The Legend of the Goblin Hero

Chapter 43: 40. A “small” and happy wedding. (Part 1)

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-----Electra’s POV-----

Okay! All done! 


“Electra, are you done with your work? Hurry up and get ready! They are already going to the church.” My older sister asked me with a smile.


Oh… It is that late…? I should hurry...


I guess I was too focused on my work and thinking about how my cute believer prayed to me for help that time simply flew by… Hehehehe! I can’t stop smiling!


“I’ll go and get dressed.” I got up from my desk.


Hmm? What was I working on? I was setting up all the storms, hurricanes and squalls for the next ten years.


A pretty important but relatively easy job to do.


I walked towards my dressing room. Thousands of dresses, blouses, skirts, pants, sweaters, scarfs, hats and shoes were neatly organized here.


Ah… What do I even wear for the occasion…?


“Do you know what you’re going to wear? Let me help!” My older sister walked into the room.


She’s wearing a white blouse and jeans. She’s not wearing shoes…


“I don’t really know…” I said with a bitter smile.


“Electra, you have too many clothes… I don't know where to begin...” She also seemed a bit unsure on what I should wear for this occasion.




“Alright! I’m here!” Astera came running into my dressing room.


She was wearing her usual Gothic Lolita black dress. Well, since this time it is white coloured, I guess it doesn’t count as a Gothic Lolita attire anymore.


“You’re late.” Arrat seemed a bit annoyed.


“I know… You wouldn’t believe how difficult it was to make Tomoko fall asleep… She has too much energy... “ Astera looked tired.


“It also seems like she’s a bit desperate to meet Ru.” Arrat nodded in understanding.


She was looking at the spider maiden from my Divine Realm. Tomoko was sleeping on her bed while tightly hugging her life-sized doll of my cute believer.


The doll really looks cute!


“I literally caught her masturbating last night in the living room when I went to get some water… It scared the shit out of me… Please tell me that you’re sending him soon to meet her… She’s a good girl and all, but her obsession about that guy will only grow if she doesn’t meet him soon… Sigh…” Astera sighed heavily…


“Give us three days.” Arrat nodded.


“Please make it two days…” Astera seemed extremely tired.


Reincarnating as a spider must have been hard… I think I kinda get why Tomoko is so obsessed with Ru...


“We’ll see what can be done about that. Anyway, let’s focus on more pressing matters… Do you really want to marry him, Astera?” Arrat asked Astera.


Astera seemed annoyed by the question.


“Aren’t you the Goddess of Destiny? Do you really need to ask that? You should already know the answer!” Astera replied cheekily. 


“It was just to make sure. Don’t even think about joking about this, okay?” Arrat showed Astera a sinister smile.


“I’m not going to! Stop smiling at me like that! You’re scary!” Astera seemed genuinely scared of our older sister.


In that instant, our phones rang…


“Ah… Grandpa is already congratulating us…” Astera was the first to check her phone.


“How thoughtful!” Arrat smiled warmly while looking at the message.


I immediately checked my phone… It was really my grandfather. The message said something like this.


<Congratulations on your marriage! I’m very eager to meet your special person! I haven’t told your grandmothers yet, I know you’re looking forward to doing that yourself. I will start the preparations for a big ceremony in secret though. We will be seeing each other soon, Electra!


With love, Grandpa J.>


I haven’t even gotten married yet… Well, we are only a few minutes away from that though.


I'm looking forward to his visit!


“I was worried that grandpa would tell everyone… Having our family rushing here would be bad...” Arrat smiled bitterly.


Ah… If he had told any of our grandmothers, word would spread at the speed of light and all of our family would rush to this place at once… That would be really bad...


“Grandpa knows how to keep a secret! Remember the time where I glued Arnia to a bench? Hahaha! Now that was hilarious!” Astera laughed.


I heard that story… Big sister Arnia was apparently stuck in that bench for three days...


“Yeah, he kept the secret... But in the end Arnia beat you up with a baseball bat when she found out it was your doing.” Arrat added.


“Hey! I would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for Aurora! Still, I would do it again!” Astera was proud of it.


“Aurora was pretty angry that you burned her favourite tome. It makes sense that she snitched on you.” Arrat said with a blank expression.


