The Legend of the Bat

Chapter 1: 1.1

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Chapter 1 – River Inferno

Among the seven major sword sects in Wulin [martial arts world, lit. martial art forest], only Huashan’s Zhangmenren [headmaster] was a woman. Since the ‘Nanyang’ [southern sun] Xu Shuzhen took over Huashan, their school has been controlled by women. Since then, although the talents under their school have gradually withered, they definitely did not degenerate, because these female Zhangmenren have all solemnly follow Xu Shuzhen’s will [wishes of the deceased], they were extremely strict in selecting disciples, they would prefer to go without than accept shoddy option [idiom]. Translated by foxs

When Huashan Pai was at its peak, the disciples under their school reached more than seven hundred, but when it was passed on to Yinyu Dashi [great master drinking rain], there were only seven disciples. Since then, the strictness of Yinyu Dashi in choosing disciples has been known all over the world.

Kumei Dashi [dried plum] was the disciple of Yinyu Dashi [orig. the cassock and alms bowl of a Buddhist master passed on to the favorite disciple (Buddhism)]. According to rumors in Jianghu, once when she was a young girl, in order to enter Huashan school, Kumei Dashi braved the cold and ignored the snow, kneeling on top of Mount Hua for four days and four nights. By the time Yinyu Dashi accepted her, her whole body was already buried in the snow, her soul nearly returned without she was able to do anything about it.

At than time, she was only thirteen.

Seven years later, Yinyu Dashi traveled to the distant Nanhai [South China Sea], while Kumei stayed behind to take care of Huashan. In order to avenge the enmity of the former years, the ‘Tai Yin Si Jian’ [Four Swords of Great Moon (Daoism concept)] launched a large-scale attack, threatening to burn the Xuanyu Guan [Mysterious Jade Monastery] and wipe out the Huashan Pai completely. Kumei Dashi suffered thirty-nine injuries, both minor and major, but blood-soaked, she still fought the hard battle relentlessly. In the end, of the Tai Yin Si Jian, no one was able to go down the mountain alive.

Since this battle, Wulin people gave Kumei Dashi the title ‘Tie Xian Gu’ [Iron Fairy/Immortal (in Daoism)].

Five years later, Qinghai’s ‘Leng Mian Luocha’ [Cold-faced Rakshasa (demon in Buddhism)] sent a written war challenge for a decisive battle against Yinyu Dashi on the summit of Mount Tai.

If Yinyu Dashi was defeated, Huashan Pai would be reduced to servitude under the Luocha Bang [Gang]. This battle concerned the success or failure, exist or perish, of the Huashan Pai, but at this time Yinyu Dashi was clearly suffering from fire deviation, yet Huashan could not avoid fighting, and thus Kumei had to fight on behalf of the master.

She was fully aware that she was absolutely not the Leng Mian Luocha’s match, so when she left, she already determined to die in such a way that the Leng Mian Luocha would also perish.

Naturally Leng Mian Luocha did not consider her worthy in his eyes, so he let her to ‘state the subject and draw the line’. [Translator’s note: actually, the text did not specify whether Leng Mian Luocha was male or female, I simply use ‘he’ and ‘his’ as general terms.] Translated by foxs

Unexpectedly Kumei Dashi lighted up a big fire and boiled oil in a pot, calmly put her hand into the oil, while saying with a laugh, “As long as Leng Mian Luocha also dares to do this, Huashan will admit defeat.”

Immediately Leng Mian Luocha’s countenance changed and he stomped away. Since then, he never entered the Central Plains even for one step, but Kumei Dashi‘s left hand has also been burnt to charred bones by the boiling oil.

This was the origin of the word ‘dried plum’, two characters [ku mei].

After this battle, the ‘Tie Xian Gu’ Kumei Shitai’s [Shitai is term of respect to address a Buddhist nun] name shook the Jianghu even more, so she took over the leadership of Huashan at the age of twenty-nine, and it has been thirty years since then.

For thirty years, Huashan disciples have never seen a smile on her face.

