The Legendary Tale of the sadistic Pirate Hestia

Chapter 65: Chapter 63 – Objective : get out of the forest

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Once the forest was rid of the two terrorizing felines, a completely different atmosphere prevailed, more peaceful, softer and beautiful. Even if the sun did not penetrate inside, some flowers and plants were emitting light of different colors thanks to the natural energy. Thus, it was a fairy-tale vision which was offered to the eyes of the group which advanced slowly among the giant trees, amazed by the beauty of the place.


This forest that had looked so terrifying at first was now so soothing, so unique, so magical that it was almost unbelievable. The night might be different, but for the moment a whole new world was opening up to them as they walked slowly to enjoy it all. Everywhere there was an almost divine silence, the grass was soft and the light reflected on every plant and tropical tree like the rays of the moon on a river.   


All organisms were adorned with mysterious and bewitching glows, opening a door to the imagination in this bioluminescent universe. The natural energy present in everything reflected these lights in the fauna and flora present and more balanced since the death of the jaguars. It was like a vast network of energy connecting each being between them allowing them to develop in a unique way like nowhere else.


However, the group that had left their ship had to remain cautious because this forest remained as dangerous and unknown as ever. The day before, the first morse code had been deciphered by Joe, giving them the first real information that Diana had written on the island. There were still many pages to be deciphered since their journey had been so long, but now the Cerberus crew was not so much in the dark.


As they had guessed when they arrived, Hestia's mother described the island as unique and special because of its advanced and almost connected flora and fauna. According to the journal, her crew had arrived from the north with the goal of reaching the center of the island to deal with something secret, but what exactly ? There was a natural energy source, one of the central sources of the whole world and therefore one of the most important.


The first information also described a deserted area in the north made of sand indicating that several biomes were on the island. There were also sketches of creatures and their details but nothing that could help the pirates at this moment. For now, the mission was to get out of this forest, as enchanting as it was, before heading towards the center of the island with the help of precise tools while deciphering the booknote. 


Thanks to the precious help of Drakios, they knew now even where to go to get out of here and thus reach the next step. Communication had not been easy, but she had managed to figure out that they had to navigate through the trees towards the north as well. Apparently this was the only place that was accessible according to the hawk, so the crew could only trust him even without too many details, but one thing at a time.


So, having left for an indefinite period of time, the group had prepared everything for a long and dangerous adventure on unknown land. Hestia was in the front with Lucas, Buggy was on the left side, Joe on the right and at the back Edward with Douggy. In the center for protection was Achi, Katherine who was pregnant and her son, all three protected by Kali and Mysie who had volunteered. 


The new adventurers moved slowly and cautiously following the indications of the compass taking care to always walk towards the North. It was fascinating, many of the plants were sensitive to touch, sending back circles of light at every touch. Even the moss they walked on emitted blue-green bioluminescent rays in response to their footsteps which amused many, especially the two younger ones. 


"I bet you can't make four circles appear at once."


"Y-Yes I can !"


"Then go ahead hehehe~"


Achi teased Ulysses a lot by always giving him all kinds of challenges that he always wanted to do out of fun and pride. Even surrounded by giant and imposing trees, they brightened up the atmosphere and their little games relaxed the others who were always very vigilant. The two children were well watched by the mother of the little boy who, not carrying anything, wanted to be useful by at least watching over Achi and Ulysses.


"Take it easy kids, don't make too much noise and keep up with the ones in front watching where you are going~"


"Y-Yes mommy"


"Sure Katherine, don't worry I'm being careful anyway hehe~"


"M-Me too !"


For Katherine also everything was new but still more every day the smile came back on her face, becoming more natural and soft. She knew well that danger could come from anywhere and was terrified but entrusted her fear to those around her to protect them. Since the secret discussion she had had with Kali that had brought them closer together, she felt more comfortable which did not fail to pique the curiosity of the Captain up front. 


"Don't you think they look closer ?"


"Who ?"


"Kali and Katherine."


"Yeah, and ? they're probably talking about girl stuff, in other words...stuff you can't understand."


Lucas had replied to Hestia with a chuckle, bravely waiting for the potential blow he would take after those words but it wasn't coming. The young woman still feeling all her body suffering took care not to make too abrupt movement not to finish exhausted. The young man who had not noticed anything was at first very surprised before sighing and approaching a subject that he had not had time to evoke these last days.


