The Legendary Tale of the sadistic Pirate Hestia

Chapter 49: Chapter 47 – Towards their future

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Several minutes had passed since the discussion between Hestia and Ulysses' mother, who was named Katherine. During this moment, both women had let their hearts be carried away but without really knowing what it all meant. After the excitement and passion, the very romantic atmosphere had changed into an embarrassed silence, the pirate and the mother not knowing at all what had just happened.

The two former slaves were going to follow them but none of the three really knew what was going to happen next. There was still so much to discover, to understand, to reveal and to listen to, that one kiss could not replace. Deep down, Katherine and Hestia didn't really know each other, and while what they were experiencing was intense, the reality was much more complicated and they knew it.

"W-We should go back down and let them know you're coming to our ship."

"Y-Yes, y-you are right H-Hestia"

On the cliff above the sea, under the sea wind, the young blond woman let go of the hand of the grey-haired one, pretending that nothing had happened. She still needed time to think about it all, but departure was imminent and the announcement of their sudden arrival would change a lot of things. Sharing her feeling, Katherine nodded before following Hestia as she began to descend alongside her son who was jumping around.

"And how big is your ship ?"

"Big enough for all of us."

"And, and you had given it a name ?"


"Like the dog from Hell ???"



Little Ulysses couldn't help but ask a whole bunch of questions revealing a bit more of his childish side that he hadn't shown much of in recent years. Leaving this cursed city alongside his role model who had turned out to be a Pirate Captain was like a dream. He was not aware of the stakes and the danger of this trip but the two women at his side were and had regained their seriousness.

Past the impulse she had had, guided by her heart, Hestia suddenly wondered if it was all too fast. Of course, leaving the mother and son to Gaze was still out of the question for her, she had promised to protect them and was not going to go back on her word. However, the young woman didn't want to put them in danger just because her heart had spoken at the expense of her vigilant mind.

That sweet kiss had sealed the promise Hestia had made to Katherine and made her understand how she felt, but not everything was that simple. While she was lost in her thoughts, soon the three of them arrived at the house where Mysie, Kali and Achi were waiting. However, they didn't have time to open their mouths in front of the looks full of questions that already voices were rising behind them.


Lucas followed by Edward and Joe, were walking up the small dirt road leading to the little house shouting and shaking their hands at the rest of the group. They were loaded with huge bags filled with the orders they had been waiting for five days to finally leave. Soon, everyone was regrouped except for Buggy and Douggy who were still happily and faithfully watching the Cerberus anchored on the black sand beach.

"Hestia, we have something to tell you and especially to show you !!!"

"I happen to have something to tell you too, but go ahead and tell me"

"Y-Yeah so mmh, it's...regarding..."

Lucas was all out of breath and had a trace of both pride and excitement but also a slight panic on his face. In his hand he held a large yellowed parchment that looked like it had been torn from a wall or sign in a hurry. While the young man didn't know where to begin, he couldn't help but look at the mother and son insinuating that it had to do with their pirate identity which he thought was still secret.

"You can speak freely, they know."

"What ?? How ?"

"Don't worry, I'll explain later, it's part of what I have to tell you. So ?"

Not questioning his Captain's word despite the many questions his answer raised, Lucas nodded. Mysie, Kali and Achi were also very curious but stayed back, patiently waiting to hear what it was all about. Ulysses and Katherine were a little further back, feeling like they were too much while Hestia was finally finding out why her First Mate was so upset.

"Oh freaking Hell !"

On the yellowed parchment there was a face drawn in ink representing a woman with a scar under her left eye and a seductive look. Underneath, two words were written in large letters "WANTED - HESTIA" followed by a small text and the amount of the reward. Before the Captain's stunned eyes, the first wanted notice ever created was there, although she still didn't know how it was possible.

"It was plastered on the dusty city wall, right at the entrance to the harbor and out in plain sight, though no one seemed to care."

"That's not possible...did you see that ?"

"Y-Yes I saw it, I don't know who's stalking us but they are and nor how these people know so much about you. Maybe th..."

"Did you see the look on my face ?!?! Who is this ? Me ? Heresy !"

As Lucas tried to find a way to calm the situation he was cut off, discovering at the same time what was really bothering Hestia. The young woman was not at all angry as he thought and seemed more concerned about her face than the nature of the poster. So Edward, Joe and Lucas were looking at her with a "seriously ?" screaming look on their faces while Kali, Mysie and Achi were stomping around in anticipation.