Kumei Dashi was such a person. If it was said that someone like her would grow her hair and return to normal life [leaving a monastic order], perhaps no one in Jianghu would believe it.

But Chu Liuxiang could not but to believe, because it was a fact …


The setting sun was reflected on the surging water of the river, the river was flowing to the east. On the river bay, there were five or six river boats moored on the dock, unexpectedly, there were also smokes rising in spirals from the boats, so that they like a tiny village on the river.

One of the river boats stood out, not only because the boat was brand new, but because the people on the boat were too attracting other people’s attention.

The window had a bamboo curtain hanging on it, the bamboo curtain was half rolled, the setting sun cast its light into the cabin. An old and gray-haired woman was sitting on a red sandalwood chair in the middle of the cabin.

Her right hand held up a dragon crutch, her left hand was hidden inside her sleeve. Her withered and thin face was full of scars, half of her ears were missing, one of her eyes was also missing, while the remaining eye was half-open and half-closed. Between the opening and closing, bright light shot out. No matter who, no one dared to stare at her.

Her face absolutely had no expression. She was sitting upright, the outline of her body, from top to bottom, was unmoving, just like a stone statue that has been sitting there since the ancient times.

Her build was very petite, but there was some kind of an indescribable dignity around her. No matter who, as soon as they saw her, they would lower their voice.

This old woman was already very attracting attention, to say nothing of the two extremely beautiful girls by her side, one was gentle and delicate, all along she was hanging her head low, as if she was too shy to see strangers. But the other had exuberant heroic spirit; others cast her a glance, she would at least stare at others twice. Translated by foxs

A brand-new river boat, an unusually ugly old woman, extremely beautiful girls … No matter where they were, they would appear very eye-catching. Chu Liuxiang had already seen this fact from a distance.

He wanted to get closer, but Hu Tiehua pulled him back, he said, “Have you seen Kumei Dashi?”

Chu Liuxiang said, “I saw her once four years ago. That time I was accompanying Rong’er and the others touring Mount Hua, I saw her from a distance.”

Hu Tiehua said, “Do you still remember what she looked like?”

Chu Liuxiang heaved a sigh, he said, “You said it yourself, no matter who, anybody who saw her would never forget it.”

Hu Tiehua said, “Then look again, isn’t she sitting on the boat over there?”

Chu Liuxiang stroked his nose, smiling wryly, he said, “I just don’t believe my eyes.”

Hu Tiehua said, “I know your nose has a problem, could it be that your eyes also have a problem? This is actually good news.”

Chu Liuxiang’s nose was stuffy, and Hu Tiehua always found it amusing, because he felt that finally there was at least one thing in him that was better than Chu Liuxiang.

Muttering to himself irresolutely Chu Liuxiang said, “I don’t think she is really returning to normal life; I think she is just hiding from people’s eyes and ears.”

Hu Tiehua said, “Why would she want to hide from people’s eyes and ears?”

Chu Liuxiang said, “Kumei Dashi surprisingly went down Mount Hua, naturally it is because of something big.”

Hu Tiehua said, “This is a hellish [orig. seeing-ghost] place, what big thing might happen here? Not to mention Kumei Dashi‘s character, it’s not that you don’t know; in all her life, who might she be afraid of? She is not like you, who always like to change your appearance and disguise yourself, as if you are ashamed to see people.”

Chu Liuxiang had nothing to say. He looked at the girl whose face was full of heroic spirit, suddenly he laughed and said, “I can’t believe that Gao Yanan still looks the same, not only she is not aging, she looks even younger. Looks like people who don’t have a load on their mind always age a bit slower.”

Pulling his face, Hu Tiehua spoke coldly, “In my opinion, she looks like an old woman; your eyes really have a problem.”

Chu Liuxiang laughed and said, “But my nose seems to be fine, otherwise I won’t smell the sour smell of vinegar [in Chinese, vinegar = jealousy].”