“That was an accident! I swear!” Astera denied being responsible about it.


They will be talking about that for a while… I better start getting ready. But what do I wear…?


Hmm… Maybe a tank top and some shorts? Nope... Too casual…


“But what about the time you caused an earthquake in hell? Our cousins were panicking!” Arrat asked with a smile.


“Arnia shouldn’t have given me those infernal taquitos! Those things were too spicy! I thought I would lose my sense of taste after tasting those hellish habaneros!” Astera complained.


How about that cute dark blue nightdress with those heels that I bought last year…? Hmm… Nope! That’s waaaay too much for a small event and the colour has to be white!


“Well… I guess that’s true… How can they like something so spicy…?” Arrat said with a bitter smile.


“Beats me! They have alway been a bit weird… Sheesh, I love them! We should totally go there on our honeymoon!” Astera smiled.


“I don’t think a mortal like him would like a trip to hell…” Arrat shrugged.


Hell is really nice during winter! I love those infernal taquitos by the way!


Anyway, how about a blouse and a skirt? That seems like a safe option… Sigh… I don’t feel like wearing that to be honest…


It seems like we are going to be here for a while…


I started checking deeper into my wardrobe…


“Ah…” I gasped in surprise…


“Sounds like she found what she wanted!”




Both of my sisters looked happy.


I finally found something to wear… A piece of clothing that has a lot of meaning to me… A white sundress given to me by my grandmas on my 100th birthday. It has been a long time since I last wore this dress…


“Let’s get going! I’m really looking forward to seeing his expression of shock!” Astera started dragging Arrat away.


“Don’t take too long, Electra!” Arrat waved at me.




I can’t believe I’m getting married today… Well, the real ceremony will be in a few years, but it is still a bit unbelievable…


Who am I marrying? My cute believer, of course. At first, it was because of compensating him for my mistake and Astera’s prank…


Well… After he forgave us, I got a bit curious and asked Arrat to tell me a bit about my future…


What did she tell me? She said that I would be an excellent goddess. That I would be adored in every corner of this world. I got really happy about it!


She then told me about my marriage with my cute believer… She said that it would definitely be a happy one.


She even showed me a small vision about a possible future… I was definitely convinced to marry my cute believer after seeing that future...


What did I see? I won’t talk about it! That’s for my eyes only!


Ah… I’ve been wasting valuable time… I better start getting ready! I will make that future where I am adored by everyone and happy with my cute believer become true!

We were all walking together towards the church… Most of the people of Norvek were blackout drunk lying on the floor. It seems like they were genuinely overjoyed that the bandits weren’t going to be a problem anymore.


“Are you sure you don’t need a dress or a ring?” I asked Silvia.


“No need!” She replied happily while holding my hand.


“Dress? Ring? Do you want to treat us like princesses?” Lara asked with a teasing tone.


“I wouldn’t mind that!” Junko was wagging her tail happily.


“I wonder how expensive it would be to hold a wedding like a noble would? Don’t get me wrong I’m way happier doing it this way!” Elise nodded to herself.


“I don’t think a lavish wedding would be fun... Just dancing around, eating tasty food and playing drinking games is plenty enough in my opinion! Let’s have a feast afterwards!” Mara seemed pretty excited.


“I still can’t believe this is happening…” Orella had finally stopped talking and mumbling about the size of my buddy…


“Agreed…” Orella’s uncle was no longer catatonic.


“...” My stepson/father-in-law Rigant, on the other hand… He was still pretty silent. He has smoked at least 14 Alricani Sticks during the time we have known each other.


I don’t think that’s very healthy but not my call…


“Neeeeeeeeeeigh!” Blanca was leisurely walking behind us while carrying some of my sisters.


“Woaaaah! This is fun!” Ya was tightly hugging Blanca’s neck.


“I’m getting dizzy…” Wa didn’t seem to be having a lot of fun.


“Let’s swap when we go back!” Da seemed really excited about riding Blanca. Her eyes were sparkling when I told them that we would keep the mare.


“I wonder if you could sleep while traveling on its back…” Mi had fallen deep in thought.


