The Light Prince of Ligera: An Isekai LitRPG Harem Series

Chapter 8: The Contract

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Cai sure was persuasive. I had accepted the conditions of the contract, everyone around the campfire super excited that I did. Except for me. I felt blind-sided, like I seriously just walked into the lion’s den with zero idea of what was to come. My only interaction with a shadow elp seemed minimal compared to what they were capable of. I had no clue about what awaited me, but Cai and Mira, they seemed confident in my potential. I had to think that maybe… there was some fire in me yet.

I gave a long tiring sigh, thinking about a few hours ago with Nicole. The Light’s Core—my father had told me to never take it off. Now, I understood why. Cai had mentioned it would have saved me from a fatality. But I guess it was a good thing that I had it off. If I’d survived that attack, I probably would have just high tailed it to the nearest police station, where they wouldn’t believe a word of it. My life and my grandmother’s would be in constant danger, looking over our shoulders for Nicole. No, I needed this to happen. I needed Cai to find me…

I felt like I had a new purpose, besides the one my fellow Ligerians gave me. I wanted justice for my mother, understanding that these shadow elps were behind her murder. The timeline matched up perfectly. Two years ago, a war here broke out. Two years ago, my mother was killed. Two years ago, my father gave me the Light’s Core and disappeared. I wouldn’t let this one slide. I was sure as hell hot from Nicole tricking me like that, but my mom was a different story. She was a kind-hearted soul, and she didn’t deserve that brutality. I swear I would avenge her, for me, for dad…

And getting to the spirit mother Shinra, or, Mother of Ligera, in the Zemia temple, was our first destination. From what it sounded like, she was quite a distance away, so Cai had told me to rest up for our journey at the crack of dawn. Her weapon of choice—a bow and arrow. As for me, I was just deadweight, someone she had to protect until I triggered my own light powers.

But before we did any of that, Cai had promised me she would talk to her mystic blacksmith, in an undisclosed location that even I wasn’t allowed to know. Hey, no offense taken. I was still a stranger in her home, so I didn’t mind not following her last night to customize my weapon—a blunt sword crossed with a machine gun.

I got creative.

I needed a long range weapon, with close range defense, kinda like Sol Badguy’s, without the excess weight to it. I sat in my bed crossing my fingers that she remembered the specs correctly, and I had been a little shocked that she hadn’t questioned my bizarre choices.

Hmm, maybe this special blacksmith could really whip up something like that for the son of the light god.

I’d feel extra special if he did…

I started thinking about these stats I needed to bulk up in the process, figuring it was a better time than any to get used to this strange phenomenon of a magic panel. So I opened it with a trigger self-stats:

Triggered Self-Stats:

Name: Lucian Reafe

Race: Human/Ligerian

Class: Kiran’s Heir

Role: N/A

Level: 1 - Experience: 0 / 1000 (next level)

Points to be allocated: 0

[] Agility: 0

[] Brawn: 0

[] Charisma: 88

[] Weapons Durability: 0

[] Core Range (Vessel’s Light Capacity): N/A


Health: 100/100

Light Energy: 1

Innate Light Specialty: none

Weapon: (name/armed/unarmed)

Weapon EXP: --



Light Classes Learned: none



Light’s Core


Damn, my charisma was crazy high! I guess that made sense, but I didn’t remember that 1 being there under light energy. I could have sworn it had been a zero. Heh, regardless, these numbers were pretty depressing. I had a long way to go, my journey just beginning.

With a yawn, I forced myself under the covers, with a crazy day ahead of me. It was about midnight, and in a couple hours, I was scheduled to head out to find out if these mortal bones had any godly powers to them. And if they did, I could push myself to learn as much as I could about the light, and maybe then I could take it a step further than destroying shadow elps by finding The Void itself.


