The Little Demon King is Too Bothered by Her Brave Dads

Chapter 11: 10

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Regardless of that, Cesar just shrugged his shoulders lightly.


“Everyone seems to have forgotten who I am. I am the high priest, the head of the Great Temple, and the first servant of the god of light.”


Then he continued confidently, “Isn’t divine power the most efficient way to suppress demonic energy? In our temple, there are many faithful priests of light.”


“No, that’s true, but….”


“No matter what, raising a child in a temple……”


The two tried to protest, but somehow it didn’t seem to work.


Cesar, who looked at the two with the eyes of a winner, sighed deeply.


“But I think the space filled with divine power will be a little too much for Miss Tatiana, who is still a child.”


In an instant, I felt my heart sink.


“So, then am I never going to the Great Temple for the rest of my life?”


No! It is said that it’s one of the greatest treasures of the Empire!


Someday, I really wanted to see the famous ceiling paintings and sculptures in the Great Temple.


“Don’t worry. It just means that staying for a long time is unreasonable.” Cesar shook his head and smiled softly. “As long as it’s a short visit, it’s possible for Miss Tatiana as well.”


“You really mean it, right?”


“Of course. Also, if you grow up and become a little healthier, you will be able to stay longer.”


Thank god!


While I was sweeping my chest like that.


“Well said, Cesar.”


Siegfried broke into the conversation.


Then he drove the final nail in while looking at Cesar and Kirios alternately.


“Everyone agrees that Tatiana’s health comes first, right?”




At Siegfried’s words I felt a sting. Well, I’m not really sick anymore……


Maybe it’s because I vomited blood before and collapsed, but everyone tended to be excessively concerned about my health….


“The duke’s personal doctor is the best doctor who once worked in the imperial family. It will definitely be of great help to Tatiana’s health care.”


“If it’s about a doctor, I can call one too!”


To that blow of conversation, Kirios protested with a resentful face.


“When the kid comes to the Magic Tower, I will be very nice to her, hmm? I’m sure the other guys will love the little kid, too!”


“Why don’t you make an effective suggestion rather than only talking about it?”


Siegfried’s face was filled with the smile of a victor.


I couldn’t wait and opened my mouth again.


“Then, wouldn’t it be great if Siegfried, Kirios and Cesar could all be Tati’s guardians?”


In an instant, all eyes were on me.


Whoa, that’s burdensome!


A cold sweat ran down my back, but I smiled steadfastly.


Come on, I’m the ultimate decision-maker.


I grabbed the collar of Siegfried, who was sitting next to me, and looked at Cesar and Kirios with earnest eyes.


“Tati wants to get along well with all three of you.”


Then I sullenly slumped my shoulders.


“……. Can’t we?”


There was a heavy silence.


The three men seemed to be reading each other’s faces, then answered as if nothing was wrong.


“Oh, there’s no way that can’t be, right?”


“Yes, let’s be fair.”


“Now that I’m entrusted with the role of Miss Tatiana’s guardian, I’ll do my best.”


“Thank you!”


I hugged Siegfried quickly, pretending I couldn’t win against the joy. I buried my face in his arms, hiding the evil smile on my lips.


There’s no reason why there should be only one guardian, right?


It’s a chance to have the best from the human world at my back, so wouldn’t it be natural to want all three of them as guardians?




After a long discussion, it was decided that I would live in the duke’s residence.


There were many dangerous experiments going on in the Magic Tower, and there were times when minor magic accidents occurred, so there was a risk of getting hurt.


Also, the temple was a place which was excessively filled with divine power, so it’s not a very good environment for me, who inherited demon blood.


“You thought I wouldn’t be able to take care of a kid?”


“Don’t be a child, Kirios.”


Kirios grumbled for a long time, but eventually closed his mouth at Cesar’s scolding.


After riding for a long time, the carriage came to a smooth stop.


“We have arrived.”


Siegfried glanced out of the window.


The townhouse of a ducal family stood in front of me. But now I couldn’t afford to look at the townhouse at all.




“Cesar, Kirios.”


Feeling regretful, I clung to Kirios and Cesar without even realizing it.


“When are we seeing each other again?”


