The Legend of the Goblin Hero

Chapter 14: 13. Unexpected meeting…

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Today has been a long day...


My sisters and I trained until we reached Grade D with spears, swords and daggers on their respective skills.


I also went to hunt as I'd promised to Gi. My sisters were ecstatic... Ta and Ra were clinging to me during all of the hunt.


Well, despite that... I realised that Silvia was right about her training methods...


I don't know how to explain it properly, but since the proficiency and grade of my combat skills were raised, I feel more confident while fighting.


It was like my spear was one with me... I had never used a weapon like that in my previous life, but now... It feels like I have used it for years. It is like I instinctively know how to maneuver my spear when attacking or defending... It is a really strange feeling...


I asked my sisters about it and they didn't seem to get what I was talking about...


On a related note... We caught too many preys... Ta, Ra and some other sisters of mine managed to hunt 24 horned rabbits.


Mi, Ya, La, Na, and Gi hunted seven boars...


Me? I managed to catch three rabbits and one boar. A pretty decent hunt in my opinion.


Now, we have food for days... Well, considering how much my relatives and I eat, I don't think this much prey will last more than two days.


We did have a nice lunch though. Mi and I helped Silvia to grill some meat and some vegetables. My relatives ate everything... It was really tasty.


Anyway, I am currently at the library of the castle with Silvia and my sisters...


What are we doing here?


We are learning some languages. Elvish and Human to be precise. They do have their own names but they are a bit difficult to remember so...


Hmmm? How can Silvia and I understand each other? Apparently she can speak in any language I use thanks to our souls being linked... Seriously, this world just keeps getting crazier and crazier...


Now I'm not even sure on what language I'm speaking. Is it Goblin? Or is it English...?


You know what? Forget about that, I don't want to know.


"Alright! What does it say here?" Silvia pointed to what she wrote at her blackboard. It was Elvish...


I raised my hand.


"Natural Studies." I said.


Silvia made an X with her arms.


"Nope! Try again."


Ya raised her hand.




Silvia just shook her head.


"Natural Sciences!" Gi yelled.


Silvia nodded.


"That's another point for Gi. Good job!"




Gi has answered 5 questions correctly. She's very good when it comes to learning other languages...


The rest of my sisters are doing well... Ya not so much... Me? I'm hanging in there... Silvia is a pretty good tutor though. Her explanations are really easy to understand.


Elvish is really difficult... It has a lot of strange sounds that the English language doesn't have. The Human language is actually not that difficult. The words sound a bit strange but are easy to pronounce. So I think it shouldn't be long for us to be fluent.


"Okay! Next one is in the Human language! What does it say here?" Silvia wrote a new word.


I raised my hand again.


"You belong to me in both body and soul!" I said with confidence.


Hehehe! I think I have gotten really smart thanks to her classes!


For some reason, my answer made Silvia blush.


"Ru! This is not the time to be saying such a cheesy phrase! But you're not wrong though!" Silvia grinned at me.


It seems that I am actually really dumb... It was a trap set up by her...


"Ru... What about me?" Mi asked with her usual blank expression.


I was suddenly surrounded by all my sisters... They all wanted me to tell them the same thing... Our language class was suddenly interrupted. I did not realise that Silvia had suddenly left the room...

-----Silvia's POV-----

I found myself in a strange luxurious space. There were all kinds of strange artwork hanging on some of the walls and several marble pillars all around me. There's also a small pond with a small table set up nearby.


There's no doubt... This is a Divine Realm. I can already feel the annoyance growing inside of me...


"It is good to see you again, Silvia." A familiar voice spoke to me from behind.


I turned around only to see the face of the goddess who reincarnated me... It was the Goddess of Destiny, Arrat and her massive tits.


It doesn't matter how many times I see her breasts, I can only be impressed about ridiculous size of those things. And as usual, the three meter tall goddess looks stunning.


"Hahaha! I'm glad that you think like that! It really has been a while eh?" She said with her usual relaxed tone.


"Sigh... What do you need now, Lady Arrat? If it is to beat another Demon King, I would like to refuse. I am a married woman now, and I want to focus on my new hubby and my future family."


If she needs help so badly, she just needs to summon another person and that's it.


Arrat just laughed at what I said...


"I'm aware of your recent marriage. Don't worry, there's no new Demon King, yet." She was smiling.


"Then? What do you need? Also... This is not your Divine Realm. Where are we?" I asked her.