The sun woke me up—my personalized alarm clock. Granted, I had forgotten to set one, cracking my eyes open, realizing there wasn’t even any in sight. I sat up, rubbing the sleep off my face, and the drool off the corner of my lip before looking over to the nightstand, where there was a note sitting on top of it. I reached over and broke the red seal, my vision still blurry, but I caught the clean cursive and the faint smell of roses bouncing off parliamentary paper. Fancy.

“What the hell?” I groaned, still groggy, where I noticed the signature at the tail end—your friend, Mira.

Shit, she was writing me love letters now!

I felt my back tensing up, the note knocking the sleep right out of me. I sat along the edge of the bed, flipping the top half of the note open and started reading:

Dearest Lucian,

Words cannot express my gratitude! Your alliance with us means everything, and I do hope that you succeed in your journey with not only finding an answer for our people but finding answers within yourself. I know all of this can be very confusing, but don’t fret, Cai is there with you. Be patient with her—she can be strict and forceful at times, but that’s because she takes her job very seriously. Get her to open up, and she can be a real pleasure to be with! If it isn’t obvious, Cai is more on the recluse and private side, but I can tell that she already likes you.

I had made it my personal mission to stay on top of Ogar, our blacksmith, so that you can have the pleasure of traveling with your very own weapon. I know you cannot wield the light just yet but being with your extender can give you the confidence you’ll need out there! I left it standing against the wall by your footboard. It’s all wrapped up for you and ready to go.

I pray that you come back to us safely, Lucian. All the best!

Oh, sweet! It wasn’t a love letter! Nah, I was playing—I got my custom weapon!

That was fast.

I sprung off the mattress like a kid on Christmas morning, rushing to the foot of my bed to see my new present—wrapped up in brown mesh cloth and all. I couldn’t have been more excited, untying the knotted ropes before ripping that bad boy open.

“Hot damn…”

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It was beautiful, shimmering in my eyes with all its splendorous glory…

They got the details right down to the T, adding a bit of accented flair to it.

It was exotic, painted in a warm red finish, with black as its secondary color. The shape resembled that of a less exaggerated khukuri dagger, where at the joint of the grip I got my relatively smaller machine gun, fully loaded.

Oh hell, I could cry…

It was gorgeous! But when I picked it up, I was gonna’ really cry, because that sucker weighed a fucking ton!

Did she forget to tell the magical blacksmith to ease up on the metal? I was breaking my back, barely able to carry the thing let alone swing it over my shoulder. And when I did, my knees caved in.

Ugh, this wasn’t good. Now I was really going to slow Cai down…

I dropped my sword on the ground, an exasperated breath rolling off my tongue. I turned to my right and noticed the strap that was to go over my shoulders leaning against the wall, squinting at that bastard hard.

“No way am I going to embarrass myself in front of a girl. A girl who had already saved my ass once, no less!” I adjusted myself and my sword, fixing it over my shoulders with the biggest strain. My legs started to shake as I tried to straighten them out. And when I did, I announced my official name for this thing—BB, for Back Breaker.

I patted myself on the back for making it a few steps across my bedroom with it, taking a long hard look at the mirror with my weapon on. I had to admit, it didn’t look bad on me. Just wished it didn’t weigh a ton. I needed to get adjusted with it on, pacing back and forth, finally noticing that if I kept my upper body strength tight and my chest out, I’d have a fighting chance with it on long term.

“All right, enough with the heroic poses. I gotta get ready to head out!”

I gave my sword a break and took my shower things, heading for my private bath, only to notice that my water wasn’t running. I scrunched my face, fidgeting with the faucet over and over again. Seriously, no water?

Well, how about the shower—same conclusion.

Shit, this blows.

I was already in a towel, so I rushed out into the hallway, noticing a hall bath. In my rushing I had forgotten my shower stuff, that complimentary sponge and soap, reaching to the end of the corridor with a sharp deadpan look on my face.

