The Legend of the Bat

Chapter 4: 2.1

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Chapter 2 – The Secret Inside the Jade Belt

The seven major schools and sects in Wulin were equally famous. Speaking about which, although ‘Shaolin’ and ‘Wudang’ were the top of the internal and external schools, actually, ‘Kunlun’, ‘Diancang’, ‘Emei’, ‘Nanhai’ and ‘Huashan’ also had their own unique expertise. Therefore, these seven schools and sects respected each other, but they definitely would not yield to each other. Translated by foxs

It’s just that when it comes to sword technique, no matter which school, no matter which sect, absolutely no one dared to compete against Huashan, just because this set of Huashan Pai’s ‘Thirteen Styles of Cool Breeze’ was indeed elegant and wonderful beyond compare, absolutely no one could surpass. Even Kunlun’s ‘Feilong Da Jiu Shi’ [Flying Dragon Big Nine Styles] was inferior to it.

The beauty of the ‘Thirteen Styles of Cool Breeze’ lay in the two characters ‘qing dan’ [light and insipid], precisely paying particular attention to ‘seemed to be there, but seemed to disappear at the same time, seemed to be real, but also seemed to be empty, seemed to be changing, but did not change.’

Precisely like antelope hanging its antlers, no footprints to be sought, since the opponent basically could not figure out this sword path and style, how could he dodge or parry?

Gao Yanan claimed to have learned all the ‘Thirteen Styles of Cool Breeze’, but she only learned no more than nine styles.

With the exception of Gao Yanan, Kumei Dashi has not taught any disciples the xin fa [lit. heart method; difficult to translate, basically it is the essence, the secret formula behind the martial art style] at all, naturally people outside Huashan Pai would have no way to learn it even more.

But now, to their surprise, Jin Lingzhi unexpectedly used the move ‘the cool breeze comes slowly’, not only Chu Liuxiang was shocked and emotionally moved, Hu Tiehua jumped in fright even more.

Only to hear ‘Chi!’, the front piece of his clothes has been cut open by the sword, and the ice-cold sword blade streaked across very close to his skin and flesh, nearly taking his life!

Based on Hu Tiehua’s martial art skill, it was unlikely that he would not be able to evade this move, but he has seen Gao Yanan using the move ‘the cool breeze comes slowly’ nobody knew how many times.

This one move, ‘the cool breeze comes slowly’ sword style, he had also learned it that he was able to imitate it close enough, only the spirit and marrow [idiom: the essence], he was not able to learn, no matter what.

Naturally, Gao Yanan would never teach him the xinfa. How strict Kumei Dashi’s school rules was, no one would have such big guts to teach their master’s xinfa to other people in private.

This moment Jin Lingzhi unexpectedly executed the move ‘the cool breeze comes slowly’, furthermore, the spirit was abundant, the qi sufficient, the intent was on the sword front, unexpectedly she seemed to have obtained the not-supposed-to-be-spread secret of ‘Thirteen Styles of Cool Breeze’! Translated by foxs

If it were someone else, it should not be a problem, but Hu Tiehua knew how formidable it was, naturally it was hard to avoid being shocked. In his shock, his mind was greatly distracted, unexpectedly he nearly delivered his own life!

Jin Lingzhi’s first move went smoothly, she followed by stabbing out the second move. Only to see her move was light and insipid, the sword technique was wonderfully moving swiftly, like parting a flower and brushing a willow. Surprisingly, it was another move called ‘Qingfeng Zhi Liu’ [cool breeze pointing to the willow] of the ‘Thirteen Styles of Cool Breeze’!

Right this moment, suddenly they saw a human shadow flashing, someone caught her wrist!

This person was coming so fast, unbelievably fast.

Jin Lingzhi had just caught a glimpse of this person’s shadow from the corner of her eyes, she had just felt this person’s presence, this person already lightly gripped the artery on her wrist.

This person’s move was amiable and not forceful, but somehow, as soon as Jin Lingzhi was grabbed by this one hand, she could not exert even a little bit of the strength in her entire body.

Looking back in great shock, she discovered that this person was precisely the one who was also soaking in the bath just now, the one who was scolded as ‘looking like a monkey’, yet surprisingly he still had a smile on his face.

Right now, he still had the same smile on his face.

Jin Lingzhi originally felt that that his smile was not annoying, but now she felt that not only his smile was annoying, but was also extremely hateful. She could not help shouting loudly, “What do you want? Do you want to fight two against one? Shameless, shameless!”

Chu Liuxiang waited for her to finish cursing before smiling and said, “I just want to ask Guniang one thing.”

Jin Lingzhi said loudly, “I don’t know you at all, why would you want to ask me anything?”

Chu Liuxiang spoke indifferently, “Since that is the case, there is no harm in Zaixia does not ask, it’s just that …”

Speaking to this point, he really did not continue asking. Surprisingly he said he did not ask and he really did not ask.