This is not how I remember her Divine Realm... Hers was a bit more simple, and this one is just too luxurious.


"We'll get there in a minute. And you're right. This is not my Divine Realm. It is my little sister's Divine Realm."


"I see."


She pointed towards the table. She wants me to take a seat...


I have the feeling that she will ask for something unreasonable...


The two of us took a seat and she served some tea alongside some chocolate cookies.


I took a sip of the hot tea and prepared myself for the request of Lady Arrat.


"Let's go straight to business. I need your help with a very important matter." She kept her smile.


"And what would that be?"


"It is about your husband, actually. I'm sure that he told you about what happened when he was reincarnated."


"Yeah. He told me about that "Bitch of a Goddess" who forced him to lick her feet against his will. She also insulted him about pretty much everything and reincarnated him as a goblin." I said.


Arrat nodded awkwardly.


"Yeah... About that... That was my little sister, Electra..."


Arrat drank her tea in one gulp and then she continued talking.


"You see... Your husband was supposed to become her first believer. But there was a little confusion on her part and she did something unnecessary." Arrat explained.


"The part where she made him lick her feet and the insults, I assume."


Honestly, I am little bit pissed now...


"So? Are you telling me that she fucked up or something like that?"


Arrat nodded awkwardly again.


"Sigh... You see... What happened is...-"


Arrat then told me how Electra had confused the files with the information about Ru and another person with an identical name. Their circumstances were also the same. The only thing that was different between Ru and that other person were their fetishes. My Ru likes big breasts, and the other person liked femdom and was also a masochist.


She even showed me the files and all. The other guy wanted to be reborn as a goblin for some reason...


My honest opinion? Well, I think it was an honest mistake. But... Although it was an honest mistake, it is not a mistake that can be solved with a simple apology.


"Electra just wanted to make him happy... But I would like to say that it was not totally her fault... Astera decided to play a prank on her and sent her the wrong file on purpose..."


"Astera... So the Goddess of Life and Nature also has some of the blame?"


"Yes... But you don't have to worry about her. I already gave her a nice lecture and a beating to make sure she wouldn't do anything like that again." Arrat had a sinister smile on her face.


She's a bit scary when she smiles like that...


"I can already guess what you want, but I want to hear you say it just to be sure..."


Arrat nodded happily.


"I want to repair the relationship between Ru and Electra. Of course, Electra wishes for this to happen as well."


I see...


"If that's the case, where is she? She's the one who wants to repair the relationship, right? She should be here asking for help."


"I'm here..." A depressed voice came from a sofa nearby.

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I had not noticed the two and a half meters tall goddess with pale blue hair... She is really beautiful. Sadly, she doesn't have any breasts...




She was looking extremely depressed now.


"Silvia, please don't make her feel worse than she already feels." Arrat scolded me...


"Sorry..." I apologized to Electra.


Electra just nodded and started staring towards the ceiling... I could hear her sigh constantly...


"So? Will you please help us?" Arrat asked me.




"It depends. What does Ru gain from this? I won't accept if it affects him negatively."


Arrat just giggled before answering me.


"Of course you would think like that! We are going to give him several things as an apology, you know?"


Hmm... I'm a bit interested now.


"I'm listening."


"First of all, Electra has decided to actually give her hand in marriage to him."


"Yeah... I don't think that will be enough."


I mean, offering your hand in marriage is not a very good apology, you know?


"I'm aware of it." Arrat smiled.


She served more tea for herself.


"I was planning to give him my blessing and make him a Hero as well." She said before drinking more of her tea.


I grabbed a cookie and ate it... I don't know if that's what Ru wants...


"He will gain whatever he wants having that title. Money, women, territories, fame... Immortality." She said.


Hmm... Inmortality would mean that Ru and I would live together forever...  I'm almost convinced but...


"Sigh... No choice then..." Arrat let out a heavy sigh after reading my mind.


What is she going to offer now?


"I'll offer him my own hand in marriage as well." Arrat said with an amused expression.


Huh? Did I hear that correctly...?


Before I could even open up my mouth, Electra stood up from the couch and ran towards Arrat.


"Big sister! What are you saying!? This is my mess! You don't need to offer that! What would the other gods, our sisters and our father think!?" Electra seemed extremely worried.


