The Light Prince of Ligera: An Isekai LitRPG Harem Series

Chapter 2: Fool Hungry

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While I had a date for tonight, I didn’t have a ride. At least, not one I was proud of going out with. I had my Nonna’s beaten down, vintage, turquoise Ford Mustang. And unfortunately, that was the only car in the house. I’d have to take the bullet, because I wasn’t trying to catch a rental for a date, not in such short notice.

I got out of work around seven, staying a bit later to help close since I came in late. Once I got home, I washed up, got dressed, and then made out the front door. Of course my dear Nonna stopped me right before my ass could even hit the hallway, giving me her talk about no misbehaving, and suggested that I stop by the gift shop for some flowers. Eh, this was a first date. While I was crossing my fingers behind my back about the sex, I wasn’t about to lay it on thick by giving her some flowers. I gave my Nonna a kiss and a hug before I dashed off, then headed to Nicole’s place which was about a twenty-five minute drive from our condo complex.

I was nervous the entire ride over there. I had made it my business to never drive this piece of junk, because I was afraid it would croak at any moment. This thing had a ridiculous amount of miles on it, and I was in no mood to get stuck on the road and have triple A save my ass. Once I was parked in front of her place, this quaint little red townhouse in the middle of Perkin’s Street, I pulled out my cellphone and dialed her number.

“Hey, Nicole. I’m right out in front.”

“I’ll be down in a minute.”

Sure enough, she was down in exactly a minute.

Well, that was different.

Granted, I was usually a little late for my dates, so I guess she used that extra time wisely.

She closed the door behind her, her dress code a bit fancier than mine. I was dressed business casual, while Nicole had a whole number on—the long nightgown with the double slitted skirt, the matching black heels, and the flashy jewelry to finish up the whole look.

Well, she was easily putting me to shame!

I got out of the car, and compensated by being extra chivalrous, rushing to the other side to open the door for her.

“Well shit, I wish you’d told me we had a dress code!”

She smiled. “Good evening to you too, Lucian,” Nicole greeted, giving me a light kiss on my cheek. “It’s okay. You didn’t need to go overboard. I always head out my door like this.”

So I guess the art business was booming for her, huh?

“Thank you,” her sultry voice said as she sat in my grandma’s car, reaching for the seatbelt. I had a grin on me, from ear to ear, not only from that kiss, but from that nice cleavage shot too.

Sue me.

When I got back into my grandma’s car, I pulled out, leaving the curb and putting on some light mood music. I had to admit, I was a little intimidated by Nicole now. She was finely dressed and had money, pretty much confirming that I was out of her league, but that wouldn’t stop me from trying to win her affection tonight.

“Heh, you gotta excuse this ol’ jalopy. Still saving up for my S model.”

“S model?”

“Tesla model S,” I explained. “Right after my Nonna lets these bird wings fly.”

She looked at me concerned. “Are you being imprisoned?”

I laughed. “Haha, no, I’m helping her in the shop. I’m waiting for her to hire someone she calls trustworthy enough to take over my spot. My grandma is pretty picky when it comes to her business.”

She smiled. “Hmm, wise woman,” she said, making me turn to her as I drove down Wilson Highway before I noticed something on her face.

It made me do a double take, tossing my finger at my face, where I caught her attention. “You got a little something at the corner of your lip, there.”

She jumped. “I’m sorry,” she said trying to laugh it off, my date taking a napkin from her purse over to her mouth. “I just ate.”

“Just ate? You mean, you’re not in the mood for dinner? Because I was thinking about bringing you to—” I must have lost my train of thought when I noticed that blood stain on her handkerchief, my eyes locked on her before something shining at me from the road pulled my attention back.

“Oh no, I can still eat,” she said with a warm smile, and I tried to brush the whole thing off.

It could have been jam or something else, right?

Whatever. Don’t make a big deal about it.

I ignored it and went back to focusing on our date.

It’s been a while since I’d last been at Rico’s, this fine Italian spot my Nonna swore had the best eats in town. It was right up her alley, being a bit on the pricier side, seeing as it was a five star restaurant. I had made a reservation for two, taking the last table available last minute. And seeing as it was a Friday night, I was extra grateful to have found us a nice spot to eat at.

I parked my car out back, way back, so no one could see my grandma’s beat up whip at a place like this. Even though Nicole said she didn’t mind, I did. After all, she could have just said that to be polite, seeing as she liked me—I mean, really liked me, slipping her arm around mine before I could even escort her out of the car.