"By the way, you still haven't talked to Katherine ? What's going on with you two ? It seemed to me that you two had gotten pretty close as well but I can't figure out what's going on with you..."


For the young First Mate who knew his older sister well and her love for women, this situation was quite bizarre and unusual. He, like everyone else, understood that Hestia had changed since she met the mother, but he didn't recognize her. She who had chased away all the women of Coven island and slept with so many others was hesitating in front of one woman ? Why ? It was a real mystery.


"I don't fucking know, you see. I know how to cut, smash and slice but when it comes to something as difficult and boring as the heart, I don't fucking understand it ! I felt a lot of new things but at the same time it was like familiar powerful feelings. I didn't realize it right away but I feel like I know them and that's what's holding me back...and then I didn't really have time to go into it."


The Captain was confiding without realizing it probably because of her mental and physical state and was even being very talkative. She had actually reached a point where trying to figure it out on her own could only give her a headache and unconsciously lighten her burden with Lucas. Hestia had felt so confident on the Cerberus and had even come close to saying those famous three words before being cut off by Mysie. 


Yet today, although she was sure of how she felt about Katherine, not knowing why she seemed to know these feelings blocked her. What the young blonde woman had felt had been very powerful and had overwhelmed her in every way possible. Lucas for his part was gradually beginning to understand and was pleased if his intuition was the right one but for that it was necessary to confirm it and thus to wake up his Captain.


"Maybe you've just felt this way before without realizing it. I mean, if these feelings are so familiar it's not for nothing, everything has a meaning."


"Ah because now you want to give me advice, Mister Virgin ?"


"My inexperience in terms of women has nothing to do with it, I can be single and see what you don't, Miss Dense Huntress. At least it wasn't me that it took a good blow to the head and a coma to realize that love is expressed in different ways~" 


"What do you mean by that ? And watch your mouth or I'll bust your little freshwater pirate face haha~....I'm kidding but I'm not kidding, matey"


Both of them had a teasing smile on their face despite the serious discussion although Hestia's happened to be a bit more dangerous. The Cerberus First Mate knew she wasn't kidding so instead of continuing this little battle he picked up where he left off. After all, he too was very curious and with a specific idea in mind, wanted this story to end and put an end to Hestia's blindness that he found aberrant.


"Ahem what I mean is that you definitely fell in love with Kat and that everyone understood it from the first day. Although the first five days after you met you were rather cold, today it's a fact that you can't deny."


"Mmmh go on..."


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"What if you were also in love with someone else for longer without realizing it before you were suddenly beset by the same feelings ? If you didn't really know what love was, now that you do you are able to understand it better."


At that moment the beautiful blonde's face froze as she realized that what her friend was telling her was probably true. At the same time she couldn't believe it because she had never seemed to be in love before Katherine and yet it was one of the only explanations. While Lucas expected her to understand, he saw her waiting for him to do all the work instead of thinking which was sure to discourage him.


"Oh fuck you're not helping me here big sis, just ask yourself the right questions for fuck's sake. Who would you not want to see in a relationship ? Who you wouldn't want to see leave your side for someone else's ? Who wouldn't you want to see getting kissed by someone other than you ?"




"Katherine yes...but I'm sure there's someone else out there waiting for you to figure it out Hestia, much closer than you think."


"Then I would be in love with two people, but the other one you are talking about...who is it ?!"


"Ah that Captain, you'll have to think about it for yourself it shouldn't be too complicated from now on haha~"


Now that the long-haired young man had planted the seed that should soon lead Hestia to understand, he wanted the natural to decide the rest. During the whole conversation he had wanted to smash his head against a tree trunk at her dense attitude. However, Lucas had been able to confirm what he thought and what Katherine had also understood which had brought her discussion with Kali the day before. 


Leaving his Captain completely lost in her thoughts, the First Mate then turned to Kali further away, too busy with the others to have heard. A few seconds later, raising her head feeling observed, she crossed his gaze before seeing him wink at her. At this moment, seeing Lucas next to Hestia her heart began to race but she had no time to ask herself more questions.


"Stop wait, hush everyone !"


The young Quartermaster had stopped talking and as she wondered why her friend was winking at her, she had perceived a distant noise. Asking everyone to be as quiet as possible, she closed her eyes to focus more and discover its origin. At first a small distant humming sound then louder and louder getting dangerously close at an impressive speed making her turn pale every second...