"It is precisely because of that! If the rest of the gods discover this little misunderstanding, you will probably be bullied to no end... My hand in marriage is a small price to pay in order to save your reputation." Arrat patted her sister's head.


"But..." Electra was still worried.


"Stay quiet Electra, I'll handle everything, okay?" Arrat smiled.


Electra just nodded and sat at the table with us.


"Lady Arrat, I have one question though." I immediately raised my hand.


"Shoot." She said while keeping her charming smile.


"Why is it so important for them to fix their relationship?" I asked.


"Simple. Us gods are first judged by how we treat our first believer and how that first beliver executes our will. A believer that does not like his god or goddess and refuses to execute their will, means that the god is incompetent." Arrat explained.


Electra hid her face in embarrassment.


"The relationship between a new god and a first believer is usually mutually beneficial. The god grants any wish with the condition that the believer must spread the new faith. There have been too many gods who have failed at keeping this relationship and became the laughing stock of Heaven."


Ah... I think I get it now.


"I see... So you're offering so much because you don't want Lady Electra to be bullied by some other deities. I get it."


Arrat smiled before answering me.


"Then? Will you help us, Silvia?"


"I think it will be a bit difficult to clear the misunderstanding between them since Ru seems to be a bit bitter about it..." I said to the two goddesses.


"Don't worry, I already know what to do to get these two in good terms. But I will really need your help though..." Arrat said with a bitter smile.


"Fine, I'll help. What's the plan?"


In the first place, I owe Lady Arrat a favour... So this is a great opportunity to repay it.


Thanks to her, I managed to meet my soulmate. She was the one who told me to do the lifespan reset ritual. If I did, I would maybe meet someone destined to be my partner. And since she was right, I owe her one...


"I want to you to take him to the town of Norvek." Arrat smiled.


"Norvek? Where's that?" I asked Arrat.


This is the first time I heard about that town...


"Sorry, I forgot that you have been asleep for the last 400 years... That was my bad. Norvek is close to the forest that you're currently living in."


So it has been that long since I used the lifespan reset ritual... I see...


"Very well. But what are we going to do after that?"


"You are going to meet the two of us there." Arrat smiled widely...


Huh...? The two of them...?


"Lady Arrat... Are you going to descend to the mortal realm...?"


Arrat nodded while keeping her smile.


"Of course! This plan needs our direct intervention!" She said.


This is the first time I have heard about a god descending... This would cause panic if the common people were to heard about this...


"Don't worry about the details! I'll handle everything! You just need to follow my plan!" Arrat said with excitement after reading my mind.




I was a bit bewildered thanks to what I just heard...


"Okay, let's begin the real strategy meeting." Arrat expression changed into a more serious one.


Electra just nodded feebly.


Oh boy... I was not prepared to hear her full plan...

My meeting with the two goddesses ended. I was made to sign a contract which physically forbids me to tell anyone anything about that meeting besides those two.


I can only reveal that we need to make Ru evolve before going to Norvek... When we arrive, we will immediately reunite with the two goddesses. I can't share any more details about Arrat's plan.


I opened the door of the library and went inside. Ru and his sisters/other wives were clearly flirting without me... Ru was surrounded by them with no chance of escaping.


"Ah... Silvia!" Ru looked at me as if I was his saviour.


"Ru... Please say it again." Mi's face was as red as a tomato.


"Hehehe! I want to hear it again!" La was hugging him tightly and smiling from ear to ear.


"That's a bit embarassing... Haha..." Na was completely red from the embarrasment.


"Sheesh, having fun without me eh?" I said while trying to tease Ru.


"No... I mean, yes... But..." Ru had a complicated expression on his face. He was a bit embarrassed.


"I guess it is fine if we finish your classes for today. Let's have dinner and go straight to the bedroom!"


We already studied enough for the day. Also having that meeting with those goddesses made me a bit tired... I want to rest with my hubby.


Ru's sisters immediately turned their heads towards me and then they nodded vigorously.


"Yahoo! More meat!" Ya yelled in excitement.


"Hehehe! Ta! It will be finally be our turn!" Ra was also incredibly excited but for a different reason.


"Yes, Ra..." Ta was embarrassed.


"Ru! Let's have some fun tonight!" Gi smiled at Ru.


Hmm? Having those two goddesses marry my husband? I mean, I don't really care. You shouldn't understimate the stamina of a Goblin. Fufufu!


Anyway, I going to make sure my hubby is prepared for what is to come!


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