Well, I sure was feeling lucky tonight, thinking maybe after dinner and a movie, I could catch myself at her place for a gallery show. She had her hand on my chest when the host in the tux took my name at the front. He sat us down at our round table, right in front of the alfresco, where we got a nice scenery from the top floor’s wall to wall windows.

Our dinner ran smoothly, more of Nicole asking about me, and talking less about herself. For the most part, she wasn’t much of a chatterbox, giving me short answers to anything revolving around her life and her family. I wanted to gauge what she was into, but it sounded like all Nicole really had going for her were the pieces she would sell to her clients.

I didn’t even have to impose by inviting myself to her place, Nicole beating me to the punch. She insisted that I see her portfolio and her art room, where I then made it obvious that I couldn’t wait to see her skilled labor in person. But before we went back to her place, I wanted to show her a movie, followed by maybe a walk. Though when I had mentioned those two things she didn’t seem as interested as I was.

Shit, was she really that thirsty for me?

Unless she honestly meant art room—I might have been in for a disappointment at the end of our date.

After our sizzling appetizer, our entrees came in. She had a steak that was pretty much bleeding off that plate, and I had marinated Italian chicken with some modest sides. I got us a bottle of wine to go with our short meal, Nicole being a quick eater! I wanted to tell her not to rush, the girl wolfing down her food like we were spent on time. Soon after our shortcake and ice cream dessert, the check was made, and we went out to the movies.

She said she liked westerns.

The movies weren’t as crowded as the restaurant. The line was also decent, giving me an ample amount of time to talk to Nicole some more. I gauged how she was feeling me, the girl never leaving my arm. She wasn’t overbearingly clingy, just surprisingly affectionate for a first date! Not that I was complaining—I could say that she was just a bit tipsy from the wine, but she had been handsy with me ever since we stepped out of the car to eat dinner.

“Heh, Nicole,” I said with a chuckle, getting all hot from her nibbling on my neck. “Did you maybe want to skip the movies and head straight for our walk?” I asked, being chivalrous about it. I didn’t want to seem overeager, but surprisingly enough, she agreed to wait in line for the popcorn so we could start our movie.

The movies. Definition: a bunch of heavy petting and some steamy making out.

I gave into my sex drive, her breath tasting like iron, probably from the raw meat she had earlier. Hell, Nicole was making it hard for me to keep my raw meat to myself. She was all over me, so I met her halfway. Don’t ask me what that movie was about—I was tuned out, giving Nicole all of my attention, from her suckling on my neck, to those curious hands grabbing my junk over my pants.

Luckily, we had the entire row to ourselves, and no one was behind us either. I think she had picked this old movie on purpose, so we could sit all alone—just me, her, and the other five people in this dark theater room.

After the two hour long make-out fest, I had her wait in the hallway while I took a bathroom break. I did my business, then stood in front of the faucet to wash my hands where I noticed her little love marks in the mirror.

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She left my neck red hot, with a cluster of hickies I could play connect the dots with!

I stretched out my neck, noticing it reaching further down my collar bone, before I heard a pair of high heels echoing my way.

Toward the men’s bathroom?

I had to double check that I was in the right place, turning my head over my shoulder to spot a couple urinals. When the doors creaked open, I followed my instinct to jump into a stall, shaking my hands dry on my way there.

My first thought was that someone had probably gotten lost—I never imagined it was my date looking for me!

I recognized that lavender smell that wafted through, peeping my head under the stall door to see those black pumps heading my way.

What the hell was she doing here?

Did she not trust me when I said I had to take a piss?

“Lucian…” her voice sang, “Lucian, where are you hiding?”

I don’t know, something was telling me not to respond. Not that it would matter anyway. I was made, Nicole springing the door right into me, forcibly making me take a seat on that toilet seat against the wall.

“N-Nicole!” My voice broke.

“Lucian, there you are!”

“Hehe, yep, here I am!” I gulped, that nervous smile on me unbreakable. I tried to be chill about this girl taking down stall doors to search for me in the men’s bathroom, but nothing about this felt sensible!

“I was looking for you,” she purred, locking the stall door behind her, with that lewd grin on her face. My face light up, beating myself inside for not catching on sooner—was she in the mood for dirty bathroom sex?

