The Legendary Tale of the sadistic Pirate Hestia

Chapter 62: Chapter 60 – The Eastern Base

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While the crew of the Hysterics arrived in the South three days ago, pushed by the storm, were preparing their future explorations, the world continued to turn. For, several kilometers away, on the eastern side of the island, a gigantic ship could be seen arriving near the coast. Bearing two flags, one belonging to the Navy, the other to the Manahime family clan, this ship belonged to two Captains...the twin Commodores.

Unlike Hestia and her companions, Aoi and Kano Manahime had not suffered any storms at all and had arrived where the currents had carried them. This was for the best because the pirates would have found themselves face to face with the men of Lord Hamilton Kokosnuss. In fact, on the eastern side of the island a large base had been built as well as a port to manage the business that the Lord conducted here in secret, far from prying eyes. 

This is why the islands he owned were not listed on traditional maps and why the one Hestia had stolen was a priceless possession. What were they doing so secretly in the middle of the ocean ? The two sisters would soon find out as their ship after days at sea was slowly docking. They were still following the pirates' trail and after Belfort, Gaze, they found themselves on the island without knowing if they were there too. 

At first glance, the base belonging to Achi's father looked more like a war fort made of gray stone and surrounded on all sides by very high walls. Therefore, it was impossible to see the other side even from the boat that had to pass a dam that had opened to let them in. Moreover, all these installations were surrounded by imposing white rocks giving the impression that the island was only a big snow-colored pebble. 

The East was quite different from the South where the vegetation stretched as far as the eye could see in the form of a forest with giant trees but it was no less dangerous. To ensure the survival of the humans who were not combatants, the building had to be protective. Thus, the numerous activities of this base, which was in operation day and night all year round, could be protected to a minimum, thus guaranteeing serious work.

On the deck a group of three people were waiting, all impressed, looking up at the large vessel that was stopping at their level. The first one in front was a man with brown hair and eyes, wearing a gray jacket and being very well dressed in a nice suit. He was accompanied by a man and a woman with black hair standing behind him, well armed and dressed in the same gray and green uniform.

After a few minutes, a huge wooden plank came crashing down on the wooden boards of the bridge connecting it to the ship's deck while the three people were waiting with curiosity and impatience. Very quickly at the other end appeared two young women with black hair and deep dark blue eyes. The first one had hair up to her waist where two thin and sharp daggers and a pistol were hanging, it was Kano Manahime. 

The second one had hair up to her shoulders and two katanas on her waist and the same pistol as her sister, it was Aoi Manahime. Both Commodores still had their dark blue epaulet coats of the Navy and the two most important symbols at the heart. The two golden stars to prove their rank and the brooch of their family, an oriental dragon coming out of a river like on the second flag of the ship. 

Aoi and Kano were accompanied by the Lieutenant Commander Billy Black still with the whole right side of his body burned, leaving his face with half a mustache. Without waiting, the three of them alone walked down the plank slamming their boots on the ground just before they reached the wooden bridge. Holding out a gloved hand, Aoi was about to introduce herself but hadn't finished her sentence when she was cut off by the man in front.

"My name is A-..."

"I know who you are and we have been waiting for you to-..."


In turn, he didn't have time to continue as he felt Kano's menacing eyes weighing on him as well as a cold, electric aura preventing him from speaking. At first influenced by their gender, he had tried to intimidate them without knowing that it would immediately turn against him. In a second the man had understood to whom he had to make while the young woman in front of him spoke again without even smiling.

"So I was saying, my name is Aoi Manahime and this is my sister Kano Manahime from the clan of the same name, Commodores of the Navy. And the one behind me is Lieutenant Commander Black assigned to our crew for the time of our mission for House Von Kokosnuss."  

"I-I'm Travis Graham, I'm Sir Elijah's Advisor that you're about to meet and this is Neil and Laura both soldiers in the base. We have been expecting you, please follow me."

After shaking hands with Travis, Neil and Laura, in turn, the three officers without a word began to follow him as they walked across the harbor. It was fairly simple and on its docks were dozens of large wooden containers containing various important goods. There were also many people working hard, mostly slaves in chains under the orders of a multitude of soldiers.

You could hear the whips cracking and men shouting as the binoculars walked through the warehouses and factories. Just past the port, the place actually looked like a completely enclosed industrial area between these very impressive walls. It was indeed a very special sight for the three officers who were still following Travis in the direction of the largest stone building, not without Kano expressing her surprise.