You know, we were together the whole time while we arrived in the Empire.


It’s so sad to part like this!


“I’ll see you again soon, Miss Tatiana.” Cesar stroked her head with a smile on his face. “We’ll come see you often, so much so that you’ll even say you’re tired of us.”


“Yes! I’m not gonna get tired of you!”


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Only then did I feel somewhat relieved and glance sideways at Kirios.


“Then, Kirios…….”


“Of course, I will come. So don’t cry.” Kirios crossed his arms and smirked. “Even if you’re not crying, you’re ugly, and you look even uglier if you cry and wrinkle your face.”


“What, that’s bad.” I puffed my cheeks petulantly, but I still couldn’t help laughing.


Good, we will meet again in the future!


Just in time, Siegfried, who got out of the carriage first, reached out his hand to me.


“Let’s get off, Tatiana.”


“Oh, yes!”


I headed for the door.


Siegfried went to grab my hand, and then wrapped his hands around my waist and hugged me.




Reflexively, I hugged Siegfried by the neck and widened my eyes.


‘Oh, he hugged me!’


“Don’t get the wrong idea, it’s just because your steps are slow,” Siegfried said curtly as he adjusted his posture so that I could hug him comfortably.


Well, if you talk nicely, you’ll get away with it. I pouted my lips and soon smiled.


But how could you hug me like this?


I leaned back comfortably in Siegfried’s arms and waved wildly toward the carriage.


“You two have to come see Tati next time! By all means!”


Cesar smiled through the window and waved at Tatiana.


Kirios next to him smiled and said, “Hurry up and go in.”


At last, the carriage set off again. I stared blankly at the back.


“They’re gone.”


“Both of them said that you could meet again.”




Huh, I was feeling a bit down.


I looked at the townhouse with a slightly sullen face. At the same time, my mouth opened wide.


“Wow……the castle where the princess lives!”


A five-story townhouse stood in the middle of a vast garden that was adorned with all sorts of precious flowers and decorative trees. The combination of cream-colored walls and the rose-colored roof was just like a work of art.


“Your chin is going to fall off.”


Sure enough, when Siegfried noticed my stupid expression and gave me a nagging.


No, people can be a little surprised! Do you have to be so mean?


I was glancing at him with a sulky face when a new voice interrupted my sulking.


“Welcome, my lord.”


A polite greeting was heard. It was the voice of a middle-aged woman.


When I looked back in amazement, many servants were bowing.


The middle-aged woman, who greeted first, praised Siegfried.


“I heard that you have executed the five demon kings. Congratulations.”


“You must also have had a lot of trouble maintaining the duke’s residence while I was gone.”


“You say all kinds of things.”


The middle-aged woman, who once again bowed her head, shifted her eyes to me.


“By the way, who is this lady?”


“Hello, I’m Tatiana.”


I hastily lowered my head while being in Siegfried arms.


Siegfried added an explanation.


“Somehow, for the time being, I have been assigned the role of a guardian for this child.”


Huh? You’re using honorifics?


I pricked up my ears.


That middle-aged woman seemed to be no ordinary servant.


When Siegfried treats you with respect, you must be a person of high social status, right?


“Guardian……. are you saying?”




In an instant I opened my eyes wide.


It was because for a moment, a subtle expression crossed the middle-aged woman’s face.


No matter how I look at it, it doesn’t seem like she liked it………?


“Yes. I’m going to take care of Tatiana for the time being, so please make it as convenient as possible so that the child doesn’t feel uncomfortable.”




The middle-aged woman, who had been staring at me quietly, soon changed her expression and smiled broadly.


“Sure, leave it to me.”


“Thank you.”


Siegfried nodded and moved into the townhouse.


As I was dangling in Siegfried’s arms, I locked eyes with the middle-aged woman, who was looking at me just in time. There was no warmth in the eyes that stared back at me.


As if she had a lifelong enemy in front of her, her gaze was as cold as ice.




At the same time, I was sure.


After living among the demons for a long time, who hated me, I was very used to hostility being directed at me.


That’s why I had no choice but to notice.


‘That lady……. hates me.’


A hell of a lot, too.

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