The Legend of the Goblin Hero

Chapter 35: 32. Who’s the freak?

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-----Lara's POV-----

“I wonder where Ru went with such a hurry? I wonder if it is related to those strange sounds from before...” I muttered…


I was sitting in the darkness waiting for Ru.


“Sigh… I am so glad that he accepted my apology…” I sighed heavily.


Well, I still have to apologize to the rest but that was a good start…


Sigh… Lara, why do you have to be such an idiot…? I was even there when Joana was robbed and it wasn’t like she was very affected by it…


In fact, why the heck did it affect me more than her!? Have a sense of danger, you fool!



“Sigh… I can’t get mad at her…” I muttered despite being alone in this room.


I let those bad rumours and old tales get to me and now I’m paying for it…


In the capital, I often heard people talking about how goblins would sell even their own mother to get some coin, or that they would not hesitate to murder a child in plain daylight to get food or more coin… Everyone said that they are savages who only know how to kill and rape people…


After carefully watching Ru’s group today, I realized that everything about that were pure lies...


“I’m really such an idiot…”


I let my prejudice get the better of me and I hurt some people…


I wish I was more cheerful like Joana or more empathetic like Line… I hope they are doing alright...


While I was thinking of my best friends, the door was burst open...


“Ehh?! What the heck!?” I yelled in surprise.


Two very large and burly men came into the room… The two of them were wearing black clothing and cloaks… Each of them were carrying lanterns… I recognized one of the men immediately.


“Johan…? What are you doing here? I thought you had to go south because of some work…” I said as I stood up.


Johan and the other man smiled at each other… For some reason, their smiles made my whole body tremble…


(Ehh...? What is this…? Why do I have such a bad feeling about this?) I thought while looking at the two men.


“Well, you see… I got myself a new job. The boss pays me a nice salary and the job is easy to do.” Johan said while smiling.


The two of them were walking slowly towards me.


“I see… Congratulations, I guess. I can’t serve you anything this late at night, so please return in the morning.” I said.


Johan has his own house, so there’s no reason for him and his friend to stay here. The only reason they would come here is for alcohol or food. Not like I would prepare anything for them this late.


“Lara, don’t be like that! Just one drink will be fine! We’ll pay extra!” Johan said.


“So this is the Lara that Johan spoke so much about… Nice to meet you! My name is Kan!” He smiled brightly.


What is this feeling…? My whole body is telling me that there’s something wrong… But I don’t get why… Johan has done this several times in the past… What makes this one so different?


“Nice to meet you… Fine, I’ll serve you for 50 Yutz. One drink and you’re out.” I said.


Business has been slow these days… I guess it won’t do any harm to get some extra coins...


“Hehehe! I knew you were going to say yes in the end!” Johan seemed happy.


“Please give me some ale!” The other man seemed very lively.


I got up from my seat and turned around to get some mugs of ale for the two of them…


I was suddenly grabbed from behind… My arms were put behind my back and a hand covered my mouth.


(Ehh?) My brain was still trying to register what just happened.


“Don’t resist, okay? It will only become more painful for you… Sheesh Johan… You didn’t lie, she’s a real beauty. Lara, you and I will be having a lot of fun for a while, how does that sound?” The other man said in my ear.


Something hard was being pressed against my lower back…


(Ehh…? No way… He’s going to…?)


All colour drained from my face after I realized the situation I was in… My legs started trembling… I was sweating bullets…


“Lara, where are the adventurer, the elven woman and those freaks staying at? I want to pay them a visit. I’m sure you won’t mind telling me.” Johan asked with a vulgar smile…


So they are doing this because of them…? Then… If I tell them where they are, they will leave me alone…?


“Ohh! She 's liking it! She’s already moving like a horny bitch!” The other man yelled with excitement.


No… There’s no way that they would let me go just like that…


“Kan, shut up for a bit. Let her talk.” Johan got annoyed.


“Kay.” Kan simply took his hand off my mouth.


“Where’s the golden freak?” Johan asked.


I won’t tell him… I’ve caused enough suffering today… I will not do something harmful to him again…




“Silence huh… Well, it doesn’t matter. I’ll take my sweet time checking each and every room.” Johan said with a serious expression.


I was suddenly slapped by him… It hurt so much…


“Ah… Another thing that I forgot to tell you… You and your mother will be coming with us as well. Let’s say that we found all of the women of this town a new and very exciting job! You’ll become our sex slaves, so you better prepare yourself, slut.” Johan said with a smile.


