The Legend of the Goblin Hero

Chapter 24: 22. The identity of a certain evolved spider…

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-----??? POV-----

Tight... Why is this so tight...? I swear that I made this thing bigger...


I couldn't move my body properly... My legs were feeling numb...


I guess I could sleep some more...


As soon as I closed my eyes, the image of that person came to my mind... His beautiful green skin, his smooth and well kept blonde hair, those well defined and perfect facial features... His gentle smile when he offered me all of that food without leaving anything for himself... Ahh... My spinneret tingles just from thinking about him...




I opened all of my eyes in that instant. I used all of my strength and broke out from my cocoon. A familiar cave covered in sticky webs welcomed me...


Yep... This is my home...


I didn't waste any time and examined my body. My new body...


My lower body was that of a large white spider... On the place where my head was supposed to be, there's now something new attached... A human upper half.


I finally managed to do it... I managed to evolve into an Arachne.


My upper body skin felt smooth... My arms are thin and my hands are small. I immediately used my hands to explore my face. My nose feels a bit small and my lips are more thin than they used to be, but it is not a bad sensation... My breast are big... They are bigger than the ones in my previous life. I think they are D cups? Maybe double Ds? I don't know... I have never been good at meassuring that kind of thing.


"Aaaah..." I could finally emit noises again... Well, I mean... That's not exactly right... What I meant is that I am actually able to use my vocal chords again. I don't think I can talk yet...


I stretched my arms and my eight legs... My abdomen felt a bit heavy but I think I can get used to it. My multiple eyes are working as perfectly as ever. That's good!


Ah... I guess I should introduce myself first. My name is Kagiyama Tomoko. I am a former earthling. I used to be from Japan...


I died during a terrorist attack during the 19th of December of the year 2034. I was buying a few things at the mall when all of a sudden some muscular men wearing military uniforms started shooting at people... Sadly, that's the only thing I remember... I was probably the first one to die.


Oh well... My death wasn't really painful or anything. I suddenly found myself into the domain of a deity whose name I had never heard before. Her name was Astera.


She told me that I could reincarnate into a fantasy world if I wanted to do so. Naturally, I said yes. Why? I am an Otaku. I don't think I have to explain myself any further.


My friend Airi would have probably squealed and giggled like a little girl thanks to the cliche of being reincarnated into a fantasy world... I hope she's doing alright.


Where was I...? Reincarnation, right. Before we fully get into that, let me tell you a bit about me. You see... I have always been extremely lazy. My mom always said that I was a sloth instead of a person. She was not wrong... I used to be extremely lazy... I have always been an avid gamer as well. I spent most of my time completing games up to a 100% or watching anime with my friend Airi.


My favourite games were RPGs.


So, the moment the goddess told me about the reincarnation thing, I immediately thought: "It would be nice to just sit all day without having to worry about anything. Having food coming to me without having to move at all... Kinda like a spider."


Well... My dumb and lazy ass thought that it would be a good idea to reincarnate as spider because... Why not? You get eight legs, lots of eyes and you just need to sit all day on your web waiting for your food. No responsibilities, no annoying social interactions. Just me, my web and the food getting stuck in my web.


I thought it was a genius plan.


The goddess asked me if I was sure I wanted that. She told me that I could be reborn as anything I wanted. She tried to convince me to choose a humanoid race but my dumb ass could not be bothered to follow her advice... She tried desperately to convince me to change my mind.


I was firm on my decision and I was reincarnated as a spider. The goddess agreed to reincarnate me as a spider... She was not fully on board with the idea though.


She said that she would give me a unique skill to guarantee my survival. The goddess also said that she would supervise me and talk to me from time to time to see how I was doing. She wished me good luck and I was reincarnated.


That was two and a half years ago.


Boy, do I regret my decision!


My comfortable life as spider did not happen! I was the youngest amongst a group of 6,000 spiderlings... I thought that family gatherings would probably be a mess... They really were...


As soon as something got stuck on the web of my mother and father, my siblings would devour everything in the blink of an eye... Often leaving me without anything to eat... That was rough...


Not to mention the gross appearance of our food... It was a shock for a girl from Tokyo to suddenly try to eat a fucking fly! Well... That shock barely lasted a couple of hours... When you're really hungry, you stop caring about the appearance of your food.


Ah... For some reason, insects taste just like chicken. I was pretty bewildered when I found out insects tasted like that...


Anyway, after a day of being reborn, the goddess called and explained several things about my race. I was reborn into a species of spider called: Lunara Agnis. I don't think I was more than 5 cm large... My species was apparently very venomous.


I thought that it was pretty neat. I could bite things and they would die. Easy, right?


The goddess also told me about the STATUS system and the possibility to evolve if I leveled up.


Obviously, the way to level up was to kill other creatures.


