The Legendary Ordinary Swordsman

Chapter 2: The Warren [2]

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Three adventurers, one young attendant, and a soon to be adventurer all sat around a rectangular table on the second floor of the local Adventurer's Guild. The attendant's expression was one of mild confusion as she glanced from the young man who carried a blunt wooden sword to the huge man known as the Bear Slayer.

"He passed. Train him." Ursil's gruff voice was aimed at a pair of C rank adventurers sitting across the table.

Erb was sat next to Ursil's large frame, and found it was quite nice having someone so huge and imposing speaking on your behalf. The perturbed glares of the two C rankers were largely repressed by Ursil's imposing gaze.

The first adventurer to respond was the young woman with unnaturally shining purple hair. Her black cloak covered a set of leather armor. She had a large wooden staff strapped to her back. Erb had been told she was known as the Amethyst Witch by the other adventurers in the area, and that she was a C ranker.

"I... Is there really no one else to do this?" Her rather plump magenta lips grimaced into an irritated expression at Ursil's orders.

The huge man silently turned his head to glance at the female attendant who sat at the head of the table. She shrunk under his stare before stammering a response while pulling out a paper that listed what each adventurer was recorded as doing. Their names were the only ones in the C rank not active on a quest.

"There really isn't anyone else! Please, just take him to a relatively easy mission and show him the ropes. Once he's got the field experience he will be on his own!" The attendant smiled anxiously at the displeased adventurer.

Erb had quietly listened throughout the whole conversation and felt a mixture of irritation and helplessness. He knew that he was required to be mentored for at least one mission by a higher rank, but the treatment he was getting from the caster and her companion was unpleasant to say the least.

"We can just take him to The Warren, can't we Amy?" The rather laid back man was the other C rank adventurer at the table. His blonde hair was spiked slightly in the front, and shiny chainmail adorned his body. This man was a lesser known adventurer everyone called Paul.

Amy let out a short sigh before nodding her head slightly. She looked at Erb with slight displeasure before looking up at Ursil and smiling wryly. Erb could tell she was the leader rather than Paul.

"We'll take him with us on our clear of The Warren." Her voice was firmer and lost the irritation it was drenched with moments prior.

Ursil nodded once before standing abruptly. He looked down at Erb with a blank expression before speaking. "Be careful, boy." His heavy voice was tinged with genuine concern.

Erb nodded with a big smile before bowing his head slightly. "Of course! Thank you for your help, Ursil." His youthful voice was full of appreciation that even the stoic Ursil seemed to find pleasantly warm. Ursil almost smiled, and only the attendant noticed.

With that short farewell Ursil left the guild branch in hurry. The young attendant smiled with a blank dazed look in her eyes. She had never seen Ursil be so nice to a new adventurer. Usually when the green ones came in he was very harsh and unresponsive. She shook her head before sliding over a paper to the others at the table.

"Alright, here's your quest contract. You'll get your official guild medal after your outing." The attendant sighed internally as she watched the three of them glance over the document.

"It's just a standard clear, shouldn't take more than the day." Amethyst skimmed through the paper before standing up with Paul following her lead. "Your name?" She stared down at Erb with an expression that was unfriendly yet professional.

"Erb. It's nice to meet you, Amethyst Witch." Erb smiles slightly as he greeted his senior. She looked at him for a moment before turning and walking away with Paul in tow.

Standing up, Erb softly whistled and moments later his dog came wagging up to him from somewhere underneath the table.

Erb and his dog trailed after them while giving the attendant a quick wave. She waved back slightly with a confused expression on her face. Erb was unusually friendly to everyone, regardless of their attitude.


The trio of adventurers walked along a road Erb had not seen before within the confines of the city walls. They passed several shops and some carts on the side of the road selling wares. Amy stepped inside a shop with Paul following her inside. Erb glanced up at the sign labeled with a sack full of odd items. There was a skull, a bottle, and a knife all carved into the sack on the sign.

Scents of potions and newly tanned leather filled the interior of the shop. Shelves lined with potions and various tactical items filled the wall behind the shop's counter. The store had a few other customers perusing wares in the large glass cases on the left and right walls of the shop.

Amy stopped midway through the shop before turning to look at me slightly. "Before you go on a quest you always need to buy supplies, no matter how easy or quick you think the quest is going to be. Understood?" Amy frowns slightly at Erb's lack of proper equipment as she says this.