Jin Lingzhi waited for half a day, she could not hold back her temper, she could not help asking, “It’s just that what?”

Chu Liuxiang chuckled, he said, “What I wanted to ask, Guniang might also want to know.”

Jin Lingzhi said, “What do you want to ask?” Translated by foxs

She did not even think about these words, she simply blurted out.

Hu Tiehua was secretly amused; this old stinky bug really had a skill in dealing with girls, he once said, “Girls are like people’s shadows, if you chase after her, force her, she will forever be in front of you, but as soon as you turn around, she will come and fix her attention at you instead.” This remark seemed to be not the least bit false.

Only to hear Chu Liuxiang spoke heavily, “I just want to ask Guniang, the ‘Qingfeng Shisan Shi’ that Guniang used just now, where did you learn it from?”

Jin Lingzhi’s face suddenly changed, she spoke loudly, “What ‘Qingfeng Shisan Shi’? When did I use ‘Qingfeng Shisan Shi’? You saw wrong, your eyes must be wrong.”

It was just like a child stealing candy to eat, but was suddenly caught by an adult, he could only make a scene. Clearly his mouth was full of candy, yet he insisted that it was not so. Clearly knowing that the adult did not believe, he still hardened his scalp to deny.

Who would have thought that Chu Liuxiang only chuckled, surprisingly he did not pursue by asking more questions.

Jin Lingzhi’s voice was even louder, opening her eyes wide, she said, “I ask you, who do you think you are? I am eighty percent sure that you are also that thief’s accomplice. Maybe you are the nest master [person who harbors criminals]; if you are tactful, quickly return my pearl!”

Others did not ask her, she asked others instead. This is called ‘Zhu Bajie [pig-like character in Journey to the West] strikes with a muckrake [idiom: to make bogus accusations against his victim]’. Most people with ghost in their hearts [have secret motives/guilty conscience] would use this set pattern of behavior.

Chu Liuxiang was still without a word nor movement, still carrying a smile, he said, “There is indeed a nest master, only … it’s not me.”

Jin Lingzhi said, “If not you, then who?”

Chu Liuxiang said, “It’s …”

He stretched out his hand and slowly drew a circle, making sure to pause his fingertip in front of everyone. When he passed in front of Hu Tiehua, Hu Tiehua cried inwardly, “I’m doomed.”

Just now he said that Chu Liuxiang ‘looked exactly like a monkey’, he thought that this time Chu Liuxiang must retaliate, who would have thought that Chu Liuxiang’s hand did not stop in front of him.

The man with a face that looked like a cooked crab had already put on his clothes. He was wearing a purple satin robe with circles embroidery design, and a jade belt tied around his waist.

His stature was extremely tall, when he was stark naked, he did not look too extraordinary. This moment he was wearing clothes, the red-purple satin robe matched his red-purple face, he looked really majestic and awe-inspiring, his style was grand. Several dozens of people inside and outside the door, no one could compare to him. Translated by foxs

He had already wanted to leave, too bad there was a fight at the door, so the way out was blocked, he could not leave even if he wanted to, so he could only stand aside quietly to watch the excitement.

It’s just that he seemed to be afraid of Chu Liuxiang, so that all along he did not dare to look directly at Chu Liuxiang, only to hear to Chu Liuxiang dragging the word ‘It’s’ for a long time, and only now did he say the word ‘him’.

He found that everyone revealed a surprised and strange expressions on their faces, moreover, all their eyes were looking at him. He also felt a little strange, and could not help wanting to see who Chu Liuxiang’s finger was pointing to.

He could never have imagined that Chu Liuxiang’s hand was pointing directly, not deviating at all, at his nose!

Only to hear Chu Liuxiang spoke leisurely, “He is not only the nest master, but also the mastermind. That pearl is hidden on him!”

The purple-robed man’s face immediately flushed redder than a crab’s. Forcing out a hint of smile, he stammered, “This … this friend really knows how to joke.”

With a smile on his face, Chu Liuxiang spoke resolutely, “This kind of thing is absolutely not a joke.”

The man in purple robe laughed and said, “Whether this Guniang’s pearl is round or square, Zaixia has never even seen it yet, if Gexia is not joking, I don’t know what it is.”

Obviously, this man was also a Jianghu veteran who had been through big wind, big waves. Suddenly startled, he could not help showing at-a-loss expression, but he immediately recovered his calm.

Chu Liuxiang’s gaze swept all around, he said, “Gentlemen, have you seen square pearls? … If this friend said that he did not even know whether the pearl was round or square, not only he was joking, he is practically swindling a child.”