Ehh? He can’t be serious… How can the two of them make all of the women in this town submit to them… Wait…


“Johan… You’re working with the bandits!?” I shouted.


My shout was met with another slap.


“That's right! You have always been really sharp, ehh? The boss finally gave us permission to take you all back to our hideout. Aren’t you all lucky? You all are going to be able to fuck every single one of us like the bitches in heat you are!” Johan had that same vulgar smile from before.


“I’m getting tired of this! Let’s start!” Kan suddenly grabbed me and slammed me against the table…


“I’ll be going to be looking for those freaks.Enjoy Lara! I will come back to have a go at you when I’m finished with my business.” Johan said as he walked towards the stairs.


“Hohoho! You’re so beautiful! I’m really going to enjoy using this bitch!” Kan said with even more excitement than before.


N-No… I don’t want this… Mom… Dad… Granny… Someone… Anyone… Please… I don’t want this…


I was desperate… I prayed to the gods for salvation… My heart doubted that they would hear my desperate pleas…


“Now, I’m putting it i…- Ugh… Guuggh…” Kan suddenly started to make choking sounds… His grip on me got weaker.


I looked over my shoulder and what I saw made me cry in relief… My prayers were answered.


Kan had been stabbed in the neck with a dagger. The tip of the dagger was coming out from its throat…


The responsible for that was none other than the golden goblin, Ru… He was clinging on Kan’s back. His sharp fangs were also sunk on Kan’s flesh.


“Eww… I have eaten raw meat that tastes better than this… You guys were looking for me?” Ru said as he spit out a chunk of Kan’s shoulder.


“Ugagg…” Kan stumbled backwards… He was no longer restraining me… 


“Kan! You damn freak!” Johan turned around and saw his friend that was on the verge of going to the afterlife.


Ru took the dagger out of the neck of Kan… A lot of blood started to pour out of the wound. Kan then fell to the ground after Ru had jumped from Kan’s back.


Kan was now bleeding to death on the ground.


I could only look at his small back in astonishment…


(He is so small but why does he look so reliable…?)


“Johan, was it? You and your bandit friends said something about my women… That is absolutely unforgivable.” I couldn’t see his face, but his tone was extremely cold…


“That’s right! I was going to make you watch while I raped them, but I guess I will have to kill you now! Don’t worry, I will make sure to comfort them about their loss with my cock!” Johan answered with a vulgar smile.


Ru seemed unfazed by his comments… No… The atmosphere in the room has turned very cold…


Johan unsheathed his sword from the scabbard and then he pointed it at Ru.


“Lara… If I were you, I would move from there. Also… That guy from before teared up your nightgown a bit, so please cover yourself.” Ru said while keeping his eyes on Johan.




“Quick!” Ru kicked the table with a lot of strength, making me fall to the ground...


It was a good thing he did that… Johan and Ru were now fighting… I would have been in the way if Ru had not kicked the table…


“That’s the best you can do? As expected of a freak like yourself!” Johan shouted while he was swinging his sword.


“...” Ru simply moved a step backwards and dodged Johan’s attack.

No… He didn’t fully dodge the attack… There was a big cut on his cheek.


“It looks like I missed! Man! It is really tough to have to aim at such a small opponent… What am I going to do now!?” Johan spoke in an overly dramatic tone.


Ru did not even react to the cut on his cheek, he was completely focused on Johan…


Ru just ran straight towards Johan. Not a single bit of hesitation could be felt from him…


“Die, you freak!” Johan swung his sword once again. This time it was aimed at Ru’s neck.


I wanted to scream “Watch out” but words would not come out from my mouth… I could only see how the sword was quickly approaching his neck…


I thought that it was the end for him… I was wrong… He slid on the floor in order to dodge the sword of Johan.


“What the… AGH…! You damned freak! My legs!” Johan screamed in pain.


Ru had stabbed Johan’s left leg with his dagger and ripped a chunk of meat off Johan's right leg with his claws.


Johan then staggered… He was having difficulties keeping himself standing…


“I’m gonna fuck you up! You fucking freak!” Johan yelled while he was swinging his word wildly…


“You took the words out of my mouth.” Ru swiftly dodged the attacks from Johan.


Ru then jumped at Johan’s back.