Erb nods vigorously in response. He hadn't been expecting her to give him any sort of advice despite her being his temporary mentor.

The shop owner seemed pleased to see Amy enter, as he smiled in a subtly perverse manner. He called out to the group of adventurers with enthusiasm. "Welcome to The Hero's Pouch! What can I get for you fine adventurers today?" His booming voice was louder than Ursil's, yet much less intense and firm.

Amy gave the man a cold look as she stepped forward before listing her desired purchases. "We need six lesser healing potions, one shovel, eight torches, and one backpack." Her request was professional and straight to the point. The well dressed shopkeeper frowned at her dismissive tone, however he procured the items without complaint.

"That'll be 144 bronze, heavier coin accepted." The shopkeeper sets down the equipment on the table. The potions are small and a vibrant red, contained in shiny glass bottles.

Amy passes him 14 silver coins along with 4 bronze ones, causing Erb to give her a perplexed look. His confusion was at what the silver was for if he asked for bronze, and his rather naive gaze did not go unnoticed by Paul.

"Ah, damn. You must really be from out in the sticks..." Paul chuckled quietly while rubbing the back of his head a bit. "Silvers are worth 10 bronze, and gold is worth 10 silver." Paul offered Erb a quick explanation for how the money added up. 

Erb could only nod and try his best to remember this information for the future. He had never seen anything more valuable than a bronze coin. He was thankful Amy paid for it as he had only a couple bronze coins in his pouch.

From Amy's perspective Erb was quite possibly as broke as a beggar. She felt it would be ridiculous to ask the boy to pay for some of the supplies considering he didn't even have an actual weapon for combat.

"Come again soon!" The slightly unsettling gaze of the shopkeeper lingered on Amy's figure as she turned to leave the shop.

Paul frowned as he followed Amy while Erb's dog dumbly trotted along behind Paul. Erb moved to keep up with them as he noted how much his furred friend liked Paul.


The group arrived at the town's northern gate after a quick walk. Erb was listening attentively as Amy turned to look at him with that same expression of professional seriousness on her face.

"When we leave town we have to show the guards our quest contract, that way the guild can find out where we've traveled after accepting the quest." Amy explained the standard procedure for questing before walking confidently up to the guard standing beside the gate.

The young guard had a very stoic look about him. He nodded as Amy explained the quest to him, and he nodded before moving over to open the gate for us.

Amy gave the man a thank you as she passed. Paul gave him a salute that indicated he knew the guard somewhat personally. Erb simply gave a brief thanks as he walked out while his dog trailed behind with a wagging tail.


The walk along the dirt road out of town wasn't too lengthy. Erb was walking just behind Paul as they approached the entrance to this low level dungeon. Adventurers named the dungeon The Warren as it felt similar to a normal rat's nest.

The dark tunnel winding down into the earth was lined with a dirt packed so thick it felt as if you were touching stone rather than soil. Roots of unknown origin hung from the ceiling of the jagged dug out passages. The scent of rats and their fecal matter was thick in the air. All four of the members of the party grimaced at the scent.

"I forgot how nasty this shit hole smelled." Amy frowns darkly as she steps deeper into the tunnels. Shortly after they enter the dark passages Amy steps behind Paul before raising her wooden staff in the air.

"Keep in mind your torches are for emergencies, we'll be using my magic for light for now." Amy focuses as her staff glows faintly. The glow increases in thickness and brightness as a strange intricate symbol begins to form in front of the party's witch.

Erb was shocked at the sight of the raw mana condensing into the rune midair. He had never seen magic of any kind. Amy seemed a bit pleased by his reaction as she finished her spell. The glyph collapsed onto itself and formed into a small sphere of light. It was like a miniature sun which illuminated the passage brightly.

"H-How did you do that?" Erb stuttered out his question with genuine confusion and awe. Amy shrugged as she followed behind Paul with a pleased smile on her pale features.

Erb could only follow after them with his dog trotting at his heels.


The dungeon was oddly noisy the further down into it they ventured. Erb was put off by the amount of odd scrambling and squeaking noises that seemed to echo down the tunnels like a concert of filthy rodents. Paul was a lot more serious looking than usual. Amy had her staff held high. Erb's dog was obediently following on his owner's heels.