Seeing the expressions on the other people’s faces, the man in purple robe knew that everyone had been moved by these words. Even if he stayed calm, this moment he could not help feeling a bit anxious. Laughing coldly, he said, “Gexia’s spitting blood like this [idiom: venomous slander], what actually do you want? Fortunately, the facts are there, I don’t need to offer any more explanation …”

As he spoke, he walked out, as if he was so angry that he wanted to storm off in a huff.

Chu Liuxiang did not stop him, he just relaxed his grip on Jin Lingzhi’s wrist.

Only to see the sword light flashed, Jin Lingzhi already blocked the big man in purple robe’s way out. Pointing the tip of the sword to his nose, she laughed coldly and said, “Do you want to slip away? Where do you think you are going?” Translated by foxs

The sword light was reflected on the big man in purple robe’s face, his anger flared, he forced a laughter and said, “Could it be that Guniang really believe him?”

Jin Lingzhi said, “I only ask you: did you or did you not steal the pearl?”

Out of the corner of his eyes the man in purple robe cast Chu Liuxiang a glance, he said, “If I say that this man stole the pearl, would Guniang believe me?”

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Chu Liuxiang spoke indifferently, “If the pearl is on me, whether I stole it or not, it won’t make any difference.”

The man in purple robe seemed to have made up his mind, he laughed coldly and said, “In that case, are you saying that the pearl is on me?”

Chu Liuxiang said, “That is not wrong the slightest bit.”

The man in purple robe suddenly threw his head back in loud laughter, he said, “A joke … this is really a big joke.”

Chu Liuxiang said, “If the pearl is found on you, it’s not going to be a joke.”

Before he finished speaking, the little [servant] girl shouted from the side, “Right, only by doing a search will we know who is telling the truth? Who is telling a lie?”

The man in purple robe’s countenance changed, the man who came with him also could not help rushing over; backhandedly grabbing the saber hanging on his waist, he spoke sternly, “You really want to search?”

The little girl’s eyes brimming with smile, she said to Chu Liuxiang, “As long as you don’t feel guilty as a thief [idiom], what harm is there in searching?”

The man’s eyes grew big, it looked like he was about to draw the saber.

But the man in purple robe pulled his hand instead, he hurriedly said, “There is no harm if you want to search, but what if you can’t find it?”

Chu Liuxiang said, “If I can’t find it, just consider I stole it. If I can’t compensate for the pearls, I’ll pay it with my head.”

The man in purple robe said, “Gentlemen, you heard it, he said it himself.”

Chu Liuxiang’s countenance sank, he said, “I always speak and keep my promise [idiom]; this fact, presumably you also know.”

Unexpectedly the man in purple robe still did not dare to look directly at him; turning his head around, he said, “All right, you may search!”

The little girl laughed and said, “Should he strip first before we search?”

Chu Liuxiang laughed and said, “That’s not necessary, I know that the pearl is hidden in the jade belt he is wearing, as long as he takes off the jade belt, we can take a look.” Translated by foxs

The man in purple robe’s countenance changed again, he grabbed the jade belt tightly with both hands, and refused to loosen his grip again, as if he was afraid someone might snatch it away.

The little girl said, “Take it off! Could it be that you are scared?”

The tip of Jin Lingzhi’s sword flickered, she spoke sternly, “You want to take it off or not, you must take it off!”

All along Hu Tiehua has been watching from the side with a grin on his face, this moment he suddenly said, “If he really dares not to take it off, I really admire his guts!”

The man with the saber hanging on his waist wanted to fight again, but the man in purple robe stopped him again, he said loudly, “All right, you want me to take it off, I’ll take it off, but what you just said, you must not forget.”

Chu Liuxiang said, “Since that is the case, I will check it myself. This matter is very important, I only have one head … Gentlemen, don’t you agree?”

Although the crowd did not nod, their eyes already showed a look of agreement.

The man in purple robe stomped his feet, finally he took off the jade belt and said, “All right, take it!”

This jade belt was really important to him, just now when he took a bath, he kept it close by his side, normally, he would not take it off whatever the case.

But at this moment, under everybody’s gaze, if he refused to take it off, wouldn’t it appear that he was harboring some malice? Not to mention the tip of the sword in Jin Lingzhi’s hand was less than one chi away from his face. What’s more, he already knew who Chu Liuxiang was.

Fortunately, he knew that he had not even touched the pearl at all, and just now no one had touched his body, so he was not afraid that someone would plant it on him.

When the jade belt was taken off, he seemed relieved instead. Looking askance at Chu Liuxiang, the corner of his mouth carried a cold laugh, as if Chu Liuxiang’s head was already in his grab.

He did not know that people who wanted Chu Liuxiang’s head were far more than just he, one person, but until now, Chu Liuxiang’s head was still sitting nicely on his neck.

Everybody’s eyes were staring at Chu Liuxiang’s hand.