"This is a huge facility you have here. We had read in the reports that Lord Hamilton had invested a lot, but I didn't imagine anything this big."

"It is indeed a bit like a small city although this place is only inhabited by soldiers, slaves and researchers. As for our ramparts, well…that's because on this island such a defense is'll understand it soon enough."

At his words, Aoi and Kano looked at each other curiously since they had no idea what was going on on this island other than the report they had read. Achi's father's activities were not illegal since he somehow owned the island, but they were still secret. Thus, the twins had to wait to meet whoever was in charge of the base to continue their investigation and decide whether to stay or go on their way.

"Let me introduce you to our HQ where all decisions are made, where we manage all the facilities that are here and our only link to the outside world every day of the year. Please follow me."

Arriving at the bottom of the stairs that led to the doors of the large building, Aoi, Kano and Billy stopped for a moment to observe the building before continuing. It was very big and the stone was cut in a way that made it very solid and as protective as the walls. Soon they caught up with the others before entering through the two doors that opened onto a large military-style hall where dozens of slaves seemed to be carrying packages.



Noise was coming from everywhere, whips, fast footsteps, screams, a very impressive and disorienting cacophony was rising towards the high ceiling. The slaves, all dressed in simple brown robes and chained, were doing their best to run around. It was not easy, especially when they were constantly harassed by soldiers who kept lashing out at them with whips or other physical abuse.  

"This way."

As if nothing had happened, the Advisor, Laura and Neil walked through the hall and it was not difficult to understand that all this was perfectly normal here. After all, Lord Hamilton in addition to being a nobleman, had made his fortune as a slave trader. It was a sad sight but commonplace in this world and as they entered a hallway on the right, at the intersection Travis Graham was suddenly jostled. 


"What the..."

"I-I'm sorry, please...please forgive me Sir, it-it's my fault, I-...I have..."

The man had just been jostled by a much older man, he was a scrawny, trembling slave who had just spilled the contents of his box. Trying to pick up what seemed to be blank yellow parchments, he apologized as if his life depended on it, unable to look up. His hands were dirty, bruised, and the old man was almost crawling on the floor to make himself small as suddenly Travis began to shout 

"Arg this filthy thing touched me and on top of that it was brand new clothes, fuck it ! Holy shit, watch where you're going, you stupid cockroach !"

Under the surprised looks of the two sisters who were not at all expecting this almost disproportionate reaction unlike Officer Black, the Advisor then raised his hand. Seeing the blow coming, the poor slave lowered his head and cowered, much too used to this infamous treatment. However, nothing happened because even before the fist reached the old man, a hand clad in a white glove had grabbed it, stopping him in his tracks. 

"Sir Graham...we are in a hurry."

Aoi had reacted instantly with a serious face and a much colder tone than before while she stared at him with her blue eyes. While Travis stood there motionless, stunned by her intervention, Kano was busy straightening the old man with delicacy. They all lived in a world where slavery was legal, but that didn't mean the two Manahime Commodores condoned its existence.

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"Tch, very good. You...move and get out of my sight."

"Y-Yes Sir, f-forgive me Sir, r-right away Sir...thank you...t-thank you..."

With a sharp jerk, the Advisor disengaged himself from the grip of the short-haired young woman not without giving her a dark look instinctively unused to being stopped. As if he had just escaped from something terrible, the begging eyes, the poor and old slave took advantage of it to hurry away. The atmosphere had become tense, electric again but a few seconds later, in a hurry, the group continued on their way.

In the corridor in which they had entered, several doors were present all along but it was the last one, the one at the end that was important. Only of white color with above, an iron plate with the inscription "E.VK" written in golden letters, indicating that they had arrived. Laura and Neil, without waiting, stood on either side of the entrance before the Advisor, still frustrated, knocked on the door with confidence. 

*knock knock knock*

"Come in !"

Then a male voice sounded from behind as the man who had guided the officers opened the door before letting the three of them in. It was a rather simple office with very little except a table, a couch and a desk placed in front of a window. Sitting behind it in the chair was a very handsome man, in his thirties, black hair, wearing a golden monocle on his right eye with a big warm smile.

"Ah Travis there you are~"

"Sir, Commodores Aoi and Kano Manahime have arrived, accompanied by Lieutenant Commander Black"

"Well good, please have a seat~"

Seeing that those he expected had arrived, he hurriedly stood up while holding out a hand indicating the couch in the middle of the room. Without a word, Aoi and Kano would sit down before crossing their legs and waiting while Black stood behind. Before even sitting down, the man with the monocle would come and stand in front of the twins before holding out his two hands while introducing himself almost too friendly.