"I think I hear a few of them approaching us. Stay alert, kid." Paul has a solemn expression on his usually carefree face as he give Erb a stern look.

Erb unsheathes his wooden blade while steeling himself. He is inexperienced, however one cannot learn without pushing through a little adversity.

The dog bared his fangs while moving his head low in a show of aggression. Erb noticed and tensed up at such a vicious pose coming from his lifelong companion. Paul suddenly squatted slightly and while Erb was trying to figure out what he was doing a streak of purple shot over Paul's head and embedded itself into something in the darkness.

"Skreek!" The aggressive squeak coming from the darkness ahead signaled the wave of rats approaching. Five ugly furry rodents scampered out of the shadows toward Paul.

Paul was quick to react and swung his somewhat lengthy longsword horizontally in a very loose grip. The blade cut through two rats effortlessly before softly bouncing off the dirt wall. Erb was watching closely before he moved up beside Paul. The glow of a glyph being cast behind Erb made him uneasy, however Paul didn't duck this time.

"Get back!" Amy yells suddenly as a huge glow of purple and white light comes off a strange large glyph floating in front of her. Paul and Erb both jump to the side and backwards, pulling themselves out of the line of fire as the spell begins casting.

The purple and white lines of the spell merge into one point before a huge cone shaped volley of crystal shards flies like arrows into the remaining three rat monsters. Erb is shocked at how destructive Amy's mysterious spells are, and notices the purple crystal is quite fragile as it breaks into small shards after impact.

"Wow..." Erb is in awe of the two more experienced adventurers as he stands up and brushes dirt off his trousers.

Amy glances at him with a frown before moving behind Paul in the same formation as before. Erb quickly walks behind them along with his somewhat spooked dog. The feeling that he was dead weight started to weigh on Erb's mind.


The tunnel finally came to an abrupt fork. They hadn't seen a single rat on the walk down into the deeper passages, and yet Erb was still on edge. Paul frowned before turning to Amy. "I think we should split up, then meet back here once we check which way leads to the boss." Paul said this with the confidence that Amy and Erb would perform about as well as he would on his own.

"Don't get too cocky, and hurry back if you see the boss door." Amy nodded to him before moving over to the opposite path and gesturing for Erb to move in the front of their little group.

Erb felt some pressure to perform in the next fight, so he tried his best to not show his anxiousness while marching down the tunnel ahead of the caster. They moved away from Paul as he lit a torch for himself to navigate without the presence of Amy's light magic.

They were largely silent as they made their way down the root coated tunnel. The faint scurrying and sniffing sounds were getting gradually louder as they came to a sharp bend in the dirt tunnel. Amy stopped Erb and then pointed at a very obvious large hairless rat tail hanging out from the corner.

Erb tensed upon realizing a rat was waiting just around the corner for them, and held up his sword with false confidence. He felt he had to prove his worth in this fight.

Without much hesitation Erb stepped forward and swung his sword down on the rat's exposed fleshy tail. This move managed to completely smash the tail, however after letting out an angry squeal the huge rodent turned and leapt at Erb. Two more rats scampered out from around the corner squeaking angrily.

"Skreek! Squee!" Their squealing sounds were full of rage directed at the glorified home invaders.

Erb tensed his lean muscles as he swung his sword up against the pouncing rat. His blade smashed into the leg of the rat and sent it sprawling into the wall. Without missing the chance Erb immediately swing his sword horizontally into the creature's undefended head. The loud cracking sound was followed by a soft thud as the lifeless monster fell to the dirt floor.

The feeling of a claw connecting with the back of his exposed neck caused Erb's blood to run cold. He had turned toward the wall as he finished off that first monster.

Despite Erb's expectations, an amethyst crystal the size of a telephone pole slammed into the rat behind him and turned it into a fine paste against the wall of the tunnel. Erb's face was extremely pale as he touched the tiny scratch across the back of his neck.

"You dolt! Idiot! What the hell were you doing?!" Amy's face was scrunched into a grimace of disgusted rage. Erb opened his mouth to say something but was promptly shut up as Amy ranted at him further.

"This isn't a fucking game! You can die!" Amy took a few heavy breaths before calming herself slightly. She slapped Erb's shoulder with her heavy staff. He winced in response before she continued speaking.