That made my gamer senses tingle... As an avid completionist, I couldn't let go of this opportunity... I mean, it should be simply to level up, right? WRONG! IT WAS PRETTY FUCKING DIFFICULT!


Who the fuck set the difficulty on maddening!? There's no way to complete this! Those were my first thoughts when I tried to level up for the first time...




That was when my life became hell... It turns out that it is really really difficult to kill something when you are a small spider...


It also turns out that my family of spiders and I were living in a small hole underneath the fucking jungle! Do you have any idea of how many predators a spider has in this jungle? ALMOST EVERY FUCKING CREATURE WAS A PREDATOR!


Forget about maddening! The difficulty was set up to need literal hacks in order to beat this level!


I obviously became very depressed when I almost died trying to level up... I was almost eaten by a frog... I barely managed to escape from the frog...


When I returned to our nest, the goddess called me again... She was apparently really worried about me and then she said that she would help me to make things easier... She explained to me a lot of new things.


I have skills. I have a Unique one and several Normal ones. I have the Unique Skill called: "Respawn."


The effect of the skill is pretty straight forward. If I die, I can respawn back on my nest. It only works once per day and my HP is restored back to 50%.


I almost cried from happiness when I learned that I had this skill... But if the skill is on cooldown, I will definitely die... So I pretty much hid on our nest whenever the skill was on cooldown.


Now, within the normal skills, I have one called: "Silk Production."


What does it do? I produce silk that I can shoot from my spinneret. I can change the stickiness, the durability and the thickness of the silk and make threads from it.


These two skills have been my literal lifeline during the last two and a half years...


Astera helped me raise the grade of my skills, she taught me about the wildlife of the area where I was reborn, techniques that other species of spiders use to hunt their prey, how to build an appropriate nest, etc... She helped me until I was skillful enough to hunt something on my own.


What did I do? I left my mother's nest and built up my own nest using the knowledge given by Astera.


It was sad leaving my mother, my father and my 6,000 siblings. But it had to be done... After all, I didn't want to share my food and my precious EXP.


After three weeks of being reborn into this world, I was finally able to level up. I caught several dozens of flies in my web and then I had a feast! Hehehe! They were tasty! Their appearance not so much, of course.


After a month I managed to evolve into a spider called: Ratula Lunaris. I was 15 cm large. I was still venomous. And my ability to make threads got even better.


I was basically living on a palace made out of my threads. One day, I was rather bored and I decided to rechallenge that frog again. It went better than last time. I felt like I was fighting a raid boss! It was such a challenging battle! Of course, the frog ended up tasting my venom and it was completely enveloped in my sticky threads.


Hehehe! I feasted upon its flesh for the next week or so. It kinda tasted like pork.


But you see... A week after that, I reached adulthood... There was a constant strange feeling in the lower part of my abdomen and my spinneret...


Astera and I had the most uncomfortable conversation about spider sex... She basically said: "When a mommy spider and a daddy spider love each other very much, they...-"


She explained several gross details that I didn't want to know about my new body...


Sigh... I tried to forget about it, but her explanation gave me a few nightmares the following night...


Two months passed after that uncomfortable conversation. I managed to evolve three times in that short period of time.


I went through the Arboraeta Lunaris to the Lunaris Ateris and then evolved into the Grisselis Norveris. I was 40 cm long at the time. I was a very very large spider! My skill "Silk Production" became: "Thread Manufacturing." Another one of my skills also evolved. It was called "Dangerous Venom" and then it turned into "Lethal Venom."


I was pretty happy about my growth but... The strange feeling on my abdomen got worse... I had done my best to ignore it but it was futile...


Astera then explained to me that my instincts were saying that I needed to leave some offspring. I obviously said: "Hell no! I ain't fucking a spider!"


If I'm gonna fuck someone, it better be a handsome guy! Of course, I can't hope to do that with a hot guy while being a spider...


Astera then told me about an evolution called "Arachne." I would basically gain the upper body of a human and well... The intimate parts of a human woman as well...


So? My objective was to evolve into an Arachne!


Astera said that it was a wise decision and that she would help me with whatever I needed to achieve that evolution... I asked her to help me. I wanted to make that strange feeling on my abdomen stop...


Do you know what she said? She said: "I can't help you with that. Try to masturbate or something."


I was, of course, horrified! In the first place is that even possible for a spider!?


I'm not proud to admit it, but after three weeks... I discovered how to do it. Do not ask about it if you want to sleep tonight... The strange feeling stopped being a problem after that though.


Anyway... I went through several battles in order to level up and evolve... I died a bunch of times and then revived thanks to "Respawn." I had to go through a dozen evolutions and finally, after two years and a half, I became an Arachne.


During that time, I ate many many animals and insects. I ate snakes, flies, frogs, wolves and something similar to a cow but it was a carnivorous animal... That fight was not fun!