"My name is Elijah Von Kokosnuss, I'm Hamilton's little brother managing this base but you can call me Elijah, Commodores hahaha~ it's a pleasure~"

"Very well Sir Von Kokosnuss, you know why we are here, don't you ?"

After shaking both his hands, not even paying attention to his far too comely attitude, Kano leaned back on the couch going straight to the point. The two young women were very professional, serious, and as members of the Navy's elite, they were not charmed by fine words. Understanding from their defiant looks that there was no point in continuing, Elijah sat down in front of them before finally speaking seriously.

"You're after the pirates who stole my dearest big brother's map, burned down his city's Opera House, and subsequently kidnapped my snotty little niece. Before you arrived you were at Gaze on the Southern Continent and although I don't know what you discovered there, it was enough to get you to our particular island. After all, it's not the only one my brother owns and we all know that..."

"I see you are informed. Great, that will make our conversation quick and easy. What's on this island that's so important that could justify pirates coming here ? Your base is well protected but why is it so well protected ? Could it be related to your activities ?" 

"You are in a hurry, Commodores. Sigh....I had my brother's permission beforehand, so I can tell you what you want to know, especially if we can protect our business and find little Achi. Only you must keep quiet about what you are going to learn, even to the Navy."

"We know the terms, we will say nothing only if it of course does not harm the safety of the tell us"

"Sigh...very well but first tell me, do you know what it is ?"

Leaning toward the table, Elijah lifted a wooden bell revealing a tray where three stones were perfectly aligned. The first was white like the cliffs around the base, the second was purple and the last dark purple with red highlights. At a glance, the Manahime sisters understood what it was, this famous stone that was the haunt of the gift users, capable of absorbing natural energy.

"Astrionite. As you could see when you arrived, this part of the island is a real mine where this rock is far from being rare which is exceptional. Of course in the open air it is worthless but the closer we get to the center of the earth, the more it takes on this dark purple color. Much of our business in Belfort is fueled by this one place unknown to anyone...well until now."

"W-Wait that's impossible. You're telling us that this island might be among the largest reserves of Astrionite in the Nations of the Western Seas ?"

Kano who couldn't believe her ears had immediately straightened up, her long black hair falling hastily over her stunned face. It was no wonder, the Navy was known to have the largest mines of this stone to regulate its circulation. No rule however prevented wealthy nobles from owning some but because of their price, it was only ever small reserves, never that much. 

"I understand your astonishment but I advise you to sit more comfortably for what is to follow, you are not at the end of your surprises because this island is far from normal...."


"For some unknown reason the natural energy is much denser which explains the abnormal amount of Astrionite but this disruption over the years has made this place evolve to make it...gigantic. Like many places in this world, this one is as far as I know unique and just as dangerous."

"What do you mean by that ?"

"Well, you had asked me why our base was so well protected, right ? It's simply because here, as I told you, everything is gigantic, from the plants to the creatures to the insects and everything that has natural energy running through it."

Elijah had not needed to say more than Aoi, Kano and Billy understood that the walls were there against the creatures on this island. Though the world was filled with mystery and unique things, coming face to face with this kind of legend was still very new to the twins. Yet, trained since their childhood, they kept their faces almost expressionless while this time it was Aoi who spoke.

"If our estimates are correct, the main suspect in your niece's kidnapping, this Hestia, might be on this island but if what you said is true, why ? Is it possible that she could have known the peculiarity of this place before ?"

Apart from this rather impressive news, many questions were swirling in her head especially regarding the purpose of the pirate after whom they were. If this place was dangerous, why would she come here ? Unless she had a specific goal in mind, but what was it ? Thanks to their deductive skills, the sisters had determined Hestia's route, but this impression of going blind was always present and titillated their perfectionist minds.

"Commodore, it looks like we have a lot to talk about so how about we move somewhere more comfortable ? It might be a long afternoon so let's go to the big lounge, so you can have something to drink too."

Immediately understanding the kind of people that were the high officers of the Navy, Elijah stood up as Travis opened a door that was on the right side of the room. After looking at each other for a moment, Aoi and Kano nodded as they stood up, walking through the office and into the big lounge. The discussion was indeed going to be long, and as Hamilton's brother followed them, none of the three newcomers could hear him whisper to his Advisor. 

"Make sure the existence of the Giants of the island remains unknown to the Navy."

"For sure."

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