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“GET. OFF. ME!” Johan screamed in pain. Ru was mercilessly attacking Johan’s back with his claws.


The sound of flesh being cut off Johan’s body was really making me want to vomit.




While I was concentrating on that, Ru had kicked Johan’s back with all of his might. Johan fell face first to the floor. 


As soon as they reached the floor, Ru placed his claws around his neck. I could now see Ru’s face… It was not scary, it was not happy, he didn’t look scared either… His expression was completely devoid of any emotion.


“Alright, you bastard… You wanted to touch my women? Do you have a fucking deathwish? Do I have to open up your stomach with my claws in order to get the point across? NOBODY. TOUCHES. MY. WOMEN. PERIOD.” Ru’s tone sounded like he was really going to open up Johan’s stomach.


“You freak… Agh..…” Johan grunted thanks to his wounds.


“How many bandits are currently here?” Ru asked with that same strange expression.


“Like I would tell ya! You fucking..- Agh!” Johan yelped in pain… Ru had introduced his claw into one of Johan’s wounds.


“I should let you know… My claws and fangs can easily rip apart the flesh of a boar in seconds. I could maybe kill a Braten Grizzly with them now… I never tried them on humans, but it should be quite painful if I did this…” 


Ru suddenly made a strange movement with his hands. All of his claws from his right hand were sinking deeper into the skin of Johan.


“AAAAHG! STOP! STOP! I’LL TALK!” Johan screamed in pain.


“I want to know everything. Numbers, the location of your hideout and the identity of your boss. If you don’t talk about it, my claws will eventually find their way into your organs, so you better answer my question.”


“We are thirty! Thirty! Ten of us came here with horses to secure everything before the boss and the others arrived! Our hideout is located 34 KM away from this town! Go northeast and you will find a small pond! Besides that pond, there’s an entrance to a mine! Our hideout is located there!” Johan immediately revealed everything.


A-Amazing… He got the location of the hideout of the bandits when no one else has been able to get it…


“No lies huh…” Ru muttered something, but I couldn’t hear it well.


Ru took his claws towards the neck of Johan.


“And what about your boss?” He asked.


“His name is Neville Retam! He used to be the captain of an order of knights in the Empire! He should be on his way here!” Johan spilled out the information while panicking.


“Good enough… Now… Let’s clean up this mess…” Ru prepared his claws to finish Johan off.


“Eeeek! Please spare me! I won’t do it again!” Johan pleaded for his life.



For some reason Ru and I made eye contact…


“Wanna do the honours? They tried to have their way with you and your mother, after all.” He asked me. He had grabbed the dagger that was previously stuck on the leg of Johan and showed it to me.



It is because of this guy and those fucking bandits that the business and this whole town have been in financial ruin… Because of these guys, the project of the highway to Sholukhur that was supposed to bring us tons of money and help with the situation with the refugees from Yutkan has not been started…


They have been fucking with us for weeks…


I was trembling with righteous indignation… If it wasn’t for these guys we wouldn’t be in such a situation… And on top of that they tried to take me by force… I will never forgive these guys.


The gods may have mercy on them but I will have none… Fuck them!


I stood up and approached Johan and Ru.


“L-Lara… You wouldn’t kill a fellow human, right!? You wouldn’t be helping such a filthy freak like him, right!?” Johan looked at me in the eyes and pleaded with me.


“You son of a bitch!” I kicked his face.


Damn… That was a bad decision… The fucker has a hard skull! My foot hurts!


“Those freaks… I would have thought like you just a few hours ago, but I realized that we are the freaks… One of the freaks that you hate so much just saved me while two of my own kind tried to rape me… So my response to your questions would be… Yes, I would kill a fellow human... Well, not any human, just bandits and you.” I made eye contact with Ru. He handed me the dagger.


“Cut here and it will be done. Or just stab him repeatedly. The way to kill him doesn’t really matter.” Ru pointed towards the nape of Johan.


“Lara! It was all just a misunderstanding! A prank! Yes! It was just a prank! You wouldn’t kill your best customer, right!?” Johan pleaded one last time with me.


We made eye contact… He was truly afraid. I could see it in his eyes…


“Just shut the fuck up already!” I shouted.


I stabbed the nape of Johan just like Ru had told me to do… It was disgusting… The sound made by the dagger going deeper into his neck, tearing up all of his flesh… The smell of the blood coming out of the multiple wounds made by Ru.