I did all that to become a proud level 30 Arachne... I am extremely happy!


It is nice to finally achieve your objective... But now I have a new problem...


You see... My previous evolution, Arbreata Lunara was a weird stage of my life as a spider... That evolution messed me up emotionally... I was constantly hungry and looking for a male... I felt like I was sick and my body was always hot... Honestly, I hated that evolution...


Why was I looking for a male? I was looking for one because I was so fucking horny! Seriously! I was a horny teenager in my previous life but damn...! I felt like I was going through puberty again and this time masturbation was not even enough to satisfy me... I was basically losing my mind thanks to that... I am not proud to admit this at all, but I seriously started to consider using any male from any species to... You know... Please don't judge me, okay?


That also didn't go well! Since I was always starving, I ended up devouring all of the males that I had managed to capture... I always forgot about my other objective and that just made me angry and stressed...


Well... When I was finally able to evolve again, I was already far too stressed and hungry that I would simply attack anything that moved... I had to take the Trial of Evolution in that state...

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Ah! Another thing that would help you understand my new problem... The Arbreata Lunaras have a very simple mating ritual. The males gives food to the hungry female, they mate and that's the end. If the male doesn't give food to the female, she eats the male and uses some parts of his body to lay eggs. Simple, right? Astera explained that to me when I evolved into the Arbreata Lunara.


During the trial, I managed to find a goblin. They kinda look different to how the media on Earth portrays them... Honestly, they look like miniature humans.


Also, I'm not proud to admit it, but I wanted to eat it to see how it tasted like... In my defense, I would like to point out that I was constantly starving... I'm not proud of it, okay? I'm reflecting on it, okay!?


Anyway... I chased the goblin but it was surprisingly fast and had a lot of stamina... I was getting frustrated and chased it with all of my arachnid might...


He suddenly stopped and started throwing food at me... He basically did the mating ritual with me... Thanks to that goblin, the constant hunger I was feeling finally stopped after I ate all of his offerings... I was finally able to come back to my senses... Well, not quite... I was completely entranced by the beauty of that goblin.


I had never seen such a beautiful creature... Suddenly, my body was not on board with the idea of eating him. I wanted to do other things... If you know what I mean... When the hunger was not controlling me, my lust thought that it would a good opportunity to take over me...


After that... I could only imagine our future nest together raising thousands of spiderlings! Aaahhh... All of my legs get weak if I even think of that!


But before I was able to make those thousands of spiderlings with my new dear husband, I was granted the right of evolving and I was teleported away...


Yep... My new problem is that I'm in love with that goblin... I don't think I will be able to forget about him... I want to see him again...


"Sheesh... You really liked him huh..." A familiar voice said...


I turned around only to see a girl dressed in the attire of a gothic lolita. She has silver eyes and two blonde twintails. I think we are the same height... So that means I grew a lot...


I think we are both 1,50 meters tall.


This gothic lolita is the goddess who reincarnated me.


"Ah..." I tried to say something as soon as I noticed Astera, but I was still not used to having vocal chords... I also covered my chest since my upper body was completely naked.


"It is nice to finally see you all grown up, Tomoko! Ah! Don't try too hard on talking, you might hurt your vocal chords! Don't worry, I can still read your mind, so we can still communicate!" Astera was cheerful.


(Lady Astera, thank you very much for your help during these two years!) My upped half bowed.


"You did most of the work... Seriously, who in their sane mind fights a 2 meter long snake as a 50 cm spider? You're pretty crazy, Tomoko..." Astera smiled bitterly.


(Hey! I managed to kill it! And also, it was also delicious!) I protested.


"Sigh... Of course, you would say that..." She sighed heavily.


I have the feeling that she's thinking something rude about me...


"Oh, anyway... Congratulations! You managed to evolve into an Arachne!" Astera smiled and got closer towards me.


Astera was looking directly into my eyes.


"Wanna see something cool?" Astera grinned.


I mean, sure why not? What's the worst thing that could happen?


I nodded with my new human head.


"Good!" She said before snapping her fingers.


As soon as I heard the sound produced by Astera, my whole body felt weird... I felt like I was shrinking... I was dizzy... I felt to the ground thanks to my dizziness.


(What is happening right now!?) I panicked...


The weird sensation stopped after a minute or two... But there was now a tiny little detail... My spider lower body was gone... I now had the lower body of a human... I now had a single pair of legs with a pair of normal feet...




"Calm down! You look like a human! Take a look for yourself!" Astera pulled a mirror out of nowhere...


I looked at my own reflection on the mirror...


Thank goodness... I look normal... No! I'm really pretty!


My facial features are delicate, just like the ones that you would expect from a porcelain doll. There's a detail... I have two normal human eyes and 6 smaller spider eyes all over my forehead.


