The Legend of the Bat

Chapter 7: 3.1

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Chapter 3 – Speculation

The wind on the river bank was strong, and the twilight was descending fast.

Hu Tiehua galloped on the horse. Along the shore, not only were there no dead bodies, but not even a living person could be seen. Translated by foxs

On the river, the number of boats was also very few.

“Not even the time to eat a meal had passed, those two horses left and came back. Obviously, they have not been gone too far before they were intercepted. How could their corpses have come this far?”

Hu Tiehua finally realized this logic. Immediately he pulled the rein and turned the horse’s head and beat it back. Not long after, he discovered Chu Liuxiang, Gou Zichang, and Zhang San were congregating by the shore, while surprisingly, the corpses of the two riders were at their feet.

Hu Tiehua felt very strange; before he even leaped over to dismount, he already shouted, “Good kids, turns out you already found them, yet you did not even call out a word to me, causing me trouble that I had to run around on a pointless trip.”

Chu Liuxiang chuckled, he said, “You haven’t had a horse ride for a long time, I thought you wanted to take this opportunity to go for a ride and enjoy the scenery, how could I dare you interrupt your refined and elegant attitude of mind?”

Hu Tiehua had no choice but to pretend that he had no idea what he was talking about; flying off the horse, he asked, “Where did you find them?”

Zhang San replied, “Right here.”

“Right here?” Hu Tiehua asked, “Why didn’t I see them?”

Zhang San laughed and said, “After you killed people, could it be that you leave the body on the road for others to see?”

He shook his head and muttered, “I can’t believe that this person lives for more than thirty years old, and still has this kind of burning-butt temper.”

Hu Tiehua shouted and said, “Alright, alright, even you, this kid, also come to give me trouble. What thing are you? Next time you steal someone else’s pearls, see whether I will take the blame for you?”

He had just been taunted by Chu Liuxiang, and he could not find a place to vent his anger.

Zhang San happened to be the punching bag that dropped by his door.

Gou Zichang did not know their friendship, and he did not know that they bickered for no reason at all, it was just to relax their tensed nerves; rushing to lift the siege [to help someone out of trouble], he said, “These two men’s bodies were fished out of the water.”

“Oh?” Hu Tiehua said.

Actually, he had already seen that the two corpses were dripping wet, so how could he not know that the corpses have been thrown into the river? Translated by foxs

Gou Zichang went on, “The murderer even stuffed their clothes with sand, so once they sank, they won’t float again. Were it not for Xiang Shuai finding some blood stains on the ground, no one would have found them.”

Hu Tiehua spoke indifferently, “In that case, his ability is really not small, right?”

Heaving a deep sigh, Gou Zichang said, “Xiang Shuai‘s vision is sharp, indeed not something that others could match.”

Hu Tiehua said, “You must admire him a lot, right?”

Gou Zichang said, “Really admire very much.”

Hu Tiehua said, “Do you want to learn from him?”

Gou Zichang said, “I hope that that is the case.”

Hu Tiehua heaved a sigh, he said, “Other people you don’t want to learn from, why would you want to learn from him?”

Gou Zichang chuckled, but did not answer.

Suddenly they saw a streak of light blue-green fire soaring into the sky, and disappeared in a flash in the twilight.

By this time, it has not completely dark yet, the flame did not look too clear.

But Gou Zichang’s expression seemed to have changed a bit, he suddenly cupped his fist and said with a laugh, “I still have something to do, so I have to go first. Xiang Shuai, Hu Xiong, see you at the San He Lou this evening.”

Before he finished speaking, his figure already flashed away.

Only to see his two long legs took a few steps, his person was already twenty or thirty zhang away, and in the blink of an eye his trace disappeared. Even if Hu Tiehua wanted to pull him back, it was already too late.

Only after a long time Zhang San let out a long sigh and said, “In my conscience, this person’s qinggong is really not bad.”

Chu Liuxiang said, “Indeed not bad.”

Zhang San said, “Looking at his qinggong and shenfa, it seems that it is different from those of various schools and sects in the Central Earth.”

Chu Liuxiang said, “It’s a bit different.”

Zhang San said, “This kind of qinggong and shenfa like his, have you seen it?”