Right that moment, they suddenly saw a fast boat came rushing by. Translated by foxs

There were only four people on the boat, two operating the oars, and two were standing at the bow facing the wind. Although only two people operating the oars, but the oars moved like flying. The long and narrow fast boat was like an arrow, in the blink of an eye, it already entered the river bay under the twilight sun. The man wearing black clothes at the bow slightly raised his cupped fist to greet, and then rushed onto Kumei Dashi‘s riverboat.

Although Chu Liuxiang’s nose was not working well, Laotian [God, lit. old heaven] did not treat him unfairly, He gave him a good compensation, by letting his eyes and ears exceptionally sharp.

Although he was standing far away, he could already see that the big man had a layer of water rust on his face. Obviously he was a friend who made his livelihood on the water all year round. Standing on the undulating speedboat, surprisingly he was as steady as standing on the level ground. This moment he unleashed his shenfa [pose or motion in martial art, lit. body method/technique], which showed that not only his water skill was not weak, but his qinggong [lightness skill] also has a strong foundation.

Chu Liuxiang saw that as soon as he jumped onto the river boat, he asked in heavy voice, “Did Laotaitai [old lady (respectful)] come here because you received to the invitation? We received order to come to welcome …”

As he spoke, he strode into the cabin. Speaking to this point, the word ‘welcome’ has not been uttered, Kumei Dashi‘s crutches tapped, his person flew into the air like a kite with a broken string. He flew more than a dozen zhang, and ‘Splosh!’ he fell into the river.

Immediately the three men on the speedboat’s countenance changed. The man operating the oars suddenly swung the long oars. The other big man wearing black on the bow spoke sternly, “We, brothers came to receive you, could it be that we meet the wrong people?”

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw a cold light flashing in front of his eyes, his ear felt cold. He could not help reaching out to feel it, instantly he became ashen-faced.

In a flash of sword light, his ear was gone.

But there was no one in front of him, only a dagger hanging on the waist of a young girl in dark-green clothes in the cabin seemed to have just been sheathed, and there seemed to be a cold laugh at the corner of her mouth.

Kumei Dashi was still sitting there quietly, the girl in purple clothes by her side was still chanting a scroll of the Yellow Sutra for her, she practically did not even look up.

In the cabin, smoke from the burning incense was rising in spirals, it was as quiet as a Buddhist Hall, as if nothing had happened – the speedboat had been scared away; it went away much faster than when it came.

Shaking his head, Hu Tiehua muttered, “Such an old person, who could have thought that her temper is still that hot.” Translated by foxs

Chu Liuxiang smiled and said, “This is called ginger cassia’s nature, the older the spicier.”

Hu Tiehua said, “But Kumei Dashi‘s boat is moored here, obviously she already had an appointment with those men in black.”

“Hmm,” Chu Liuxiang said.

Hu Tiehua said, “Then since they came to pick her up according to the appointment, why did she drive them away?”

Chu Liuxiang chuckled and said, “It’s just because those people are not polite to her. Although Kumei Dashi’s cultivation is deep, she can’t stand others being rude to her.”

Shaking his head, Hu Tiehua laughed and said, “Kumei Dashi’s temper, everybody in Jianghu knows, yet those men clearly came asking for trouble. Such insensitive men, it’s very rare to see.”

Chu Liuxiang said, “It’s just because they did not know she was Kumei Dashi.”

Knitting his brows, Hu Tiehua said, “If those men did not even know who she is, how could they make an appointment to meet her here?”

Chu Liuxiang chuckled and said, “I’m not an immortal, neither am I a roundworm in someone else’s stomach. You ask me, whom should I ask?”

Hu Tiehua pouted at him, he laughed coldly and said, “Isn’t Chu Xiang Shuai always ‘omniscient, all-knowing’? Turns out there are things that you don’t know.”

Chu Liuxiang simply pretended not to hear him at all, he spoke leisurely, “I haven’t seen her for a few years, who could have thought that not only Gao Yanan is more beautiful, but who can marry such a girl as a wife would really be fortunate.”

Pulling his face, Hu Tiehua said, “Since you like her so much, I’ll let you have her.”