“It is a shame that not all of us can ride Blanca at the same time… I want to get a turn!” Na was also very excited about Blanca joining our tribe.


“She has a cute name! Don’t you think so, Ta?” Ra asked with a smile.


“Yeah… I think it has the same name as the horse of the hero from that story Silvia read to me before coming here…” Ta replied shyly.

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“I wonder if I can outrun her…” Xi’s eyes were sparkling while looking at Blanca.


“Neeeeeeeigh!” Blanca replied defiantly.


“I think she accepted the challenge!” La found Blanca’s reply amusing.


“Hey! Hey! I have been thinking of fixing her hair! How about some braids! It would look great on her!” Gi suggested.


Now that I think about it, that’s a very popular thing to do with horses, right? Hmmm… I think I should learn to do that too on top of learning how to take care of a horse.


I also need to start learning how to use magic… I don't want to experience again something like what happened last night with that asshole!


While I was thinking of that, we had finally arrived at the church. There are several black spots and marks on the outside walls of the church... It was a good thing that the townsfolk managed to extinguish the fire after I saved them from those guys.


“So, in the end what are we going to do? Are you really officiating the wedding Junko?” Elise asked.


“That’s right! Don’t worry! I officiated one when I was 13 years old! Everything will go dandy!” Junko seemed very confident. She had a smug look on her face.


“Okay then! If you change your mind we can still ask Father Marcus.” Silvia said.


Junko simply shook her head vigorously…


She’s still pissed at him apparently… I know she was angry for my sake, but I do think that she is punishing him too much for nothing...


Silvia and I pushed the doors to open them…


The familiar sight of a simple room filled to the brim with hundreds of small statues of the gods and candles in front of those statues welcomed us. We immediately walked towards the center of the church.


My sisters were outside playing with Blanca. 


We left the doors open for Blanca to see since she doesn’t like to be away from us apparently...


“I think I have never asked this but… How many gods there are besides Arrat, Astera and Electra?” I asked Silvia while looking very intently at her beautiful face.


“I’ll explain!” Junko moved in front of me… Her face was just a few centimeters away from my own face…


I guess I should have asked Junko first...


“First, there is a group of gods that we call the Ten Divines! Those are the gods who rule over very important things. Amongst them you would find Serent, the King of the Gods and creator of this world! There’s also the Goddess of Harvest and the wife of Serent, Arnis. Their children fill the rest of the spots of the Ten Divines.” Junko explained.


“So... There’s only ten gods in this world?” I asked.


“Of course not! There’s at least 124 known gods and goddesses! All of them are equally important in the pantheon, but the Ten Divines have power over the most important elements of this world! They are also the most worshipped ones.” Junko continued her explanation with a smug expression.


I think I wanna continue talking with Arrat about her genealogical tree… I’m a bit interested now.


“You asked about three goddess with a lot of familiarity… In fact, I don’t know the last one you mentioned…” Timothy questioned me.


“It is almost as if you meet them personally…” Orella nodded to the words of her uncle.


I mean, I did…


“I met all three of them.” I replied.


“Ehh?” Not only Timothy and Orella, but Junko, Elise, Mara, Lara and Rigant were gasping in surprise. My sisters were in their own little world playing with Blanca.


“What? I have also spoken with gods several times, you know? Remember that we are Heroes? We are basically their envoys, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to all of you.” Silvia said with a bitter smile.


I nodded in agreement.


“N-No… It is just that this is the first time that I’m so close with someone who has talked with the gods… To think that it would be my own soon-to-be husband…” Junko seemed a bit dumbfounded.


“Yeah… I get the feeling…” Lara nodded with a difficult to read expression.


“Sheesh! You’re even solicited by goddesses? Hahaha! I can imagine why!” Mara instantly recovered from her shock and she started teasing me.


Elise had a complicated expression on her face...


“I can tell all of you about it later. Anyway, what do we do now Junko?” I asked the adorable dogkin nun.


“Ahh! The tea! I need to prepare the tea! Wait here for a second!” Junko ran towards a door nearby and disappeared into another room.




I looked at Silvia for an explanation… 


“I don’t really know about the traditions here, so…” She simply shrugged…


“I’m gonna help her out.” Lara went into the room that Junko went into just a few seconds ago.