"Making mistakes during combat is forfeiting your life, Erb." She shook her head as a bitter look filled her pale features. "You have to be careful and aware of the situation. Never lose your cool or get overconfident." She smiled wryly before scratching the side of her head while contemplating how hypocritical it sounded after her angry outburst.

Erb stood there listening to her harsh words. He wanted to protest or complain about her attitude, however he could not find fault in her tirade. She was right.

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"I... I'll be more careful from now on." He frowns and gives her a very serious nod while putting his hand over his chest in a fist.

Amy shook her head a bit before letting out a light sigh. The caster walked around the corner before calling back to him. "Ah... The boss door is right here. Let's turn around."


The tunnel was a lot quieter now that they had killed a large portion of the rat population living here. The skittering noises were still present, however they were very subdued. Erb was walking in front of Amy as they retraced their steps back to the fork in the tunnels.

The path soon became familiar as the two tunnels showed themselves in the light of Amy's illumination spell. The two human party members glanced around before frowning.

"He's still in the other tunnel. We should follow after him." Amy hurried Erb along as she felt a nagging feeling he might be in danger. This dungeon was usually perfectly safe for them together, but she knew he wasn't used to fighting alone like this.

They walk for about ten minutes before the smell of blood greets their noses. Erb's dog sniffs at one of two rat corpses laying in the middle of the passage. Thankfully there are no human corpses here.

"He's close, these are really fresh kills." Amy said before walking behind Erb. The blood was still slowly draining from the corpses.


"Squeek!" The shrill cry of an angry rat gave way to a heavy crunch as Paul's longsword smashed it's skull like a pumpkin. Sweat was trickling down his skin as eight more rodent's stood in a rough circle around him. This was not normal, as the rat's didn't usually ambush intruders.

"Paul!" Amy cried out in relief as she ran toward him. Erb was keeping up with her and held his sword at the ready. Thankfully Paul had yet to be injured by the rodent group.

Magic shined brightly midair as Amy clenched her jaw while forming a spell rather forcefully. Erb didn't look at the bright lights, and instead focused on the monsters in front of him. His breathing was steady. His mind was clear.

"Hap!" Erb lunged forward and swung horizontally. The two rats standing just a little bit in front him were screeching in alarm as their faces were slapped with the end of the dull blade. The damage was negligible, and only caused them to become angrier.

While Erb was troubling these two monsters Paul had raised his blade before smashing it onto another aggressive rodent's head. His power wasn't lacking but his stamina had bottomed out.

The shiny glyph floating midair condensed into a tiny point before a barrage of strange amethyst orbs flew towards four of the rats in front of Amy. The crystalline projectiles smashed into the rat's faces with a loud shattering crash. They died instantly.

Erb tensed his body as both rats suddenly lunged through the air toward his legs and throat respectively. The wooden blade swung in a lightning quick zig zag, smashing into the jaw of one rat before slamming into the top of the other's skull within less than a half second. The sound reverberated around the small dirt chamber while Erb's blood pumped with adrenaline.

There was only one monster remaining, and without letting the three adventurers recover the lone survivor pounced at Paul's exposed neck from behind him. Amy saw this and her face tensed into a mask of fury while Erb's pupils dilated. The explosive force of his legs pushing him off the dirt floor sent Erb through the air at the rat.


The rat flew through the air and slammed hard into a compact dirt wall before falling lifelessly to the floor. Both Amy and Paul let out a held breath at the death of the final monster. Amy was feeling somewhat impressed with Erb.

Despite his inept conduct he had actually taken her advice and used it to improve. What truly impressed her was how Erb had saved Paul. His lunge was quick, however the swing of his wooden sword even faster. The dull blade had smashed into the side of the rat with so much force that it looked as though the rat had it's breath completely knocked out of it before it could make contact with Paul. The speed was unreasonable.

"Thanks, kid." Paul grunted before slumping down in a tired heap against the wall of the chamber. He was exhausted and covered in sweat and rat blood.

Erb smiled before gawking as a wooden treasure chest seemingly fell out of an unseen hole in the ceiling. It landed on the floor with a loud clank before sitting there as if it had been there the whole time. Amy and Paul didn't seem surprised.

"Glad there was at least a reward for this weird encounter." Paul smirked a bit as he took deep breaths. Amy nodded before moving to the chest. She opened it up to a sparkling heap of bronze and silver coins. They looked newly made.