"Anyway ! I see that the Navy is very quick when it comes to finding information about a particular person."

"Even the information about some of the crew is quite relevant even though none of our names have been mentioned yet."

Having regained her seriousness, Hestia was finally showing everyone what she and the boys had seen before them as Edward answered her. The girls were speechless and unlike the young blonde woman, were worried as they thought about what it meant. Rewinding the parchment she was tucking into her shirt, the Captain grabbed three large bags before speaking again.

"It's best not to linger here and since everyone is finally here, let's go find the brothers and our beloved animals. We'll talk about it all there, there's a lot to talk about and I'm the first to have something to announce."

All of everyone's belongings were outside the door of the wooden house and everything they needed to gather was ready thanks to the boys' arrival. They all nodded their heads before doing as she did and loading everything on their shoulders to abandon their den that had served 5 days. The mother and her son had nothing so they just followed in silence, easily understanding from the atmosphere that the news was serious.

"It's true, right ! What's with the smile ? I look like an omelet ! No ?"

Yet, as they all headed in the direction of the passage they had discovered that led to the black sand beach, Hestia muttered. She, who had taken the habit of always saying everything and commenting in a low voice because of Seth's presence, continued to do so even if her companion was not there. Preferring to confide in her snake rather than in human beings even if those around her could hear her perfectly.

"So mmmh it depends...a normal type omelet or one cooked by you ? Because concretely the result is clearly not the same depending on..."

As Achi began to answer truthfully, she was cut off by Mysie, Joe, Kali, Edward and Lucas waving at her. They were trying to be discreet while desperately trying to stop her from continuing down that path for their own safety. Understanding quickly, she looked up at Hestia who had her eyes squinted with an ominous look causing Achi to respond quickly to save her skin.

"B-But after all, what do I know, huh ? Ahem...I...I'll just...yeah."

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Pointing to something non-existent, the young noblewoman slowly walked away from the Captain as Katherine and Ulysses looked on in confusion. All of them were heading towards the ship though most of them were still unsure why they were being followed by the mother and her son. Knowing what she had to say, Hestia let Achi escape this time, leading the way with her mind filled with all the events of the morning.


A few very long minutes later, after making their way up the rocky slope, the group of nine finally arrived. At the far end of the beach was the Cerberus, waiting patiently and in front of it a most unexpected scene. Buggy and Douggy were chasing a group of animals that were running towards the rest of the crew, led by two white tigers and a snake. At that moment, Ulysses was going to hide right behind his mother as she began to back away, terrified by the sudden stampede.


Seeing this right away and not wanting to create any more confusion, Hestia would raise both arms, making her voice sound authoritative. The next moment, the first animals stopped, followed by those that followed, while the two brothers passed them breathlessly. The Captain was surprised to see that the animals were not as frightened as they had been a few days ago and suspected that Loki, Azeil and Seth had something to do with it.

"They must have sensed you coming and we j-..."

As Buggy began to explain what had happened, the blonde haired young woman instantly silenced him with a wave of her hand. She scanned all the animals in front of her one by one, plunging her piercing gray-green eyes into those of each one in a great silence. Hestia, who could understand the animals implicitly, a very practical ability for hunting, then lowered her hand before suddenly hissing.


At the sound, all of a sudden, the creatures that had stopped stood up before placing themselves next to several members of the crew, speechless. The fox next to Lucas, the lynx next to Kali, the little monkey on Mysie's shoulder, Odin the one-eyed cat on Edward's head, the orangutan next to Joe and finally the poodle next to Achi. During the days at sea and even afterwards, these animals, more intelligent than they appeared, had been observing.

They had also communicated with Loki, Azeil and Seth, who stood next to Hestia, recognizing them as dominant figures. Finally, the eagle with black feathers and red eyes flapped its wings before placing itself on the Captain's right shoulder. The mother and son could only be impressed, Katherine was speechless, still a little wary but Ulysses had his mouth wide open and his eyes twinkling.

"Hahahaha~ well as I thought it would seem everyone has a soft spot for each of their saviors"

"How did you know ?"

"I didn't really know but I felt it. I guessed the intention and more or less picked up the desire and message through instinct but I couldn't explain it. But it doesn't matter ! I wanted to wait until I was on the ship but since literally everyone is here, why wait any longer ?"

