eyes were a dark pinkish-purplish color with white star-like pupils instead of her usual crossed ones. She wore a creme, yellowish cloak over a blue shirt and a pair of brown trousers. Brown leather boots cupping her feet. She seemed to have grown a few inches as well. She looked really different.

The evening sunset was starting and Kinya couldn't help but stare. She was really brought to this world. The chosen one, Zain would definitely think it was a stupid title. The thought of her own world was starting to make her very sentimental. The good thing was Zain was okay and probably back. Her parents were probably back from their trip. Their daughter is now dead. She really hoped they weren't grieving all too much. Knowing them, they would be miserable. 

Elveen stared at the girl with soft eyes. "It's not like you don't have a purpose here. The main goal for everyone here is conquering the seven seas and becoming the greatest explorer ever." Kinya's eyes lit up. Her dreams as a child, hell even now, was to become a well respected explorer. "Tell me more."

"Oh my dear friend. Buckle up, coz there's a lot to learn." 

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