Chu Liuxiang shook his head, he smiled and said, “The martial arts that I have not seen are a lot …” Translated by foxs

Hu Tiehua suddenly said, “I’ll say that not only his qinggong is not weak, his mapigong [lit. patting the horse’s butt skill/flattery] is very brilliant as well.”

“Oh?” Chu Liuxiang said.

Hu Tiehua said, “Do you think he really admires you?”

He laughed coldly and continued, “He deliberately pretended not to understand anything, deliberately patted your horse’s butts, and curried for your favor. He must have plotted against you, I think you should be careful.”

Chu Liuxiang chuckled, he said, “Maybe he really admires me? Why should you be jealous [lit. eat vinegar]?”

Hu Tiehua humphed, shook his head and said, “Thousand times bore through, ten thousand times bore through; horse’s fart does not bore through [‘Anything gets through me except horse fart’ (Courtesy of Sunnysnow during Eagle Shooting Hero translation project)]. This saying really not the least bit incorrect; however, ‘not listening to the old man’s words, bearing hardship is imminent’’. When you are falling into the trap, don’t blame me for not forewarning you.”

Chu Liuxiang said, “I can only blame him for not patting your horse’s butts, hence nothing looks pleasing to your eyes.”

Zhang San also laughed, but immediately knitted his brows and said, “But I think this person’s whereabouts are also a bit suspicious, plus we don’t know anything about the strange thing inside that suitcase of his, you should at least ask him about his origin.”

Chu Liuxiang spoke indifferently, “We don’t need to bother about that matter. Naturally, someone else is going to ask him.”

Zhang San asked, “Who?”

Chu Liuxiang replied, “Ding Feng!”

Hu Tiehua said, “What if he doesn’t come to the ‘San He Lou’ tonight?”

Chu Liuxiang laughed and said, “In his belly, there’s no good wine and grilled fish, how could he let go of the opportunity to eat for free?”

Hu Tiehua looked at the corpses on the ground, he asked, “Did you find their fatal wounds?”

Chu Liuxiang replied, “On their left rib.”

Hu Tiehua rolled the bodies over and took a look, only to see on the left rib, both bodies indeed had a wound the size of a copper coin, the blood had already drained.

The wound has been washed white by the river water, it looked very deep.

Hu Tiehua said, “This is an arrow wound.”

“Uh huh,” Chu Liuxiang responded. Translated by foxs

Hu Tiehua said, “In this area, the water on both sides of the river is very shallow, they have to be at least ten zhang away from the shore to sail a boat.”

Zhang San said, “At least twenty zhang away.”

Hu Tiehua said, “The killer shot an arrow from twenty zhang away, and he was able to penetrate their ribs and take their lives. This kind of hand strength is very rare.”

Chu Liuxiang said, “Indeed very rare.”

Hu Tiehua said again, “Looking at their wounds, obviously the arrowhead used was extra-large, the arrow must be heavy, presumably the bow used for shooting the arrow must also be a strong bow.”

Chu Liuxiang said, “The strong bow he used must be at least five hundred shi [lit. stone, unit of volume (dry), approx. equal to 100 liters].”

Hu Tiehua said: “In Jianghu, the number of people able to use such a powerful bow and big arrow is not many at all.”

Chu Liuxiang said, “Indeed very few people have such arm strength that they can pull a five-hundred-shi strong bow.”

Hu Tiehua said, “Even if someone is able to pull this kind of strong bow, he might not necessarily have this kind of accuracy, able to take other people’s lives from twenty zhang away, so much so that other people are unable to dodge.”

“That’s right,” Chu Liuxiang said.

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Hu Tiehua let out a long breath, he said, “In that case, wouldn’t this matter already be very obvious?”

Chu Liuxiang said, “Very obvious; I cannot think …”

Hu Tiehua said, “You still can’t think of who that person is?”

Chu Liuxiang said, “I can’t think of it.”

Hu Tiehua could not help showing a smug look on his face, he said, “Other than Wu Weiyang, who else?”

Knitting his brows, Chu Liuxiang said, “Are you saying that Wu Weiyang killed them?”