Achi was still discovering more things about Hestia that she couldn't explain and couldn't help but ask a question without thinking. However, her curiosity was going to have to wait since time was running out and they were going to have to leave at some point. No time to wonder about the animals who were much less fearful as the young woman turned to everyone with a serious look on her face.


With a voice softer than her eyes, Hestia reached out to the little boy and his mother who had been standing back the whole time. Surprised but not surprised, under the gaze of the others, they stepped forward before standing next to the one who had called them with a more than embarrassed look. Paying no attention to this, the young Captain who was not wearing her tricorn and hat kept silent, letting the woman beside her speak.

" already know my son Ulysses...but I never gave you my name. Please, p-pardon selfish urge that was my decision introduce myself first to the one who saved me. I...I'm Katherine..."

The silver-haired woman tried to raise her eyes and look at the people in front of her, but she couldn't stop looking at the ground. Finally the entire Cerberus crew knew the name of the mysterious mother who had been rescued from a moonlit clearing. However, no one had time to comment as Hestia immediately took the floor, wanting to leave Gaze as soon as possible, going straight to the main point.

"As I told you earlier but I'll say it again for the two brothers...Katherine and Ulysses know we are pirates if you hadn't figured that out yet. We apparently didn't have to say it haha~ anyway...they are coming with us."

"WHAT ?? S-Sorry.."

At her announcement, Joe had exclaimed while the others remained silent, all more or less conflicted as Hestia had been before them. They, too, had grown very fond of the two newcomers, especially Ulysses, but they also knew what it all meant. The young Captain had deliberately omitted the kiss they had exchanged wanting to avoid long personal discussions she didn't want to have at all.

"You heard me right, Sailing Master. Of course, while I feel strongly about this, you all obviously have a say in it and the right to object."

"Me t-..."

"Except you, kiddo."

As Achi raised her finger innocently, she hadn't finished speaking when Hestia was already cutting her off in a serious voice, waiting for some sort of protest. Her gray-green eyes burned with a fiery wildfire almost as fiery as her determination as she crossed her arms. Just like her before, the others found it very risky to bring them but couldn't bring themselves to agree to leave them here after all.

"Anyone ?"

And then, even if one was detached enough to raise their hand which it wasn't, they would have been immediately stopped by the Captain's gaze. She didn't need to say more to show this sudden attachment to the pregnant mother and her little boy. Her demeanor had completely changed and no one really knew why but respecting her decision, on that black sandy hands went up.


Smiling slightly at this outcome she hoped, Hestia turned on her heels before picking up bags and heading without another word to the ship. She had just dropped her bomb without further explanation, determined to explain everything in detail once the ship had cast off. Followed by Loki, Azeil, Seth and the black eagle, she was moving along the beach leaving the others still processing information.

"Captain, wait !"

"OI !"

A few seconds later, the rest of the crew seemed to have come to their senses as they picked up the rest of the bags and belongings. Running behind Hestia, Lucas, Edward and Kali were the first to join her as she prepared to climb onto the Cerberus with the help of a large board. The young Quartermaster with the quiet and unobtrusive lynx following close behind, then asked a question making her stop walking.

"Are you sure about this ? With the news we've learned...we may be putting them in more danger by taking them than if they stayed here."

"I know...but I will protect them as I have sworn to protect you."


"Cast off, all sails out to the west. Joe has the map so it's up to you Kali to lead this time. The rest of you don't need orders, you know what you have to do. This time I'm taking the helm."

Not giving Kali time to continue, she would climb aboard the ship before heading to the poop deck to finally leave the continent. They would all have time to really introduce themselves afterwards, discuss the wanted poster and the Captain's sudden decision. For now there was no time to quibble, the departure had to be done very quickly so raising her voice once more, Hestia woke them all up.

"And hurry up, you mollusks ! Hoist the Jolly Roger and heave ho, my cuties !"


As she spoke these words, the Captain could see a smile appearing on the corner of her lips again at the thought of sailing the seas again. The rest of the pirates present, despite all this news, had a radiant smile on their faces sharing the same love for the sea. Their journey had just begun and yet so much had happened, things that none of them could have foreseen.

Once again, no one knew what the future would hold for them, but they were moving towards their future with determination, carried by a young woman with golden hair. They were accompanied by all kinds of animals, a kidnapped noble girl and a pregnant mother and her son, both former slaves. What an atypical and perhaps even suicidal crew. But in the end, wasn't this adventure after all ? The life of a pirate.

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