The LIGHT traversal of 10,000 years. [LIGHT SIDE]

Chapter 2: [LIGHT] C002 – The glow of embers, the shining of the future.

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After the greetings with the group we settle down for food. They have some kind of drinks similar to tea that they brew, the party seems divided into three different types of tea. I end up with a sweet flavoured tea drink that I nurse in my hands warming them up against the cold air of the night.

Hadrian, after making sure I've finished eating sits on a nearby rock facing towards the fire.

"Hey, as you heard I'm Hadrian, my role in the group tends to be defence and support but I help guide the group when we need someone to lead. Now I'm sure you have a bunch of questions but let's start simple first, how do you feel? How do you feel after waking up? Any pains or anything?" He asks, his gaze still locked onto mine.

I shake my head as I sip more of the tea, my eyes glancing up at the others around the fire making sure the conversation is quieter between the two of us.

"No pains, a bit of tiredness. Based on the calendar date I was told earlier I've been in there for a few years or so." I admit.

The man nods in response, "Alright, good. Well I guess I have more questions for you if you feel up to answering. So what was that container thing you were in? Were you forced into it or something? What exactly happened?"

The questions draw out my memory from that day, "Well, I think I'll refrain from explaining it all. Consider it a type of freezing magic, that makes something age slower but requires a lot of things set up in advance. Although I doubt there is anyone around now who can rebuild it." I stare into the fire recalling the yells and shouts I barely heard as I was being put to sleep.

"You said a container…what is this place?" Neladrie asks next to me, her curiosity obvious in the tone of her voice.

Looking up at her for a moment I collect my thoughts, weighing the value of revealing information. "Consider it a research location, to enhance people. We were in a war for a long time, everyone was hiding and then our enemies came, destroying everything they could. We had nowhere else to go but underground but even that didn't save everyone." I glance briefly over my shoulder at the destroyed husk of the research facility, my eyes follow the scars of weapons that cut through it in the past. "That's why our goal was to create better soldiers."

A brief pause in the conversation allows me to finish off the tea I have in my hand, a sickly sweet aftertaste ruining the soft sweetness of the drink so far.

"Sorry, I think its best if I rest for now." I look at both of them as they slowly nod at my suggestion. "I'll talk more tomorrow if I feel up to it."

Their agreement draws me back into the warmth of the campfire as I close my eyes to let myself fall asleep. I set my biochip to detect people within the vicinity should they approach while I sleep. With it active I feel more relaxed, knowing that if any danger approached I would wake up instantly.


A small crack of sunlight crawls up my face from over the trees above. A small nearby noise immediately sets me into a defensive stance but taking a look around only one person is awake and they seem to be clearing up the fire. The female dwarf, Turi I think her name was seems to be putting out any of the remaining fire and burying the ashes in the dirt.

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"Morning." Turi grumbles without turning around, her back towards me but her tone carries well enough, "We need to get moving if we're going to make it anywhere today. We don't have the supplies to live out in the woods after all, we might be stretching it slightly if we spend an extra week here in addition to feeding you."

"Understood." I respond, trying to get my bearings as the others begin to stir from their blankets.

Turi finishes with the last smouldering bits of ash and turns around, her eyes narrowing at my appearance before she starts to walk away. Meanwhile Neladrie pokes her head out of her tent while yawning.

"Morning everyone." Neladrie says with a smile and a wave, "Sleep well?"

"Yeah, I think." I reply quietly as the other members of the group appear as they wake.

Neladrie nods approvingly, "Good, good, let's get packing then, we have a long walk ahead of us."

Murmurs and groans from the group as people start packing up their kits, tarps and tools. I sit silently meditating with the help of the biochip diagnosing some more of the physical exhaustion I'm in.

With the final bags packed up we set off, making our way east to civilization where I can hopefully find out more information about my people.


We stop every hour or so to let people rest and take care of business they might have, making sure to keep the group all energetic and prepared for combat. The three leading the group up front keeps cycling between most of the fighters, Neladrie, Gorvenal, Hadrian, Frederick and Carac take turns having 3 up front in a V formation, the middle person staying slightly back to be able to view the situation on both sides with the other two in the back corners of the formation. Keeping me at the middle back with the Wizard Donald. Bori the cleric and Turi the druid seem to wander around as we travel, searching for herbs, spices and medicines as we travel past. Meanwhile the pair Fira and Luvon, the Rogue and ranger scout as a pair in the area up ahead.

Just from the cycling formation and habits the group has their experience shows. Anyone with a shield has it attached to the bag they have slung over their shoulders ready to be pulled off when the bags drop.

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