"Treasure? How does it come out of the ceiling like that?" Erb was at the end of his wits with this weird dungeon phenomenon. The other two waved it off as some kind of dungeon magic before counting the counts.

Amy had the chest sat beside Paul as they counted up a total of 30 bronze coins, and 6 silver coins. The three of them were relieved when they realized the number of coins was easily divided among a party of three.

"Let's hide these in a corner and come back for it after we kill the boss and grab the loot from there." Amy began using a spell while she spoke. Paul had recovered and the party was ready to move to the boss room.

Erb watched with interest as a blast of soil and mud slammed into the chest and covered it from view. Paul walked back the way they came with Amy in tow. Erb and his dog followed behind them anxiously.


They took about twenty minutes to reach the boss door while meeting no further resistance from the residents of the burrow. Amy made sure everyone was prepared for the final fight of the dungeon.

"Don't forget to use your potions when you need to, but remember that healing potions don't help with your fatigue." She gives Paul a meaningful glance before turning toward Erb.

"This boss is fairly simple. It's a huge rat with a bunch of smaller rats around it. Once the fight starts just focus on the small fry while avoiding the big one. Got it?" She made sure Erb agreed with vigorous nodding before leaving to stand beside Paul in front of the huge wooden boss door. Paul's arms tensed as he pressed the wooden doors open with all his might.

"Grrk..?" The somewhat loud grunt of the huge rodent sitting in the center of the boss room caused a slight shiver to go down Erb's spine. The creature was covered in dark brown fur with two large yet beady black eyes. It's gnarled snout was peppered with frayed whiskers. The yellowed jagged teeth in the huge monsters mouth looked strong enough to crush metal armor.

Amy wordlessly stepped into the room while ushering Erb and the dog inside. The door magically slammed shut with a rather unnerving amount of force. Before the rat could make a move Amy had already started to move the mana in front of her into three separate glyphs.

Erb's eyes nearly popped out of his head at the sight of the triple spell casting. He shook off the shock and stepped forward while keeping his guard up. About four rats were moving toward them while the big rat stretched its large furred legs as it stood up from a pile of straw and roots.

"Keep those little guys back." Amy said clearly as the spells neared halfway through their casting. Paul moved forward and took down one rat with a downward slash before moving back to avoid a rat's lunge.

Erb stepped forward to block the path of the other two minions. His wooden sword was smaller and weaker, yet he felt he could deal with these two as he fought the previous rat monsters. The first one ran at him before jumping forward.

Erb was expecting a frontal attack, however he was not anticipating the rat to jump low for his shins instead of high into the air. The momentary lapse in judgement was not enough to stop Erb's blade from swinging back down in a diagonal slicing motion. The rat's neck snapped at it went tumbling into the corner of the dirt chamber.

"Almost done!" Amy shouted as the spells neared their completion. These glyphs looked intensely complex to Erb's eyes. He only glanced at them for a moment before turning his attention to the final rat. It was eyeing him with a primal rage. Paul had dispatched his assailants and was now moving in front of Amy with his gaze locked onto the boss monster.

"Hap!" Erb stabbed at the ground where the rat was shuffling and the rat's beady eyes went wide in surprise at the speed. The blade smashed the rat's skull in with a sickening squelch. Erb pulled his blade back and looked over at the boss.

Paul had his sword up and sparks flew off the blade as the huge rat boss' claw was slammed into the steel longsword with the force of a truck. Paul was sweating and his arms were bulging with the effort it took to keep it from slamming into his body.

Erb immediately took action and leapt across the short distance to slam his wooden sword into the side of the beast's huge paw. The thwack was a dull sound, yet the huge beast reacted by pulling its arm back with a loud squeal that resembled a roar.

Erb and Paul both went white as sheets when the huge beast lunged without any real wind up. The maw of the beast was stretched open wide at a nearly 180 degree angle. The rows of jagged slimy teeth and the fleshy throat of the beast were moving at a startling speed. Erb moved to swing his sword-

Purple light erupted from behind the pair of swordsman as Amy's glyphs released their mana all at once. Condensing into a point only took a moment before three streams of purple crystal shards flew like bullets at the maw of the beast. The huge thing couldn't react in time to prevent the sharp glass like crystals from filling his face and throat.

