The Legend Of The Hunter Who Level Up Alone [A Modern Litrpg]

Chapter 39: Chapter 38

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Koner and his henchmen rushed into the boss room. As soon as they spotted the dead beast behind Ajin, their expressions turned dumbfounded.

"What the hell?! Is it really dead?!"

"Did those two kick him out?"

They came back to carefully search for the magic crystals, but the problem was that the boss was dead, and Ajin and Takuya were still alive. This discovery turned Koner's head.

Greed grows in him.

No matter how much the men turn their eyes to slow, they could only find the corpse of the boss. The corpses of Ajin and Takuya were missing. This meant the two had to kill the boss on their own.

"That snake couldn't have been much, even with that big body and all."

“Well, if a D-rank and an F-rank managed to kill him, then…”

“Mister Koner, what should we do now? »

Koner scratched his chin looking at Ajin and Takuya.

Koner's thoughts were in a state of total confusion. One F-ranked Hunter and the other D-ranked were able to take out a B-ranked monster, so he couldn't believe what happened.

But if they were really able to defeat the boss, it meant that one of them was hiding their real abilities.

With the beast dead, the door would soon close. It would be too late to start mining manastones now. They hadn't even finished getting ready, but the time remaining was now less than an hour.

Ajin laughed.

Those who were blinded by greed could not see what was right before their eyes.

And Koner couldn't stop staring secretly at the bag full of Ajin Crystal Stones.

Then Koner lets out a short breath before opening his mouth. At the same time, he tried to assess the situation. He tried to figure out if it was worth killing them.

In the end, he makes his decision.

"Hey Mister Ajin, I have a proposal for you…."


"Why don't you join the "Scorpions?"

Ajin raises one of those eyebrows in surprise.

"What the hell?"

Unless his ears trying to put a joke on him, is this guy really asking him to join the "Scorpions"?

Koner tried to put Ajin at ease. But his eyes couldn't stop going in the direction of the bag filled with magic stone when Ajin put it on the ground.

At the same time, Ajin answers her.

"Wait why would I join someone who tried to kill me a moment ago? How do I know you'll not try to do the same thing again?"

"It looks like you were wrong. Do you think we'll try to kill someone, who defeated a monster that we couldn't kill? It's a misunderstanding. We are not that stupid. And what we did earlier was worth it."

"Worth it? Bitch please, I'm only here to kill you guys so don't waste your time doing these stupid proposals to me" Ajin said.


By agreeing that he had no chance of convincing Ajin.

It was "plan b" time. So, he loudly called Takuya.

“Takuya!! »

Takuya flinched and took a step back. His face was full of nervous tension.

An oily smile floated on Koner's face.

“I thought your gear looked really eye-catching, so we did a background check, and it turns out you're the son of a real bigshot. The son of Wilkins Corporation owner Louis Wilkins, no less.

“S-so what? »

“We will give you a chance. I have some things to discuss with your old man, you see. However, it would get really inconvenient for us if the business of this place goes out. So if you want to live, you better become our accomplice.

"An accomplice?"

Koner pointed at Ajin with his chin.

Being the target of that disgusting stare, Ajin's brow furrowed for a second.

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"Kill Ajin."


Takuya panicked. And Koner chuckled as if he found that expression rather funny.

Thing is, he quickly used his phone to research Takuya's family online and discovered that his father was the owner of one of the biggest companies in the country. Seeing this, a sinister plan formed in his head.

He filmed the scene of Takuya killing Ajin then, under the pretext of keeping quiet, blackmailed Takuya's father who was very rich.

"Your father's known wealth is supposed to be around $10 billion, right?"

He might be able to rake in several times more money than mining those Mana Stones if he plays his cards right.

“It’s the only way to leave this place alive. As long as you kill Ajin with your own hands, we'll let you live. Otherwise, we kill you both."

Ajin laughed in his heart.

"….spare my ass". It was obvious to Ajin that those salads were going to betray after he killed him. But the final answer was in Takuya's hands.

Ajin's eyes were now on Takuya, Ajin noticed Takuya's shaking body, maybe it was the first time he was in this kind of situation.

"Hmm too bad for him."

Upon noticing Takuya's current behavior, Koner's eyes turned very hostile right away.

“Why are you hesitating? Either way, no one will know what's going on inside a dungeon. Wait, could it be that you are afraid of an F rank, even if you are a D rank? »

Takuya turned his head to the side, his eyes meeting Ajin's. Ajin him with a smirk on his face, shrugged in response. He implied that Takuya could do whatever he wanted.

Ajin used to be betrayed by others. When he was in high school, the time when the students mistreated him, the so called friends had dropped him and had grouped with Billy.

With a determined expression, Takuya unsheathed the sword on his hips.

“Well, he made his decision, huh. »

A smile formed on Koner's mouth. Unfortunately for him, his expectation was not fulfilled.

Takuya drew the sword not towards Ajin but towards Koner's direction.

Takuya stood beside Ajin.

“Ho-oh? So you want to team up with this guy and fight us, right? »

Ajin's eyes will open wide.


"This guy…. what the hell is he doing?" The reality was different from Ajin's expectations.
He thought the guy was going to try to kill him but instead….

"Is he trying to team up with me?"

It was this.

Koner mumbled softly. A scion of a wealthy family got lucky and killed a C-rank boss, and it seemed his ego had become somewhat inflated as a result.

Stuart whispered to the side.

"Mister, what should we do now?" »

Koner lowered his voice so Ajin and Takuya couldn't hear him.

"For now, take care of this first.
Ajin. We have to keep this bag of potential money. Our losses today are quite significant after all.

"Okay, that'll do."

Stuart's hands then began to emit a bright light.

Seeing this, Ajin's eyes narrowed into a slit.

"Now they will try to kill me by themselves, huh."

It would be his very first time fighting against other hunters. However, he had no intention of taking it easy with those bastards who were actually part of the scorpions and who had already tried to take his life earlier.

…But then it happened.


There was that mechanical beep again.

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