It was a half bath, with only a sink and a toilet in it…

Okay, I was getting impatient now, this sudden cool draft rising under my towel downsizing me. I paced myself, searching around until I reached this unoccupied bedroom. It was unlit, looking like no one had stepped inside it for years. My face lit up once I realized it had its own private bath too. But that sparkle in my eye would fade dark once I noticed it wasn’t as unoccupied as I had originally thought.

My mind went dark, the picture of her dripping wet naked body locking the gears in my head. I must have looked like a creepy drunk too, standing there with my jaw on the floor, gawking at her as Cai dried her hair with a towel on her head, the only towel she had on her…

I tried with everything in me to keep the excitement off my face. But it was so hard to peel my marveled eyes away from her.

I didn’t think it clicked for her yet—that the son of a light god had just walked in on her stepping out of a steamy shower…

Why hadn’t she freaked out yet? And better question, why hadn’t she covered herself?

Why the fuck was I asking myself these stupid questions?

She looked absolutely delicious, from head to toe.

Silky soft creamy looking skin,

Mouth-watering curves…

With supple breasts big enough to fit inside my mouth…

My towel started to tent up.

Finally, she broke out into a flush, appearing to be sheepish, but all she did was slip her mouth open as if she were going to say something to me. And then, she looked away, dropping her towel over her chest, but not enough to hide her tempting body from me. My guardian angel, she wanted something, reading her body language before she asked me, “Am I… to expect that I am your first, Lucian?”

My eyes grew wide. “What?”

“Are you here to… breed me?”

I must have blinked over a thousand times. That comment caught me off guard! Did she really think I hunted her down to fuck her this morning?

Would I? Could I?

Wait, what was I saying?

I couldn’t have sex with Cai! She was my escort for Christ sake! We were a duo, a friendly duo. Our relationship had to be platonic because, if I slept with her, how awkward would that be? According to her, it was against the sun spirit’s wishes to court her. She wasn’t part of the baron’s manor. She wasn’t royalty, sorta-speak. How crazy would it be to impregnate a dame, a warrior, and leave her out of commission after nine months?

But, I couldn’t have her just stand there naked and reject her. I mean, hell, how stupid would I be to reject someone like Cai? Strong, sexy, smart… I wanted the full package.

Shit, I wanted her so badly right now that it was actually making me crazy! I couldn’t think straight, let alone think logically.

Come on, Lucian, make a move! Fuck her, or leave her…

“Cai,” I breathed, disappointed in myself already. “Um, I’m sorry for staring! But WOW… erm. Heh, the funny thing is, my shower… it wasn’t working. Well, I was out of water period. That’s why I went looking around the palace for a spare bathroom, you know?”

“Oh,” she said, her disappointment matching mine. Hell, I felt terrible. “I’m sorry I ever asked.” Again, monotone, although this time her voice sliced me like a bunch of knives cutting up my back.

She took her first step of shame, but it wasn’t away from me. No, instead of dodging me completely, she approached me, every step she took making my face even redder. I gulped that hard knot in my throat, unsure of how she was going to respond to me. And when our bodies couldn’t get any closer, she looked up my height, where I got a good look at her busty assets.

That grip I had on that towel around my waist was gonna slip off for sure.

She leaned into me, Cai’s bare nipples brushing along my chest while she reached her hand up. It gave me a rise I wasn’t ready for, sending impulses through my body. Was she bent on having her back blown out from me regardless? Hell, I couldn’t lie, a girl who went after what she wanted was a big turn on. I was lost on those starry violet eyes, and that round gorgeous face of hers. Until, she did something I didn’t expect…

She took her thumb to my upper lip and brushed it over once, the gesture leaving me confused. When she pulled back, I noticed the red along her skin.

“Your nose is bleeding, Lucian.”

I jumped.

Well, that was embarrassing!

That also had never happened to me before…

When she peeled her hand back, I tossed mine over my mouth and shied away from her. “Uh, heh, thanks! I’ll… get right to it!” I rushed my shameful ass to the shower, a cold shower, so I could mull over the crime I’d just committed to not only myself, but to all of Ligera.


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