“W-well, I did tell you I had to go to the bathroom,” I said, being oblivious on purpose. I wondered what she’d do next, Nicole being incredibly unpredictable. As soon as she turned back to me, she gave my legs a nice straddle, leaning those delicious curves over my hips, with that venturous hand of hers over my nape.

“I can’t wait much longer, Lucian…” she purred, her love-drunken eyes on my lips when she started to grope me underneath my top. Our lips locked with more of that hard and heavy kissing she liked, Nicole trying to suffocate me with her tongue. She was giving me a god damn boner from being so vigorous with it; grabbing my hair, moaning in my mouth, pressing her supple breasts against me. After that tongue war, she nipped my bottom lip with a tug that felt like she was trying to eat at me.

My lip sprung back into my face, where I finally had a second to breathe!

She was making me sweat, Nicole hiking up her dress skirt over her thighs while she fished for my dick behind that zipper. It wasn’t the best position to be at with these tight stalls, but after all of that making out and squeezing me in the right places, she had me forgetting that we could get caught doing the nasty in a movie theatre bathroom.

Live for the moment I’d say, convincing myself we at least had a few minutes alone for a quickie.

She whipped out my hard on with a gasp, Nicole getting excited by my size. She grabbed my cock, shoved her thong strap away with my head, and dove deeeep, my lips holding back a grunt from how incredibly tight she was.

Shit, this quickie might end faster than I thought…

Mmm, Lucian,” she poured over my neck, Nicole bouncing her squishing sex up and down my shaft like a slinky. I grabbed her thin waist and watched that low collar over her breasts slip, two jumping jugs flashing me for my viewing pleasure. Her pussy heat was making my leg numb and my chest heavy, Nicole still at it with my neck, until an innocent suckle turned into a bite.

Granted it was probably a heat of the moment thing, but she didn’t stop even after I flinched back a bit.

“H-hey, heh, relax, Nicole,” I said with a sheepish smile, taking her by her arms and gently pushing her off an inch. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“I’m sorry, Lucian. I got carried away,” she moaned. “You just get me so damn horny…” she gasped, pounding against me harder.

She was giving me goosebumps, that thirsty look on her making my chest tight.

“And this dick… ugh, is… is…

“Shh! You’re going to get us caught!” I tried to whisper, the elevation in her voice scaring me. But, it would be too late. I knew it was over once she started convulsing, her eyes pooling to the back of her head. Nicole broke, screaming right into my ear drums with a banshee scream! Her fingernails sunk into my shoulders, my date arching her head back and letting out an orgasm loud enough to stir the building’s entire east side!

She quaked, her pussy walls choking out my cock. “Fuck me, Lucian! Holy shit, fuck me!”

She had to toss my name into the mix?

Not a lot of guys in town with my name, you know?

A couple of short labored breaths later, and all of a sudden, my senses went through the roof. It was only a matter of time before our audience steamrolled in. I’d take the loss, not getting a chance to catch a nut, because I wasn’t about to get caught having bathroom sex in this stall! There was no way no one heard us, so I started to panic, scrambling to put myself together and rushing out of the bathroom with my grip around Nicole’s wrist, while my other hand tried to zip my fly up.

Of course, on cue, in came this random guy with a proud smile on his face, trying his best to hide that cheeky look while he cleared his throat.

Yeah, it didn’t look good with her coming out of that bathroom with me, the both of us looking like a hot mess.

I was caught off guard, Nicole being my first date where we didn’t even make it back to her place before we hit it. I pulled her aside, looking over my shoulder while I tried fixing my hair, letting Nicole recompose herself.

 “Shit, babe!” I snickered. “Let’s not do that again!”

She curled up to me, with one hand on my chest, and the other lingering over my belt. “Lucian, you didn’t like it?” she purred.

“Okay, let me rephrase that. Let’s not do that again in public!”

“But that’s what makes it fun.” She giggled. “It was raw, passionate… you had me all heated up in that show room, I just couldn’t wait anymore,” she said with a whimper and a pout, and if I wasn’t paying close attention, I would have missed her trying to grope my junk out in the lobby!

I swatted her playfully, this girl’s sex drive through the roof. “So, I guess no walk?” I grinned. “Wanna head right to your place?”

“No, I’d love a walk.” She smiled.

Heh, yeah… maybe a walk would calm her down a bit.


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