They saw Chu Liuxiang took the jade belt in both hands and looked it over carefully for a few moments, and then suddenly he raised it high; when he pulled his hand, they heard unending ‘Chi! Chi!’ noise, unexpectedly dozens of cold stars shot out of the jade belt like a torrential rain; followed by a staccato of ‘Pop! Pop! Pop!’, dozens of cold stars all shot onto the roof, flickering with dim, bluish green rays of light.

The secret projectiles were numerous and fast. Looking at the color, obviously they carried highly toxic seeing-blood-sealing-the-throat poison. When others fight against him, how could they think that there were secret projectiles hidden in his belt? Naturally it was impossible to guard against. Translated by foxs

Although most of the people watching on the side were not Wulin people, but how formidable those weapons were, everybody could imagine, they all could not help turning pale.

Jin Lingzhi spoke coldly, “What a vicious secret projectile. People who create this kind of secret projectile, surely they can’t be good people.”

The man in purple robe’s face changed again, he spoke defiantly, “Whether the secret projectile is good or evil, it does not matter, as long as there is no pearl, then that’s it.”

Chu Liuxiang said, “Gentlemen must have seen by now that this jade belt is hollow, the pearl is hidden inside … Now, please watch carefully …”

Both hands suddenly pulled, ‘Boing!’ the jade belt snapped, something was falling from the inside, and rolled to a halt on the ground.

Those with quick eyes have already seen that the thing that fell from the jade belt was a shiny, mellow-and-full, dazzling-the-eyes pearl about the size of a longan!

The man in purple robe almost fainted; inwardly, he was shocked, anxious, but also hurt.

Hurt because this ‘Yu Dai Zang Zhen’ [Hidden Needle in the Jade Belt] was extremely difficult to come by. In the past twenty years, nobody knew how many times it has saved his live, as well as helping him injuring many powerful enemies.

The skilled craftsman who made this jade belt has been murdered by himself to prevent him from divulging the secret. Now that the jade belt has been destroyed, to make another one would definitely be impossible.

Shocked, because he clearly did not steal the pearl, how could the pearl fall from inside the jade belt?

Since the pearl was in his jade belt, he could not deny even if he wanted to. How could he not be anxious?

Anxious, the man in purple robe roared furiously and wanted to grab the pearl.

But another person was faster than him.

Hu Tiehua stepped aside to block him, and sent a punch straight to his face. In his anxiety and anger, his mind was in chaos, unexpectedly he could not evade. Hu Tiehua’s punch was hitting him on the shoulder.

Only to hear ‘Bang!’, his person was struck that he staggered back seven, eight steps. If not for the man with the saber hanging on his waist holding him up, he would inevitably fall on his back. Translated by foxs

But inwardly, Hu Tiehua himself was also shocked, naturally he understood the power of his own punch. Although he was only using forty-, fifty-percent of power in this punch, it would be enough to make a person sleep in bed for ten days to half a month. In Jianghu, the number of people able to withstand this punch was perhaps not too many.

The man in purple robe received the punch, surprisingly it did not look like he was any worse, not to mention his secret projectiles, the poisonous bullets. Merely with his ability to take this strike, he was already a first-class martial art master in Wulin.

The little girl already seized this opportunity to pick up the pearl and presented it over back to Jin Lingzhi.

With a smile on his face, Chu Liuxiang said, “I wonder if this pearl was the one Guniang lost?

Ashen faced, Jin Lingzhi glowered at the man in purple robe, she spoke sternly, “What else do you have to say?”

The man in purple robe has not spoken, the man with the saber hanging on his waist could not bear it any longer, he shouted loudly, “Even if Dayemen [big masters, self-centered show-off] took your pearl, what’s the big deal! Even thousands and tens of thousands of taels of silver, if Dayemen want to take it we just take it, no one dares to bite off Dayemen’s egg.” [Translator’s note: after many years translating wuxia, I discovered that the Chinese have certain fascinations with ‘bird’ and ‘egg’, it seems like there are a lot of slangs and cuss words involving these two words.]

Extremely angry, Jin Lingzhi laughed instead, she said with a cold laugh, “Very well, your words are enough!”

Before her words were finished, her sword already stabbed out. Only to see sword light swiftly moving and flashing unpredictably.

In her extreme anger, she was unable to restrain her emotions, surprisingly she used the ‘Thirteen Styles of Cool Breeze’ again.

Chu Liuxiang and Hu Tiehua exchanged glances, they smiled knowingly.

Right this moment, suddenly a figure flashed, someone was sweeping in at an angle from the door! This person came so fast!

Jin Lingzhi’s sword had already stabbed, but this man was unexpectedly faster than her sword.

Only to hear ‘Slap!’, Jin Lingzhi’s sword was unexpectedly caught between his two hands!

Even Chu Liuxiang was shocked by this turn of events.

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