Blurted out laughing, Chu Liuxiang said, “Could it be that she is yours? Turns out you …”

He did not finish his sentence, because he had discovered that the speedboat that had just left has come back, this moment it was rushing forward like an arrow.

Standing on the bow of the boat was a tall like jade young man in light garment. The speedboat was sailing against the wind, but he was standing like he was nailed to the bow, completely unmoving.

Hu Tiehua said, “Turns out they went away to call on rescuing troops. Looks like this person’s lower body skill is not weak.”

As the speedboat was coming near, its speed gradually decreased.

They saw this young man in light garment’s sleeves fluttered, not only his expression was very confident and at ease, his look was very handsome, his face carried an eternal smile. He cupped his fist from a distance and said, “I wonder if this is Lan Taifuren’s [old lady (title for the mother of a noble or an official)] boat?” Translated by foxs

His voice was not loud, but was very clear and bright, even Chu Liuxiang could hear it clearly.

Although Kumei Dashi was still sitting upright, unmoving, she gave a slight nod to Gao Yanan, who was dressed in dark green clothes with narrow sleeves. Gao Yanan then walked slowly to the bow, looked at the young man up and down, and said coldly, “Who are you? What do you want?”

The young man smiled apologetically and said, “Disciple Ding Feng, coming here with the special purpose of welcoming your honored self. Just now my subordinates’ etiquette was not satisfactory and were greatly offensive. I am asking for Lan Taifuren and two Guniang’s forgiveness.”

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Not only did he speak tactfully and politely, but his smile was even more amiable.

Unconsciously Gao Yanan’s expression softened. The young man Ding Feng smiled apologetically again and spoke a few words, and Gao Yanan also answered a few words.

These few words were very soft, so that even Chu Liuxiang could not hear them. Only to see Ding Feng already boarded the big boat, and respectfully greeted Kumei Dashi and wished her well.

Kumei Dashi also nodded, the river boat left the shallow water, unexpectedly it sailed away in the night.

Hu Tiehua tapped his nose with his fingertips, he muttered, “How could Kumei Dashi become Lan Taifuren? This is very strange.”

Muttering to himself irresolutely, Chu Liuxiang said, “It seems that these men in black made an appointment with Lan Taifuren, but for some reason, unexpectedly Kumei Dashi falsely adopted Lan Taifuren’s identity to come to meet the appointment.”

Hu Tiehua said, “Why would Kumei Dashi have to take someone else’s identity? Isn’t her own name big enough?”

Chu Liuxiang said, “Perhaps it is precisely because her reputation is too resounding that she has to take someone else’s identity. But with Kumei Dashi’s temperament, unexpectedly she did not hesitate to impersonate others to meet the appointment. This must be no trivial matter.”

Frowning, Hu Tiehua said, “I really can’t figure out what kind of big matter this would be?”

Chu Liuxiang’s eyes flashed, he suddenly chuckled and said, “Perhaps she came here to invite the groom [who will live with the bride’s family] on behalf of Gao Yanan. This Ding Gongzi is young and handsome, his martial art skill is not weak, he is a good match for our pure and honest female swordsman.”

Pulling his face, Hu Tiehua spoke coldly, “Funny. You, this person, are extremely damn funny.” Translated by foxs

People who live on the water also have their own way of life. At night, when they rest, drink, chat, and repair the net, as long as they could still pass their days, no one wanted to sail at night. Therefore, as soon as it was dark, if you want to hire a boat, it would not be easy at all.

But Chu Liuxiang always had his own way.

When Chu Liuxiang was hiring a boat, Hu Tiehua went as fast as possible to buy a large pot of wine.

This man Hu Tiehua, he could have no money, no house, no women, or even no clothes to wear – without any problem, but he definitely could not be without friends and without wine.

The night was very quiet, and it was very dark.

The night scene on the river was dreary and fuzzy, but it was unclear whether it was smoke? Or fog?

Looking at the distance, Kumei Dashi‘s boat has become only a dot of light and a shadow of half a sail, but it still sailed very fast. Chu Liuxiang and the others’ light boat nearly sailed at full speed, before finally they were able to barely keep up.