“That’s right,” Hu Tiehua said, “Wu Weiyang’s arm strength is well known in the world, the one he uses is precisely a five-hundred-shi strong bow, the thirteen ‘Phoenix Tail Arrows’ in the quiver are one hundred shots, one hundred hits even more. In the past, in the decisive battle against the ‘Shenlong Bang’ [Divine Dragon Gang], although in the opening battle he lost five battles, but Wu Weiyang’s thirteen arrows shot down the main sail of the thirteen Shenlong Bang’s boats, also scared Shenlong Bang’s heart and guts to tremble, otherwise Yun Conglong had great victory in his grasp and he still had enough remaining power, why would he be willing to make a non-aggression pact with the Fengwei Bang [Phoenix Tail Gang]?”

He laughed and said, “It was not only the accomplishment that Wu Weiyang most proud of in all his life, but also it created such a big sensation in Jianghu back then; could it be that you have forgotten?” Translated by foxs

Chu Liuxiang said, “I have not forgotten.”

Hu Tiehua laughed heartily and said, “Since you haven’t forgotten, how come you cannot think that it was Wu Weiyang’s handiwork? I think your head has been emptied out by wine and women in these past two years.”

Hearing that, Zhang San stared blankly, he blurted out in praise, “In these past two years, indeed Xiao Hu has really become much smarter!”

Hu Tiehua was even more smug, he added, “Also, Wu Weiyang must also know that the ‘Fengwei Jian’ [Phoenix Tail Arrow] he used was too conspicuous, so after killing them, he had to pull out the arrow and then destroy the corpses to wipe out any traces, so that people would not think that he was the assailant.”

Rubbing his palms together, Zhang San said, “Makes sense.”

Hu Tiehua laughed and said, “In this matter, there is only one thing that I cannot figure out.”

“What thing,” Zhang San asked.

Hu Tiehua said, “Since these two are his subordinates, why did he kill them?”

Muttering to himself irresolutely, Zhang San looked at Chu Liuxiang and asked, “Do you know why he did it?”

Chu Liuxiang said, “I don’t know anything, I only know that the person who killed them was definitely not Wu Weiyang!”

Hu Tiehua cried out, he said, “If not Wu Weiyang, then who did it? You, this person, why did your head suddenly turn into a block of wood?”

Chu Liuxiang said, “These two men were rushing all the way, it was because they wanted to overtake Wu Weiyang, right?”

“That’s right,” Hu Tiehua replied, “Only it’s a pity that they did overtake him, otherwise they wouldn’t have fallen under Wu Weiyang’s poisonous hands.”

Chu Liuxiang continued, “Since they were running after Wu Weiyang, when they caught up with him, seeing Wu Weiyang, naturally they must stop and pay their respect, right?”

“That’s right,” Hu Tiehua said.

Chu Liuxiang said, “When they stopped and paid their respect, they must be facing Wu Weiyang, right?”

“That’s right,” Hu Tiehua said. Translated by foxs

Chu Liuxiang said, “Since they are facing Wu Weiyang, when Wu Weiyang shot the arrow, how could the arrow hit their left ribs?”

Hu Tiehua was stunned, the smug look on his face disappeared immediately.

Zhang San blurted out, “Maybe the arrow Wu Weiyang shot could turn midway.”

Hu Tiehua glared at him, as if he wanted to bite him.

Chu Liuxiang said, “Furthermore, Wu Weiyang has crisscrossed Jianghu for more than twenty years, he could be regarded as a first-class Jianghu veteran, if he really wanted to destroy the corpse and wipe out the traces, how could we discover it?”

Zhang San laughed and said, “Maybe he was drunk.”

Hu Tiehua opened his eyes wide, “Anything else?” he asked.

Chu Liuxiang said, “Also, the two horses were galloping forward. After the two men was wounded and fell off their horses, the two horses should have continued galloping forward, how could they suddenly turn back?”

Zhang San laughed and said, “Maybe these two horses are not vegetarian, they did not eat grass, but wanted to eat my grilled fish.”

Hu Tiehua jumped up and shouted, “Alright, alright, alright, you two are smarter than me, just tell me what’s going on.”

Chu Liuxiang said, “The shooter must be someone hiding on the shore. The two men galloped all the way, they did not see anything, so they were caught off guard, hence the arrow he shot hit the left ribs.”