My hair is black just like in my previous life. My human eyes are blue while my spider eyes are all red coloured... My hair barely reaches my shoulders, but it looks cute. I like it this way.


Looking at the mirror, I also noticed that my spinneret was still there. It was smaller than usual, but it didn't feel strange. It was attached to my back. it was just above my butt.


"Hehehe! This is the result of your efforts, Tomoko! You evolved into a rare subspecies of Arachne! This subspecies has the ability to transform into a full humanoid! What do you think? I had to put a lot of effort into making this one!" She said proudly.


I felt a lot of emotions when I heard that... Relief, happiness, anger at my stupid self from two years ago...


(Thank you, Lady Astera...) I was trying not to cry from the happiness of being a human girl again.


"There's no need to thank me! Ah... I almost forgot to mention that you can turn back into an Arachne whenever you want. You can also summon your spider legs while on your humanoid form. So? Isn't cool!?" Astera was talking like a kid who had gotten a new gaming console on christmas...


So I can still make full use of my abilities as a spider while looking like a human... Finally, all of my efforts have been rewarded!


"I named this race: Lunaris Arachne Kagiko. The last part is a mix of your last name and your name." She said with a smile.


(Ehh? It is named after me!? That's so cool! And embarrassing!) I never thought having something named after me would be so embarrassing!


"I belive you deserve it for being so persistent... I really lost some precious sleep watching you fight all of those predators..." Astera sighed heavily.


Hahahaha... I have the feeling that I need to apologize for that...


"Sigh... There's no need to cry over spilled milk, Tomoko..." She smiled bitterly.


(You were right though... Reincarnating as a spider was a stupid idea... It was fun, but it was also really scary sometimes...)


I think most people would certainly blame Astera for this... I won't do that. This was 100% my fault for being so stubborn and a lazy idiot... Lesson learned, I guess. I have to live with the decision I made. But, well... It is like Astera just said, there's no need to cry over spilled silk.


Pffft! See what I did there?


I started to examine my body thoroughly. I tried to get up but I wasn't used to walking without my other 6 legs...


"Easy there, Tomoko! You just regained your human form! It will take a bit of time for you to get used to walk with two legs again." Astera looked a bit worried.


(I guess you're right...)


It made me a bit sad that I couldn't walk yet...


For some reason, the image of my dear husband came to my mind... My heart started beating wildly and my body was feeling hot... Dammit! Even though I evolved, I'm still horny! Curse the Arbreata Lunaras and their hornyness!


My mind quickly wandered into a wide variety of adult situations with my beloved new husband... I didn't even notice that I had started to drool...


Uuuuuhhh.... I want to see him again!


Noticing how I felt, Astera suddenly spoke to me...


" I guess, you really fell in love with that guy... So, do you wanna meet him again?" She suddenly asked.


I froze as soon as I heard those words...


(C-Can I really meet him again..?) I asked Astera.


"Sure, why not? Gotta warn you though... You might have to stick around with me for a few days before your destined meeting." Astera said with a teasing smile.


(How long!?) I shouted in my mind.


"About four or five days, I think... I have to do some things with my older sister during that time, so you will be tagging along and helping me in exchange, okay?" Astera winked at me.


So a bit less than a week and then I can... I can... Hehehe! I'm looking forward to it!


"In the mean time, we can also use that time to teach you the local languages and how to walk with only two legs. After all, you surely want to talk and do a lot of stuff with your new hubby." She smiled mischievously.


Hehehe! Hubby, just five days and then we will be together and then we will make a nest and then we will finally have so many spiderlings! How exciting!


In that instant, some idol music started playing... It was coming from one of the pockets of Astera... It was a a bit strange to be able to hear that kind of music again.


"Ah... Sorry about that. I have to take this call." She turned around to answer her phone.


"Sup. Yeah, why? Okay... We will be there in a few minutes. I have to give her some clothes first... Luckily for her, we are the same size, so we are fine on that end." She was talking to someone on the phone.


Clothes huh... It has been a while since I wore some... I think I want to take my time choosing something appropriate for my second meeting with my special person. Yeah, let's do that!


"How am I supposed to know? Last time I descended, that kingdom didn't even exist! Sigh... I'll get some coin from my believers... Ehh? I can't use them to get coin!? How do you expect me to get money then!?" She was now yelling at the person on the other side of the phone.


Astera was getting all worked up thanks to the call...


"Fine! I'll see what I can do... Sigh..." She then hung up on the other person.


Astera then turned around and walked towards me... She suddenly decided to carry me like a princess...


(Umm... Lady Astera? Why are you carrying me?) I asked with a bit of embarrassment...


"Well... We are now in a hurry, so we'll have to leave now... Please hold on tight." She said with a bitter smile.




I wrapped my arms around her neck and the scenery around us suddenly changed...


Just a few days and I will be able to meet him again... I can't wait!

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