Hu Tiehua was sitting high on the bow, staring without blinking at the boat ahead. He drank the wine in large gulp after large gulp; surprisingly, he had not spoken for a long time.

Chu Liuxiang had also been watching him for a long time, he suddenly muttered to herself, “Strange, this person usually talks a lot, how come today he does not even say a word? Could it be that he has a load on his mind?”

Hu Tiehua wanted to pretend not to hear, but after holding back for a long time, he finally could not contain himself, he spoke loudly, “I’m very happy, who said I have a load on my mind?”

Chu Liuxiang said, “If you don’t have a load on your mind, how come you are not speaking?”

Hu Tiehua said, “My mouth is busy drinking, how could I have the time to talk?”

He took another mouthful of wine, and then muttered, “Strange, usually when you, this person see wine, even your own life you don’t want; but today even a mouthful of wine you did not drink. Could there really be any ailment?”

Chu Liuxiang chuckled and said, “My mouth is busy talking, how could I have the time to drink?”

Hu Tiehua suddenly put down the wine pot, turned his head around, stared at Chu Liuxiang and said, “What exactly do you want to talk about? Speak up!”

Chu Liuxiang said, “One day, after you managed to obtain two jars of good wine, you went to find the ‘Fast Net’ Zhang San, because the fish he grills is savory and tender, nothing better to accompany the wine, is that right?” Translated by foxs

Hu Tiehua said, “Right.”

Chu Liuxiang said, “When you and he were sitting on the bow grilling fish and drinking wine, suddenly there was a boat passing by your side very fast. There were three people on the boat, and one of them was familiar to you, is that right?”

Hu Tiehua said, “Right.”

Chu Liuxiang said, “The person you think looked familiar was precisely Gao Yanan. You haven’t seen her for a long time, so you just wanted to say hello to her, but she did not seem to see you. You were thinking of coming on board her boat to inquire clearly, but you did not dare, because Kumei Dashi was on that boat. Although you are not afraid of the sky, not afraid of the earth, but Kumei Dashi, you absolutely do not dare to provoke, is that right?”

This time, Hu Tiehua did not even feel like saying ‘Right’, he simply straightened his neck and poured the wine into his mouth.

Chu Liuxiang said, “Kumei Dashi has left the world and has never trodden on the world of the mortals [Buddhism] for more than 28 years. This time unexpectedly she came down the mountain; moreover, surprisingly she changed to wear a layperson’s [the original home of a monk/nun] attire, so you were shocked, hence the reason you urgently went to look for me … is that right?”

Chu Liuxiang answered his own question, “Right.”

Hu Tiehua said, “Since those were the things that I told you, why did you ask me again? You’ve seen a ghost, haven’t you?”

Chu Liuxiang laughed and said, “I am telling you those things again, I just want to remind you of a few things.”

Hu Tiehua said, “What thing?”

Chu Liuxiang said, “When Gao Yanan was married to you, even if you died, you were unwilling to take her as your wife. Now she ignores you, originally it is heaven’s law and earth’s principle [idiom: right and proper], it’s just that …”

Hu Tiehua hurriedly said, “It’s just that men are all miserable wretches, and Hu Tiehua is an especially major miserable wretch even more, always thinking that the only good woman is the unobtainable one … right?”

Chu Liuxiang laughed and said, “Not the slightest bit incorrect.”

Hu Tiehua pulled his face and said, “These words, I don’t know how many times you’ve said it, no need for you to remind me again.”

Chu Liuxiang said, “What I want to remind you about is not that.”

Hu Tiehua said, “What is it then?”

Chu Liuxiang said, “Although you are a miserable wretch, Gao Yanan still likes you. She intentionally did not pay you any attention, just because currently, she is going to do a very dangerous thing, so she doesn’t want you to know.” Translated by foxs

“Why?” Hu Tiehua asked.

Chu Liuxiang said, “Because although you don’t understand her, she understands you very well. If you know that she is in danger, you will naturally step forward bravely, hence she would rather let you be angry with her than to let you go to brave dangers for her.”