“I’ll help as well!” Elise followed after Lara.


“We’re gonna need lots of tea! We are a lot of people after all!” Mara said with her usual smile.


Hmm… What do we do in the meantime? I guess I could go and play with Blanca and my sisters… Or I could also get to know my new in-laws… In their state, it would be difficult...


Just when I was wondering what to do, three pillars of light appeared in front of all of us… All the candles in the room were instantly extinguished…


I don’t know why, but this smells like trouble…


“That wasn’t my fault either!” A petite girl yelled.


“It was you! Don’t try to deceive me! It had your name all over the place!” A tall young woman yelled in response.


“Can’t we not talk about that…? It is a bit embarrassing…” Another young woman spoke shyly.


I knew the owners of those three voices…


“Aahh…” Everyone gasped at the sight… We were looking at the figure of those three women with bewilderment...


Those three women were none other than Arrat, Astera and Electra... They looked a bit different compared to what they usually look on their Divine Realms…


I was completely dumbfounded because of their appearance…


Arrat was no longer the 3 meters tall goddess. She was now 1.90 meters tall, just like Mara. She was wearing a white blouse and jeans. She was also barefooted. I was completely hypnotized because of her gorgeous short red hair.


Astera was still 1.50 meters tall. She was wearing her usual Victorian-Goth style dress and heels… This dress was white instead of black. Her blonde hair was neatly arranged into two long ponytails… She was showing us a charming smile.


And behind them…


“Woah…” I gasped again thanks to the sight of Electra…


Just like Arrat, she was no longer above the 2 meters mark. She was now 1.74 meters tall. She was wearing a white sundress and sandals… Her long blue hair that reached her ankles looked extremely beautiful… The beautiful goddess had a troubled expression because of her sisters.


I don’t really know how to feel about seeing her like that…


Just while I was trying to compose myself, Astera suddenly appeared in front of me…


“What? Surprised to see us again so soon?” She had a teasing smile on her face while pinching my cheek.


“Ahh…” Everyone gasped again at the sight.


“I never thought you would actually descend to officiate our wedding…” Even Silvia was surprised.


“Ehh? Officiate? Arrat and Electra didn’t tell you that we came here for… Ugah!” Astera was suddenly interrupted… She had been hit by a rock. That was not the most shocking part about it…


“Ah…” Everyone gasped again...


There was now a hole with the shape of Astera on the walls of the church...


“Whoops! My hand just slipped! My bad, Astera!” Arrat yelled with an innocent expression on her face.


Is… Is Astera okay…?


“Hey! Why do you have to be so violent!? You hit me in the face!” Astera complained. She had suddenly appeared in front of Arrat.


She's okay...


“Ahh…” There was another collective gasp.


“Don’t reveal the surprise, moron!” Arrat got angry…


“Jeez! Just tell me these things beforehand! That way it will prevent me from getting hurt again!” Astera complained again while kicking some of the small statues…


“I did tell you about it...” Arrat added.


“I can’t hear you! You didn’t say anything! Lalalala!” Astera was now acting childish...


“...” All of us could only look at them in silence.


“Hahaha… Can we just move on?” Electra laughed bitterly…


At that moment Electra and I made eye contact… She suddenly smiled warmly at me…


I was left speechless thanks to that simple gesture…


“The tea is ready! What the…-” Junko came into the room really excited but…


We could only watch in horror as the tray she was using to bring some cups and the kettle with boiling water fell to the ground causing a disaster… Luckily, she was not hit by the boiling water...


Junko was staring at the goddesses with bewilderment...


“Junko!? What happened! Oh…” Elise also found herself looking at three goddesses with confusion.


“What the fuck!?” Lara followed shortly after…


“Thank you for the warm reception!” Astera said with a teasing tone.


Electra and Arrat were both smiling at me...


“Junko! Are you really not going to let me participate!? Wait… Ah…” Marcus came from the same room as Junko, Elise and Lara… He was completely entranced thanks to the three goddesses.


Anyone else...?


“Ru? Who are they?” Mi asked with a flustered expression.


I turned around only to find that my sisters were looking at the goddesses very intently… They were all flustered as well.


This will be difficult to explain…


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