“Guaaaghaag…!” Johan made an unintelligible sound while angrily flailing his arms… Perhaps he was still trying to save himself, or maybe it was merely a reflex in his last moments of life.


At that moment I had to let go of the knife… I was not feeling good at all… I felt nauseous…


I-I can’t…




I’m not proud to admit it, but I started puking…

(So this is what killing a person feels like…) I looked at both the corpse of Kan and the soon-to-be corpse Johan.


“Buuugoooo….” Lara was puking nearby.


To be honest, I didn’t expect her to pick up the knife. I was originally planning to send her upstairs to look for everyone while I finished Johan off.


Hmm? How do I feel after killing two people? That’s a tough question…


I would say… I don’t feel anything at all… I just ended their lives and that’s it. I’m not happy, nor angry, nor sad. I’m just… Nevermind that. I cannot explain it properly.


(So, you got the information you wanted?) I heard the voice of a different goddess in my mind.


(Yeah, it was just like you said, Lady Arrat.) I said.


Arrat had suddenly contacted me before I came into the inn to save Lara. She told me those two fuckers might have information about the bandits. She also advised me to wait for a certain specific moment to attack.


I was hanging on the ceiling of the room waiting for that moment to arrive and then attack the two of them…


The plan went as well as it could go.


(I see… That’s good then. Now you have to deal with the rest of them. I don’t recommend fighting alone though.) She said with a warm tone.


Of course… Even I know that much.


(Of course, Lady Arrat. Thank you for your help.) I thanked her.


(Don’t mind it! I just gave you some small hints! Anyway, you should comfort that girl, you know? You made her kill, so you better take responsibility! Also, I won’t get mad if you call me Arrat.) She said with a playful tone.


Yeah… That’s my bad…


I crawled towards Lara and started patting her back. She was not puking anymore but her expression was a bit strange...


I didn’t know what to tell her to comfort her.


“So you like our kind now?” That was the only thing my dumbass could come up with.


“Kinda…” She answered feebly. 


Tears were now coming down her eyes…


“Ru… How many humans have you killed?” She asked me.


“This was my first time.” I answered.


“I see… It feels so… Dirty… And degrading…” She said with a horrified expression.


So that’s how it felt for her huh…


“I guess it is natural to think like that. But what would have happened if we left Johan alive? Or what about if I wasn’t here to deal with Kan?” I looked at Lara… I was now patting her head.


Sigh... I don't know if I will be able to properly comfort her…


“I know that… I did it because I was angry at them… I want Johan and that other guy to rot in the deepest pits from hell! But... This doesn’t feel right..."


(They are already on their way there.) Arrat added.


Oh… So Johan just died… Okay then…


“Lara. I’m not really sure of how you are feeling exactly about this, but killing is fine. I mean, if was not here and your life was really in danger, you would have fought with everything you have to survive, right?” I said while looking at her.


Lara took a moment to think… She then nodded.


“But I just killed him for pleasure… I wanted to get the satisfaction of killing one of the bandits who have been fucking with us for so long…” She explained.


(Even if you didn’t kill them, the kingdom would have executed them anyway. She basically saved the kingdom some trouble by executing him.) Arrat explained with a serious tone.


“It wasn’t for pleasure. You could say that you were doing it to protect your village, while following the law. He was going to be executed for his crimes, right?” I said to Lara.


Lara took some time to think again…


“It is fine to kill in order to protect yourself or a loved one. That’s the reason why I came to fight those two in the first place.”


For some reason, Lara had a lonely expression…


“And also you, of course. I didn’t forget that you were here. Although, I must apologize for arriving almost too late…” I said with a bitter smile.


Lara suddenly looked at me with an expression of shock… She cleared her tears.


“I see… So you were thinking of me?” She asked.


I mean, of course, it was my fault that she was here in the first place… Well, meeting her while going to the bathroom also saved us, so…


I simply nodded.


“...” She was looking at me quite intently…


The mood is getting a bit weird…


Lara suddenly moved forward and stole a kiss from me… I would have been fine with it in other circumstances but right now…


(Gods… Her mouth tastes like vomit!) I yelled in my mouth.


(Endure! You cannot reject that poor girl now!) Arrat said with an excited tone…


I had to kiss Lara for another thirty seconds or so… Those thirty seconds seemed like an eternity...

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