Hu Tiehua was stunned; he stammered, “In that case, could it be that she is doing this all for me?”

Chu Liuxiang said, “Of course it is for you, but what about you? What have you done for her?”

He laughed coldly and said, “You are only angry at her, you only drink your wine to drown your sorrows here, you only hope to get drunk quickly. So drunk that you pass out. No matter what happens to her, you don’t want to see it.”

Hu Tiehua suddenly sprang up, his left hand slapped his own ear, his right hand threw the wine pot into the middle of the river, his face flushed completely, he said, “You, old stinky bug, are right, I am wrong, I’m simply a big muddled egg [bastard] alive. Since I know that something big is going to happen before my eyes, even if I die of thirst, I must not drink.”

Chu Liuxiang laughed, his countenance brightened, he said, “Now, that is a good kid. No wonder Gao Yanan likes you. If she knew that you are willing to give up drinking for her, she must be very happy.”

Glaring at him, Hu Tiehua said, “Who said I want to give up drinking? I just said that these several days, I should drink less, that’s all … My head can be cut off, my blood can flow, but wine can’t be lacking!”

Chu Liuxiang laughed and said, “Although you, this person, are lazy, filthy, love to drink, and love to fight, you are still a very adorable man. If I were a woman, I would definitely like you.”

Hu Tiehua laughed and said, “If you were a woman, and you liked me, I would have fled long ago, how could I still be sitting here?”

In all their lives, Chu Liuxiang and Hu Tiehua have experienced no one knows how many dangers.

Each time they knew that something big was happening, they definitely would try as much as possible to keep their minds clear-headed and their spirit relaxed, to let themselves, as much as possible, to have a laugh.

They were able to live to this day, perhaps because no matter when and where, they could always laugh.

No one knew when, but the boat ahead was slowing down, the distance between the two boats was gradually shortened. Although the fog was getting thicker, the silhouette of the big boat could clearly be seen.” Translated by foxs

The people on the big boat, could they also be able to see a small boat on this side?

Chu Liuxiang was about to tell his boat to go slower, to further widen the distance between the two boats, when he suddenly discovered that the big boat ahead had unexpectedly stopped, furthermore, it seemed that it was gradually sinking.

Apparently Hu Tiehua saw it too, he said, “Why are the lights on the boat ahead getting lower and lower? Is the boat sinking?”

Chu Liuxiang said, “That seems to be the case.”

Hu Tiehua’s countenance changed, he said, “If the boat is sinking, how come Gao Yanan and the others did not make any movement?”

By this time, the distance between the two boats was less than five zhang.

Chu Liuxiang’s figure suddenly swept up, somersaulted in the air, and leaped onto the bow of the big ship.

The boat has already capsized, the cabin has been flooded.

Kumei Dashi, Gao Yanan, the shy girl, the young man in black Ding Feng, and the boatman who sculled the boat were unexpectedly all gone.

The night scene was dreary and fuzzy, there was not a single shadow of anybody on the river.

A gust of wind blew, unexpectedly Hu Tiehua could not help shivering, he spoke hoarsely, “This boat is obviously a brand-new boat, how could it sink all of a sudden? Where did the people on the boat go? Could it be that they were all captured and devoured by water ghosts?”

He originally wanted to make a joke, but before he finished speaking, he could not help shivering again, the hollow of his palms seemed to secrete cold sweats.

He took a deep, deep breath, suddenly he realized that there was a strange stench brought by the river wind. He could not help asking, “What is this smell? You …”

Chu Liuxiang practically did not smell anything, but found that there was a black and slick oily layer on the surface of the river, which surrounded both their small boat on this side and the sinking boat.

Hu Tiehua’s voice was interrupted by the sound of fast arrow splitting the air, only to see a flash of fire. A flaming arrow was shot from a distance into the middle of the river.

And then, ‘Bang!’, in an instant, the entire river seemed to have been set on fire, turning it into a huge furnace.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Liuxiang and the others, as well as their boat were engulfed in flames.

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