“Humph!” Hu Tiehua snorted.

Chu Liuxiang said, “Although this person used a big arrow, he may not necessarily use a strong bow, because the distance between them was not twenty zhang at all.”

Zhang San said, “Not only it was less than twenty zhang, it might be even less than two zhang. Within two zhang, the arrows I shoot will be very accurate too!”

Chu Liuxiang said, “He did this in order to make us think it was Wu Weiyang’s doing, hence he deliberately left some blood stains on the shore so that we could find these two men’s bodies.”

Zhang San said, “He was even afraid that we would not search here, hence he deliberately released the two horses back, also deliberately left some blood stains on the saddle, is that right?”

Chu Liuxiang said, “That’s right, otherwise these men were shot on the left ribs by an arrow, how could the blood drip onto the saddle?”

Hu Tiehua no longer talked. Translated by foxs

Zhang San said, “But in this matter, there is also one thing that I cannot figure out.”

Chu Liuxiang asked, “What is it?”

Zhang San said, “He killed these two men, originally the gods did not know, the ghosts did not perceive, why did he want us to know?”

Hu Tiehua held his tongue, but in the end he still could not help asking, “Because he knew that we have seen these two men, so he was afraid that we would investigate.”

Zhang San said, “That reason barely makes sense, but even if these two men were really killed by Wu Weiyang, it is their ‘Fengwei Bang’ business, others cannot intervene, why would he want to frame Wu Weiyang?”

Hu Tiehua was speechless again.

Chu Liuxiang spoke slowly, “They did this not because they were afraid that we would investigate, nor did they want to frame Wu Weiyang.”

Zhang San asked, “Why did they do it then?”

Chu Liuxiang said, “So that we know that Wu Weiyang is still alive.”

Zhang San and Hu Tiehua looked at each other, obviously they did not understand what he was talking about.

Chu Liuxiang said, “If my guess is right, Wu Weiyang must have already died!”

Emotionally moved, Zhang San said, “You are saying Wu Laoda has also met their poisonous hands?”

“That’s right,” Chu Liuxiang said, “But they don’t want others to know, maybe there is another conspiracy, hence they did it this way. If we are convinced that these two men were really killed by Wu Weiyang, then naturally Wu Weiyang himself is not dead. Later on, if someone asks whether Wu Weiyang is dead or alive, we would definitely testify that Wu Weiyang is still alive!”

He sighed and continued, “These people’s scheming is deep, their method poisonous, their planning thorough, indeed are very terrifying. The most terrifying thing is that until now, no one knows what they are plotting?”

Zhang San stuck out his tongue, he laughed and said, “Luckily they didn’t see me clearly tonight …”

The candle flame on the bow had not gone out yet.

Zhang San patted Hu Tiehua on the shoulder and said with a laugh, “It’s not too late yet, how about going to my boat to eat couple more fish?”

Hu Tiehua laughed and said, “Today I still want to save some stomach to eat those grandsons, I’ll eat your grandson tomorrow.”

Zhang San muttered, “If you miss the opportunity today, I’m afraid you won’t be able to eat tomorrow …” Translated by foxs

He shook his head, heaved a sigh, and walked slowly onto the boat. Unexpectedly, he was singing. Listening carefully, he was unexpectedly singing, “The breeze is dreary, turning the water cold, once the warrior leaves, he will never return …”

Hu Tiehua laughed and cursed, “This kid is really a dog’s mouth can’t spit out ivory. I don’t believe that at the ‘San He Lou’, someone is really able to take our lives.”

Chu Liuxiang was silent for half a day, suddenly he laughed and said, “I want to eat a couple of fish from him, this opportunity may really be not many …”

Suddenly they heard a soft cry, Zhang San had just walked into the cabin and backed out again. Although there was a look of surprise on his face, he still said with a laugh, “On this boat of mine, I don’t even have half a valuable thing. If friend wants to come and visit [as a customer], then I’m really sorry.”

Hu Tiehua cast a glanc at Chu Liuxiang, he broke into laughter and said, “I never thought that the gentleman on the roof beam [fig. a thief] would also encounter a little thief today.”

The two men swept over to the bow, indeed they discovered someone was curling up at the corner of the cabin.

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