"Squah! Squrk!" The huge thing started making loud guttural noises indicating its dying state as the beast flailed and stumbled around with a steady gush of blood coming up from its face. The purple shards had completely cut up the beast on the inside.

With a sudden shiver the beast began to convulse wildly. Blood spouted up and nearly splattered onto the group of adventurers while its eyes rolled back somewhat.


The huge monster was finally dead. The three of them held their breath for a moment before looking at each other with a smirk rising onto their sweaty faces. Erb felt a mixture of relief and residual fear as the blood of the beast trickled onto the dirt floor.

"Wow... We did it!" He smiled widely as the feeling of satisfaction overrode the stress of the fight. Erb had never fought a monster in his many years living in the village, and he hadn't even had an actual sparring match before.

The adrenaline and danger had changed him somewhat. He was more aware of just how dangerous this profession would be, and how seriously he needed to take combat encounters in the future.

"Damn right we did it, kid." Paul smiled back at Erb and gave him a light slap on the back before walking past him toward the huge beast. Erb's dog followed along before barking at the massive corpse of the boss in a triumphant manner.

Erb looked over at Amy who gave him a slight grin of approval. "My mentoring must have been pretty amazing to bring you this far, right Erb?" Her smug attitude was sort of justified after all the useful things she had explained to him thus far. 

Erb gave her an enthusiastic nod. "Oh yes, extremely amazing, Amethyst Witch." He saw her expression sour slightly before she sighed softly.

"Just call me Amy, that title is something non-adventurers call me." She pouts a little at him before he nods in understanding.

Their conversation is interrupted by a loud squeak from ahead of them. The two of them go wide eyed before sprinting up to where Paul just walked over to.

There was a slightly smaller door behind the boss monster that vaguely resembled the boss door. This one was wide open, and within they could see Paul with his sword out glaring at something with a mixture of confusion and alarm written on his features.

"There was a rat in the treasure room! He tried to take the chest!" Paul's words further bewildered the pair as they walked inside to see a small hold in the wall where Paul was aiming his blade. The rodent didn't appear, and instead only fading shuffling noises told them the rat had run away.

"That's not normal? Monsters don't usually appear in the treasure room." Amy shook her head as she mentioned this for Erb's benefit. He seemed a bit confused by this news and then glanced at the treasure chest sitting beside Paul.

They eventually settled on sliding the chest in front of the small hole before opening it up. The contents were shining just like before, however this time there was an item mixed in with the coins. Their eyes all shined brightly as they began pulling the coins out of the box.

Amy counted up 30 bronze coins and 6 silver coins. The amount was the same as the other treasure chest they had found in the side passage before.

"That's a charm, isn't it?" Paul had his eyebrows raised as he watched Amy casting an identification spell on the small trinket.

The thing had a thing black cord looped through it and was carved out of a dark rich brown wood. Amy informed them it was a magic item carved out of some sort of root that rarely grew in the deepest parts of rat monster warrens.

"Apparently if you wear this around you neck you'll be able to deal double the normal damage to rat related monsters... However, it requires you to have killed 100 rats for the charm to take effect when worn." Amy's smile was wide as she finished inspecting the charm. Erb was curious who would receive the item.

"Who should take it?" Paul asked with a slightly perturbed expression on his face. Amy thought for a moment before handing it to Paul.

"Paul would benefit from this, his abilities don't always one shot the larger rodents, and Erb can't really use this without a lot of rat slaying." The caster shrugged and Erb didn't really disagree with her verdict.

The party began splitting the coins in the treasure room, and shortly thereafter returned to divide up the coins in the chest they discovered earlier. When this was all said and done each party member had received 20 bronze coins and 4 silver coins. Erb felt like a rich noble with this amount of coin, however his party members didn't bat an eye at the paltry sum.

"Let's head back now, we'll need to report the oddities in the dungeon and have Erb get himself the proper adventurer badge." Amy nodded with a serious expression on her face before getting up off the dirt floor.

Erb felt his lips curl upwards in satisfaction as he reflected on completing his first dungeon raid and first quest as a real adventurer. This was a dangerous job, yet rewarding.

The four of them moved upwards through the dirt tunnels, three humans and one loyal dog.


Authors Note:
Planning to update the story daily, if possible.
Thanks for reading, again!

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