The Legendary Monster Layer! Wait, what?

Chapter 3: Chapter One (3/4): Ari’s First Monster Laying Expedition

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“S-Stop staring at me like that,” Lori protested, her tail swishing and slapping against Ari’s knees. Flames tickled at her, but despite the suggested heat, it barely left a passing warmth. “And you started with clothes, that’s so unfair. But of course you’d need an advantage. As if I’d lose, either way!”

She’s so cute. The loud assertions of her superiority, all while seeming so hesitant, her eyes shying from Ari’s, and a deep blush having crept onto her face and down her neck, across her shoulders and chest. She’s so cute I want to die.

Ari gave in to her instincts. She let her hands go forward, and she cupped the cat-girl’s tits. Lori let out a breath of surprise at her boldness, then bristled and said, “Starting already? Without even giving me a name!”

“Ari,” she breathed. “You don’t mind this?” With the sudden insertion of a real person—a personality, a name—Ari suddenly felt hesitant at the situation. Was Lori being forced into this? By her skill?

“Do I mind! It doesn’t matter how we fight, I’m just—this isn’t my normal way. So i-if I don’t do a great job, that’s why.” Her hands had gone to Ari’s shirt, and she fumbled around as she worked down, button by button.

The insecurity in her voice … continued to melt Ari with its adorableness. “Okay. Just let me know if I do something that upsets you, okay?”

“U-Upsets me? We’re in a fight! Stop saying things like that!”

Right. A ‘fight’. Ari needed to focus. However clouded her thoughts were becoming by having a naked girl pressed atop her, Ari needed to win this encounter. Or at the very minimum, learn. An adventurer’s career wasn’t always filled with success … but it was filled with progression—with learning from one’s mistakes. 

And I can’t get too into it. However much she wanted to sink into lust and let Lori have her way with her, Ari needed to keep control of her thoughts, stave off her pleasure. Lori had already worked halfway down her shirt’s buttons by this point—she was giving away her advantage. 

Ari grabbed Lori by the waist and rolled over. Lori clearly hadn’t expected it—her eyes widened as Ari was suddenly the one perched atop her.

Ari leaned forward and pressed her lips to Lori’s. There was a noise of protest, then Lori’s eyes closed, and she reciprocated with a surprised moan.

Like Ari had said, she wasn’t experienced in this, but she wasn’t completely helpless either. Make-out sessions, at least, were something she’d had a few of. Fumbling and awkward, sure, as everyone’s firsts were … but not her first time ever.

She pried open Lori’s mouth and slipped her tongue inside. She tasted sweet, like candy, and her soft lips were warm on Ari's. The cat-girl responded immediately, parting her lips further and letting Ari slip deeper into her mouth.

They broke apart for a moment, panting and looking at each other. Then they kissed again, and their tongues tangled together. They shared saliva, shuddering in delight at the wet, hot exploration of their mouths.

Ari pulled back, gasping for air. Lori looked dazed, her eyes unfocused. It had been ... surprisingly easy to distract her. Then again, Lori was a level one. Level ones weren’t supposed to be some challenging conquests—she’d ventured out to this green-rank zone exactly because she shouldn’t have to worry over swift defeats.

There was something endearing about how easily Lori had melted beneath her, Ari’s kiss turning her thoughts hazy. Her hands no longer even worked away at Ari’s blouse, which lay three-quarters unbuttoned.

Ari laughed, guiding her hands back to their previous efforts. Lori blinked rapidly, realizing she’d stopped—then fumbled and returned to her efforts at getting Ari undressed.

“S-Shut up,” Lori said. “I was—I was giving you a head start. You’ll need it.”

“I didn’t say anything.” Ari helped shrugged off her shirt, then tossed it to the side.

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“What do you think you’re doing?” Lori demanded. “Throwing your advantage away … you’ll regret that.”

“Maybe I won’t mind losing,” Ari said, leaning forward and murmuring the words into her ear. “Maybe I want you to have your way with me.”

Lori’s face seared red as she opened and closed her mouth. Ari wasn’t even sure where the confidence had come from—she wasn’t a total pushover, but that kind of assertion wasn’t completely in character for her. Then again, she’d never been in a situation as hot and heavy as this. Maybe it was in character. Ari had a feeling she’d be discovering a lot about herself in the coming minutes.

Maybe she’d been given a perverted class for a reason.

Ari rubbed her thumbs into Lori’s nipples, delighting in the way the girl squirmed beneath her. For all her attempted loud-and-confident demeanor, Ari’s teasing of her was having devastating effect. She whined and moaned, even at just the stimulation of having her tits played with. 

I wonder what kind of noises she’ll make when I do more.

But, before Ari could work herself up to that, she was suddenly on her back. With surprising speed, Lori had regained the offensive, spinning and throwing Ari into the forest floor.

“As if I’d give up that easily, y-you pervert. How do you like it?”

Ari’s breath hitched as two powerful hands snuck underneath her bra, not even bothering to take it off before squeezing and rubbing at her. Lori’s pointer fingers rubbed tight circles, flicking her nipples and sending electricity across her body. W-Wow. That feels … so amazing. Her own thoughts were growing hazy. Maybe this victory wasn’t as guaranteed as she’d figured. 

And despite knowing she needed to rally, Ari laid against the grass and squirmed beneath Lori, letting herself be played with. It felt too good. She couldn’t help herself. Having a naked girl perched atop her and teasing her nipples … her body was melting.

Lori’s hands slipped from underneath her bra and went to her pants. She fumbled with the belt buckle, and—completely unfitting behavior for a supposed adventurer, who should be trying to win—she helped Lori slip her pants off. Then let her hook her thumbs around her panties, too, and slide them down.

Lori’s eyes went wide as she stared down at Ari’s mostly naked body. She seemed suddenly uncertain—so Ari spurred her on.

“You aren’t nervous, are you?” she teased.

“Of course not!”

“Then get down there. Your tongue’s the fastest way to win, don’t you think?”

Lori blushed as she stared up at Ari—at her teasing smile. “S-So cocky,” she growled. “You won’t be for long.” Ari’s taunt had done an excellent job to rally her nerves. Lori shuffled down so her head was between Ari’s legs, and she grabbed each of her thighs to support herself. Ari shivered at the contact. “I might never have done this before, but it can’t be that hard.”

“You’ll do great,” Ari said breathlessly. “Now get in there.”

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