"I can hear the sound of a group of creatures coming right at us, they are very fast and they are probably...f-flying insects quite large. T-They're five...t-they're coming and they'll be here in less than two m-minutes !"


It was so sudden, but as they all knew, the entire fairy-tale-looking and incredibly beautiful forest was dangerous. Something could pop up from anywhere at any time and that was precisely what was happening. Kali, who had a horror of insects, had given the information but seemed to be dying inside while the group positioned itself in a certain way to protect the weakest.


The pirates had been quick, drawing their swords and not their pistols to make as little noise as possible, observing the surroundings in a defensive position. A silence reigned, Kali being the only one to wait for the distant buzzes for about a minute. Then all of a sudden, a roaring noise could be heard coming from the north, exactly where they were going, it became almost deafening as everyone prepared.


"They're here !"


Then, after only a few seconds, four large insects finally appeared from between the trees charging straight at them with clearly hostile intent. They were flies the size of two cats, bright reddish-brown skin filled with long, straight, fine hairs and thousands of eyes on their large heads. Underneath hung a long, slimy proboscis ending in a small mouth with small, sharp teeth.


Six hairy legs also hung from their body in the air with very powerful suction cups at the end capable of imprisoning their target. Of course nobody knew this species but it was very easy to understand that they should not be caught. As the four arrivals from the North suddenly split up to take the group to the side, the Captain reacted immediately. 


"Joe, Buggy, Lucas, Mysie, Kali, Doggy get ready ! Don't get caught by their long trunk or their legs and don't let any of these shit bugs touch the ones in the middle !"


Without thinking or even responding, the pirates dashed to meet their targets and eliminate any danger in a very short time. Lucas swung his sword and cut in pieces the first fly that came his way with remarkable precision. Unarmed Joe opted for a powerful uppercut after dodging, piercing its insides and spilling a sticky green liquid on his boots. 


Buggy and Douggy without any particular technique were thrusting their swords into the abdomen of their insect once they were sure they were not hit by the proboscis. As the fourth fly charged, it was suddenly assaulted by a wave of animals attacking at the same time. Without hesitation, all the animal crew members jumped under Seth's direction, eliminating a sudden danger for the first time all together.


Everything went very fast and in no time the not so strong insects were lying on the ground in their own green blood. Katherine, Ulysses and Achi had not been too frightened either, having come to terms with the fact that this trip would not be easy. Everyone was fine and as everyone looked around, Kali, relieved to not have to see those horrible things anymore raised her voice to voice a doubt. 


"That's…that's weird...I was sure I heard five though. Maybe..."




She hadn't even finished her sentence when suddenly the last fly appeared from behind a tree, flying straight at the nearest person...the Captain. Without wasting a moment, Hestia brandished her black blade, raised her arms above her head to slice…but did not. The moment she did her movement, a sharp pain shot through her body paralyzing her and making her drop her weapon as the insect came.


"Arg !"


"Captain !"


One sudden movement was unbearable even for the beautiful young blonde woman used to pain who felt her body trembling. Faced with this unusual reaction, it was her two friends who reacted as fast as they could, ignoring the panic in their hearts. So, even before the fly touched Hestia, an arrow shot into its abdomen while a whip came to tear off its long wings.


Mysie and Kali, who had not acted until now, drew their weapons without hesitation when they saw their captain paralyzed in a grimace. It was the very first time that such a thing happened and although out of danger, this scene had made everyone dumb and shocked. After this brief moment, the two young women rushed towards Hestia who had her head down, face hidden and totally silent. 


"Hestia are you okay !?"


"What happened to you !?"


Before they could even get to her, they met the cold gaze of the beautiful blonde, making them stop instantly. It was not difficult to understand that she did not want to be taken for someone weak and thus even less to speak about what had just happened. Straightening up with an annoyed look on her face, the Captain would turn to her crew before putting her sword back in its scabbard, Seth sliding onto her shoulders.


"They were definitely scouts."




"Mmmh I too smelled different scents on their bodies as soon as they arrived. We have entered a territory and in sight of the place from where these flies appeared...we are going straight to their nest."


With a serious look on her face, Hestia turned and pointed north, keeping her already exhausted physical and mental state to herself. The place where the new adventurers were heading seemed to be a new test to overcome, especially if they wanted to leave this place. 

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